2 Corinthians 3

2 Corinthians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Verse by verse study through 2 Corinthians

Sermon Tone Analysis
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2 Corinthians 3:1–3 ESV
1 Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some do, letters of recommendation to you, or from you? 2 You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. 3 And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
There are battles of comprehension.. that occur.. in our minds..
There are things which exist in the abstract..
Things of art.. things of imagination.. things of Spirit..
And then.. on the other side..
There are things of reason.. logic.. clarity.. and total comprehension..
For some people.. the abstract areas are easy to operate in..
For some people.. the areas of reason.. are restricting, dull and w/o life…
And for most.. the comprehension from one, unto another.. is very difficult.
Some people will listen to a song.. and they’ll consider the words and the message..
and they’ll say:
“I don’t get it. That song is stupid.”
And then, at the same time.. another individual will listen to that song..
And they will be blown away..
For in the words.. in the tones.. in the transitions..
They will detect.. a message..
Not only that..
But they will detect.. an atmosphere.. a theme.. a heart.. and a spirit..
In the Christian faith..
We do find.. satisfaction for both mindsets..
We do find.. to great extents.. those abstract ideals of spirit..
Things of mystery.. beyond the math.. outside of the structures and limitations of our reason..
And at the same time.. as we see these mysteries being revealed..
And we see the amazing plans of prophecy.. atonement.. restoration and instruction..
As we begin to look.. deeper.... into these Biblical principles..
We do see.. the reason..
We see the absolute logic that runs as a thread through God’s whole plan..
And yes.. sometimes… there is even math.. in a very prophetic and detailed manner..
In a very prophetic and detailed manner..
And though, we came into it.. mysteriously.. by faith..
Though, through the Spirit of God.. we entered into the abstract.. and even, with steps of faith… we defied our own personal logic..
Over time.. through revelation.. through growth and learning..
Very soon.. our logic, our reason began to find.. satisfaction..
Why? Because God thought this whole thing out.. in advance..
He planned every step..
And it all works out.. step by step.. piece by piece.. minute by minute..
According to His purpose..
There is a delicate balance.. between faith.. and logic..
They do work together.. this is their intention..
However.. sometimes.. we humans have a hard time..
.. finding that balance..
We have a hard time.. defying our logic.. God’s grace often forces us to defy our personal sense of justice.. and this too is hard.
Therefore.. concerning spiritual things..
….. we humans, who remain in the imperfect form.. always have, and always will.. experience… conflict..
It is this conflict.. that Paul is continually battling against, not only in his own life… in the lives that he has been called to bring encouragement and instruction to..
As we come into chapter 3.. Paul has to face it again..
The arguments.. the reasons.. the ideals..
…of those who recognize the work and presence of the Messiah..
Yet still.. don’t recognize nor comprehend the abstract principles of: grace, forgiveness and redemption..
for some of them.. it doesn’t make sense..
It is still, for them.... about the religious practices.. the rites… the outward payments.. the adherences.. and the rituals..
These are things.. that can be see..
That we can put our hands on..
That we can recognize them… these acts of religiosity.. as if they were some form of spiritual currency..
And so.. w/Paul.. as he bring a message of grace… the message of a New Covenant… to a people who find comfort in laws, rites and religion… there is naturally… conflict.
Paul teaches grace.. hope.. and forgiveness..
Paul tells the church.. that they don’t have to be circumcised..
That the rituals.. the ceremonies.. the many physical practices..
Have been abolished in Christ..
That now.. the letter has been written on their hearts..
Now, it is by grace.. that we are compelled.. through thanksgiving..
To live those righteous and honorable lives unto God..
Not by the outward adherence of our works..
But rather.. by the inward.. transformation of our surrender
This is what some folks in Corinth were disputing..
There were still some there… who were discrediting Paul..
Saying of themselves.. that they know it all..
.. and Paul.. he is leading them into a dangerous and ignorant faith..
Paul.. is too abstract in his teachings.. the spiritual principles that he is attempting to teach..
.. well.. they are not reasonable.. they are not logical.. they don’t appear to: “add up”.
So Paul responds in these first three verses…
Do I, Paul the Apostle, and those who serve with me… guys like Titus… do we need to commend ourselves to you again? - The word commend means… ‘to present as worthy of confidence...’
Do we have to go through the process of qualification with you again? Do we have to reaffirm our calling, our position with Christ, our testimony, our record?
Do we need to get letters of recommendation again… like Paul did back in … from the Apostles in Jerusalem, so he would be regarded credible?
I have already worked with you, and though a few might dispute my calling, my message and my authority… MANY OF YOU… have received it and have grown because of it.
The fruit of the Gospel in your life… is all the letter of commendation that I need.
In vs. 2, there is a small dispute over a pronoun. Notice where it says, ‘written on our hearts’. Your Bible might say, “written on your hearts”. If not, it might have a footnote stating that some manuscripts have the word ‘Your’.
Both work… but in the context of Paul’s message… and for the sake of grammatical consistency in this sentence, many reliable scholars believe that the right word is ‘your’.
If it is ‘written on your hearts’… then it fits really well in this message. Paul is telling them to look at the impact that the Gospel has had on their lives… their experience of grace… the fruit of grace in their lives… - that IS HIS LETTER OF COMMENDATION.
Paul tells them, that they are a letter from X… delivered by us. - This is one of those examples of the abstract. But if you would allow yourself to think on it for a moment… it’s a beautiful example. A letter is a message, which is written from one person to another… and in between, there is a messenger who carries that letter.
What we see here, is that the Christian, who is growing the Gospel of grace… who is maturing in the leading of the HS… - THEIR LIFE… THEIR TESTIMONY… THEIR EXPERIENCE… - is a message written by Jesus.
Who is it written to? The end of vs. 2 tells us. - It’s to be read’ by all’.
Suddenly, this abstract idea… becomes logical.
Jesus has intended for the transformation in our lives… to be displayed… as a message to the world around us.
It’s believed… that at some point.. other “teachers” have come to Corinth..
and apparently.. they’ve displayed their degrees.. their diplomas and their letters of recommendation..
They’ve come.. and they’ve flaunted their fabricated and worldly accreditations..
And they’ve said..
“What of Paul?”
Who is recommending him?
What form of validation has he presented to you?
For if he doesn’t have the paper work..
Then surely.. he’s not as credible.. as we are..
Paul asks them:
“Do we have to.. commend ourselves.. again?”
Do we have to.. re-demonstrate our qualifications?
Do we.. literally.. have to “come into existence” again???
Do we have to gather.. letters of recommendation.. as if we are strangers w/no known record?
Have we not.. already proven.. who we are.. and what we’re all about..
Hey.. if you want a letter..
look at yourselves..
You are our letter of recommendation..
Your lives.. your faith.. your testimonies..
Others look at you.. and say, “wow.. these are people who love the Lord.. and serve Him gladly.”
These folks in Corinth.. they were the fruit of Paul’s ministry..
and Paul is telling them..
“Judge me by my fruit.. oh, and by the way.. you are the fruit.. you are the ones who have benefited and grown, from the message that I have delivered.”
In the end of vs. 3.. Paul makes his first comment of contrast.. between the old covenant.. and the new..
a contrast.. that will run as a theme through the rest of chapter 3..
This epistle.. this letter..
Is a letter of Christ..
And it’s been written.. not w/ink… the the many ancient manuscripts were written.. not on tablets of stone, like the law was written ..
But on the tablets of flesh.. the heart.
Here’s where the argument begins to launch..
Between the spiritually abstract..
And the physically tangible..
Between.. that which was written.. externally.. and motivated by.. externally..
And.. that.. which is written internally, and motivated by.. internally.
2 Corinthians 3:4–6 ESV
4 Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. 5 Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, 6 who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
At other times, Paul has stated his qualifications… Even to those who question his authority to speak on subjects of the Law:
Philippians 3:4–5 ESV
4 though I myself have reason for confidence in the flesh also. If anyone else thinks he has reason for confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5 circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee;
Philippians 3:4 ESV
4 though I myself have reason for confidence in the flesh also. If anyone else thinks he has reason for confidence in the flesh, I have more:
Philippians 3:6 ESV
6 as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law, blameless.
PHIL 3.4
PHIL 3.6-8
But… why did Paul lay out these qualification to the Philippians? - the next two verses tell us…
vs. 7.. whatever gain I had, (that… all these qualifications) I counted as loss for the sake of Christ
vs. 8… I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing XJesus my Lord…
He went on to say… concerning these great treasures of qualification and commendation.. that for the sake of Jesus.. he has suffered the loss of all things and count them rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.
Yes, at times Paul would state his qualification… when necessary… but here we see his real attitude about these things…
His confidence in not in the things that might be written in a letter of commendation… his confidence… is in Christ… and it is only through HIm… that we are truly sufficient.
I am not sufficient.. because of anything that I have done.. accomplished or performed..
I am only sufficient.. because God makes me so..
Because Jesus is sufficient.. I am also..
Notice that statement: - Paul is saying.. “we can’t think of anything as being.. from us.”
Yes.. God uses us..
God works through us..
God takes us.. as tools in His hands.. and does things w/us..
God writes upon our hearts… like a letter… to the world around us…
But.. we can’t say.. that these things.. are from us.
No way..
If there is a glorious occasion.. and it happens through our hands..
We are.. merely the servants..
The folks in Corinth.. they were epistles of Christ..
But they were ministered.. by us..
Paul had a part in it..
But it was all Christ’s work..
It was all.. Jesus..
This is a dangerous place to be..
When we begin to think of ourselves.. as being.. more qualified.. more worthy.. more equipped.. and more suited for the job.. - then we tread upon dangerous ground.
It was a dangerous place for Korah.. Dathan and Abiram..
It was a dangerous place for the 250 men who teamed themselves w/Korah’s rebellion..
.. back there in ..
They began to question..
“Why, oh Moses.. do you do this all yourself?.. we are all holy like you.. We should lead w/you.. or in your place.. you exalt yourself too much… “
Essentially.. they were positioning themselves in a place of opposition.. to the leadership that God had in place..
And what happened?
They got swallowed up.. in the earth..
Them, their tents.. their families..
Gone.. sunk..
And then.. as if that wasn’t a blatant enough lesson..
The people gathered again against Moses.. and complained against him..
And in response to this.. God sent out a plague.. into the midst of the people..
And on that day.. 14,700 people died..
We can continue to assume.. that the people were still not content w/the leadership of Moses..
For in the next chapter.. God has the leaders of the tribes..
.. bring their walking sticks together..
.. leave them before the Lord.. over night..
And somehow.. God was going to show them.. who His chosen leader was..
And the next day.. you remember what happened..
They went into the tent.. and all the rods were the same..
Except the rod of Aaron and Moses..
Showing the people.. where the fruit was..
For on that rod.. there were sprouts.. leaves… blossoms.. and almonds..
There is an encouragement here..
Want to get sunk? Want to feel plagued.. Want to be fruitless..
Then.. be rebellious.. Fight against God’s plan… God’s leadership… seek to usurp
Contest and fight..
Dispute the Lord.. and be confounded in the face of His reasoning..
That’s what the rebellion of Korah was all about..
God’s man and God’s method.. weren’t good enough..
Let’s go and tell God, how it really should be done..
God’s plan takes too long..
Let’s come up w/a short-cut..
Let’s do something that seems reasonable to us..
Let’s institute these methods and these mentalities from the business world..
Let’s decide and discern.. based on the outward..
Let’s institute our own vision.. our own goals… our own wisdom..
That’s what Korah did..
and he ended up.. sunk..
that’s what the legalists in Paul’s day were doing..
and I guarantee you..
if they were anything like the hyper-legalists of today..
I’ll bet.. they too.. were a miserable.. and unhappy lot.
Notice the contrast at the end of vs. 6
“The letter kills, but the Spirit, gives life.”
The letter.. the law.. the guidelines.. the methods of perfection..
They kill..
Now… depending on the audience… this was going to be offensive, or at least… down right confusing. Paul is talking about the Law… the writings of Moses… the very core of the Jewish belief system…
Paul addressed this topic when speaking to the church in Rome.... He told them, that the law… was a schoolmaster..
It teaches.. just what man must do.. to attain favor in the eyes of God.. - It’s not a path towards salvation… it’s not a means by which someone might gain righteousness...
But it’s a lesson… taught by a schoolmaster…
But the ultimate lesson is this.
Man can’t do it.
Man can’t fulfill all these points..
For if he fails in one point.. he fails in them all.
James 2:10 ESV
10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it.
The schoolmaster teaches man… that he is incapable.. in his own strength.. in his own will. .
To attain.. God’s favor.. to attain.. eternal life..
It is the sin of man that kills.. - Sin brings forth death…
And.. it is the law.. that defines that ..
It is the law.. that drives this reality home..
Paul lays it out in ...
If you are alive in the flesh… according to vs. 1… the law is binding on you as long as you live...
But… to the Christian, who, like it says in Galatians… has been crucified with Christ… that is… who, because of what Jesus has done to conquer death and offer eternal life… has reckoned their flesh dead…
Notice what Paul says in ...
Romans 7:4 ESV
4 Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God.
He went on to say.... that before Christ gave us victory over death… it was the law that showed us what was sin… and by doing so… according to … the law arroused our sinful passions.
And then vs. 6… we are now released from the law… to serve in the new way of the Spirit and not the old way of the written code.
It’s a very similar message here in
But the Spirit.. brings life..
God’s spirit..
The H.S.. which is only received.. enjoyed.. and experienced..
Through the grace.. the gift.. the forgiveness.. that is found in Jesus Christ…
2 Corinthians 3:7–9 ESV
7 Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses’ face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end, 8 will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory? 9 For if there was glory in the ministry of condemnation, the ministry of righteousness must far exceed it in glory.
2 Corinthians 3:10–11 ESV
10 Indeed, in this case, what once had glory has come to have no glory at all, because of the glory that surpasses it. 11 For if what was being brought to an end came with glory, much more will what is permanent have glory.
The law.. was glorious.. but it was a glory that faded..
You see.. man could not keep it up..
He would fail… he would fall short of that call to perfection..
He would slip and fall.. because that is what sin dictates..
The glory of it.. is exemplified to the glory that was reflected off of Moses’ face..
You see, Moses spent all that time.. in the presence of God..
God’s perfect glory.. was reflecting off of Moses..
He came down off the mountain.. and they looked at Moses..
And said, “Wow.. look at him.. His face is shiny.. it’s glows.. it illuminates the night sky.”
But.. it was a glow.. that faded..
Moses covered his face.. because he didn’t want them to see it.. fading away..
Why did it fade..
Because.. like the law.. man cannot maintain that level of spiritual excellence.
.. and yet.. even though.. it was something that passed away..
it was still.. glorious..
Notice again.. the comparison in vs. 11..
“much more will what is permanent have glory.”
2 Corinthians 3:12–14 ESV
12 Since we have such a hope, we are very bold, 13 not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end. 14 But their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away.
2 Corinthians 3:15–16 ESV
15 Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. 16 But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.
2 Corinthians 3:17–18 ESV
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
The veil of Moses.. showed us.. that he didn’t have a reason for boldness..
Because the glory was fading..
Every day.. he was experiencing less and less of God’s glory.
Every day.. he was being reminded..
That what he had today.. was less than what he had yesterday..
Nothing’s improving..
In fact.. everything.. is getting worse.
Paul then goes on to say..
.. Hey, that veil.. the one which covers the glory..
It’s still there..
People hear Moses read.. they hear the scriptures.. they hear the wisdom and truth of God’s Word..
And they don’t get it..
They don’t see it..
They are blinded..
This passage speaks directly to Israel..
But it speaks truthfully and practically of all men..
There are so many people.. who don’t get it..
Because that veil is still there..
It’s a veil.. that can only be taken away.. in Christ..
Notice vs. 16 / when one turns to the Lord.. the veil is taken away..
Most of us here.. have this testimony..
We remember.. how we took that first step into the faith..
We made that admission of faith.. in prayer..
That we are fallen.. sinful.. and unable to please God on our own..
We recognized.. that Jesus paid the debt, for all the crimes we have or will ever commit against our creator..
And we accepted, as a gift.. the forgiveness of that debt.. from the one who paid it..
… we turned our lives.. in a new direction..
We declared.. that Jesus was worthy.. to follow..
And that we.. were going to follow Him.
Before.. we could not comprehend the things of God..
For they were spiritually discerned..
But now.. as a redeemed believer..
We have the H.S. in our lives..
Indwelling us.. teaching us.. leading us.. and helping us.. to understand.
The Spirit of God..
He’s still flipping that light switch on for us today..
He’s still teaching me..
He’s still shining His high beams upon those things that I wasn’t seeing or understanding..
He’s still revealing.. more grace.. more love.. more purpose.. more joy.. more peace..
More.. (vs. 17).. more.. freedom.
It’s “freedom”..
Setting political label misuse aside..
We should realize.. that we are the most liberal of all people..
It’s easily depicted in any society..
Liberty.. is only found.. inside the guidelines and systems of reasonable order..
If you break those guidelines..
You end up.. in prison.. where there is no liberty.. no freedom..
many will say of our faith..
that we aren’t free to partake and practice of certain things..
they will say.. that we don’t have fun..
They will say.. that we are too narrow.. too limited..
And because of this.. we are not free..
But I disagree..
Freedom.. real.. true spiritual freedom..
Is found.. just like in any physical society..
.. it’s found.. spiritually.. inside the instructions and guidelines.. that our spiritual creator has given us..
The law showed man.. that as a sinful being.. he could not adhere to the external set of rules..
He could not adhere to the external set of rules..
But the gift of Jesus is showing man.. even until this day..
… that it’s through the narrow gate of forgiveness..
It’s through the spirit.. where there is liberty..
John 8:32 ESV
32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
32 And you shall know the otruth, and pthe truth shall make you free.”
In ..
.. “you were called to freedom brothers.. “
This isn’t a liberty that leads us to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh..
For such indulgences.. often time lead to greater bondage..
But rather.. it’s a liberty that leads us to the place.. where we are serving one another..
Scriptures says.. that all things are lawful for us..
We are free.. in our own will… to do anything we want to..
For our law.. is the law of grace..
And in that law.. we are walking in a place of forgiveness..
Therefore.. we have freedom…
…if we choose… to do ‘all things’..
But the true point of this principle.. isn’t about what we are free to do..
But rather..
It’s what we do.. to produce freedom.
Here is the great misconception.
We are free.. more free than anybody else..
And it’s not because.. we are free to do whatever we want..
No.. it’s because we choose to do.. those things.. that give us the most amount of freedom..
Sure, scripture says: “all things are lawful. . but it goes on to say.. “But not all things.. are profitable.”
We learned this lesson about the freedom to do ‘all things lawfully’ in .. but notice how that chapter began:
Galatians 5:1 ESV
1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
1 – Stand fast therefore, in the liberty by which X has made us free.. and do not be entangled again w/a yoke of bondage.”
Who gives usFREEDOM?
vs. 17.. the spirit..
But the spirit CONVICTS US.. AND LEADS US to live lives that are holding to certain standards and principles..
You might ask… How is that different than the law?
The spirit leads us to follow Biblical principles… and the Law lays out for us, Biblical principles… WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE?
WELL… the law.. was a list of external rules.. that MAN WAS called to fulfill.. in the flesh..
The spirit.. puts this law.. on our hearts..
Floods our lives with so much grace..
That we are driven to express great thanksgiving to God..
And because we recognize His grace.. because we are so thankful.. because His H.S. enables and empowers us to do so….
We will then.. in turn.. want to... live lives of order.. of truth.. of wisdom…
Lives.. that bring liberty..
Why is it so hard for us.. to do the right that we recognize as being right… ?
Because.. as we said last week.. we don’t always have ourselves in that place.. where we are being receptive to the H.S.
He wants to give us a push..
But we got our parking brake on..
He wants to give us a call..
But we have our phones off..
He wants to send us a present..
But we’re not at that point of delivery..
Why is it hard?
Because.. we haven’t been in the Word.. in prayer.. in fellowship.. in service..
We’ve been out of touch.. parking brakes on.. phones off.. and out of town.
But.. no matter what.. we still have this hope..
there is.. a glory..
it’s the glory of the Lord..
and God.. wants to reveal it in us..
(Read vs. 18)
Moses had 80 days w/God..
And then.. he was back w/the people..
And the reflective glory of God.. upon him.. faded..
WE.. on the other hand..
Have every day.. w/God..
We .. have the opportunity.. to be transformed into His image..
And to have.. His glory.. reflecting off of our lives..
It doesn’t mean that we’ll be shiny.. like Moses..
But it does mean..
that our lives.. will be reflections of Christ.
There’s a story I recently heard:
“boy.. grew up in Cape Cod.. / young.. imagination / rock looked like a face. (describe face) /
In his youthful imagination.. began to believe.. that this face.. in the rock.. represented a real person..
.. for years. .. docks.. look at people coming off of the ships..
Grew old.. / but still did this.. / still hold to this strange fascination..
.. in his 50’s.. / saw a man / Are you the one?
No.. This isn’t me.. / this is you…
You see the principle..
If you focus upon something.. for so long..
Eventually.. you yourself.. will begin to take on that image..
And it’s true.. for us.. and our Lord..
Which brings us back to the beginning of this chapter…
… the glory of Christ..
All’s we gotta do..
Is behold Him..
In His Word..
Reflecting from the lives of His children..
Through books .. testimonies.. in fellowship..
In prayer..
In times of worship.. where we set our hearts and our minds upon His presence..
And if we do this..
Jesus has written a letter upon our hearts to be read by all… There’s a message in us, that should be visible… recognizable… to those who know us.
It’s gonna happen..
Slowly but surely..
Our lives are going to reflect.. to the world..
.. something quite different than they did before..
.. reflecting.. patience.. and understanding..
Reflecting.. compassion..
Reflecting.. joy.. and peace..
Reflecting.. the goodness.. and the love.. of our Savior..
Hey.. may it be so..
Not only for us as individuals..
But also.. for us, as a family..
If we’re all reflecting.. just a little bit..
Then.. when someone comes in here.. and they need something that only Jesus can give..
If they come in shame.. like the woman at the well..
Like the woman caught in adultery..
Like the prostitute in the house of Simon..
If they come.. needing clarity and correction..
Like the rich young ruler..
If they come.. needing healing..
Like the lepers.. the cripples.. the blind men?
If they need to be set free..
Like the boy.. and the man.. who were demon possessed..
If they come.. in need of eternal life..
Like the thief who hung next to Him on the cross.
If we can reflect.. just a little bit.. as a body..
If through us.. the H.S. speaks.. and convicts.. and reveals..
How wonderful it is.. how much more wonderful.. it will be.
Some of you.. are bummed out.. burned out.. or just.. in the dumps..
All around you..
Your brothers and your sisters..
Are.. to some degree..
I recommend..
This letter… this reflected glory… it’s not just a testimony to the lost… but it’s also a message of encouragement to your brothers and your sisters. It’s a letter to be read by all..
When things are down..
Yet… another reason to be in the company of other Christians on a regular basis… To be with others who are reflecting His glory… to be with others… who have something written on their hearts for you to read…
I encourage you to take some time today… to read those letters, an to let those letters be read… as you share with one another, pray with one another, and enjoy each other’s company… then… come back this evening… and do it again..
And see.. how your savior.. can write His letter.. on your heart..
Through His ministers..
2nd Conclusion.
end w/prayer. / encourage prayer /
As we sing this song..
We’re here.. to pray for you today.
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