
Go in the Power of the Word   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done? Woman standing in front of lion - climbing into enclosure - Bronx Zoo. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bronx-zoo-lion-exhibit-dancing-woman_n_5d93ccbbe4b0e9e760548ef8
You are not invincible. But, God is. You are not unstoppable, but God is.
You need an unstoppable God because at times you feel like everything in this world is against you and God is not for you.
If God is unstoppable, what He has began in your life, He will complete. () If God is unstoppable, you can trust that nothing will separate you from His love. () You can trust that nothing will stop the expansion of His Kingdom.
- Christian movement continues to grow. (Church at Antioch - Becoming a world-wide movement just like Jesus said in .)
As Church grows, so does persecution. In Jerusalem, King Herod trying to stop the Jesus movement by taking out the Apostles. But, Herod is no match for God and His people empowered by His Spirit.
Why does it matter that your God is unstoppable? The power of God is for His people who live on mission for Him! Three reasons why you need an unstoppable God:

Because God is unstoppable, you always have hope.

Christians experienced persecution at hands of religious leaders, now persecution at hands of the government (Herod).
Herod Agrippa - grandson of Herod the Great - appointed by the Roman government. Not true King of Israel but put in charge of Judea, Samaria, and Galilee.
Like his grandfather, wanted to win favor over his constituents. Herod the Great did it through massive building projects (rebuilding the temple). Herod Agrippa did it through persecuting Christians - specifically going after the leaders of the Christian movement.
Executed James son of Zebedee, John’s brother, with the sword. James, Peter, and John - Jesus’ inner circle. James’ death pleased the Jews, but it sent shockwaves through the Christian community. One of the 12 dead. First Stephen, not one of the 12, and now James.
Peter’s next. Up to this point, no one more significant in life of early church than Peter. If Herod can kill Peter, he can stop the Christian movement, and he’d be a hero in the eyes of the Jews.
Peter arrested, but Herod waits to kill him until after the holy days - Execution trials not usually held during Jewish festivals. Jesus was - Herod wanted to avoid what happened with Jesus.
Peter treated as hardened criminal. Four squads of soldiers - 4 soldiers chained to Peter. Every few hours, a new squad. Peter not going anywhere.
Imagine how members of church felt as they learned Vs. 5 - But earnest prayer made to God by the church. Peter in prison - going to be killed - believers should have been fleeing, but instead praying in John Mark’s mom’s house. Why are they praying? Why aren’t they fleeing? They have hope.
You always have hope. Hope = expectation. - Peter says living hope because of resurrection of Jesus. Living hope = Guarantee that God is going to make good on His promises. Dead hope - you just don’t know. Since you always have hope:
Keep believing. You’ve been tempted to walk away from God when life gets tough. Why? If Jesus is alive, you have hope, and you trust that God is at work even when you aren’t sure how he’s at work. () Every trial, every struggle, every heartache is both temporary and refining. ()
Keep praying. When Jesus is your only hope, you’ll run to Him in dependency. The way we pray is the evidence of where our hope really lies. No prayer = little hope in God. Much prayer = All my hope in. What does the way you pray say about your hope in Christ?

Because God is unstoppable, the church always has help.

Church is praying. Peter is sleeping. How can you sleep when you’re going to be executed the next day?
Peter saw Christ crucified and resurrected. He had lived in the presence of the resurrected Christ, the Son of God who created him, loved him, and redeemed him. What did he have to worry about? If this was God’s plan for his life, why worry? Like Paul, Peter would have said, “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” When you live your life in the presence of God, you will always experience the peace of God - the peace that passes all understanding. ()
Church is praying. Peter is sleeping, but God is not sleeping. He’s working. ( - He who keeps you will not slumber.)
God sends an angel. One of God’s heavenly hosts vs. 4 Squads of Rome’s most elite soldiers. The angel wins every time. Truth the church would learn: Greater power resides in and with God’s people than all of Herod’s hordes of soldiers!
Angel appears next to Peter, strikes him on the side, and tells him, “Get up quickly. Get dressed. We gots to go.” Chains fell off, and the next thing Peter not sure what was happening. He walked out of the prison, out of the iron gates, and into the street. Standing in the street: “I’m sure the Lord sent his angel to rescue me.” Duh. What gave it away?
God is at work in ways that you cannot see. Church is praying completely unaware of what God is doing in the jail cell. Right now, you may be completely unaware of how God is at work as well. But, just because you can’t see God’s work doesn’t mean He’s not at work. Hold on to that truth. You cant’ see how He’s at work in your husband, but He is. You can’t see how God is at work in your children, but He is. Etc.
If I believe that God is at work, I can live at peace. Some of the most powerful words you will ever hear: Chill out. You can change your circumstances. You can’t change people. But, you can change how you respond to your circumstances and people. You habitually run to worry and anxiety instead of running to the One who calls you to rest in Him because He has everything under control. “I’m going to pray, I’m going to trust, and I’m going to serve God knowing that He does not sleep and He is working in my life for my good and His glory.”
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