1 Cor 6:12-20 The Purpose of Sex

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So when we look at the Bible, one of the things we believe here at redeemers is the Bible is a unified story and its really telling one story where Jesus is the Pinnacle really the help of mankind are the one who brings hope salvation live rezurrection. And as we look at this we see these themes running throughout the entirety of scripture when you look at Genesis chapter 3, you see this big scene right there glaring in your face and it's that Adam and Eve have this Rebellion towards God really decide to say you're wasting fine and all but we want to do things our way. We want to determine for ourselves. What is right and what is wrong we want to have the right to decide and so through the craftiness there of the serpent in Genesis chapter 3, they give ear to the surface words they eat of that fruit and two of the mass. Fallout that then played humanity and you can see it right there in Genesis chapter 4 are the areas of violence and sex violence and sex infection Genesis chapter 4. You see the first of violent act for one brother is pitted against another brother and he takes the brothers life in Murder kill them in cold blooded murder because he envious because he's jealous and if you re down a little further you see another man who is very proud of who he is. His name is lamech and the Mesa really painful way of saying she took wives That wasn't the Noir and you see this sexuality being displayed and over and over again. You can come to these massive points in the scriptures and you can see the Injustice has led to a by violence and sexual immorality and it's a problem that plagues all of humanity. It's a Fallout a manifestation of the sin for us to choose. What is right and wrong are good and bad and we come to this section in 1st Corinthians chapter 6, and we're going to read it in a moment and last week. We had a nice long good conversation on some areas of sexuality as identity. Really that's what is believed as you will know me by the way in which I defined myself sexually that is my identity. And we wanted to do is deconstruct that thought which is actually a new thought stemming from Freud. Being really then pushed forward by Aubrey fell and I believe it's charges in the trial of 2015 and we said not only now is you know sexuality Justice real idea that's permeating hulcher. But actually if you want to know me, you'll know me by how I identify in my sexuality and this is rampant with and we have to remember that Paul here is not just harping on one particular sin, but what he says is Anyting he talks about gluttony. He talks about Creed 2 talks about hatred. He talks about all of these different issues. But what he's saying is any sin is a massive problem, but then when he talks about sexual immorality, he goes any area outside of a heterosexual marriage one, man. One woman is sin that means friends with benefit. That means Tinder hookups. That means those weird obscure Craigslist asked you may be laughed at when your 15 14 years old. He said any of the things that we're making ourselves were doing sexual favors consensual or not outside of what God has for marriage. Is it sin against yourself? And it's a quote by Sam allberry and he said, we're all Sinners No Doubt But let it be known we are all sexual centers. for all sexual centers And I want that too kind of revenant with each and every person here whether it's something that begins to be manifested in more outward ways in our lives and which were currently living or it's some place in our heart in her mind in her head when we say maybe I'm not acting but I'm living in this do not touch do not taste you not feel but certainly all look longer dwell on fantasize about and think through Albury saying in some form or another we're all sexual centers and he really loved the playing field. So nobody in here can go we'll look at that one. It's more grotesque or look at that one or at least I'm not like them for Jesus himself said If you even looked on a woman. Even looked at another human and in your heart and lusted after them you've committed adultery. until this morning I want us to be real honest with ourselves because we have your attention right now. I mean, you just say the word sex and then be a few Giggles her. Hey, I could use some other words to get some last Alyssa. Here's the deal with Honan. We begin to listen. What's he going to say? How am I going to feel through this? I'm going to tell you that we done really poorly in the past. We can walk away from these moments and talking about sexual sin and maybe even a Christian in here and we know the grace in the goodness and love of God, but we are overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and shame which leads to more the same habits over and over and over again and what's happened even in within the church. There are people who come in with sexual sin and it feels that Christianity has nothing to offer you but bad news. We felt that way. Growing up in youth group that has been fought in your mind. That's there's no way they would accept and love me if they actually knew me and guilt and shame override us struggle with homosexuality fornication pornography many feel help with in the efforts to fight their sin and they don't know how to deal with the guilt and shame and you feel unsafe around Christians and struggle to see anything good within the gospel. The gospel of grace is so often highlighted that we talked about and you wonder how it is. It lived out this morning to use God's word for correction for reproof for rebuke this morning. We look at God's word to have the mirror being held up to us to look into our own lives dear Christian today is not a day of condemnation for realization want you to hold on to that. First number to you came in here and you are not a follower of Jesus and you liked it. I knew it. I knew they talk about something I didn't like yeah because our position for the most part is already one that is against God in his way than we want to say. We have the right to rule our domain and decide for ourselves. What is right or wrong as you could actually take any sermon really begin to unravel that thought process and idea but here But I want to tell you this morning is 1st Corinthians chapter 5 Paul said we have no business. No, right no place in judging those outside the church, but those that are inside and I realized that there are some of you in here this morning who dropped in on a conversation where we don't even have the same Foundation or be any place. What's going on? We're not speaking to you and what can be found this in Jesus what we're getting down to this morning. I'm talking about a Biblical sexual ethic or how Christians should do sex. I would I title this this morning the purpose of sex that mean if you're not a Christian in your building your life in on a completely different Frameworks. They want a Christian is building the framework upon you're looking at culture to give you your shoes of how to act sexually how to be sexually what's okay sexually with not okay. Sexually we look at government has legislating. What is right or wrong in this area? We see if we just come underneath of it. Then we must be okay, but here's the problem in Britain's Got a flash this up here. If we don't agree on a that Jesus is Lord. We don't agree on being in the Bible of God's authoritative word. We won't agree on see a Biblical sexual ethic only get that this morning. I understand that if our premises of A and B are different than there's no way that she is going to have the kind of impact on your life. However, if you're a follower of Jesus in here and you said you know what I totally agree that Jesus is Lord tells me that the Bible is God's authoritative word. Then you know what I better listen to what it says in here because God does not waste words. It does not enough probably some things in here incredibly important to me without first accepting A and B. We don't even have an argument. We don't even have a conversation.

tragically too many Christians in here they come to somebody and I got all the way you're living your life is not right. They want to use it as an Evangelistic tool. How you know, it's not right? The Bible tells me it's not right. Why don't believe the Bible of God's Authority and she's stories weird stuff intriguing stuff good idea bad idea, but no means is a way that I think I should order my life. Christian who's evangelizing talking about Jesus to non-Christian trying to go about it in a way through the sexual ethic. If you're trying to paint somebody's broken this to them are emptiness to them to talk about how each sexual encounter is never fulfilling or satisfying that always leaves his longing for something more another time another person another experience and your painting a grim picture of the Brokenness that sex brings into our lives, especially in this way that is outside of what God has designed for it. I did get that but you're just trying to tell them to quit because the Bible tells you so we're going to talk that in the wrong way. She the problem beneath. The problem is we want to tackle and the problem is not just simply sexual immorality if the symptoms of the problem, but the problem is unbelief. We're not trying to get non-believers to stop bad behavior. But you know who God is I want to move people from hopelessness to help another's Our Hope in Jesus from unbelief to belief from the affection for the things of this world in the things that are hard to gaze upon and want and desire to putting her ultimate affection desire on the God. Who is the king of the universe was rescued redeemed and changed us and letting the Holy Spirit move on us. And here's what you need to know. The gospel is good news for sinners. And quite frankly there is no gospel for people who think they're cleaned up. The gospel is good news for Sinners. Not only that you hear the words saying you can hear the word Stacks can hear the word sexuality. Send does not make us worthless, but lost.

She lot of people here at a message that's going to talk about this and just feel like they're worthless pathetic and losers and what it actually does is point out that were lost and our friends brought us here. That's a shame or guilt but to introduce you to the god of the universe. That's what we're doing here this morning to let me read what Paul has to say concerning the purpose of sex. He said all things are lawful for me. This is chapter 6 verse 12, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anyting food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food and the other the body is not meant for sexual immorality before the Lord and the Lord for the body. God raised the Lord will raise up us up by our do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ. So then I take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute never or do you not know that he was joined to a prostitute becomes One body with her for as it is written the two will become one flesh interesting lying there and talk about that in Genesis 3 also in Ephesians chapter 5 goes on and says flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body but the sexually immoral person sends against his own body or do you not know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit within you you have from God you are not your own you were bought with a price so glorified god with your body. This church at Corinth is an absolute disaster. They looked at culturally of adopted a whole lot of its views and it's a lot of brand new Christians in that church and it just trying to figure out what does it mean? What does it look like even follow Jesus and they've already dealt with the problem where they were dividing and having issues and they were describing to certain teachers and say we're going to follow their way are there we would already seen that they had issues. Suing one another and now they look just a whole lot like even our culture today where they're hanging out at the temple bars the looking at who they can maybe hook up with that knife and they're making excuses for the way. They're living their life saying, hey Paul aren't all things lawful for me. These are the people that are on Instagram just randomly dming people. Hoping that they'll respond back to them and maybe maybe we'll get lucky tonight. Anderson, hey, it's cool. Paul. We're free we can do what we want and you can see that they're adopting believing and hanging out with these ideas that at the very least at risk of allowing if not promoting or participating themselves in this kind of sex that is going to be destructive for their entire Humanity. Paul says don't be deceived now much like our culture today. Then there was two predominant views of sex. I will label it as the pagans and the prudes right? So we got the pagans and they said sex is just an appetite so feed it. Set timer for New Year. I mean come on. It's just two bodies by friction and some body parts. And that's all it is. The other view is sex is nasty sex is just nasty pagans the prude, you know, which one is which one I believe.

In a world, this is largely obsessed with sex as the universal solution for emptiness in our needs this passage that Paul is writing to them is absolutely revolutionary not the conversation goes the Corinthians Paul all things are permissible for us. We can do whatever we want and not really going to be beneficial for you, you know, like totally permissible for me to hop in my car fill up. My gas can that I have there in case I run out of gas and go home and poured in my cup and drink it. But that's really not going to be very beneficial to me you guys ever watch a Supersize Me totally permissible to eat all the McDonald's you want. But if you watch the documentary a little bit. Going to go well for you, so they say again everything is permissible for me and he reports back. I will not be Mastered by anything. Pertaining to sex and sexuality Paul speaks a lot to our culture today and he's telling them. You know what concerning this idea here is some guidelines here are some things that you need to hold on to their idea. What we have these stomachs and they need food food is for the stomach. That's the reason that we have these two things going hand-in-hand there for sex is for the body and the body is for sex at the first thing they're trying to say to him. That's their argument. Hey, you know what when we're hungry, what do we do? We eat. It's just a natural biological urge that we have within us when you're thirsty. What are you do you drink and support the same dude got needs what's so different about that biological function. I have yet to hear anybody go. Oh my goodness you ate. Haha, you are so busted. And so what they're trying to say. It's these are just dried and desire within the body and what they want to do is they want to take the body separated from the inner man. This would have been a very platonic Play-Doh of you of his is Greek philosophy and ideas in which they would say the body and the Soul are separate but you look in Genesis the body and the soul will never ultimately meant to be separated from one. Another is because we have to deal with the body and the ramifications of what happened in the new life in the resurrection of the body is reunited in the way to intended to beef together a wholeness. That's incredibly important to keep in mind. You don't get to say my body my rules my way. Holistic, it's bigger than that and I just know she's a biological function. No, priest you flip over the 1st Corinthians chapter 7 and we'll just go ahead and read the first few versus pasta something really really interesting. He says now concerning the matter what she wrote it is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman. I mean if you're just going to cherry-pick a text. There's the most prudish Tech you could cherry-pick ever he goes on but because of Temptation almost sounds like this horrible thing. Sexual morality each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband the husband to give his wife or conjugal rights really give us next week like white the wife to her husband. Your body is not your own. He said for the y axis on a Ford ever own body, but the husband does likewise. My husband does not have authority over his own body, but not deprive one another agreement for a limited time that you may devote yourselves to prayer, but then come together again. So it's taken me an attempt to you because of your lack of self-control.

My wife and I have the opportunity to do lots and lots of premarital counseling having been in Ministry for 16 years now and overseen a lot of weddings and one of the ones that really sticks out to me is in premarital. There was this gal she'd grown up in church and her question when we began to talk about sex was my whole life. I was taught sex was bad. The first thing we do is we stopped me say I'm sorry. Horrible teaching that's not right teaching. That's not Biblical teaching. Just how do I move out of this mindset now to where it's good until we begin to have that conversation and talk about it a lot of a lot of young children. I'm looking at my nine-year-old from pretty sure likes boys. See all the boys you guys maldonado's. Alright you keep those boys at Bay what I'm saying? Okay, there's something a brewing over there and I'm just going to call it out. All right, you all are my daughters Daddy's here. So if you see any of that going on you just interject stuff on in and we're getting off this question and I'm like, I'm not the guy to talk to you. Let me direct you to some older men to talk. But the question is how do I have the conversation sex with my kid not to mean it to not ridicule it to make sure that like the understand I guess I could but all this what's going to happen with my kid going to be like And so a lot of parents I know that were asking these questions play something to talk about here on a Sunday. Maybe I'll pull some people out and we'll do that. How do we refute the sex is nasty talk and then also that you but everything in sex is a good talk. These are the two views and they're both wrong. Genesis 2 talks about how he created Adam and Eve and he gave into each other because Adam was lonely no doubt about it and that you were to become Juan and the language is there naked and unashamed that they are working together or not using each other and procreation is a part of that. Know what I need you to see this morning is essential. This is foundation. If you are a follower of God follower of Jesus, this is the sexual ethics that he is going to lay out for each and every one of us and what gets to happen here this morning as you either get to say I will tell the world and everybody around me. What is right and wrong concerning sex for me. I will get underneath this. Who made me and I will offer him to tell me. The proper use of sex or this morning what he has in mind for sex and sexuality. I'm a God test absolutely good and he says there's something deeper happening and just bodies rubbing up with one another. What are you saying that she says don't you get it when you have sex with somebody you become one flesh that we've heard that verse in the context of marriage right in Genesis. It says it that she would become one flesh in Ephesians The Chew would become one flesh. When we look at that Word Flesh. We sometimes you think it's just simply the outer body, but we know there was an unashamed nakedness open is honesty. It's deeper than Seth. It's not just physical Union with Paul is describing here. Do you have a strange way to say don't you know, when your physical Union you have physical Union Paul was a much better writer than that and a much better speaker than that. So what are you getting out here? And I want you to follow me on This this term flesh in the Bible. Even sometimes the words Soma which is body often refers to not just physical tissue but embodied personhood and body person to follow me on this for a second. Let me just quote Luther cuz he's super smart. This comes in the preface to the epistle to the Romans note that flash signified the entire nature of man sense and reason even says there without the Holy Spirit. in Acts chapter 2 first 17 Peter beans to preach and he talked about that says I will pour out my spirit on all flash a flash know when he said that if he just means some physical corpse know he means how far out my spirit on all kinds of person personhood holistic not separate. Say that you'll become one flesh is a way to say some kind of transformation is going on. This incredible person shaping commitment mechanism of deep Soul nature and personal transformation is happening when you give your body your whole body to someone. World just says just to give your body to someone in sex. That's all that's happening. But God says something deeper. It's happening because you cannot just give your body to somebody you're getting your whole self to them in the midst of thoughts. We can read on John 17:21 and that high Priestly prayer Jesus himself his perfect one that's between himself and those who believe in him. And he's talking about they become one and it's a sense of this mystical idea in it, but it clearly has overtones of physical and spiritual union Paul uses the same vocabulary connection with marriage describe the relationship between Christ and the church. Is it sexual? Because it's sexual idea of sex it's bare. It's real it's honest. It's open.

It creates a Oneness between one another this one flesh idea. The complete and permanent Oneness between husband and wife is a powerful pointer to the relationship for time and fraternity of Christ and the church and so in God's ideal purpose for marriage to Believers should be United to where the two become one and Express in physical Oneness of sexual Union. What God has all the same within this is sex is meant by God to be the full giving of one's entire self to the one to whom you belong because the Covenant you belong to one another and you sure a real deep raw intimacy with each other in the quote Anthony Filson on there. She says heads far from devaluing. The very opposite comes out in this area. Paul was far ahead of first-century culture assumptions receiving the sexual act as one of intimacy and self commitment which involves the whole person not the mere manipulation of some peripheral function of the body what God is saying in this you must never get physically naked with somebody and vulnerable without becoming vulnerable with your whole life. You understand that we shouldn't just get physically naked with somebody and hop into bed with them and that's were willing to become fully vulnerable with our whole life and open it with everything that's been given to me. It's one of the best way to fully give yourself to somebody must become. Who won socially emotionally committed to one another you must give up your Independence in this God did not simply invent sex to be this necessary means for procreation. He is going Way Beyond that and he says this is a gift. I'm giving to you and it's something that can Denbigh self donation self giving to the person that you are committed to European culture sex is just sex that's it we use words like get some. Of Peace we can look at a culture talks about sex what are view of sex does it make other humans tools and objects are personal gratification get away from What God Says About Sex it's giving yourself to somebody with a hole in it at uniting with somebody we just use sex and abuse sex and miss you sex will you come to the object others do personal gratification it didn't mean others

I'm going to use them. It makes sex all about you and what you need. We live in a society worse is considered normal. Give your body without giving yourself. Can your body have sex hold on to your Independence? Hold on to your life keep control your individual control and got us thinking I've designed this in such a way to where you are one flesh, exclusively to one another and that is what Paul is declaring to each and everyone here. He said Going out and having sex with a prostitute. Is it just bad because you're having some degrading kind of sex with somebody. Could you find me money on sex? It doesn't say that here didn't say you shouldn't go out and have sex with a frosty because anybody you have sex with becomes one with you is what he's saying. This is communication that God has given us for one another to communicate with each other. So when we have sex outside of marriage. You're abusing and dishonoring. You're actually destroying some credible person shaping tool that God has given us one to another scripture says sex is between a husband and a wife. It's safe. It's committed. It's Covenant. Your emotions your mind your will you're there for one another it's a model of our relationship with God. Open this is honesty in this love that still exists within it before. We understand the Bible version of sex. You can no longer be a pagan and deify sex. Texas God sex with King Sexes Lord sex is what I live for your can you be a prude and deny sex sex is good. It is god-given and it has a purpose for each and every person in the place that God has given it to us for the beautiful thing. But even in your marriage, I won't get graphic when you're having the best and maybe your mind can go there with your spouse. Okay will allow for that here this morning the best at the end of it still says I need something more. The world says sex is going to bring us Glory. The world says sex is going to bring us to fulfillment the world says this is how we become somebody and culture would actually points to is it a deeper longing of who God is if his glory for each and every one of us,

Are you move away from that I get the false sense of security intimacy without intention. We're just having multiple sexual partners. We're going outside of God's way for us and sex is intimacy, but nothing's intended it in there. If you got dinner bought for you the night before. Got left on the dresser when you walked out maybe a phone calls coming your way. It's communion without commitments this closeness, but no Covenant communication, but not honesty. You're just using somebody sure you're communicating with him only your desires, but you're not open fair and honest its nakedness but not open this because you are just physically bear butt covered in your own independence. what is I feel logical ideas the purpose of sex well has this. deep theological meaning but also it's good and God says that in our contemporary Christian culture, we all just want to blush when that word pops up a little bit depressed if it can become a bit extreme and all Christians are known for is the anti sex groups are like Homosexuality sin it is by the way, we talked about last week premarital sex in it is we're kind of talking about that this week extramarital sex. It is saying it's wrong and everybody gets the idea that Christians are against sex, but the reality is as Christians with this theology. We can look at sex in an incredibly different way and really see if intended purpose that God said it is good. It is for your good. I have given it to you you and your spouse to go enjoy it today. That's wonderful how bad it it is good. It's a way for you to communicate to be bare to be open to be naked to be honest. Number to it's not just about the kids. It's not. Just about a way to procreate and have more children throw that is something that God commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful to multiply send command given to Noah be fruitful and multiply we see that over and over again in scriptures in the scripture. It's true. It's part of the story, but it's not the end of the story of Adam there to have a partner to live life within to be real and honest with number 3. It's not what truly makes you human. Is combat the idea today that your sex and sexuality tells you who you are. It does not tell you to be truly human Jesus never had it. Up Jeremiah John the Baptist or Elijah. There are some lifelong celibate in the scriptures and even outside of who abstained from sex and they're still completely Schumann. Now, this is a radical thought an idea in that ancient culture one of which were going to talk about a little bit next week, but it would have been unheard of to see yourself as a whole person without being connected to another person. That's the only way that culture survive and live and Thrive singleness twas not ideal in the days of Jesus and prior group you were seen as less than human. Can you couldn't fulfill obtain your truly meant to be and the scriptures radically revolutionized that idea and thought process and This is not what makes you human. Good as it is as fulfilling as it is. It is not the ultimate you have maximum value and significance before God. You are an image Bearer in him. You are ruling creature under the Creator over everything else and the implications of these ideas are staggering for each and every one of us. Texas good, but is not the ultimate.

Find me what I want to come in and on for you here this morning. We look at this. God doesn't give prohibitions in Scripture that lead to death for prohibitions that lead to life. What you think through that one of the most kind of cultural truth of Christianity is that freedom is found in Glad submission to the decree of the king. Your people who say we're still free if sex whenever we want with whoever we want wherever we want. We're so free know. You are a slave to that feeling and moments. You're not free when you can't say no, you're not free when it is destroying your very Soul dear husband who's addicted to pornography and it is destroying your marriage destroying your real sex. Like it is destroying your family. You're not free because every time you get that twins that little tickling in you that is more valuable than the real person to cross me why that the immediate that is here that is now instead of ratify that'll satisfy and it's easy to come by.

Your slave to that. Just like we are to so many other vices in our lives and there has to be a moment where this truth and reality seek then forfeit. Doesn't you will continue to unravel on the inside. What is that? Where is your action? Where is your affection? Mercer the most personal story I've ever shared up here and I debated on it. And here's why. When I was well, I was first introduced to pornography. Well that was in the 90s. Let me tell you something. It wasn't easy to come by back then was like five kids in the back alley who found a cut-out piece of a Playboy kind of exposure so much more abundant today and that was a struggle for me until I met my wife and I met my wife and I said I'm not going to do this anymore because I love her. That sounds really romantic and excellent doesn't it? And I don't and I find it in the Temptation history. What what happens I go to Redemption group in Seattle and she didn't come with me and there was at our first session back in my room just like this is so weird everything we talked about the stuff going on. I can sure about you Sunday and the next day I went and got really spoke to my heart. That he broke me in my spiritual pride and I remember I was writing a paper for college and I am sitting in the hotel room and there's just a herd of Temptation that rushes over me. I felt it like, all right. I'll tell her I just look at something biological right? Let's just release an absolute betrayal and the first thing that hits me and I can't do that cuz I love my wife. Number to I'm a pastor and I do this I'm going to tell my brother who's my boss and just going to be some serious ramifications for this. God stopped me in my tracks and he says you fear the outcomes more than you love me.

You fear the outcome of this was not audible. This was in Word. And it destroyed me and my heart and that moment shifted from I'm not going to do this because of the problems that could cause you I love God more than I love this. God satisfies More Than This Could satisfy. That's something that should resonate in the light. My wife's heart more than any other reason on the face of the planet because God's got a hold of me in that moment and brought life into me. There is no repentance in there is hope and what Jesus does if that's power of expulsion where you push out one desire for something is so strong and you and you direct your desire to someone else. That's the only way change whether it is gluttony Pride Fest, whatever. It may be here because Paul pics on all of those he says that is the only way it is ever going to change when you love me more than you love the sea. Not even the ramifications of this and why it's all this sin. Just pick on sex. It's an act of worship driven by the n-word heart. I'm worshipping my self and the use of my body to get my pleasure and it's a perversion of sex and it won't last forever. It won't give you life and it gives you a perverted lost identity. What do I do? Are you lost your sexual immorality is a symptom of your inner condition you might disagree on that because every TV show in today's modern culture II is the Fulfillment. Just watch the trash Lorette. I'll tell you all about it. I promise. Yeah, you guys are getting it now like and I just sleep with people going to be happy ain't nobody on that show happy they all tell all and they're miserable.

Idea of lostness needs to come over us desires for things God has forbidden are reflections of Houston is distorted me not how God has made us a malverde again. The desire for things God has forgiven forbidden are reflection about the thinnest distorted me. Not how God has made me that means you are not worthless. If you are lost and you need to wake up to your loss Last Story promise. We got married and we flew down to LA and I spent six months down in the LA area. Therefore. I was an expert on La and before smartphones. I'm ancient young guys. All right, and we're down there and I went with my wife to this place called The Block in Orange County. You guys haven't been there. I mean, it's outdoor malls in the super fun. Super cool. Well, I know how to get there and I'm driving and we're driving or driving and things went from like palm trees and bright and sunny two bars on windows. Bars on gas station Windows. That's when it gets really bad when the gas station and just cuz like your loss and I'm like, no, I'm not I'm not lost just a couple more or less than a ride and we were at some point in like ghetto Long Beach. Okay, this is 15-20 years and that's what I like. I was like twelve years ago keto Long Beach the disastrous and finally finally admitted I'm lost. So we like knock on the bars of a gas station there in like toxin to the little window that they pop up in there like you need to get out of here cuz you're this is not good brother and they gave me some good directions.

You're lost before, you know, you're actually lost. My wife thought I was lost. She knew I was lost before I was lost and I also being lost doesn't mean you're worthless. It just simply means you are lost and you need to be directed on where to go many of you are lost.

I hope they brought about some lostness in you and it's okay that you're lost. If there's a God who loves you and is calling out to you and saying here the place to be found. It's in me.

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