Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The writer of Hebrews concludes the book with a series of practical guidelines about living out their lives of faith.
How should we live our lives of faith?
General guidelines for Christian living ()
A. Love other believers ()
The command to love one another is found throughout the New Testament.
The command to love one another is found throughout the New Testament.
He uses the word “phileo”, which indicates brotherly or familial love.
We should treat one another as family.
B. Show hospitality ()
In ancient etiquette, especially in Jewish and Christian circles, you would take in fellow believers in for an evening.
Hospitality is an important part of Christian life.
It demonstrates our care and concern for one another.
It is intensely practical.
It is interesting that he makes the note that “some have welcomed angels as guests without knowing it.”
What do you make of that concept?
C. Remember those who are suffering and are being mistreated ()
First century prisoners were not treated well.
They would have to depend on family and friend for their needs while they were imprisoned.
These people were suffering because of their gospel witness.
The other believers needed to take care of them and pray for them.
Keep them in your mind constantly.
If one of us suffers, all of us suffer.
D. Be pure in sexual matters ()
In the ancient world and even today, the idea of monogamy is under assault.
Some people have even said that it is unreasonable to expect people to be faithful to one person for life.
The concept is that marriage is to be respected and valued.
Marriage is sacred.
God will judge those who are involved in sexual activity outside of marriage.
E. Be satisfied with what you have ()
Don’t be greedy and covetous.
The writer indicates that greed is insulting to God because God is the one providing for you.
If you aren’t content with what God is giving you, then you are accusing him of incompetence.
God will always provide for his people.
No child of God needs to fear that their needs will go unmet.
Therefore, we can say with confidence,
2. Leadership lessons ()
A. Remember your leaders ()
“Remember” carries the idea of “respond” and listen to.
All followers of Jesus are to have spiritual leaders that they listen to.
Our leaders are to lead lives that are to be model of how we are to live.
Paul said “Imitate me as I imitate Christ.”
“Remember” carries the idea of “respond” and listen to.
All followers of Jesus are to have spiritual leaders that they listen to.
Our leaders are to lead lives that are to be model of how we are to live.
Paul said “Imitate me as I imitate Christ.”
B. Jesus Christ and the gospel do not change ()
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus is immutable.
He never changes.
He is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will be tomorrow.
Our circumstances change.
Our perspective changes, but Jesus and the gospel never change.
C. Don’t fall prey to false teachers ()
Specifically, this is talking about returning to Judaism.
They were in danger of being drawn away and returning to Judaism; however, the dangers for us are real too.
We can be drawn away from the faith by legalism, but also liberalism.
If you turn your back on the ways of Christ and embrace some other so-called way, you have rejected the sacrifice for your sins.
Specifically, this is talking about returning to Judaism.
They were in danger of being drawn away and returning to Judaism; however, the dangers for us are real too.
We can be drawn away from the faith by legalism, but also liberalism.
D. Offer the sacrifice of praise ()
The sacrifice of praise refers to the occurs in and refers to the highest form of praise which could be made under a peace offering.
This special offering was voluntary and could be made only after the atonement for one’s sins.
Its primary purpose was to express gratitude to God.
E. Offer the sacrifice of good deeds ()
This is practical.
Don’t stop doing what is good.
Don’t stop sharing the blessing that God has given to you.
God is pleased when we do what is good and share.
F. Obey your leaders and submit to them ()
This is about their current leadership.
The members of the congregation have a responsibility to obey the leaders of the church and submit to their authority.
The word obey can mean “to put your confidence in” or “trust them”.
Be ready to comply with their instructions of biblical principles.
He even gives the reason for “why”.
“They keep watch over your souls” and “They will give an account”.
Every leader in the church is going to give an account for those entrusted to them to watch over.
Instead of working against them or not listening to them, yield to your leaders so that they can do their work with joy and not with grief.
In other words, don’t be a burden to your leadership.
“When members of the church fail to submit themselves to the leadership, the leaders end up working under an emotional burden that give them a life filled with sighs.”
It is of no benefit to anyone to be a high maintenance person and cause undue emotional stress to people.
G. Pray ()
Pray for your leadership.
Keep on praying.
In this case, for some reason the writer, has been prevented from being with the people and desires to be back with them.
3. Benediction and Closing ()
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9