Spiritual Leadership

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Spiritual Leaders are not to approach God with their own agenda ()

Explanation: Jesus has just made his third and final prediction of His soon coming death. Jesus had told the twelve that He would be killed by the religious leaders, that He would be in the grave 3 days, and then He would be resurrected. The disciples were troubled by Jesus’ declaration and had a difficult time understanding Him, especially the idea of His resurrection. Jesus knew they were struggling, so He was preparing them for the time after He was gone.
One problem was that the 12 were operating under the mistaken idea that Jesus was planning on setting up His earthly Kingdom immediately following His Resurrection. [Jesus never said that, but they jumped to that conclusion]
This is important to understand because it frames the approach of James and John as they approach Jesus with their request. The brothers saw the Kingdom on the near horizon and they were jockeying for position to get the choice leadership spots in it. They wanted first crack at the most important roles.
Illustrate: similar to presidential elections. When a benefactor decides to support a candidate, he lends his influence and money in exchange for a position of importance within the new administration
Argument: Jesus is not pleased with the brother’s request. Jesus had never encouraged power seeking among His followers. In fact, each time Jesus told them about His approaching death, He also gave them a lesson on humility.
James & John had failed to understand this critical principle. Peter had also failed to understand the importance of seeking God’s agenda. When Jesus told them about His death, Peter opposed the plan of the Father, and Jesus rebuked him. James and John also received a rebuke for putting their agenda forward rather than God’s agenda
Likewise, we place ourselves in the same situation when we selfishly promote our agendas in the church rather than follow the plan that God has given. Too often we act and move forward with our own ideas, then we ask God to bless what we have messed up. When we do this, God is not obligated to fix our problems!
[On a practical note: The recent vote concerning the proposed renovation of the old sanctuary. As the spiritual leaders of the church (pastors & deacons) we sense God’s leading in this direction. The vote from the church, however, indicates that many do not share this perspective. On a 68% approval we could proceed and move forward regardless of those opposed. We do not believe this would be the right thing. We need to pray further and ask God to clarify His agenda before we take action]
Application: It is a good idea to examine our pronouns. Look at the brother’s speech: we want, for us, we ask. Upon careful observation, the self-centeredness leaps out. Our requests should be focused more on what do You want, what is Your plan, where are You leading

Spiritual Leaders are not to approach God with confidence in their own abilities ()

Explanation: Jesus does not rebuke the brothers in the sharp manner in which He rebuked Peter (Get behind Me, satan!), but He does rebuke them. This can be seen in His question to them. After hearing their extremely selfish request for favored positions in the kingdom, Jesus asks them if they think they will be able to handle what is coming their way. Even though they have no real idea what Jesus is talking about, they foolishly proclaim, “yes - we can do it!” Jesus is giving them a warning they were capable of understanding [In the OT the cup represented judgment and persecution] The boys didn’t let the warning sink in because they had given in to selfish ambition and were blinded by pride
Illustration: Former President Bill Clinton fell from grace as a result of his pride. As president, he considered himself above the standards and expectations of others. When asked the reason for his affair with Monica Lewinsky during his presidency, his response was “just because I could.” (Bill Clinton: His Life, on ^0 Minutes, June 20, 2004)
Argument: Pride can be a positive motivation in many areas of life. We need to have a healthy amount of pride in what we do. We certainly don’t need to wander through life doing things half-way, and it is also true that the LORD is not well served by sloppy service.
There is, however, a type of pride that is deadly in the arena of Christian service. When a person believes he or she is better than others, that he or she has more natural ability, then pride has gone past the limits. It has crossed into that area that God condemns. In the list of seven abominations before the LORD (), pride has the 1st place position. In we are also warned that “pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
Application: sinful pride has no place in the life of a Christian, (espec. a spiritual leader. The only solution to this type of pride in the life of a believer is to allow God to kill it, to co-operate with the Spirit in sanctification by putting it to death in our members. Sinful pride is not something to play around with for a believer.

Spiritual Leaders are not to exhibit jealousy toward others ()

Explanation: It is interesting to see the response of the other 10 disciples when they find out what the brothers are up to. They “began to be indignant” with the brothers. They were upset with them, not because of their request, but that they had asked Jesus before they could. The other disciples weren’t upset at the selfish nature of the request; they weren’t bothered by the fact that this didn’t fit with the teachings of Jesus; no they were upset because they hadn’t thought of asking before the brothers. The other 10 were just as caught up in gaining power in the kingdom as the brothers were.
This becomes evident when you read how often all of the disciples were arguing about which of them would be greatest in the Kingdom (; ; )
Argument: Among the family, there should be a sense of team. We are all on Team Jesus so we should be focused on the advancement of the Kingdom, not on personal achievement or success. When a sister church is growing, we should be excited for them. When a brother or sister in Christ gets recognized for his or her service, we should celebrate instead of getting our feelings hurt because no one has publically recognized what we have done.
Illustrate: In the early 1900’s a ocean liner was coming into NY harbor. The passenger list included a missionary couple who were returning to America following a 20 year assignment in Africa. Also among the passengers was an important political figure returning from a mission in Europe. The official was greeted by many supporters and was even given a parade in his honor. No one greeted the missionaries. The wife was discouraged by all of the attention the official received upon his return home. The husband quietly reminded her that they weren’t home yet.
Argument: Among the family, there should be a sense of team. We are all on Team Jesus so we should be focused on the advancement of the Kingdom, not on personal achievement or success. When a sister church is growing, we should be excited for them. When a brother or sister in Christ gets recognized for his or her service, we should celebrate instead of getting our feelings hurt because no one has publically recognized what we have done.
Application: We can be satisfied with what Jesus gives us in the area of responsibility. At the Judgment Seat of Christ most of us will find He gave us more than we could handle.

Spiritual Leaders are to practice servant leadership in the manner of Jesus ()

Explanation: Jesus gives the 12 another lesson in Servant Leadership. He reminds them of the way the world operates. He tell them that they know this! What He is saying is, you guys know how the world system leaders work. You know how they lie, manipulate, and push others out of the way to get ahead. You know they are unethical, you know they cheat, you know they hurt and destroy others in the name of ambition and position.
And since you know this, it should be clear that is not how I operate. Jesus gives them a life lesson with Himself as the object. He calls attention to Himself by using the title, Son of Man. The disciples would quickly make to connection to where the Son of Man receives His everlasting Kingdom. Jesus is referring to Himself as that same All Powerful, All Magnificent Ruler with eternal dominion and glory.
Then He reminds them that although He has the Right and the Power, He chose not to come into the world as a Ruler. Rather, He chose to come as a servant, as One who humbly served others who were lesser than He was.
Example: Jesus was all about modeling His truths for the disciples. He did not just tell them Truth, He lived it in front of them. At the Last Supper, Jesus gave a powerful lesson of servant leadership by washing their feet. He was the Master, but He took on the servant role to teach them a lesson.
Argument: This model, His model, is the only model that serves for the believer. As much as the world tempts us to put ourselves first, Jesus reminds us that the one who would be first in Kingdom terms is the one who is willing to put himself last. To make sure we don’t miss the point, Jesus uses the word slave to refer to our position in the Kingdom. A slave doesn’t have individual rights, a slave doesn’t have his own agenda. A slave simply lives to do the bidding of the Master.
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