Matthew 26:36-46 / The Lord's Prayer

Your Kingdom Come  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  36:53
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Matthew 26:36 ESV
Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray.”


– it is important to park on this word for a moment because it’s an invitation to step into the story and look around to get some context.
Something just happened…
When trying to properly interpret text it is important to A THE MINIMUM read the entire chapter to get a sense of what the author is communicating. So, let’s just do a quick pass.
Matt 26:1-2 “…You know that in two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.”
Jesus knew what was coming and shared it with His disciples.
Matt 26:12 (anointed art Bethany) “… she has done it to prepare me for burial.
Matt 26:26-29 – Jesus instituted communion to remember His atoning death.
Matt 26:30-32 – Jesus warns them that they all will abandon Him that very night.
Matt 26:34-35 – Jesus replies to that he will deny Him three times…
Peter replies… “Even if I have to die with you, I will not deny you.”
“Then...” Jesus takes them to Gethsemane.

We see the integral role that prayer has in the gospel.

Consider all that has been accomplished
Consider all that is about to happen.
Yet what is the final activity we see in Jesus before his arrest?
“Sit here while I go over there and pray.” (v36)
Verse 38 – Story gets even deeper as Matthew shows us this first real glimpse of Jesus’ humanity.
“my soul is sorrowful, even to the point of death.”
The weight of sorrow I have right now feels like it could kill me.
And I need your support.
This scene in the Garden is not one of Jesus parading around…
“Do as I do, and you’ll be fine”
There were REAL PRAYERS.

What we read next is the most moving and compelling example of a Gospel-centered prayed you can find.

We see Jesus in His humility.
“He fell on His face and prayed”
This is Jesus the King of Kings
Any other religion this might sound blasphemous.
Yet we are given a picture of Jesus (our savior and king) on his face in prayer.
“All I can do is pray” … THINK ABOUT THIS SCENE.
We see Jesus in His humanity.
“My father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me…”
If you see Jesus as one who is shielded form pain this request seems absurd.
But when you consider Jesus felt pain (and sorrow, and anguish) just like us…this question is completely understandable.
If you say, “I would’ve asked the same thing.”
Then you are in the position to understand the point.
We see Jesus in obedience.
“…Not as I will, but as you will.”
This is no doubt the hardest part of a Gospel-centered prayer.
We can humble ourselves
We can pout out our heart.
But can you give up the results?
“Your will be done” is rooted in the belief in two things
God knows what’s best.
God will do what’s best.
It’s the act of totally submitting to God.
relying on his Wisdom, Love, and Grace.
The scene transitions from our saviour in prayer and pans to the disciples, blissfully unaware of what Christ is experiencing. They are asleep.
Important to make a note here,
The disciples had every piece of information they needed to understand the importance of the situation and yet (for whatever reason) decided to rest.
Before we get to indignant...
This is a gripping analogy of much f the church today.
I fear that much the church today, who has more than enough information to understand the situation, is yet asleep as well.
“If I had been there, I would not have slept!”
You are here now!
Are you engaged in the Gospel?
Are you actively pursuing the invitation from our saviour to join Him?
Or would you say that your current response is that of the sleeping disciples.


If you gave them pass on the first incident what do you say now.
“Again” is weighted with some deeper consequence.
It reveals the disobedience of the disciples in response to the call from Jesus.
They were specifically asked to pray.
They were personally invited to be a part of what Jesus was doing.
and so are we...
Reveals the choice of Comfort over the Kingdom
The disciples would go on to give their lives for the sake of the gospel.
But this night, the inescapable truth is that they made a choice.
Comfort of Kingdom
We are face with the same choice every day.
If your desire is to take up the cross daily and follow Christ. Can I submit that it starts on your knees in prayer.
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