Sermon Tone Analysis

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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
The title of today’s message is, “Church Leadership.”
Elmer Towns asks a question.
“What is the greatest need in today’s church?”
He answers that question this way, “It is not more money, new buildings, bigger buildings, new workable methods, more workers or any of the other ‘things’ we throw at the church’s problems.
The greatest need of the church is leadership… biblical leadership … effective leadership … spiritual leadership—” He goes on to say, “… the right type of leadership can solve the church’s problems.
The right leader can raise the needed money, build the necessary buildings, recruit willing workers, attract eager followers, and discover new methods to get the job done.”
He ends with this, “Success rises and falls on leadership.”
It’s important you know and understand, leaders come in many shapes and sizes, they can be male or female, and they can come in all ages.
Additionally, there are many leadership styles and each has their place and time.
It’s important you know and understand, leaders come in all shapes and sizes, they can be male or female, and they can come in all ages.
Additionally, there are many leadership styles, and each has their place and time.
It’s important a leader know what type of leader they are and in what areas they’re weak or need to improve.
A good leader not only recognizes, they accept that no one is perfect, so if perfection is what you’re looking for, well you may as well accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, die and go on to heaven, because as long as you’re on this earth, perfection—doesn’t exists.
Even if you’re in a room all by yourself, because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
So, not that there is one, but if you were to find what you think is the “perfect” church, as soon as you join it won’t be perfect any more.
Leaders have various traits or characteristics.
We’re going to be talking about Christian leaders today, because after all we are talking to and about the leadership of Love Christian Center, and the first thing a leader must be, is saved.
At the core of Christian leadership is salvation.
How can you lead God’s people in God’s ways, when you don’t know God for yourself; when you don’t have a relationship with Him?
You can’t.
It’s important a leader know what type of leader they are and in what areas they’re weak or need to improve.
A good leader not only recognizes, they accept that no one is perfect, so if perfection is what you’re looking for, well you may as well accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, die and go on to heaven, because as long as you’re on this earth, perfection—doesn’t exists.
Even if you’re in a room all by yourself, because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
So, not that there is one, but if you were to find what you think is the “perfect” church, as soon as you join it won’t be perfect anymore.
As I said there are many leadership styles and methods and each has its place and time
Leaders have various traits or characteristics.
We’re going to be talking about Christian leaders today, because after all we are talking to and about the leadership of Love Christian Center, and the first thing a leader must be, is saved.
At the core of Christian leadership is salvation.
How can you lead God’s people in God’s ways, when you don’t know God for yourself, when you don’t have a relationship with Him?
You can’t.
As a Christian leader, not only must you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you must make the decision to be a committed follower of Christ.
So what does it mean to be a committed follower of Christ?
Well, for the members and leaders of Love Christian Center it means this…you will support and carry out the mission, vision and goals of this branch of Zion.
While every church with it’s doors open in Jesus name, every church who claims Jesus as the head of the church has the mission to make, baptize and teach disciples, each has a more specific call.
We are called to the unchurched, unsaved people of the Douglas County area and the specific mission of Love Christian Center is “Lifting up Jesus, winning souls for the Kingdom of God”.
As a Christian leader, not only must you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you must make the decision to be a committed follower of Christ.
So what does it mean to be a committed follower of Christ?
Well, for the members and leaders of Love Christian Center it means this…you will support and carry out the mission, vision and goals of this branch of Zion.
There are more than enough people out there who have either never accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior or don’t have a church home they are committed to supporting on a regular basis.
In other words, showing up every Sunday unless you’re working, out of town, sick or unavoidably absent.
We carry out our mission by preaching Jesus, him crucified, buried, risen on the third day with all power in his hand, conquered death, hell and the grave and ascended back to heaven where he now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf.
Jesus said, “If I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men unto me.”
Our job is to lift up Jesus, his job is to draw them in and that’s how we win souls for the Kingdom of God.
While every church with its doors open in Jesus name, every church who claims Jesus as the head of the church, has the mission to make, baptize and teach disciples, each has a more specific call.
We are called to the unchurched, unsaved people of the Douglas County area and the specific mission of Love Christian Center is “Lifting up Jesus, winning souls for the Kingdom of God”.
There are more than enough people out there who have either never received salvation or don’t have a church home they are committed to supporting on a regular basis.
In other words, showing up every Sunday unless you’re working, out of town, sick or unavoidably absent.
We see in Proverbs, where there is no vision, the people perish.
The vision for Love Christian Center is this, to “Be a place where people come for enlightenment, encouragement and empowerment to advance and enhance the Kingdom of God.”
When people come through those doors we want to
We carry out our mission by preaching Jesus, him crucified, buried, risen on the third day with all power in his hand, conquered death, hell and the grave and ascended back to heaven where he now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf.
Jesus said, “If I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men unto me.”
Our job is to lift up Jesus, his job is to draw them in and that’s how we win souls for the Kingdom of God.
Enlighten them about what the Word of God says about them, their lives and how they are to live Christ-centered lives.
We see in Proverbs, where there is no vision, the people perish.
The vision for Love Christian Center is this, to “Be a place where people come for enlightenment, encouragement and empowerment to advance and enhance the Kingdom of God.”
When people come through those doors we want to
Encourage them to keep the Word of God in their heart that they might not sin against God.
Empower them to carry out the Word of God in their daily lives.
We want you to know you can live a life that’s pleasing to God.
• Enlighten them about what the Word of God says about them, their lives and how they are to live Christ-centered lives.
When we do those three things, they can then begin to
• Encourage them to keep the Word of God in their heart that they might not sin against God.
• Empower them to carry out the Word of God in their daily lives.
We want you to know you can live a life that’s pleasing to God.
Advance the Kingdom of God — move it forward, not staying stuck in the same situation, the same stuff, the same sin, the same bad relationship.
We must strive for the Kingdom, which means it’s something we work for, it won’t always be easy, it won’t always be nice, but the reward will always be great.
And the last part of the vision is to
Enhance the Kingdom of God.
It’s God’s desire that none be lost, so with that being said, every soul we can snatch out of the hand of the enemy enhances the Kingdom of God.
• When we do those three things, they can then begin to
• Advance the Kingdom of God — move it forward, not staying stuck in the same situation, the same stuff, the same sin, the same bad relationship.
We must strive for the Kingdom, which means it’s something we work for, it won’t always be easy, it won’t always be nice, but the reward will always be great.
And the last part of the vision is to
That is the mission of Love Christian Center.
And then there goals we are striving for, we have three.
• Enhance the Kingdom of God.
It’s God’s desire that none be lost, so with that being said, every soul we can snatch out of the hand of the enemy enhances the Kingdom of God.
To win lost souls for Christ through evangelism — our method this year is to invite 10 people per month to church.
Perhaps you run into someone who is not in the Douglasville vicinity, can you lead them to Christ yourself.
is called the Roman road to salvation and we have cards that explain it on the back.
Keep those with you, they’re provided for you freely and our desire is that you freely give them away.
Free; free, free; free, free.
Another way you can evangelize is simply sharing the message on social media, go to my or Pastor Ed’s facebook live post and share the message, and share the YouTube link he emails you on your Twitter or Instagram accounts.
That is the mission of Love Christian Center.
¨To win lost souls for Christ through evangelism
To win lost souls for Christ through evangelism
To biblically educate Christians through sound Scriptural teaching.
That teaching happens every Wed night at Bible study and Sunday morning in Sunday school.
And then there are goals we are striving for, we have three.
To equip Christians spiritually, physically and financially through comprehensive coaching.
We have people in the church with certain gifts to help you, to coach you in spiritual matters, in physical matters meaning your health and in financial matters.
While our goal is that you get to heaven, what we understand is you must live here on this earth until the Lord calls you home and while you’re here His desire is that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.
To win lost souls for Christ through evangelism — our method this year is to invite 10 people per month to church.
Perhaps you run into someone who is not in the Douglasville vicinity, can you lead them to Christ yourself.
is called the Roman road to salvation and we have cards that explain it on the back.
Keep those with you, they’re provided for you freely and our desire is that you freely give them away.
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