Joshua 3 get your feet wet

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I)       Get Your Feet Wet

A)    File:  Joshua 3 get your feet wet.doc

B)    Audio:  Get Your Feet Wet

C)    Series:  Victory in the Promised Land

D)    Preached:  June 17, 2007.

II)    Get started

A)    V1 – Joshua gets up early and the whole congregation goes to Shittim.  Nothing gets done without a start.

B)    Me – likely to draw a picture.  Study the options.  Confirm with Rahab.  To overcomplicate.  To wait for more details.  Joshua does not have all the details yet – but he rises early and sets out.

C)    So often waiting for something.

D)    Committee meetings, business meeting, sometimes we do these things just to avoid obeying the commands.

E)     But not just necessary for Joshua, but for all.  V3 – the idea continues – the day to cross, the command is ‘as soon as’ they see the ark they are to set out.

F)     The crossing is in God’s timing.  V15, the Jordan is out of its banks – to us, there couldn’t be worse timing.  It will require a greater miracle for God and therefore bring Him more glory.

G)    When we know the way to go, it is time to begin.

III) Get in position

A)    V3 – “as soon as you see [it]…set out…and follow it.”

1)      Seems simple enough, but V4 – not too closely, about ½ mile away.  Why?  Why is not important – we are just to obey.  But usually God has a purpose.

(a)    V4 – 2 parts of the reason.  First part, “in order that you may know the way you shall go”  To see what the Lord is doing – over 1 MM people and all need to follow if they crowd in, the view would be blocked.

(i)     So often we lose sight of the Lord.  Is our view being blocked by others?  In our anxiousness, are we blocking the view of others?

(b)   If all keep a distance – all will be behind and will not flank the ark, thus going the wrong way.

(c)    V4 – Second part of the reason, “for you have not passed this way before”  If we are truly following God, we have come from being ‘children of wrath,’ ‘dead in our trespasses’ to ‘children of the living God.’  We are unlikely to travel ways we have before.  The surest way to tell if someone has become a Christian is to look for the life change.  Jesus said, “you will know them by their fruits”

2)      It is critical that we follow in the proper way – keeping God way out front that we go the right way.

3)      To show reverence – to show respect. Not Buddy Jesus.  God is Holy and we must remember it.  This is not rally around the ark day, it is a solemn procession to follow the Lord into all the promises He has made.

(a)    The ark represented the presence of God:  It contained the books of the law.  It was the ‘mercy seat’ where the blood was sprinkled on the day of atonement to atone for the sins of the nation.  It stayed in the Most Holy Place in the presence of God.

(b)   Worship of the ark was not appropriate but it represented the Lord going before them into the promised land.

B)    We must get started, get in proper position to follow the Lord and then we must be resolved to be consecrated.

IV) Get consecrated

A)    V5, “consecrate yourselves” KJV, “Sanctify,” Dictionary of Biblical Languages:  Qadash in Hithpael – to show forth holiness (in themselves).  “be sacred, consecrated, i.e., dedicate to service and loyalty to God, and so involving proper conduct (as prescribed) of any person or object so dedicated” and “be in a state of having superior moral qualities, with behavior which is positively unique and pure, in contrast to other corrupt standards”

B)    The literal sense – they would clean themselves, apply oil, wear fresh garments, etc.

1)      Still shows today:  We dress up for church on Sunday.  Some vocational ministers wear special dress to express it.

C)    Representative of the inward attitude.  To live for God’s purposes.  Like a toothbrush – dedicated to something that requires it to be clean.  Travelling – protect.  Once used for something else – no longer a toothbrush.

1)      Rom. 12:1-2, “to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”[1]

D)    holy and blameless – Eph. 1:4:  our purpose determined by God before the foundation of the world. (Eph. 5:27; Col. 1:22; 1 Thess. 3:13, 4:7)  To be useful God, we must be holy and set aside for His purposes.

E)     To consecrate one’s self is to resolve that our purpose is God’s purpose:

1)      John Calvin “All who are ignorant of the purpose for which they live are fools and madmen.”

F)     They have gotten started, gotten in position, and now it is necessary to ensure that they do not stray along the way – to be consecrated to do the Lord’s business.  Not stopping to pick things up along the way, get other things done, pursue a career, open a store, etc.  They were marching for God and nothing else.  “Burn your bridges.”

V)    Get your feet wet

A)    Pay particular attention to the role of the priests carrying the ark here.

B)    V13 and V15 – It was not until the priests set foot in the waters of the Jordan that the water stood up in a heap.

1)      V15 – it is during harvest season, the river is flooding.  No dams, dikes, or flood control here.  It is out of its banks and raging!  That could be a moment of doubt.  It would be easy to step in if the Lord stopped the water first but they had to act in faith and according to the words of Joshua (Remember God said he would be exalted).  Now Joshua is a prophet indeed.

C)    It is the act of faith.  To believe that if we take a step in faith, that God will make a way for success!

1)      “Faith is in the spiritual realm what money is in the commercial realm.” – Anon.

2)      “Faith is the open hand of the soul to receive all the bounteous supplies of God.” – Thomas Manton.  “Faith is like the hand of the beggar that takes the gift while adding nothing to it.” – Thomas Chalmers.

VI) Application:

A)    Stepping in – an act of faith.  Belief that God will.

1)      Failure was an act of unbelief.

2)      When we fail it is unbelief.

VII)          What is your Jordan right now?  Examples.  To fail is an act of unbelief – not in yourself, but in God.  Examples:  Age, time, skill, intelligence, physical, motivation, stamina, discouragement, recognition.  Only consideration – is it God’s will.

A)    Another doubt – whether it is worth it.  Again unbelief in God.

B)    Failure to step in – pure and simple unbelief.  No better than unbelievers denying Christ is the Son of God.  A case made.

C)    True faith always results in works – like a burning theater.

D)    If we can’t believe…how can we believe He saved us?...paid the price, raised victorious, seated in the heavenlies, death to life.  Jesus – known by our fruits.  James – dead faith.

E)     Let us no longer be fooled – get feet wet or question whether or not we are believers at all.  Count the cost. 

F)     Each of us examine ourselves and together examine our church.

1)      At Jordan, eyes on God’s Word, following leaders, feet wet

2)      Believing or unbelieving.

G)    How do we do this – belief / faith. 

H)    Two Bible examples of people asking Jesus for belief: 

1)      Mark 9:24, a man with afflicted deaf/mute son.  Jesus told him ‘all things are possible for one who believes’ and he immediately says to Jesus, ‘I believe, help my unbelief.’

2)      Mark 17:4 as Jesus’ teaching becomes increasingly difficult to handle and the disciples exclaim ‘Increase our faith!’

I)       Come forward to ask Jesus to help your unbelief.


1)      - Stepping into the water represents and act of faith – to believe that God will deliver what He has promised and to determine that to spite your own mortality, you can press on knowing that God will give the victory.

2)      Failure to enter the promised land 38 years prior was un act of unbelief.  Pure and simple. 

3)      When we fail to step into what we are given – it is because of unbelief.

4)      I don’t know what your Jordan is.  An opportunity arises – a position in the church, a chance to witness, a mission trip that initially sounds interesting.  VBS, Sunday School, Oneida, giving, attending evening Bible study.  What is your river?

(a)    You feel an urge to respond but you don’t.  Why?  Unbelief.  Not just unbelief in yourself – but unbelief in God.  A failure to believe that God will give you the ability, the time, the courage, the reward.  Failure to believe that God’s approval will outweigh the approval of men.

5)      Or we don’t get our feet wet because we do not believe it will be worth it.  That we’ll cross and then we will have all this burdensome battling to do.  In truth, we don’t believe God’s promises that it will be worth it all.  We don’t know God enough…It is pure and simple unbelief.  Those Christians that fail to get their feet wet and step into those miraculous works that God prepared beforehand for us to walk in are no better than unbelievers – those who deny that Christ is the Son of God.  Truly, I think a case can be made that those who never get their feet wet as Christians are really not Christians at all.  True faith always results in works.  God labeled those who failed to enter into Canaan as suffering from ‘unbelief.’  If we don’t believe that God will honor our stepping forward, if we don’t believe that God can cover over our weaknesses, that He has gone before and conquered the enemy, that He will make our path straight, or that His promised land is worth it – HOW CAN WE BELIEVE THAT HE HAS SAVED US?  How can we believe that He paid the price for our sins?  How can we believe that no matter what happens, we will be victorious raised up in glory with Him?  How can we believe that we are already seated with Him in the heavenlies?  How can we believe He has moved us from death into life?  Jesus makes it clear – we will be known by our fruits.  James says ‘faith without works is dead.’  Don’t let us be fooled any longer – we either get our feet wet or we must examine whether we are believers or not.  Now is the time for each of us, and all of us as a whole, to examine ourselves.  Are we in position at the Jordan with our eyes on the law of God, following God through our leaders and ready to get our feet wet?  Or are we not ready to go in?  Are we guilty of unbelief?  If so, what will we do?  Ask Jesus for faith!  Mark 9:24 – a man whose son was afflicted by a mute and deaf spirit Mark 9:24, a man with afflicted deaf/mute son.  Jesus told him ‘all things are possible for one who believes’ and he immediately says to Jesus, ‘I believe, help my unbelief.’

6)       And Mark 17:4 as Jesus’ teaching becomes increasingly difficult to handle and the disciples exclaim ‘Increase our faith!’

VIII)       NOTES:

IX) Context:

A)    Three days packing up to go.  The spies return, they leave the next morning to reposition the people about 6 miles – treacherous and difficult terrain.  Three more days waiting further instruction.

B)    Then the orders are given.

X)    Two spies could cross – but now, hundreds of thousands of men, women, children, livestock.

XI) River at flood – when the odds are most against us – God is most glorified.

XII)          God faithfully shows He is with Joshua like He was with Moses.

XIII)       Note how this is different crossing – not the raised staff of the leader, but the feet of the faithful people.

XIV)       The reward of getting their feet wet – seeing the awesome power of God after a long wandering in the wilderness.

XV)          Henry:  “In the way of duty, let us proceed as far as we can, and depend on the Lord.”[2]

June 17, 2007,  Get your feet wet.

Joshua 3:1-17.  Crossing the Jordan:  Entering by faith into the promises God has in store for His people.

I)       To cross ‘your’ Jordans you must:

A)    Get _____________________. (vv1, 3, 15.)

B)    Get in _____________________. (vv2-4)

C)    Get ________________________. (v5.  See also Isa. 59:1-2; Eph. 5:27; Col. 1:22; 1 Thess. 3:13, 4:7)

D)    Get ___________ _____________ ____________. (vv 13, 15)[3]

II)    Jesus, help my unbelief! (Mark 9:24, 17:4.)

Warren Wiersbe from Be Strong:  “We’ve just examined the faith of an individual, Rahab; and now the focus in the Book of Joshua moves to the faith of an entire nation. As you study, keep in mind that this book deals with much more than ancient history—what God did centuries ago for the Jews. It’s about your life and the life of the church today—what God wants to do here and now for those who trust Him. The Book of Joshua is about the victory of faith and the glory that comes to God when His people trust and obey. British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said, “The world was never conquered by intrigue; it was conquered by faith.””[4]

June 17, 2007,  Get your feet wet.

Joshua 3:1-17.  Crossing the Jordan:  Entering by faith into the promises God has in store for His people.

I)       To cross ‘your’ Jordans you must:

A)    Get _____________________. (vv1, 3, 15.)

B)    Get in _____________________. (vv2-4)

C)    Get ________________________. (v5.  See also Isa. 59:1-2; Eph. 5:27; Col. 1:22; 1 Thess. 3:13, 4:7)

D)    Get ___________ _____________ ____________. (vv 13, 15)[5]

II)    Jesus, help my unbelief! (Mark 9:24, 17:4.)

Warren Wiersbe from Be Strong:  “We’ve just examined the faith of an individual, Rahab; and now the focus in the Book of Joshua moves to the faith of an entire nation. As you study, keep in mind that this book deals with much more than ancient history—what God did centuries ago for the Jews. It’s about your life and the life of the church today—what God wants to do here and now for those who trust Him. The Book of Joshua is about the victory of faith and the glory that comes to God when His people trust and obey. British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said, “The world was never conquered by intrigue; it was conquered by faith.””[6]


[1]The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2001), Ro 12:1-2.

[2]Matthew Henry and Thomas Scott, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, 1997), Jos 3:1.

[3] A) started; B) position; C) consecrated; D) your feet wet;

[4]Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Strong (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996, c1993), Jos 3:1.

[5] A) started; B) position; C) consecrated; D) your feet wet;

[6]Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Strong (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996, c1993), Jos 3:1.

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