Ephesians 1:9-10 - Dr Peter O'Brien - Summing up all things in Christ 19th May 2019 10am

Ephesians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:38
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St John’s, North Ryde Sunday May 19, 2018 A. Summing up All Things in Christ—The Theme of Ephesians 1. Ephesians a favourite Letter (a) Reasons for its popularity (b) A circular letter? (c) Paul’s three-year ministry in Ephesus 2. Why did Paul write Ephesians? 3. The central message (a) God’s revelation of the mystery, his open secret (b) His plan to unite or sum up all things in Christ (1:9-10) (c) ‘Things in heaven’ and ‘things on earth’ – what’s involved? (d) Has this plan begun? When will it be finished? 4. Unity in Christ where? (a) Christ’s death and unity – one new humanity (b) The unity of the Spirit – access to God (c) Unity and maturity in the body of Christ (d) Unity in marriage: the Bridegroom and the Bride (e) The defeat of the devil and evil spiritual forces (f) God’s plan consummated: everything united under Christ the Lord ******** B. An Outline of Ephesians I. the new humanity a divine creation, 1:1—3:21 A. Praise for God’s amazing purposes in Christ (Eph. 1:1-23) 1. God’s big plan from beginning to end (vv. 1-10) (a) God the Father as the source of all blessings (b) Christ the Son in whom the blessings are received (c) Believers as recipients of these incredible gifts 2. Looking back: chosen and adopted (vv. 4-6) 3. Looking around: redeemed and forgiven (vv. 7-8) 4. Looking forward: the sum of all things (vv. 9-10) 5. An embarrassment of riches! (vv. 11-14) 6. How to respond? (vv. 15-23) B. An amazing transformation: Christ, grace & faith – alone (Eph. 2:1-10) 1. An extreme makeover needed 2. The way we were! (2:1-3) 3. What God has done? (vv. 4-7) 4. What have we become? (vv. 8-10) C. Reconciled: All one In Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:11-22) 1. Longings for peace 2. Standing on the outside looking in (vv. 11-12) 3. In from the cold (v. 13) 4. Access into God’s presence (vv. 14-18) 5. Welcome to the family (vv. 19-22) D. Prayer that counts: Asking for God’s Power and Love (Eph. 3:1-21) 1. God’s plan revisited 2. It’s no secret (vv. 1-13) 3. Praying for power and love (vv. 14-21) II. the new humanity in earthly life, 4:1—6:20 A. The growing body: Unity, diversity and maturity in Christ (Eph. 4:1-16) 1. The next step 2. We are one . . . (vv. 1-6) 3. . . . but we are many (vv. 7-12) 4. Growing up in Christ (4:13-16) B. Live according to the New Humanity, not the Old (Eph. 4:17-24) 1. Don’t live like the pagan world (vv. 17-19) 2. Live your new life as those who have ‘learned Christ’ (vv. 20-24) C. Specific Exhortations about the Old Life and the New (Eph. 4:25–5:2) 1. The ‘dos and don’ts’ of Christian behaviour (vv. 25-28) 2. Forgive each other just as God in Christ forgave you (4:29 – 5:2) D. From Darkness to Light (Eph. 5:3-14) 1. Abstain from immorality and greed (vv. 3-7) 2. Once you were darkness but now light in the Lord (vv. 8-14) E. Be Careful How you Live (Eph. 5:15–6:9) 1. Generally (5:15-21) 2. Relationships within the Christian household (5:21–6:9) (a) Wives and husbands: Christ and the church (5:21-33) (b) Children and parents (6:1-4) (c) Slaves and masters (6:5-9) F. Living in marriage (Ephesians 5:21-33) 1. Confusion reigns supreme 2. Filled by the Spirit! (v. 18) 3. Christian marriage: Wives submit . . . (vv. 22-24) (a) Because of creation: the husband’s headship (vv. 22-23) (b) Because of redemption: Christ’s headship of the church (vv. 23-24) 4. Christian marriage: Husbands love . . . (vv. 25-29) (a) Because of Christ’s love for the church (vv. 25-27) (b) Because of the husbands’ love for his own body (vv. 28-29) 5. It’s a mystery! (vv. 30-32) (a) Gen. 2:24 – the one flesh relationship of husband and wife. (b) Gen. 2:24 – the union between Christ and the church (vv. 30-31) (c) The mystery? The union of Christ and his church reflected in a Christian marriage (v. 32) G. Clear and present danger: Spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-20) 1. A cosmic dimension? 2. In the heat of the battle (a) Why is it called a spiritual warfare? (b) What is the nature of this struggle? 3. The strategic objective: Stand firm (a) Resistance (b) Proclamation 4. Strategic resources (a) Know what God has done for us in Christ (b) Share the gospel with others (c) Believe that God will help us overcome (d) Pray in the Spirit at all times III. letter closing, 6:21-24 ******** C. Some suggested study guides and commentaries David Jackman, He is Our Peace: Ephesians (Pathway Bible Guides: Matthias Media) Walk This Way: Ephesians (Interactive Bible Guides: Matthias Media) J. R. W. Stott, The Message of Ephesians (The Bible Speaks Today: IVP) Peter T. O’Brien, The Letter to the Ephesians (Pillar New Testament Commentary: Eerdmans/Apollos). ********
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