Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
If we are healed - why are we sick?
The bible says in that by His stripes we are healed!
It says again in II Peter 2:24 that by His stripes we were healed!
OK, then why are we sick?
Let’s look at God’s Word and see what He has to say about this issue.
How did Sickness enter the world?
Romans 5
This is it, in a nutshell!
Death entered into the world through sin and sickness is incipient death.
Sickness is death in its earliest stage.
Every sickness that exists has one purpose - to steal, to kill and to destroy!
When entered the world - death and sickness entered also.
This is it, in a nutshell!
Death entered into the world through sin and sickness is incipient death.
Sickness is death in its earliest stage.
Every sickness that exists has one purpose - to steal, to kill and to destroy!
When sin
Once again . . .
The bible says in that by His stripes we are healed!
It says again in II Peter 2:24 that by His stripes we were healed!
OK, then why are we sick?
We are a tripartite being
Soul - the mind, emotions
Each of these is susceptible to damage.
You can liken this to the four tires on your car.
If one of the four tires is not properly inflated - the car will not act as it should.
Likewise, if one of the three areas of our body is not properly “inflated,” - our life/body will not act as it should!
If any of these areas is not functioning properly, it will change the dynamic of my life.
Back to the car/tire example.
If your car has one flat, you have a problem; if your car has two flats, you have a serious problem!
The same goes with your life - if you have one flat, you have a problem; if you have two flats, you have a serious problem.
In our own life, we can have problems spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Is one - or more - of my tires flat?
Healing is God’s way of inflating the tires again!
That is what Paul is referring to in when he said: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
23And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So, I need to get everything inflated again - everything working as God designed it!
This means I have to live my life cognizant of the environment in which I live!
I am a spirit; I have a soul; and I live in a body!
Faith is a spirit force - a spirit man issue - the core man!
My body is to my spirit as my clothes are to my body.
Spiritual forces come out of (are born in) the spirit man.
These spiritual forces were in the seed of the Word when I got born-again!
Now, zeroing in on faith - how does it come about?
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Health can be affected by the emotions;
Spiritual forces come out of (are born in) the spirit man.
These spiritual forces were in the seed of the Word when I got born-again!
Health can be affected by the mind;
Health can be affected by a spiritual problem; and
Health can be affected by the body itself.
Now, zeroing in on faith - how does it come about?
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
The word is the seed.
Words are containers . . .
There are empty words
My health is not just how is my body doing - rather, it is how am I doing - spirit, soul and body?
It is possible to be born-again and yet still suffer in the body and the soul!
The spiritual tire can be inflated, while at the same time, the physical or emotional tires may be flat!
There are fear-filled words
There are love-filled words
There are faith-filled words. . .
and so on
Why are we sick - What does the Bible say?
Words are used for communication; but that is their secondary use!
The primary use/purpose of words is for the release of spiritual power, or force!
Faith is a spiritual force - born out of words - which are spirit and life.
God's Word is full of His faith!
God's words are filled with His faith!
Personal Sin
The Spirit man feeds on spiritual food - which produces a spirit force called faith!
The mental (soul) man feeds on mental food and produces mental force!
The physical man (body) feeds on physical food and produces a physical force (strength, energy).
There is a potential for personal sin to create sickness.
This does not say that every sickness is the result of a personal sin (i.e., sexual sin to name one)!
Other types of sin can also open the door to sickness.
So, is there a sin issue in my life that I need to deal with.
Have I opened the door?
If so, deal with the sin issue!
2. Interpersonal Relationships Gone Bad
James 3:14-16
Envy and strife lead to every evil work!
Envy and strife is earthly, sensual and devilish!
The bible says that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy!
This would include sickness.
James is writing to Christians! Earlier, he talked about envy and strife!
Here he is talking about lusts of the flesh.
The context of James is interpersonal relationships within the church.
James goes through a whole litany of interpersonal issues!
All of these things create an environment for “every evil work” (Verse 14)!
These issues do not stop God from healing me!
They do stop me from receiving the healing that God has already provided!
If I am dealing with strife in my life - I will struggle with my faith!
God has not changed - but I have!
Take this in context (verses 18-22).
There are interpersonal issues at play in this passage!
< .5
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