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VOLUME   1,    NUMBER   1,   OCTOBER/1985


SUCCESS:        n.     1:        outcome,    result;    2:        degree    or    measure    of    succeeding; 3:      favorable   termination   of   a   venture;    4:      one   that   succeeds.

THE HIGH (AND THE LOW) OF SUCCESS Success can sometimes dazzle you in the achieving, but there's usually someone around to help you keep your per­spective.      Television   anchorman   Tom   Brokaw   has   a   story   about   that:

Brokaw was wandering through Bloomingdale's in New York one day, shortly after he was promoted to co-host of the Today Show. The Today Show was a pinnacle of success for Brokaw after years of work, first in Omaha then for NBC in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., and he was feeling good about himself. He noticed a man watching him, and finally, when the man approached him, Brokaw was sure he was about to reap the first fruits of being a New York   television   celebrity.

The    man    pointed    his    finger    and    said,     "Tom    Brokaw,    right?"        "Right,"    said Brokaw.        "You   used    to    do    the    morning   news    on   KMTV    in   Omaha,    right?" "Right,"    said    Brokaw,    with    anticipation   of   the    recognition   to   come.        "I    knew it,"   the   fellow   said.      Then,   after   a   pause,    "Whatever   happened   to   you,   anyway?'


LET 'EM KNOW YOU'VE MADE IT BIG I love the story of the man who was very insecure. One day he was promoted from major to colonel and was ushered into his new office. He looked proudly at his new surroundings and sat in the chair. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. He said, "Come in." In walked a corporal. The colonel said, "Just a minute, I have to finish this phone call." He picked up the receiver, pushed the button, and said, "I'm sorry about the interruption, General. Now, where were we? Oh, yes sir, I will take care of it. It's true we are close friends. Yes, I'll call the President immediately after I finish talking with you, General. You're wel­come, sir." The colonel ceremoniously put the phone down, turned to the corporal, and asked, "What can I do for you?" He answered, "Well, sir, I just   came   in   to   connect   your   telephone."

Be     An     Extraordinary     Person    In    An    Ordinary     World

Success   is   not   permanent----------- but   neither   is   failure.




No    horse    gets    anywhere    'til    he    is    harnessed.       No    steam   or    gas    ever    drives
anything   until    it    is    confined.       No    Niagara    is   ever    turned    into   light   and   power
until   it   is   tunnelled.       No   life   ever   grows   great   until   it   is   focused,    dedicated,
and   disciplined.                                                                                              Harry   Emerson   Fosdick

The   price   of   greatness   is   responsibility.

Sir   Winston  Churchill

THE   MORAL   OF   THE   STORY:      SUCCESS                                           OCTOBER   1985   -   PAGE   2

TAKE TIME TO SUCCEED About 20 years ago, a creative team was assigned the job of developing a commercial that featured the reliability of the Volks­wagen Beetle under winter driving conditions. They had two months to create and   produce   the   commercial   before   it   was   to   go   on   the   air.

The writer and art director wrestled with the problem for two weeks, writing concepts on large sheets of layout paper and tacking them on the walls of their offices.

Finally they hit upon the idea of using a snowplow operator as a spokesman for Volkswagen. They developed this idea further, tacked more sheets on the wall until finally, after another week of work, one of them asked a simple question:       "How   does   the   snowplow   driver   get   to   his   snowplow?"

A great commercial was born at that moment. It was born in a flash of inspi­
ration. But would it ever have been conceived without those three weeks of
thinking?                                                                                   Malcolm      McDougall      in     Advertising      Age

He was born in Columbus, Ohio, 1890, the third of eight children. At eleven he quit school to help with the family expenses, and got his first full-time job at $3.50 per week. At fifteen he got interested in automobiles and went to work in a garage at $4.50 per week. He knew he would never get anywhere without more schooling, so he subscribed to a correspondence home study course on automobiles. Night after night, following long days at the garage, he  worked   on  the   kitchen  table   by   the   light   of   a   kerosene   lamp.

His next step was already planned in his mind - a job with the Frayer-Miller automobile company of Columbus. One day, when he felt ready, he walked into the plant. Lee Frayer was bent over the hood of a car. The boy waited. Finally,   Frayer   noticed   him.       "Well,"   he   said,    "What   do   you  want?1

"I just thought I'd tell you I'm coming to work here tomorrow," the boy re­plied. "Oh! Who hired you?" asked Frayer. "Nobody yet, but I'll be on the job in the morning. If I'm not worth anything, you can fire me," the boy   answered.

Early the next morning the young man returned to the garage. Frayer was
not there yet. Noticing that the floor was thick with metal shavings and accu­
mulated dirt and grease, the boy got a broom and shovel and set to work
cleaning the place. The rest of the boy's future was predictable. He went
on to a national reputation as a racing car driver and automotive expert. In
World War I he was America's leading flying ace. Later he founded Eastern
Airlines.      His  name?      Eddie   Rickenbacker.                                          Retold     in     Bits     &     Pieces

Eliot Ford in Dayton ran a newspaper ad showing a new Ford with this head­line: "Would you pay $102,000 for this car?" The copy stated: "This car actually sells for $6,000. The student who drops out of school to go to work just so he can drive tough wheels like this, stands to lose the $96,000 dif­ference   in   potential   earnings.      So   stay   in   school.      We   can   wait."

Sales   Talk

The    secret    to    success    is    to    do   the   common   things   uncommonly   well.

John   D.   Rockefeller,   Jr.

THE   MORAL   OF   THE   STORY:   SUCCESS                                                        OCTOBER   1985   -   PAGE   3

FAITHFULNESS    VS.     SUCCESS                                  A    frequent    statement    by    those    defending    non-

growth is "God called us to be faithful, not successful." 1 Corinthians 4:2 is often used to back this up: "Moreover it is required in stewards that one be faithful." I have never been able to comprehend setting faithfulness over against stewardship, however. It seems to me that biblically they go together. One of Jesus' central teachings of stewardship is His parable of talents. In it He describes a scene from the commercial world where the master gives three servants $1,000, $2,000 and $5,000 respectively (to substitute modern cur­rency   figures).

The goal for each is to make more money. The one with $2,000 brings back $4,000 and the one with $5,000 brings back $10,000. What does the master say to each? "Well done, good and faithful servant." They were faithful be­cause they were successful in taking the master's resources and using them for the master's purpose. The unfaithful servant did not accomplish the master's   goal,   or   in   other   words   he   as   unsuccessful.

Peter     Wagner     in    Leading    Your     Church     to     Growth

WORK    EVERY    DAY                       Don't    wait    for    the    inspired    moments:        work    every    day

or    you    may    miss    them.        Little    by    little    you   may    find    that    your    best   work in   a    sense   creates   itself,    your   hands   functioning   almost   without   conscious   con­trol.        You   may    come   to   wonder    how    much    is    really    yours   and    how    much mysteriously   part   of   some   universal   force.

William   Wheeler   in   Bits   &   Pieces

HOW MANY TRIES WILL YOU MAKE? Abraham Lincoln's life is an example of what it takes to be successful: 1831-failed in business; 1832- defeated for legislature; 1833-failed in business again; 1834-elected to legislature; 1835-sweetheart died; 1836-had nervous breakdown; 1838-defeated for speaker; 1840-defeated for elector; 1843-defeated for Congress; 1846-elected to Congress; 1848-defeated for Congress; 1855-defeated for Senate; 1856-defeated for Vice-President;    1858-defeated   for   Senate;    1860.. .ELECTED   PRESIDENT.

Signs   of   the   Times

THE   FORMULA   FOR   SUCCESS        "If    [a]    is    success   in   life,    the   formula                                       is       [a] =

[x]    +    [y]    +    [z],        [x]    being   work   and    [y]    being   play."       "And   what                                  is    [z]?"
he   was   asked.       "[z],"   he   said,    "is   keeping   your   mouth   shut."

Albert   Einstein

THE    WISDOM   OF    SUCCESS           "Integrity   and   wisdom                                    are   essential    to    success    in

every   business,"    said   the   boss   to   a   new   employee.                              "By   integrity   I   mean   that

when    you   promise    a    customer    something,    you   must                                         keep    that    promise    even   if
you   lose   money."

"And   what   is   meant   by   wisdom?"   asked   the   new   man.

"Don't   make   such   fool   promises."

The   Complete   Toastmaster

There   are   but   two   ways   of   rising   in   the   world:       either   by   one's   own   industry,
or   profiting   by   the   foolishness   of   others.                                  La   Bruyere

THE   MORAL   OF   THE   STORY:      SUCCESS                                            OCTOBER   1985   -   PAGE   4

HOW   TO   SUCCEED                Assume    that    obstructions    can    be    broken   down.        Assume

that problems can be solved. Assume that laws can be changed. Here's a story   about   achieving   success   through   assumption:

Dr. William Brashears, of Fullerton, California, decided to build a beautiful shopping center over a strategic ten-acre parcel of land. This choice location was at a major crossroads. It was odd that no one had developed it before this time, for it was a commercial "natural." Investigation revealed the reason. A county flood control channel was planned to cut through its center. The law   prohibited   building   over   a   flood   control   channel.

"Why not?" Bill asked. "Why couldn't a large underground tunnel be built to handle the water flow? With Modern construction methods you could safely build   over   it. "

He believed. He crusaded. He won! The law changed. The Brashears Center today features a glistening twelve-story structure. Flowing harmlessly beneath it,   inside   a   reinforced   concrete   tunnel,   is   the   flood   control   channel.

Assume   also   that   various    details    and    difficulties   can   be    handled    by   experts-financial,    technical,     political,     legal    or    psychological.        Assume    that    in    this vast   world   there's   someone,   somewhere,   with   the   brains   to   help   you   succeed. Assume   that   you   can   enlist   that   help.

Robert   Schuller   in   You   Can   Become   the   Person   You   Want   to   Be

SUCCESSFUL    SELLING                 I   tell    salespeople:        "You   are   not   unique   when   you   get

rejected. Being rejected is something you haven't invented. It doesn't happen just to you alone." When I first went to New York, I won the first audition. I figured that I've got this place in my pocket. But I lost the next thirty. That   got   me   straightened   out.

In selling, you know that you're going to be rejected or turned down; that's the nature of the beast. It's a built-in part, it comes with the territory. You can't be a salesperson without failing. I guess everybody finds their own way of overcoming it. For me, it was perseverence, pressing on, discip­line.      It's   knowing   that   sooner   or   later   you'll   get   back   on  track.

Ed   McMahon   in   Personal   Power

THE   MORAL   OF   THE   STORY:                            SUCCESS                                     OCTOBER   1985   -   PAGE   5

SUCCESS   CAN    BE   SMALL                              Most    of    us    miss    out   on    life's    big    prizes.        The

Pulitzer. The Nobel The Oscars. Tonys. Emmys. But we're eligible for life's small pleasures. A pat on the back. A kiss behind the ear. A four pound bass. A full moon. An empty parking place. A crackling fire. A great   meal.      A   glorious   sunset.      Hot   soup.      Cold   lemonade.

Don't fret about copping life's grand awards. Enjoy its tiny delights. There
are   plenty   for   all   of   us.                                                                                     United   Technologies   Corporation

LOOK  AT   THE   GOAL   BEFORE  YOU   START        In   a   little   country   community,   a   farmer had   a   dog   who   spent   part   of   his   time   sitting   by   the   side   of   a   main   traveled highway   waiting   for   big   trucks.       When   the   dog   saw   a   large   truck   coming   around the   corner,    he   would   get   ready   and   as   it   passed   him,    he   would   take   out   after it    down   the    road,    barking    and    doing    his    best   to   overtake    it.       One    day    the farmer's   neighbor    said,    "Sam,    do    you   think   that    hound   of   yours   is   ever   going to   catch   a   truck?"

"Well, Bill," Sam replied, "That isn't what worries me. What worries me is   what   he   would   do   if   he   caught   one."

Many of us in life are like that hound. We give our lives to pursuing goals that   would   have   little   value   if   we   did   succeed   in   reaching   them.

Herbert   Prochnow   in   The   Complete   Toastmaster

NINE    ESSENTIALS    FOR   A    SUCCESSFUL    LIFE                                              Health    enough    to    make    work   a

pleasure. Wealth enough to support your needs. Strength to battle with dif­
ficulties and overcome them. Grace enough to confess your sins and forsake
them. Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished. Charity enough
to see some good in your neighbor. Love enough to move you to be useful
and helpful to others. Faith enough to make real the things of God. Hope
enough   to   remove   all   fears   of   the   future.                                                                        Goethe

Success   is,       an   amazing   amount   of   the   time,    a   positive   manipulation   of   failure.

Bits   &   Pieces

PICK   A    GOOD    TEAM                          The    most    successful    executives    carefully    select    under-

studies. They don't strive to do everything themselves. They train and trust
others. This leaves them foot-free, mind-free, with time to think. They
have time to receive important callers, to pay worthwhile visits. They have
time for their families. No matter how able, any employer or executive who
insists on running a one-man enterprise courts unhappy circumstances when his
powers   dwindle.                                                                                                   B.   C.   Forbes

It is not in the least likely that any life has ever been lived which was not a  failure   in  the   secret   judgement   of   the   person  who   lived   it.

Mark   Twain

LET    GOD   JUDGE   SUCCESS                              Whether   a   man   lives   or   dies   in   vain   can   be   mea-

sured only by the way he faces his own problems, by the success or failure
of the inner conflict within his own soul. And of this no one may know save
God.                                                                                                                               James   Conant

THE   MORAL   OF   THE   STORY:    SUCCESS                                      OCTOBER   1985   -   PAGE   6

HOW TO SUCCEED FOR GRADUATES: Seven points that Win Borden collected from successful   journalists,   businessmen   and   a   congressman:

First, in terms of your professional life, get ready for some fun: The working world is not just cold, dry drudgery. The adventures you have, the success you achieve as you take your place in your chosen profession, will hopefully re­sult in an enjoyment of life which is now difficult to imagine. In other words, the   good   times   aren't   over.      The   really   good   times   are,   for   you,   just   beginning.

Second,    get    ready    to    work    harder    than    you've    ever    worked    before.        Third, demand   the   best   from   yourself,    because   others   will   demand   the   best   from   you.

Some years ago, Winston Lloyd, who later became one of America's top foreign policy experts, began his career as an aide to then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Lloyd relates the story of his first encounter with Kissinger. He presented the secretary with a long awaited report on conflicts in South America. Without even glancing at the report, which LLoyd was holding out to him, Kissinger asked, "Is this the very best you can do?" Lloyd stammered a bit, and said there were a few informational gaps. "Take it back," was all that Kissinger said, and dismissed him. Two weeks later, after working night and day, Lloyd again entered Kissinger's office and held out the report. "Is this the very best you can do?" asked Kissinger without looking at the document. Lloyd hesitated and admitted that some sections could be more complete. Kissinger angrily ordered him to take it back. Three weeks later, Lloyd asked for another meeting. Again, Kissinger asked, "Is this the very best you can do?" And Lloyd replied, "Mr. Secretary, it's my best effort." Kissinger smiled and said, "That's all I ever ask.      I'll   be   happy   to   read   your   report.

Successful people don't simply give a project hard work. They give it their very   best   work.

Fourth, don't be afraid to make mistakes or experience set-backs: successful people often make a lot of mistakes. But they also learn enough, from one mis­take to another, to develop good instincts about when to pursue an idea and when to   let   it   go.

Fifth, be happy at what you do: successful people are people who enjoy their work.      Few   people   succeed   at   something   they   hate.

Sixth, don't get too comfortable: the great baseball pitcher, Satchell Page, had several rules for life. His most famous one, "Don't look back. Something may be gaining on you." He was right. Something is almost always gaining on you. When a job stops challenging you, perhaps you should consider looking for another one. As long as a job challenges you, you'd better be anxious to meet those challenges. It's a cinch that someone else is waiting in the wings to do it if you   don't.

Seventh,   don't   be   afraid   to   take   risks.      Hardly   anyone   succeeds   without   them: if   you   wait   to   do   everything   until   you're   sure    it's   right,    you'll    probably   never do   much   of   anything.       Taking   a   risk   is   not   necessarily   the   same   as   being   reck­less—although   the   two   are   often   confused.       Robert   Kennedy   probably   put   it   more sensibly.       "Only   those   who   dare   to   fail   greatly   ever   succeed   greatly."


THE   MORAL   OF   THE   STORY:      SUCCESS                                     OCTOBER   1985   -   PAGE   7

FAITH TURNS THE TIDE: An interesting illustration of this fact was described some years ago by Hugh Fullerton, a famous sports writer of a bygone era. As a boy, Hugh Fullerton was my favorite writer of sports stories. One story which I have never forgotten concerned Josh O'Reilly, one-time manager of the San Antonio Club of the Texas league. O'Reilly had a roster of great players, seven of whom had been hitting over three hundred, and everybody thought his team would easily take the championship. But the club fell into a slump and lost seventeen of the first twenty games. The players simply couldn't hit anything, and each began to   accuse   the   other   of   being   a   "jinx"   to   the   team.

Playing the Dallas Club, a rather poor team that year, only one San Antonio player got a hit, and that, strangely enough, was the pitcher. O'Reilly's team was badly beaten that day. In the clubhouse after the game the players were a dis­consolate lot. Josh O'Reilly knew that he had an aggregation of stars and he realized that their trouble was simply that they were thinking wrong. They didn't expect to get a hit. They didn't expect to win. They expected to be defeated. They were thinking not victory but defeat. Their mental pattern was not one of expectation but of doubt. This negative mental process inhibited them, froze their muscles, threw them off their timing, and there was no free flow of easy power   through   the   team.

It so happened that a preacher named Schlater was popular in that neighborhood at that time. He claimed to be a faith healer and apparently was getting some astounding results. Throngs crowded to hear him and most everybody had con­fidence in him. Perhaps the fact that they did believe in his power enabled Schlater   to   achieve   results.

O'Reilly asked each player to lend him his two best bats. Then he asked the members of the team to stay in the clubhouse until he returned. He put the bats in a wheelbarrrow and went off with them. He was gone an hour. He returned jubilantly to tell the players that Schlater, the preacher, had blessed the bats and that these bats now contained a power that could not be overcome. The players   were   astounded   and   delighted.

The   next    day   they   overwhelmed   Dallas,    getting    37   base   hits   and    20   runs.       They hammered    their    way    through    the    league    to    a    championship,    and    Hugh    Fullerton said   that   for   years   in   the   Southwest   a   player   would   pay   a   large   sum   for   a   "Schlater bat."

Regardless of Schlater's personal power, the fact remains that something tre­
mendous happened in the minds of those ballplayers. Their thought pattern was
changed. They began thinking in terms of expectation, not of doubt. They ex­
pected not the worst, but the best.                                They expected hits, runs, victories, and
they got them. They had the power to get what they wanted. There was no
difference in the bats themselves, I am quite sure of that, but there was certainly
a difference in the minds of the men who used them. Now they knew they could
make hits. Now they knew they could get runs. Now they knew they could win.
A new thought pattern changed the minds of those men so that the creative power
of  faith   could   operate.


THE    MORAL    OF    THE    STORY     (Registered)    is    published    monthly    by    the    Anchor
Press,    5059   Kings   Row,   Mobile,   Alabama   36609.                     Subscription     rate     is     $22.50

for    twelve    copies     (foreign    countries:     $28.50    in    US$    or    equivalent    currency. Postmaster:        send    address    changes    to    THE    MORAL    OF    THE    STORY,    5059    Kings Row,   Mobile,   Alabama   36609

THE   MORAL   OF   THE   STORY:      SUCCESS                                          OCTOBER   1985   -   PAGE   8

SUCCESS BIBLIOGRAPHY: These are "hands-on" resources for successful living.
Two ministers we know have preached through the chapters of Dennis Waitley's
Seeds of Greatness by discovering appropriate scripture and adopting Waitley's
examples    as    they    fit    in    the    outline.                     Dr.    Waitley's    subtitle    for    Seeds    of

Greatness is: "The Ten Best Kept Secrets of Success." For pastors who'd like   to   try,   here   are   some   titles,   scripture   references   and   themes:

SELF ESTEEM: Genesis 1: 26-31; Acts 17: 24-28. Theme: God made man and woman to be like Him and it was excellent in every way. CREATIVITY: Pro­verbs 23: 4-8; 1 Timothy 6: 3-10. Theme: From Proverbs: " . . for as he thinketh in his heart . . . SO IS HE" . . . unlocks the door to use one's God given talent. RESPONSIBILIIY: Job 13: 7-9; Galatians 6: 7-10. Theme; Whatever   is   sown   is   reaped,   so   plant   good   seeds.

Good   luck   —   please   write   and   tell   us   of   other   creative   preaching   series.       If we   use    yours    you'll    receive    six   extra   months   of   the    Moral    of   the    Story    . FREE!

Thanks   to   Reverend   Vic   Folkert,   New   Life   Community   Church,    Gladstone, Missouri,   for   the   idea.


1.                           The    Success    System    That    Never    Fails,     W.    Clement    Stone.        Prentice-Hall

2.             Psycho-Cybernetics,   Maxwell   Maltz.      Prentice-Hall

3.             Expect   to   Win,   Bill   Glass.      Word   Books

4.             Live    for    Success,     John    T.     Malloy.         Perigard    Press/    Morrow    Publishing

5.                           See   You   at   the   Top,   Zig   Zieglar.      Pelican   Books

6.             Seeds   of   Greatness,   Dennis   Waitley.      Revell   Publishing.

7.             Positive   Imaging,   Norman  Vincent   Peale.      Revell   Publishing

8.             In    Search    of    Excellence,    Thomas    J.    Peters    and    Robert    Waterman,    Jr.

Warner   Books

The Moral of the Story is designed to help pastors, speakers and teachers illustrate their work. It is a source for ideas and a resource to continue the search for excellence in our line of work. At Anchor Press, we are praying for your success . . . all of you who've joined   us   from   Maine   to   Hawaii.      May   God   bless   you.

Stuart   Clark                                                                               Gail   Lee

Publisher                                                                                    Editor

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