Keeping Christ in Christmas

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it's about

it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a

Piano on the monitor, please.

Yes, it was a good at least from this part again like through the end.

So after the second verse

Yes, you can turn me down whenever it's a bird.


Lily says it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a

It's about the cross.

Look at these scripture text for the message this morning on the screen there in front of you will look at pictures of scripture the first one Isaiah chapter 7. It's amazing because this is the prophetic announcement Jesus coming and what is name would be in the significance. By the way, right in the middle of that of course is the Virgin birth. And this was foretold more than 700 years prior to its event. And so this is it significant. It's it's a game-changer if you will for all of us and so I'll redo verses Isaiah chapter 7 and then also Matthew chapter one screen in front of you, but you're welcome to turn to the passages there Isaiah, 7:14 and Matthew 1:23, the Bible reads therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel then Matthew chapter number 1 verse 23 is the Fulfillment Behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Immanuel and noticed this which being interpreted is God With Us. Let's pray our heavenly father. We ask for your help in your favor. Today. We pray that you would use your word to speak to our hearts. We pray that we would be faithful listeners and I pray God that you're working your will would again be accomplished what we ask and we pray it in Jesus name. Amen. Please be seated time of year this season.

And that is so why he came everything about Christ. You know, we we recognize of course the birth of Christ during this particular season, I think most Bible scholars say that he was probably probably his birth was probably sometime in October maybe but even they can't say for certain, we don't celebrate October 25th. We're okay using December 25th in so I don't want anybody to worry about that one way or another but everything that points to why he came tells us very clearly in scripture for the son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost. Jesus came for one reason. It wasn't to be born in a manger and we sing the songs that indicate that but that's not why I came so that you and I could have eternal life. You know, we didn't know probably most people think we'll hey Pastor. It's a Sunday morning. Probably most people here say why don't ever assume that have anybody gentleman came by my office this week and we were talking about church membership and actually end up trusting Christ as his savior in my office. And so I don't ever want to make the assumption that anybody is born again. And you say why is that so significant because of Obama says You must be born again about church membership that's important to good thing of the rights join the church last week and glad for that. About baptism several that are waiting to be baptized will be doing that shortly as well. But those things are important that baptism identifies you with the finished work of Jesus Christ it signifies the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there doesn't say it's not a component of Salvation. It doesn't completed in any way. It is simply you publicly identify Jesus Christ. It's not you really doing anything putting money in the offering plates a good thing. It's all the work of God continues, but it doesn't gain you the favor of God. It doesn't count towards your access to Heaven only by the finished work of Jesus Christ. Can we know that? This week, of course, it's of the week that we observe his Christmas and sometimes we'll see the sign that indicates this but I'd like to preach on a simple thought this morning that is keeping Christ in Christmas. end of the two passages of scripture that we read both Isaiah did Matthew indicated that is named that this is one of the most loneliest times of the of the Year many people will choose to tragically in their lives because they feel so lonely, but that is so opposed to why you can't the name that God would choose Emmanuel God With Us Bears great significance and white teaching everyone of us with means that you and I will never be alone. It means they tell you don't have whatever you're facing in life. You don't have to go through it alone. Anna you know the world never stopped for human tragedy and tragedy in difficulties in sickness and death never takes a holiday. There's no vacation for that. I share with our connection group this morning a friend of ours from back at Indiana passed away yesterday evening just had a cheater husband. We're driving they were rear-ended. It was just a minor traffic accident and she said to her husband. I think I'm going to pass out and she actually passed away from a heart attack just from the the trauma of an accident and one of the sweetest ladies that my wife and I ever had the opportunity to work with then adjust those. You know, what I'm just thinking here. We are in the middle of the holidays and I'm thinking you know, it's one of those questions where you kind of scratch your head and you say God why And by the way, it's not unusual. It's pretty common. Dance that question. You're not wrong for asking it a lot of great people in the Bible ask questions. You know why this why now and those type of things but God did say I'm not going to leave you comfortless. He sent the Holy Spirit the comforter is come but a manual literally means that God is with us. And so whatever you're facing in life. I wanted you I want you to know for sure that God is with us and you're not facing whatever you're facing a loan. If you have placed your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your savior without him is to be utterly alone. I think of the historian Edward Gibbon who made the statement as he was passing away all is dark and doubtful man. I would not want to leave this life that way all is dark and doubtful. Can you imagine such a statement but with Christ as your savior? You don't have to face the end of this alive the end of your days in that fashion it so with the Lord's help just a few quick thoughts this morning on that particular thing theme rather and that is god with us. And so let's keep him in Christmas. I think there's several things that we observe and attention to a couple of passages of scripture Hebrews chapter and verse for God is Not unrighteous to forget your work. Can you read that? Okay, everybody see that? All right. Okay, you're working labor of love, which he have showed toward his name and that you have ministered to the Saints and do Minister and in Matthew chapter 23 verse 11 reminds us but he that is greatest among you shall be your servant keeping Christ in Christmas. First of all, the first thing that we see is the love of Christ has always been for others others others. That means you're not to worry about what is in it for you or what you have. Your focus is always on It's your you know, there comes a place by the way and typically comes with maturity, but you're not worried about what you're getting because you were looking for the opportunity to give to others by the way. That's the heart of God. The Bible tells us John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave and the love of Christ is wrapped up in that has always been concerned about others. Yes, Lord others, let this my motto be that I may live for others and henceforth live for and that's how we ought approach this season is what can I do for someone else? How can I help someone else? You know, one of the things that we've been doing a during the Christmas season and I hope you take advantage of it and that's called the drive-through difference and it's the opportunity just demonstrate this very point right here. The love of Christ is for others now, maybe you have been trying to find some of our church members to see if you could get behind them through the drive-through lane cuz what it is. Ripley is you saying to a cashier as you're going through wherever you're at it say an hour to take care of the person behind me and you take care of their meals or drink or whatever my fate and every year we've done these types of things. We had great response people have called message emailed or I posted on our pages and talked about man. What a great thing it is to give but you know what that is your just demonstrating what God has already done for you and that is he's a giver and so keeping Christ in Christmas. The first thought this morning is a Love Of Christ for others. We live in a world that is very selfish and we focus on me and and and what we want I can Rivers a boy getting the Sears and Roebuck catalog the the wish book. How do you remember that? Okay, it didn't work. By the way. I circled every year the things that I wanted then I don't remember we didn't get a whole lot of those things but it was a whole lot of fun to do that. But at the time I wasn't I didn't go through and encircle what I wanted my sister to have or what I wanted. My brother's to have an eye Circle all my stuff and I forgot my big wheel. You know, I mean, I'm over it really far past it now, but we were going through that book circling all those things then I was thinking about what I would like and what I would want and you know, that's how we are typically zeroed-in are focused on our cells that one of the great things about Christmas is it does remind us that if we keep him and Christmas we're living our lives in a way that is pleasing honoring to him and by doing that we want to live for Christ by living for others. And so I I promise you this this season every season to be sure but this isn't a particularly got to put somebody on your heart that needs something. Maybe it's not a monetary gift. Maybe it's not a physical gift that I I promise you if you ask the Lord show me someone that needs a kind word, maybe something needs a gesture. Maybe they need a token or an expression of your love and appreciation for the art of the other The Fault. In fact that you are praying for them and what might be a great time for you but perhaps even a difficult time for them. And so the love of Christ teaches us keeping Christ in Christmas the love of Christ of for others, then not let me look at a couple other versus Luke Chapter 19 Verse 10 verse for the son of man is come to seek and to save that which was what if you're not familiar with that password for that verse. The son of man is a reference to Jesus Christ God incarnate God wrapped in flesh for the son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. It tells us very clearly. That's the reason you came. We understand of course the manger scenes and I'm not against those in fact everything that points to keeping Christ in Christmas and and reminding people that what the season is all about. I'm about the Bible says this is why he came to seek and to save that which was lost. You know, why that significant because I never went looking for God there was nothing years ago and people would say I found it where you never found God because you wasn't lost and you and I never had the capacity to see him the Bible says and you have to trust the word of God not the thoughts or opinions of man. The word of God says there is none that seeketh after God we go estranged from the womb the Bible says nobody had to teach me how to lie. Nobody had to teach me teach me how to steal I all of that came natural. That's the natural man. The Bible says the natural man discern if nut doesn't understand or comprehend the things of God, but he said I came to seek and to save that which was lost you ever been hunting and never found anything you were seeking, but you didn't find anything but but God said that he came specifically looking for you is a center you say who is that lets me we all qualify Bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You don't have to wonder was that mean you are the one that God had in mind and so was I and it's a great thing when the Bible says for God so loved the world. That's that's pretty all inclusive. I don't have to struggle with what that means sometimes.

John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever. I love that believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. It means the matter whether you you're in church or out of church, whether you're you know, welfare impoverished God came to die for you for the son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost For the Love of Christ. We see is for others and then we see the heart of Christ is for the Lost. Why is that significant? Because it always be on our thoughts. I was talking to her a pastor friend of mine and he was talking about in Amite evangelist who passed away in his nineties and he used to keep a he kept these little New Testament where he would where he would write down the names of every person that he'd like to Christ. He been in Ministry for over 60 years and when his children now what we're going through his books and his belongings. They started going through each one of those New Testaments and there were scores of them had one room where there were shelves lying with those New Testaments. And the last count they were still counting. They had they had calculated it and read the names of more than 100,000 people be the lender Christ it over 60 years of ministry.

This pastor was this pastor who knew him was Friends of the family what he told me that I thought man. Can you imagine what it's like when he got to have

Let me ask you a question. Will anybody be in heaven because of you?

Al pastor we're supposed to have a great time. It's Christmas season. Yes, but I want you to think about that because the greatest gift you could ever give to someone is the gospel. You know, it's the one gift that you can get give away and still have three try to rethink that for a moment. When you got it, you could give it away and you still keep it there is nothing like that. You know, there's a lot of gifts. We'd like to re-gift, you know, we had a connection group this morning. We had a white elephant gift exchange and last year someone got this is Justin in here. Is he in junior Church? It's a shop lights and it's this little shop lighten. Justin got it last year and guess what Justin never used it and he gave it this year and Danny Danny got the shop light in our class this morning and my guess is the Daniel probably be giving that away next year. If not before then and no I don't need one. Okay, I'm good. But there's a lot of gifts that we get we hate man. I I'm going to be re-gifting that one. I remember my mom when we were in high school and I had two older brothers. I was the middle child still suffering from that by the way with the middle child two older brothers than a sister after me and then a brother but one Christmas my mom and this was a young, you know, it's a dumb idea now, don't you Mom but me and my two older brothers were all in high school and she gave us matching turtleneck sweaters. And they weren't they were just kind of these droopy neck sweaters. It might be cool someplace, but it wasn't cool where I was man. I'm telling you and so my dad my dad's on the couch laughing cuz my dad is thinking you poor guys until just wanted us to put them on and and wear them so she could see us and get a picture. And so we put them on that was the only time I ever wear that sweater and I never wore it again, but the three of us came out dad took the picture. I don't even know what happened to the picture if I had it I wouldn't show it to you anyway, but you probably like to see it. I'm sure but let me know I thought about that. Sometimes you get a gift to you think. Wow. I can't wait to give that to someone else before when I got saved. It was a gift that I could give away and still keep there is no gift on the planet like that. And so I praise the Lord for that. So we see the love of Christ is for others. And then secondly, the heart of Christ is for the Boston noticed is in keeping prices in Christmases. We see the provision of Christ by that. We see the needs and hurts of everywhere and I'll tell you you don't have to go very far at all to see hurts and disappointments. We mentioned we mentioned a friend of ours and a friend of the I know Adam and Rachel here and do them as well and my boy my wife and I were talking yesterday. I think it was at the airport. We were we were sitting at the airport coming getting ready to board our plane and I think in the last month, there are six families that we know just in the last month or so, we're a spouse passed away and some of them very young and of course we saw but you know where the Bailey went to heaven just a month ago, and I'm still wrestling with that one. And I think about all of the things that happen and go on in this world and they'd rather Munoz in his mother passing away and having to make a trip out of the country and you know, there's hurt everywhere. Everywhere make no mistake about it. And what are the things one of the great things about keeping Christ in Christmas as we understand. God said, I'm not going to leave you to deal with that on your own. He said I'm going to send you a comforter now, but not to be honest with you. The Bible gives us the example the nation of Israel and refers to Israel as Rachel that there was a great weeping and she would not be comforted sometime people resist a comfort that God wants to give you going through a difficult time right now to put his arms around you. You're going through some hurt right now. Maybe nobody even knows about it. So I can't even talk about this to anybody. Nobody has a clue about this. I promise you this the Bible says surely he has borne. That's past tense our sorrows. That means God's already carry everything that you're going to have to deal with in this life. And if you're lugging it around today, it's of your own volition. And your own choosing. God says I got that I got that and whatever you face in this world trust and know that God With Us means I'm going to take care of you. That doesn't mean that you are going to have everything, you know is a difference between our needs that are once. It is sometimes sweet say yeah. Well, you know, I'd like to have this or I want this but it may not be what you need. God reminds us but my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory. Sometimes we make praised selfishly. The Bible says that we ask of our own lust so that we can consume it ourselves if you're praying for money so that you can give to missions that might be a prayer God answers if you're praying for money so that you can drive a better car you want things and nothing wrong with a better car don't misunderstand me. That's not what I'm talking about. But if your motive behind your prayer is God bless me for me that it's less likely to be answered. But if you say God bless me so that I can bless others that prayer is not often prayed. And I think What God Says is I want to take care of you and God loves those who are willing to do exactly what he does and that leads us to the next thought and and that is this. Keeping Christ in Christmas. We see their Joy of Christ is giving and forgiving you know, that's so significant and I wouldn't want to share a couple of passages of scripture in the Bible reminds us Acts chapter 20 verse 35. I showed you all things how that so labor and you ought to support the weekend to remember the words of the Lord Jesus now noticed this how he said it is more blessed to give than to receive voice specialist were younger. We don't think that well, you know, I don't know about that verse it's pretty cool getting some gifts and everybody. I don't know anybody that doesn't enjoy getting gifts. But God doesn't say Joy. He says blessed. There is greater blessing for the giver than the receiver. I think about that for a moment. Because God was the greatest giver and he said the blessing was on him for giving his son think about that but it's not just that blessing. It's the pattern that he showed any demonstrated to us. And so this particular week. It's an easy and road to give you know, it's like I said before it's very easy to you know, yesterday we are I was returning are we rented a car? We were we were out of town for a few days and didn't go very well. We went to see Kentucky play two games and well, they didn't come they were there but they went over to and so so that that part was unpleasant, but we had a good time together with family in the end those kind of things and so that was enjoyable. But why were there I took the rental car back and everybody it's like happy holidays season's greetings like a merry Christmas by think. Sometimes they're a little bit reluctant to do that. And so take advantage of the opportunity to say Merry Christmas and I did find this everybody I said it to set it back. Back at you a Merry Christmas like it's okay. I just want to make sure you are okay with Merry Christmas Merry Christmas, but one of the things we see particularly during the season is our Lord reminds us a gif. And the next part of that is for giving the Bible reminds us Ephesians chapter 4 verse 32. I love this verse was quoted often be kind one to another you don't always feel like it especially in the holiday. Sometimes you get Preston, you know, you're you're waiting in line at the checkout or you're trying to get that last a butt. By the way, if you've waited this late for your someone said this morning that they hadn't even started their Christmas shopping. Well, that's you might be a little bit late. But but the Bible tells us here be kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you the greatest gift you ever received was the gift of forgiveness. You want that means it means if I never send? That's what justification means just as if I never send What God Says is I wouldn't want you to demonstrate that same capacity to others. I'm talking to somebody today. Probably listen to me I talk to somebody for today who's been wrong or wounded. unjustly, so and you're wrestling with forgiving that person.

In a crowd this size. I'm sure that I don't know of anybody in particular but I would imagine there's somebody here and you yeah, but you don't know what he did. But I know that every wound and every wrong was first against God. Didn't know it was against me and I was against God. That's why Joseph when he was tempted by Potiphar's wife. He said how big can I do this great wickedness and sin against God. He didn't mention potiphar everybody in the world would have said, how could you do that to potiphar? He was taking good care of me. That's not what Joseph said. Joseph said, how can I do this great wickedness against God because he realized it first and foremost every citizen against God. You know, why because you didn't write the Ten Commandments God. Did you're not the one who came up with the moral code which by the way is the pillar and foundation for our our our legal system our judicial system that we have today. It's why the word of God is so important for a good and civil society and I'm not going to run down that road today, but I catch a rabbit. I just let out and shoot I'll come back another day, but the fact is when God gave us those Commandments. What are the things he said was you know, right I'm going to offer you forgiveness and he said those wrongs those wounds those that that's mine log. That's my word and every set it every offenses against God Almighty. You may happen to beat the human instrument that was wounded in some capacity and I'm not minimizing that at all every person for the flat for the last chair in here has been wronged at some point in life and if you have it, hang on it's coming. and when it does you'll feel so insulted so violated so abused and so how could they and then God in heaven could say They've been doing that since the garden. And every sin is first and foremost against God question is not why can I not forgive him? The question is how in the world? Could God forgive me? I look at 57 years of sending I realized. Man, when the Bible says it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions they film that I realize that you let you know, sometimes people will say I'm just going to try to live the best I can and my good outweighs my bad. I don't try that.

You really want to risk eternity and I turning you over that by the way, that's that's not right. That that's not biblical. It's not scriptural. It doesn't work that way. Never one. I could never be good enough because the Bible says there is none Good Vibes was there is none righteous. But can you imagine having to go through life where I hope I did. Okay today or yesterday was a real booger man. I better keep up the goodness today. I got it. I got to get me a sack of those drive-through difference cards and and try to make up for yesterday. I don't have to live that way. Because I realize that it's not by works of righteousness which we have done. But according to his Mercy he has saved us. So let me ask you this. We are sober and questioned a few moments ago. And is that and that was will anybody be in heaven because of you were me the second one is this is there anybody in your life past or present who needs forgiveness and you have not yet extended it? That's a pretty question because if there is then it's a wrong that you ought to Endeavor to make right doesn't mean that it did it wipes it out completely but it does mean in your heart. You're trying to take the approach of Christ. Even as God for Christ's sake have forgiven you so to keep Christ in Christmas and to experience the joy of Christ. I want to be a giver but also would it be a forgiver how hypocritical would it be for me to live my life enjoying and experiencing the Forgiveness of God and being reluctant to extend it to anyone who has wronged her wounded me.

for the child of God, it is the height of hypocrisy because God is a giver and a forgiver and then finally The last one is this keeping Christ in Christmas. We see the Light of Christ is the way the Bible reminds us Jesus saith unto him. I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father. But by me is so significant in that verse we mentioned it a time or two before but all three of those are definite articles. The English language are three articles a and the Z is significant. Jesus didn't say I'm away. I'm a truth. I'm a life. That means one of many. He said no I meant I'm the way the truth the life any question or doubt he says and no man cometh unto the father, but by me you don't get there by Good Works. You could never be good enough. You don't get there by by giving you can never give enough. You don't get there by church membership. It's important. But that doesn't get you there. It is only through the finished work of Jesus Christ. Jesus said I am the way the one last verse that will share with you Proverbs 3 5 & 6 trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct thy path as I would encourage you this week really every week keep Christ in Christmas. Don't just say it great to have a sign. I love him. I see you in a lot of yards and and put up and it says keep Christ in Christmas or Jesus is the reason for the season, but the fact is you keep Christ in Christmas the number of ways you do it by demonstrating the love of Christ for others, who do you know that needs to know and experience the love of Jesus Christ then we see the heart of Christ for the lost I think about that evangelist who had led in his lifetime you think about 100000 people personally Jesus Christ

Can you imagine a staggering then? We think about keeping Christ in Christmas. We think about the provision of Christ not just for me, but for the needs and hurts the people everywhere then we think about the joy of Christ in giving and in giving forgiveness and then finally understanding that Jesus is the way the truth and the life and encourage you this week keep Christ in Christmas, shall we stand with our heads about her eyes closed and maybe you're here this morning. You've never placed your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. You say what does that mean with everything that we talked about this morning? Because truthfully it's the only reason Jesus came was to ensure that you could have a home in heaven not by your works, but by placing your faith your trust in Jesus Christ as your savior, That's the greatest gift. You'll ever receive may be here this morning. You've never trusted Jesus Christ. You have to say I'm not for sure that heaven's my home if I were to draw my last breath if my heart took it the last beat right now. I'm not sure where I'd spend eternity, but I want to remind you it's something you better not be mistaken about you could be wrong about a lot of things in life, but you can't be wrong about eternity. Maybe there's someone here today and you're thinking about forgiveness and you've experienced you've enjoyed the Forgiveness that God has given you but today the spirit of God reminded you of someone that you ought to extend forgiveness too. By the way, they may never asked for it. They made ever feel they wronged Rairdon anyway forgiveness. Does not have to be requested to be extended forgiveness comes from you the wounded. Regardless of the request that's why Jesus when he hung on the cross said father forgive them for they know not what they do long before they ever asked maybe thinking of someone that got impressed upon your heart that needs something maybe you would be the vessel the tool the instrument that God would use to demonstrate the love of Christ. Let's make sure this week that we keep Christ in Christmas with the pianos going to play you have an opportunity to respond. Maybe you're hearing you say I want to get that settled. I wouldn't know for sure that happens. My home be the most important thing you'll ever do maybe God spoke to you about something very very specific and I'd like to take a moment to come down to the Altar and pray. You're certainly welcome to pray there to see there's something about coming to an altar many ways reminds us to come humbly before God. If you hear this morning, you've never trusted Jesus Christ as your savior, I would invite you to come when the piano place and if you need someone to pray with you, we have men who could help with men and ladies who help with ladies who can take the Bible the word of God in a matter of moments show you how you could know for sure that have your home. I pray you'll not miss that opportunity. That is keeping Christ in Christmas or blessed our invitation. We pray we ask it in Jesus name. Amen. Would you mind the Lord today? Is very very quickly. You say God spoke to me about something and man. I really want to talk to God about that today. I want to make something right with God or I'm thinking about someone that God would have me to print for maybe thinking about someone that's away from the Lord in for this this week. God is impressing upon your harder. Maybe someone that you want to do something for you want to demonstrate that giving that comes with Christ?

What a great song. She's playing Jesus Paid It All

all to him I owe. Sin had left a Crimson Stain.

Will amen. Thank you for listening. So very well and I do hope that this week you'll take time to be thankful for the gift. That is salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's not say he's the reason for the season. Let's not just say keep Christ in Christmas. Let's Endeavor in our own life or on harder own family to make sure we make that a reality be able to be back with us tonight. We certainly invite you to do that. That's a five and then don't forget or midweek service. I will have a Christmas Eve service just a very very brief time. I hear Tuesday night Christmas Eve at 5 to come and if you're going to be traveling this week, we pray that you'll be safe and I would encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity be with your loved ones and don't miss it. Don't miss it. It's just an update it it flies by. The next thing you know, you realize wow, where did the years ago? And so if you get a chance to be with your family take full advantage of it. If you can't give him a call if you're able to and but otherwise from my wife and I hope you all have a great Christmas item interview. We traveling and may not have an opportunity to see you before then. But thank you and if your guests that you took time to be with us today, make sure you drop off that connection card at the counter. We got to get food like to put into your hands as well. Don't you come up and pray and will be dismissed today. Make sure you show yourself friendly one toward another. God bless you Robert, please. All right. Let's pray Heavenly Father. We are thankful to be in your house today dear Lord. Thank you for pastor. Bring it back safely. Thanks for the message to Lord as we go into this a few days before Christmas tree Lord. I pray that you just let us be a blessing to the other Sea Lord. Remember the reason for the season girl or thankful for all you do if you are paid bring us back safely.

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