May 19, 2019 Sun am Matthew 20:3-7

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Natural Evangelism: Words of Encouragement  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  28:36
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Talmadge Gerald preaches encouragement from the scripture letting us know that there is always work to be done.

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Good morning. Hope you guys are all doing well today. If you have your Bibles and it turns it with me to Matthew 20. It's now showing of a slide are just give me a second or you could scroll to it on your smart device. Whatever works for you. If you don't have a Bible feel free to use the one that's in front of you if you want to Bible take home with you. I'm sure we have a lost and found if you don't mind somebody else name written on the front of it.

But it's saying I will slide are. control connection presentation

So as I was talking about downstairs. I we were talking about rest. And then now we're going to talk about the opposite side that we're going to talk about work and Jesus tells us the story and it's the story of the laborers in the vineyard. And I don't like it's doing that but I want to do that. And so everybody loves a good story. Some of our own here at Brookfield or great storytellers experiences or from our own imagination and these stories are rarely without purpose. We tell stories to encourage. We tell stories in the form of jokes. We use it for a relational connection or we tell stories to make a point. We just celebrated teachers teachers appreciation and Educators and they deserve all the praise that comes to them and more. Not only because they put up with your kids. But they're also Paving the way for the next generation and there's an art to teaching especially teaching by the Maze of Storytelling. Jesus is the master storyteller.

Taking a question. Why did he come? Some of us may say that he died for our sins. And yes, this is clearly true given a considerable time in the gospels is spent on the end of Jesus life in the sacrifice. He made in order to put us in right order with John. Also, some of us may say that he can't perform Miracles. He healed many. However, Jesus himself actually tells us why he came to Earth. In Luke, he says I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God and or an into the other towns as well why for I was sent for this purpose. What's say something completely different as to the purpose of Jesus arrive on Earth, but Jesus himself says I came here to preach the gospel to the world. In fact, we'll find out the preaching and teaching is Jesus default action. after the disciples after Jesus with the disciples off to buy to throughout Judea and Galilee, they were turned back to capernum and she just wanted to take his disciples across the Sea of Galilee the North and it says that they went away in a boat to place by themselves and they ran their on foot from all the people from the neighboring town and they got their head of him when he went ashore. He saw a great crowd and he had compassion on them because they were like what sheep without a shepherd and he began to what teach them many things. And Jesus did not just teach for the sake of teaching but he talked concerning the kingdom of God. He taunted very unique way. He taught using what we called Parables. They were just stories and they're used to prove a point. But it also much more than just this not only is Jesus teaching us morals and life truth by the means of small anecdote, but he's actually fulfilling prophecy. Matthew 13:13 says that Jesus was fulfilling prophecies of the prophet Isaiah and then the psalmist it's all the things Jesus said to the crowd in Parables indeed. He said nothing to them without a parable. This was to what fulfill what was spoken by the prophet. I will open my mouth in Parables. I will utter what has been hidden since the foundations of the world. This is my. John's gospel is referring to in chapter 1 when he Compares Jesus to the light in which even the darkness cannot hold him back and drink and actually said that Darkness could even comprehend even understand him because he's revealing the truth that have been hidden from the world and since he's bringing them to light.

Jesus had compassion on the people and out of this compassion came things like Miracles, but if you look at the gospel gospels, we have recorded 37 miracles performed by Jesus what he taught using / 43 parables. preaching and teaching was Jesus default whenever he had the opportunity to be opportunity to preach the or

and note that this was a unique thing Jesus preached about considering the politics of the time. Jesus is not preach something that was attracted to any political party in the first century. None of his teachings were on the side of the Pharisees. None of them were on the side of the Sadducees or the zealots nor was it in favor of Rome and he was ultimately killed for these teachings in the same way Jesus never preached on how today we should be better Republicans or better Democrats. He preached concerning God's government the only perfect government. He preached on the kingdom of God where the hierarchy is. Not people who make and vote for laws or the Lee classic covers the people but God above his creation.

When Jesus preaches on the Kingdom of Heaven he is giving us an inside look into the politics and government of Heaven. Where in the Book of Matthew today and it's a very enlightening passage known as the parable of the vineyard workers, but of course you got me pretty today. So we're going to be a little before we wind in 2 chapter 19 where we have is very interesting interaction between Jesus and this rich man who approaches him.

And behold a man came up to him saying teacher what good deed must I have to have eternal life. And he said to him. Why do you ask me? What is good? There is only one who is good? If you would enter life keep the Commandments you see Jesus doesn't very often where he will teach my asking questions. Sometimes he'll even answer a question with a question. I typically avoid I'll give Jesus Break. Everything he says has a purpose. This whole conversation that he's about to have this Richmond is centered around this man's misconception of what he believes is good and Jesus will teach this man. What is ultimately good conversation. They are having will follow along. Which ones referring to the Commandments and Jesus said You shall not murder? You should not commit adultery. You should not steal. You should not be able to show not bear false witness honor your father and mother you shall love your neighbor as yourself. The youngest said I've kept all of these what do I lack? Jesus says if you want to be perfect. Go sell your possessions give everything to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven now come follow me and we all know what happens, right? When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions. Jesus told him that then what it meant to be good and it actually has nothing to do with what you do. Only God is good their 49th. Good means that you are any deserving or on any level close to the goodness of God? Even those that are that are not believers do good things and they have good intentions. But what is Matthew 7 say to me Lord Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Do we not cast out demons in your name? Do we not do Mighty works in your name? All these things we may consider good. However, Jesus said I will declare to them. I never knew you.

Depart from me you workers of lawlessness workers of lawlessness. In other words do not get caught up in the things of this world or even want this world may even say is good focus on God your Holy Father, who is the only one who is actually good. Because there is nothing you can do in order to earn your way into heaven. Jesus says that you have to deny yourself pick up your cross. and follow him and it is by this that you enter the kingdom of heaven.

in the disciples are perplexed by this conversation that Jesus has with him and they say and he says truly I say to you only with difficulty with a rich person enter the Kingdom of Heaven again. I tell you is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. Now I need two addresses. How many of you growing up or in church have heard that there is a gate in Jerusalem known as the eye of a needle and leave you heard this before. Now I don't mean to offend anybody. I'd rather do that with the gospel. but this teaching is not true. There is no gate in Jerusalem called this and fat. This is a perfect example of how archaeology and sometimes apologetic to get in the way the text and take the power out of a test. Take power out of the word of God Jesus saying literally it is easier for a camel to go to the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter Heaven and we know this based on the disciples response. What disciples heard that they were greatly astonished saying?

But Jesus looked at him and said with man, this is impossible. But With God all things are possible. Disciples that's how can this be if it's easier for a huge camel to go through a tiny eye of a needle which season possible the let alone a rich man. How can how can anyone get into heaven? How can I get into heaven? And Jesus says exactly. You can't do it. but with God

Hello Peters response. Peter says you left everything followed you and then what will we have in Jesus said truly I say to you in the New World in the son of man will sit on his glorious Throne you who have followed me will also sit on 12 Thrones judging the Twelve Tribes of Israel and everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or land for my sake or receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life, but many who are first will be last and the last will be first.

Now we finally get to warp arable and you have to keep in mind that chapters when they're in the early manuscript. They didn't have verses and chapters. But this is actually told to expound upon what was just said by Jesus supposed to expound what Jesus says concerning the order of people entering heaven in our role in all of this. Amazing Street strange for Jesus to say something like this. The first will be last and the last be first because their expectation is that people like the rich man who claimed to have kept all the commandant would be the first one to enter the Gates of Heaven and in their mind seeing that he was rich would be a sign that he was indeed blessed because it was obedience to God. However, Jesus tells him to sell all of his possessions the very sign of his Blessing and follow Jesus. This is not make sense to them. So just had to explain to them. What does Ole Miss and Peter's response, which I'm sure he's tired of hopping around on one foot because you got the other one firmly lodged in his mouth. He said look we left everything and followed you and Jesus says hold up horse. You're still not really getting it. Let me explain it in a way, which you can understand. So he tells them this parable. Now we all have to make this mistake and read in the Bible which we put ourselves into the store and completely missed the point of the story. Jesus parables are not how we should try harder to be better people but these stories actually revealed the heart of God and they tell us what the Kingdom of Heaven is really lying. So let's read the parable first do our best to comprehend it and then we can see where we fit in all of this and she was actually begins his Parable this way answering this question as to who will be first and last and heaven. And again, we have to know that he is not talking about us talking about heaven. Jesus preaches from experience cuz he knows what happened and tells us what He described another pair of balls as well. He says the Kingdom of Heaven is like this. It's like a man who found a treasure in a field and sold everything he had in order to purchase this land. He said the Kingdom of Heaven is like this is like a woman who lost a precious coin and turns over entire house until she finds in the calls or neighbors through a joint is rediscovery. Jesus teaches on these things in every story is a reflection of the Gospel. This Parable is no different. Jesus begins telling us this concerning his previous interaction with the Rich Young Ruler in the hierarchy of who will enter Heaven. He says for the Kingdom of Heaven is like this. It's like a master of a house. He went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his Vineyard after a drink but the laborers for a Denarius a day. He sent them into his Vineyard right off the bat. We get a picture of God being the master and owner of a great Vineyard. We know God loves Gardens, right? The beginning of this book to staring is the world in a garden which he lives in fellowship with his creation. He wakes early in order to hire laborers to work in his Vineyard. He agrees with what the flat rate of a Denarius in the King James version. They use the word penny has just a single day's way to single day's work. And going out in the third hour, which is about 9 a.m. He saw other standing Idle No Marketplace in to Demi said you going to the vineyard to and whatever is right. I will give to you and they went going out again in the sixth hour about noon in the ninth hour. He did the same the master. Enjoying the 11th Hour was about 5 p.m. He went out and found other standing and he said to them. Why do you stand here? I lie all day. They said to him because he said

I will address these brothers in a few minutes. and when the evening came The owner of the vineyard said to his Foreman call the laborers and pay them their wages beginning with the last up to the first and when those hired about the 11th Hour came each of them received now when those hired first came, they thought they would receive more but each of them also received at the nearest. Jesus tells the story in such a way that you can see how this thing is going to play out. The master orders the workers from last hired to First hired those to Begin work at 11 the 11th Hour are paid first following us higher the 6th the 3rd and the 3rd hour and those are waiting at the master of the break of day. You can almost visualize the look on there earlier workers faces as they witness. Hired last received their pay is Daenerys a single day's pay. They were probably thinking man. If I if they're getting a single day's pay for only working an hour what you think we're going to get.

We were faithful. We were there at the field before the master even got there. And you can even visualize the deflated look on their faces as they probably stood there a little too long with their hands outstretched. You know, they put one in.

And I'm receiving it they grumbled at the Master of the House. Saying these last words only one hour and you made the people to us who have borne the burden all day in the scorching Heat? Trust me. I work at Jordan's hot out there. But he replied to one of them friend.

Did you not agree with me for the nearest take what belongs to you and go I choose to give to the last worker as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do with what I choose? What wood belongs to me. Or do you begrudge my generosity? Jesus and finishes with so the last will be first and the first last Does Parables mean similar to me is a parable The Prodigal Son another one where Jesus begins with this is how the Kingdom of Heaven is. Some of us may identify the prodigal son with the actual prodigal son left on his way back into his inheritance on the other hand. Some of us may identify with the other brother. Austin the face been working for the father for years and years and they feel a certain way about receiving the same reward as those who choose to live a self-centered and Godless life for most of their lives.

The same thing happens in this Parable where in turn the faithful workers are the ones the ones that were waiting and willing by The Vineyard before the master even got there. They were the ones leaving Mama ring a disgruntled at the end of the story because they were seen the same reward as those who would only worked for an hour. And if you're like me, I'm thinking the same thing if I worked my whole life struggling for the faith and on my deathbed I can see the heavens open up above me and I can be like Paul saying I fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. I suffered my whole life now. I finally get to accept my rule. But then the fellow next to me, it was lived his whole life for himself and decide at the last minute that you want to follow God. You were pissing against the same reward. How is that fair?

I'm irrationally rationalize these things right? Well, I must get a bigger crowd than him right or my mansion in heaven must be bigger. Right Jesus tells me I'm storing up Treasures in Heaven. So I got a big pile of cash up there. It's bigger and his

What is that what this passage is telling us? In fact, it seems to tell the opposite that my brother that works for an hour as opposed to me will get the same reward as I do. That's not fair. I suffered for God. I was there before it is even colder be Christian. I should get a better reward. Hold on. Who are you to Dole out God rewards for you or anyone else? I love the friend. I'm doing you no wrong. He dressed the faithful worker as a friend because you were indeed blessed to have suffered inform this relationship in this friendship with the master. He says take what belongs to you you weren't for it. I am giving you and I promised you. Why should you care what I get to anyone else? It's not yours to give anyway. This is what he saying when he says it might not allowed when I choose with what belongs to me you see God is generous in both scenarios because we make this mistake in thinking that if I live a certain way. Be something when in fact you don't even earn the breath in your own lungs. It's not yours. It was given to you. God is a good dad and he lavishes you would live and not just like the life of a fool not because you deserve it. But because he loves you. This is what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. In God's system. There is no first or left because they both were received as Jesus mentioned in Matthew 19:29 a hundred fold. It will inherit eternal life. You can't put a number on a turtle live. I can't work hard and deserve more eternal life than my brother who did not suffer a work. I was gone until later. Like I didn't say well we'll get him. So it's pointless to wear Treasures with other people. Because of our pride and our selfishness and I don't concern with our Treasures in Heaven We again miss some important points in this Parable. So the reason Jesus says the first will be last and the last will be first is because in the Kingdom of Heaven There is no first and last these are Concepts which is not exist in the realm of Eternity.

It's all right. I told the sermon there's still work to be done because even though we are all set to earn the same reward the ones that interest me the most are the workers in 20327 where the master at around noon, please work or standing idle in the marketplace and he tells them you go to the vineyard to whatever is right. I will give you Who are these people just hanging out in the marketplace when there's work to be done? There were those that were waiting eagerly by The Vineyard for the master to employ them. But then because there was more work there for those who are already employed to handle goes to the marketplace to find more able-bodied workers to go into the vineyard. Now answer all of this work with a text we can now ask the question as to who are we in this parable? Are we the worker in the morning standing eagerly waiting on the call for a call of God when he tells us to work we go. Are we the one staying here? I am send me. Or are you in the marketplace Waiting for God to come to you and call you some of these some of us grew up in the church. We have Christian families. And then God also sought out others to call them to action. What does Parable is also telling you to beware? Do not think that you can sit idly by and please God?

There is work to be done. There will always be work. What is the vineyard? I was nice picture of a Vineyard up here. The vineyard has your families. Place The Vineyard is even your church. There is work to be done. If you still need help fix yourself, where is there a need? Is there perhaps either people in our own congregation who need help right now?

Where is church that just that thing you show up to 3 hours a day and once on Wednesday? Do not catch yourself sitting idly by as the glory of God can be shown through you and by your actions. And here's the kicker. the master is working to Jesus tells us that the master is employing those for his Vineyard but being a master also means you have other responsibilities God's doing a lot up there. He's keeping the World movie.

But God because he's a good dad is giving us the ability and the honour to do his work and bringing Heaven to Earth. Isn't that what you just tells us to pray for our Father who art in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom? Your will be done on Earth as it is in. Jesus tells us that it should be our desire to do the will of God and bring Heaven and all of its attributes to Earth. Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven is like this God is working there for we also need to keep your eyes on heaven and what is around us to do work to Just like how Jesus default is to teach and spread the gospel anytime. He has an audience or default should be to spread the gospel with the very breath in our lungs that he gave us. This is how we work in the vineyard. This is how we are employed by God. We ourselves are saved because God loved us and then turn our response should be to spread the message to the world Do not sit idly by because if you are then you may not fully understand what Jesus did for you.

Jesus says this is what the Kingdom of Heaven is. Like it's like a master who employs workers in order to work in his Vineyard and spread the gospel. It is not matter when you are employed, but do not be Idle No matter how busy you may think you are there is work to be done. In fact, I was just talking to brother Dan. I just helped him celebrate his retirement. Congratulations on your retirement from work and I'll guess what you can do some actual work now.

But how do I do the work of God? How do I become employed in the workforce for the vineyard the Bible informs us of this by telling us an order accept God's call no matter where you are in your life. No matter your background Deeds. Look everyone's resume looks the same in God's eyes. Here's what my resume looks like.

This is what this is how God sees my resume before I become to him.

And guess what? I all of a resumes look the same, but with the help of Jesus he can look again and say you have met the qualifications. In fact, all I see is my son. In Jesus is probably the best reference letter. You can never have. And you'll finally hear the words you're fired. If you would like to accept this message of God and get ready to work in the vineyard, please come up to the front be baptized for the remission of your sins and join the workforce. With the people of God those of us who already in the workforce look around. There is work to be done. Let us bring more people to God. now Saints Let's get to work.

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