What Do We Do Now? (Week 3)

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What Do We Do Now? (Week 3)  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  37:22
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morning church Oh, man. What a beautiful warm day. Yes. I just kick it is inside praise the Lord. Thank you.

We will be back in Mark 1 today. This is the end of Mark chapter 1 the final the final chunk of this and it'll be Mark to it. If you're for the beginning of your Mark has a lot of stuff in here to cover. So week 3 end of the The Book of Mark end of chapter one of the Book of Mark. It's obviously some more good stuff. So Potawatomi if you have a Bible great, if not, there's one on the screen. That's when I'll be reading from there. If you'd like to join with me then let's do this Mark 129 that again and immediately he left the synagogue and entered the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John now Simon's mother-in-law way ill with a fever and immediately they told him about her and he came and took her by the hand and lift her up and the fever left her and she began to serve them. That evening at sundown they brought to him all who were sick or oppressed by demons and the whole city was gathered at the door and he healed many who were sick with various diseases and cast out many demon and he would not permit the demons to speak because they knew him and Rising very early in the morning while I was still dark. He departed went out to a desolate place and there he prayed and Simon those were within search for him and they found him and send him everyone is looking for you and he said to them let us go on to the next town that I may preach. They're also but that is why I came out and he went through all Galilee preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons and a leper came to him imploring him and kneeling said to him if you will you can make me clean moved with pity. He stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him I will be clean and immediately the leprosy left him and he was made clean and Jesus sternly charged and it's in him away at once and said to him see that you say nothing to anyone but go show yourself to the priest and offer for Cleansing what Moses commanded but I proved to them that he went out and began to talk freely about it. And it spread the news for the Jesus could no longer open they enter a town but was out in desolate places and people were coming to him from every quarter. Let's pray. We study your word and we see the beginning of your ministry and how this is beginning and end where it goes from here Lord. I pray that we were able to focus on this and really open up our minds and our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to do what the Holy Spirit does and that is to take the word of God and give it power in our lives hard. These are wonderful stories. There's no doubt about it later, but these are a lot more than stories stories change alive, and I pray that we can take that into into a hard today as we study it together. Thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to study together and seen your son's name. I pray amen.

All right. So Jesus ministry is in full swing real quick. I love the sound of kids. So this isn't a bother to me so carry on no worries whatsoever. I think it's great. They get to hear the word along with the rest of us elk. Jesus ministry is in full swing up to now we've seen the beginning of this Mark kind of rushes to this point compared to some of the other gospels not a lot of a description of you know, Jesus birth. He's right here. We are in a third of the way through the first chapter and he is now famous if you will so it says his famous spreading and he's already serving, right? So he's recruit his first couple sets of disciples and he's headed to confirm and he's in Capernaum. He's teaching the word people seeing as Authority people seeing him remove demons. He's this guy's different. There's something about this guy is different. So here we pick up in 29 with once again immediately. If you follow the last couple weeks the word immediately is all over this book will be able to talk about this immediacy. It's not trying to read you not to read. Shut to be a theologian understanding me to see immediate immediate immediate. Sometimes they can substitute other words. I think the translators did because they felt maybe lazy that we talked about this today. There's earlier this it says like a and at once Greek, it's the same word. I just think the translators are like immediately sent every sense to immediately. African print he visits the house of Simon and Andrew have to remember those two are the first two that were called to be Fishers of Men. We talked about this last week. We said hey trust Jesus drop your nets and Jesus says go we ought to go. We got to trust he's going to take care of things that I'm sure like me. I love you like a man. That's that's tough. What if it's one of their families depend on what if there's somebody sick at home? Maybe sign address? I'm going to take it home turns out they do what is Christ do here go to the price is taking care of his of his Apostles his disciples. He didn't wish come off by force and put their families at risk after all turns out Christ is in control is compassion is caring for people and that's why we see this right afterwards could probably do something. I'm nervous about it. Okay, I will take care of it either here or you want the word says that he will Any heels Jesus healed healed with his touch. They told him immediately about her and this starts A procession of sick people Jesus healed he comes into their house I say, oh, well, you know my mother-in-law Simon, my mother-in-law is ill with a fever. I mean, so I don't know if that changes where you want to stay. It came took her by the hand lifted her up the fever left when she began to serve them done and done right now this start the procession because you can bet they're like, oh my gosh, like he's healing people would bring some other people in here in crisis. Yeah, that's fine. But don't get a bring them in whoever you can think of and I'll do my own supposed to heal these guys up. Let's get it done and he heals many that's exactly what it says. It's not my word. I'm not trying to massage this it says he he who worship with various diseases even here. We see if he's Bound by his primary Ministry the whole city. I would wager was gathered for the it says the whole city was gathered at the door. Now does it literally mean that every single person there? I don't know could well be but certainly appear to say the whole city of Martinsville was there it would paint a picture in your mind that that place was probably packed with people. There are a lot of people here sons of people a lot there. They want to get healed. Now this is the beginning of his ministry. We know the full story of Christ and we talked about a lot of people gathered we talked about like the work that we saw in in in in River Revival past right when we see and now I can't think of his name. Thank you, Billy Graham Billy Graham, you know you see these things in a whole bunch of people the power prices will studied and understood not hear Jesus has just begun teacher, but he wants to the house. He heals this lady and I like everybody saying he's he can heal people but not all Doesn't say and Jesus healed. He healed all who were sick. He healed many that means you're probably work pretty hard. But there are certainly some people that were sick. They didn't get healed before the night was that you guys got to go time to go. Why did he kill so many people? Why not just one why so many why some and not others? I can't wait to hear this cuz we all asked this stuff. Why did they get healed? Not me? Why are they rich and not me? I don't know. I don't know why. But we're going to study we're going to figure it out when questions like this come up in our lives and we can't figure out why God does what God does we go back to the word because I can't tell you why God knows and he put it in his word and if it's not his word and God knows and that's okay too. But here we see that's what's going on that we can answer this as we go on. So if you follow my thread when I'm going to pull a sweater apart a little bit, but we see here that heal some and not others and I probably left a little bit confused. And if you think you're the only one you're not we see here that he the limits demonic Powers, right? not just sick people but it says The demon possessed he healed many who were sick of Rise of Jesus and cast out many demons once again many but not all the different tiers. We see no demons were allowed to speak. He would not permit the demons to speak because they knew him from course because they knew him obviously, right? If not, it's obvious to me. Why would that matter? Well, this is going to get unpacked a little bit later, but we see it here crisis demons hush-up and we saw him do this in the synagogue by the demon start talking and said, oh you here to destroy us. I know who you are. The Holy One Of God, he's like no more talking in a demon makes a racket, but he doesn't speak anymore at the command of Christ. By the way. That's how that works. I don't have anybody says if Christ has demons, shut up the demons shut up if prices demons come out the demons come out. There's not like well, I don't know. We're pretty strong in here. That's how that goes prices demons. Obey. Stop in this whole event. We see he heals many cups. How many demons dhimmitude even speak because they knew him and then right away to become our fashion Rising very early in the morning. So we now Jesus praise and I think we see a great model of prayer even in the midst of frenetic Ministry and Ministry is key here, but I think we all could relate to having very busy lives myself included but there's a difference between being busy with things that aren't we enjoyed our wee care about him being busy with Ministry in this case Christ was healing and casting out demons and teaching. He's in the midst of spreading good news. He's an in the gospel the thick of it he was on vacation and trying to keep up with an agenda or something like that. This guy's in the midst of ministry, but yet he's still It's time to pray and how do we see him? Pull this off it gets up early. He goes somewhere that is isolated. And he prays until he's found her and interrupted pretty good model for us, right? I guarantee no matter how busy you are you ought to be able to get up early enough to undertake not everybody. I realize their 24-hour things are happening in our world today, but get up early enough go somewhere. We can be alone and start praying there and then she might get found out. Okay price did we don't see him saying shush not now. I'm in the middle of prayer. He got up early enough to get the prayer time. It was important time with you and got Get up early do something early. Whatever come back from lunch early. Skip lunch go somewhere isolated. Pray until your found interrupted. I'm not saying what's what I'll do instead of filing my taxes. I'll just pray and then worry about now you have responsibilities keep up with the hose. But in this case, you can create for yourself sometime make it and it's not like he went to a synagogue and there was a big formal thing and he followed it.

Rising early in the morning while he departed went to a desolate place and there he prayed so simple went quiet alone pray to God. And eventually he prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and then a Simon those are with Him search for him.

And I found it for you. No surprise surprise and they say they're looking for you right. Talk about this as much but Jesus leaves here. He's healed a lot. He's got a lot of demons. You just had some prayer time they come to him saying hey remember the whole city will you know you heal a lot but there's a lot of people that are waiting. Let's go everyone is looking for you once again sounds like quite a lot of people that put a lot of people that right. I watch price say let's go on to the next time. We don't talk as much weed as a church and rightfully so talk a lot about the presence of Christ. It's very very powerful. But here we see the answer. He's getting ready to leave. There are people there that need healing. Google I need something Ministry care feeding. They want to hear they want to hear good news and they want to hear from Christ and Christ was like but I've time I've got to go let us go on to the next time that I may preach. They're also why there why don't you stay here till everybody? Here's the good news. Why didn't he save everybody? Why didn't heal everybody? Why? Why did you leave? Don't know except to say that the hell you this much what we see here is Christ setting a model in our world of what Ministry looks like was that is why I came out he came to preach the gospel pictures of so well as matter fact that he fulfilled it. We had a great discussion and small-group. It doesn't matter if it's incredible. How much of it aligns with what's happening in the in the sermon. So we were talking about this idea by like, what's what's the gospel now? Like we know the gospel hits the full story of crises died and he overcame death, but they don't know that hear what we see is the gospel. Isn't that Jesus did all these things? It's that we believe that Jesus is who he says he is with us all the things he did. We believe declaring it out loud that he did. It doesn't mean that he did or didn't do what he did. But if we believe he is who he says he is that all these things are true and what we have right here people that haven't seen he had died for their sins yet in this what he's in the world. He's a man yet. There's a gospel here and he's used Working self this isn't a scram in that into his teaching. He says I have come to to to to teach the gospel. Right we go all the way back to the very beginning of time is fulfilled. The kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe in the gospel. Jesus says this so he preaching the gospel. He's talking about the good news. The kingdom of God is at hand. Pictures of toys going to come out to heal the sick and cast out demons. That's not the reason that he was here. There's a comedian named Tim Hawkins. I'm sure it's not his quote but he says Jesus didn't come to make bad people good and dead people alive. That's the truth. He is making sick people well, but not everybody not at this time. Eventually all who believe in Christ will be healed. Just like he did for these handful of people that you minister to hear. It's true. We talked about heaven. There's no more sin or death or disease. It's all gone over every one of us that believe in Jesus Christ say that he is who he says he is a did what he said. He did will be healed just like these people just like the leper the differences won't be charged to hush up about it because he won't be dealing with the structures of the world. We can Proclaim and forever will spend eternity doing as a matter of fact, but these acts were perfectly suited to Open Hearts and minds of the Gospel message perfectly Suited. Jesus knew exactly what he was doing he knew exactly who he was going to heal why he was going to hear them which demon is the cast out and so on and so forth wasn't a surprise to him. He wasn't looking at his watch like, oh my gosh, it's time to go know exactly who is supposed to heal exactly supposed to do told the message share the gospel. That's enough for that. We go to pray. And then after this he's off we see this model that he said in Galilee. And now he takes off and says he went through at all gallery. Preaching in the synagogue of casting out demons lots of demons today. Because the very first synagogue name of the demon shows up after the rush out of here damn goes with a little bit of upsetting us go to the house. He healed somebody who comes over sick people bunch of possess people these casting out demons. He travels all over now. He's going to all these different synagogues casting out demons. If your call back at the beginning of this we talked about John. The Baptist jtp. Remember my short and it has been a while since I've had a word from God and if that prior to Christ's the notion of ministry outside of the Jewish culture wasn't even in their perfume. They were God's chosen people that has blood has what happened to the Old Testament. They were used to demonstrate our inability even as a chosen people to do what we need to do. We can't do it. You guys cannot get it done not going to get it done. If you fail the Canadian then so we can imagine if you were Satan and you're trying to control an army here in and ruin God's plan and you know steal kill and destroy. You got to be a pretty good area to Target the Jewish in encampment hear Israel, right? He's got he's got demons all over the place. It seems like he's got one in every synagogue towns have a handful of derailing teaching and so on and so forth at this time God's people were an easy target in the demons were entrenched and we talked for a long time and I've never once cast out demons out the saying you couldn't do it today not to say that some of this casting out demons in Jesus name is wrong. I'm not going to say that but here when I do deal with a lot of people lined up outside the door like I brought my uncle here, I believe he's possessed. Let's exercise in order it to be free to talk about exorcism.

Change it to the demon go. I don't that's all the power that we need. I don't know what I did with it today because I think the army of Satan is not Limitless right when Jesus ministry change in which of the World At Large what this time is a pretty concentrate a group of people that say it was targeting God's people the rest of the world at this time wasn't salvation front of those guys yet. We're going to focus here so we can destroy God's work by taking his people and Wrecking it. So yeah, Jesus spends a lot of time casting out demons. And then your comes a leper. Amanda faith I say that confidently because he doesn't question Jesus ability, but Jesus Will. That's an important thing. It doesn't say if you're if you're capable, would you make me clean? That sounds like a kind of a wishy-washy thing to ask somebody that you have doubts about their power. Could you help me then? I say this as if I ever said this, could you help me with this? Is there ever said that somebody I say all the time when you say it. Do you ask thinking I don't know if you're capable of helping with this. Can you help me? I don't know. Can I see what you're asking would you help me with this? I might have somebody something like can you lift? Can you lift that that's different than it. Could you help me with this? I'm implying that I think you can believe you can help me with that what I should probably say to people is if you will. You can help me with this and then they would say I will here's your help I guess but in this case, this guy has no question about who Christ is Christ power. It's not it's not it's not his concern. If you will you can make me clean basically if you decide to if you choose to You can clean me I believe that. Now this time leopards would have been unconditionally Outkast and condemned this man was without hope but God we don't really have a few of those things today. So I have like a Tebo loan before the quarantine will be to give them a lot of attention if that were to happen. I know there's some there's to be like, yes, we've certainly would but like we don't have this notion like, oh you have a bowl of all the off you go to the Ebola camp where you'll die eventually cuz what you going to do we try to treat them. We hope we don't have this contact like what you've become perennially unclean and we can no longer, you know even have interaction with you lubbers at this time. That was it. The door has been closed. It was contagious. They spreaded they were unclean Outcast. They had colonies and things had to go live in and the lepers all live together as long as they could and best of luck to you. Are we got somebody coming up to Christ that the picture of the downtrodden the outcast the societal, you know detritivores coming to the to the Lord and sing you can do it, will you?

NBC Jesus Takes pity pity this is that this is a $10 word block need some I it's a Greek word. I use a lot of quotes here airport sky, but it's a Greek word with the ehv translates to move with pity. I put translates there because this is one of those words like the German word called schadenfreude. I really don't have a good English translation for the base is like taking joy in the the bad things happening to other people but it doesn't have the same weight as that word it in. This word is no different than other translation said he was moved with compassion. This word is only used in the gospel. That's at the gospels. It's in the mark and Matthew. I know it may be a little nowhere else in the Bible. Do we see This this term being used effectively. Jesus was moved by this man's condition and his faith in the power of Christ. It doesn't mean that God changed. The mutable this this event was known by God plan and he was in the midst of it the whole time. No question about that. What we see here is price waiting for a prayer and honest confession of faith and through that crisis move to act. There's a quote. I have a fear by Karl Barth about Beth this word and it's a great word. We if you tried to send an aglet into your everyday used to be impressive and I'd like to hear that story. But there's supposed to trim obviously defies out of a translation. That's not original idea by me Cobra tattoo. What it means is the suffering and sending abandonment in Peril of these men. Not merely went to the heart of these but right into his heart into himself so that their whole plight was now his own and as such he saw and suffered it far more keenly than they did Spock need. So my means that he took their misery upon himself taking it away from them and making it his own. That's an excellent foreshadowing of what happens at the cross. That's the same Christ here talkin to this guy that's nailed to the cross the Bears Auto Parts. And we see this man come to him and say you are who you say you are if you will it. I am clean and Christ takes the leprosy on himself. The word here is the way that translated price almost feels that the dips. Actually I think it means bowels which is their time everything will seem to come from your bowels and I know but perhaps but like this would have been Christ bore deep into himself this leprosy from this man. He felt the pain and he and when it cleansed it from him one could argue based on the way tomorrow to use to hear that the Christ bore his leprosy. It took it away it in just go. It's now priced leprosy. It's an amazing where did amazing Benedict he didn't just kill this guy. He's not walking and heel heel heel heel. It paints a different picture hear what people are lining up and he's bearing these illnesses. He's taking them from him and in so doing he's experiencing perhaps in the depth of him what that must have been like already. He's doing this it sound like he was just trying to get nailed to the cross. I guess my wife starts to sneak. Now when we when we see vs. Wheezy prophecy back in Isaiah where he was a man of sorrow, there it is. This word. I believe paint a pretty clear picture and Karl Barth agrees with me and he's a lot smarter than I am with regards of theology paint a pretty clear picture that this was this was a different kind of a feeling it wasn't bad. Anybody ever see one of those videos of a military homecoming whose happened recently here in town where it where someone comes back from the service and surprises people. Is anybody find them emotionally stirring at all. I do I find them difficult because I can't relate to I've never had that happen. But the idea of having a parent that you care about so much going off to serve you and your entire country come back and you see there's no guys. You never seemed like oh, hey Dad, what's happening? Put her hair her if I cry immediately and they run to them why that moves me sometimes to tears but it's not this I can't feel what they feel. I might want to I empathize with him, but I don't draw it in it's not split meat. So my I don't endure that I don't endure that pain and suffering for Christ does when you miss loved ones Christ did that he felt that when he healed their sick mother-in-law he felt that sickness come away. He felt the sickness and then which is why he did it. This is a big deal. It's not just priced it for years. I believe. Yeah, he was all powerful babies floating around in these sad when people died he weeps bring them back alive. That's not the way it's supposed to be. They takes a bit of death again, Jesus unique we can do this. Any heels this guy with a condition? Another thing he touches him tells him to be clean. He's healed you guessed it immediately. But then Jesus turned them away with firm instruction. I was done putting Greek in here cuz I can I feel my get a little too off the rails. But there's a Greek word here. That is the same thing basically meaning like corrective tone. Like he he almost berated him a little bit about this after he going to keep your mouth. Shut you go to the temple and you do the needful are bored. I would encourage you to go read Leviticus 14, very interesting. There's a huge protocol some E-40 versus or something about what you do after you've been healed by God made for those cleansed of leprosy cuz it didn't happen to case. But just in case to give God his credit for his healing there was a protocol for that. So here's what crisis saying is go do what Moses commanded that would have been the law of the levitical law go do Leviticus 14 huge ordeal with various, you know sacrifices and steps all this concept need to be done because you've now then cleanse and that will allow I like the way that Christ has this form for a proof to them right? I want you to know that this needs to be a prove to them that this cleansing wasn't God. So I want you just to subject yourself to the Dunedin cleansing. This is a command of the Lord. Go to the temple or formulas for apartment. Shut up. Go to the temple and get cleaned up properly do what the law commands. And certainly he was obedient, right? That's certainly not but I don't want you thinking, how can you be quiet?

You do that you do what you were told you be quiet. You don't share because Jesus asked you to do it, but he did. A consequence is Jesus now is mobbed by Folk Soul healing you can't go to the okay here in 45 so that Jesus could no longer openly enter a town but was a decimal places does it mean to stay that way forever? I know he goes into town later on right but hear what we see is a hindrance to the ministry because this guy was not obedient.

I thought we supposed to share the good news. Isn't that why we're here fundamentally. We aren't no question about that. I want to be sure that we don't confuse Providence and salvation and this is very easy to do as a matter of fact. It's so easy to confuse them that their entire church is built on Providence alone and calling it salvation. That's what we talked about Prosperity Gospel right Jesus and the ologies. That's what all this is. Well also need to be able to if you don't have a good prayer life, then that's a good sign that you're not save. So do these things not to go to indicate about salvation begets good works. Not good work spaghet salvation in this case Providence. The healing doesn't save him. That's what faith does faith in Jesus. What saved him he just chose to heal him Jesus provided a healing for that man because of glorified him to do. So Jesus knows the story. He knows How This Ends when this man comes and he sees this moment smoked meat to my you are healed go hush that faith that man's face did not entitle him to a healing And sadly enough. Our faith is not entitle us to healing and I say salary cuz like what I want to hear you like, I'm sure you do. I told you we all get a healing but not necessarily here in this place.

Christ heals who he will I will be clean. I will not do not okay in this case. What we see is Christ healing somebody because the Providence of the Lord said you are what about me? I didn't get healed. No problems. They're still salvation with the Providence of the Lord in that regard wasn't there. So what do we do now the name of the sermon series? The answer is we provide for those that we can provide for him. Just like we see Christ doing here. Yes, we share the good news. We must be faithful to our primary purpose preaching the Gospel of Jesus. That's that is the end unequivocal Bedrock of everything that we do. Yes, we have the capability to reach out to people to provide for their needs to help and comfort them in any number of people that you just things that you do for your friends we can do for a church members. Only only as long as we're doing that on top of the foundation of Jesus, we don't want to start putting Providence above salvation come to church of get something but but maybe Jesus to write our Central pantry is a prime example of combining the physical and a spiritual system. If you've never been never heard of it, it's a it's sorta like a food or clothing pantry, but we provide you know soaps and lotions are kind of items hygiene items that no other Pantry gives out but that those evenings what we do is we take their we we we have folks come in and get a number and we have an opportunity for a counting. We share the gospel with them baby takes 5 minutes. Maybe it takes 40 minutes you'd be surprised how many people I've never met anybody just sit down and talk to them and they just talk and talk and it's wonderful. It's a huge blessing to us and it's a blessing to them. Why because we're making sure that we're talkin about the reason that were here. The reason that were here is not to provide them Essentials we do that cuz we're pull up to I believe we're called we see Jesus doing I hear he's healing people but why? Because it's a great condo to sit down and tell them about the good news of Salvation. You think you feel good. Now, all I did was take your leprosy away. I should go running off and you stub your toe you like over Jason's real quick another he like I don't know but my foot hurts now, you know, wait till Heaven suddenly. No pain, right? This is a means to an end. What we do is meet soon and Trunk or Treat same thing. Yes. We are going to give these people can't we're going to share candy and also going to talk to them about the truth that there is a Son of God. He can save you forever. You can live eternally and you can start enjoying that today really it's better than candy a little bit right some might say everything.

However, let us prayerfully consider who we helped and perhaps in Florida to have discretion now for a long time. It was like we are absolutely assistant.

If we somebody came in and said, I'm desperate. You're my last stop and we pray and we feel like hey, this is God's leading us to a system. We might say listen, we're going to take care of that bill, but we would ask that you don't tell everybody that you're doing that. That's all you want me to share that that Jesus. Please turn. The Jesus is Lord, but don't tell everybody about this because she is a big spike a membership because people want to come and join the church temporarily to get some money that it doesn't mean that they're not welcome to church. Let me make this real clear whatever the southern states here that I heard there was a pay out their absolutely never going to do that. But what we see here is Christ Christ himself emulating this exact kind of discretion. I'm going to heal you by want you to go to the temple and and and do the proper levitical thing and don't tell anybody about this happening, please because it's going to hinder our bit my ability Christ a model to do what I need to do is to be invited and sure enough it was So yes, we want to do what we're going to do. But but if if if Jesus is Ministry could be impacted by Disobedience and ours can be too so when we reach out when we invest our time and our money and the things that we do need to think about what's the impact of this. What's the possible blowback from? Are we going to are we going to give people a reason to come here? They start to see the Providence of God over the the truth of the message of Christ in and how do we make sure that we keep those things in balance and we told her the entire truth and and continually preached a full and complete gospel Christ Alone saves you if not for the work that Christ has done in our lives. There is no Providence to bestow in the world around us cuz we're not here to just gather my phone without no we are here to do the work of Jesus. Remember Jesus still heal that leper this is where it breaks my brain a little bit right cuz I start to get a line. I see what's going on. So we want to be careful. I want to put things in the same column in the share column and and then it would but what do we do if somebody, you know fails to to have the description that we requested of them? Jesus knew he is God.

Christ was not surprised that he did. This price wasn't like eating had no, I asked him not to I can't believe he did it. God is either omniscient or he's not boiler he is so God knew this would happen Christ heal him anyway commanded him anyway, and then he disobeyed he healed him anyway. This is Grace. Price could have said if you will all be healed so he could have said and would have been in my opinion right to do so. No because I'm going to heal you I'm going to tell you they're not say anything of you going to go say something. So I know I'm going to kill somebody that's obedient to my calling. That's who I will get Providence to what we see here is somebody who believes in Christ is disobedient Christ getting the Providence of Christ.

Folks, it's Grace. This is Grace. This is why we're here. The good news of the Gospel is that this man didn't learn the healing. He didn't deserve it. But yet he got it. He was got the province of Christ because he believed in Christ in the salvation of Christ is is far more important to him and far more important to Christ. Then the Providence City shares that message is unequivocal and does not change.

time for a call to action

Here is some of this stuff today. And again, I didn't know Christ did that or that's much different than I've ever heard about my whole life, but I disagree with that. I think you're way off base. You're in the right place. If you want to know more about Jesus or committee life to him. Come on up. If you know we wanted to talk with you. You're in the right place come up. We'll pray talk with you whatever you need. If you know Jesus as your lord and savior looking for a church home. We'd love to have you here. And if your member of our church, please pray that we would imitate Jesus better in the world around us as we go through this and we think there are so incredible. That's a tricky you bet it is this is why the holy spirit is with us. We are not called to just arbitrarily look at things and make decisions and lean on your own understanding about her fact was specifically called not to do that. So let us win on the word. Let us studying if you're hearing this today. Like I don't think so. I think you are a little off on that. Please come up. I want to talk about it. I don't pretend to know everything not by a long shot by by Vera.

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