Портрети на Исус

The Gospel of Mark  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Портрети на Исус

· We saw last week in the introduction to the Gospel of Mark that we all need to get ready… to not let anything get in the way of our hearing and seeing the Good News about Jesus.
· Today, Mark gives us a portrait of a day in the life of Jesus. What does an average day for Jesus look like?
o Probably NOT like our average day.
· What we will see is that there are two basic components of Jesus’ everyday life that also need to be present in the life of every believer – our Words and Deeds (думи и дела).
o We call ourselves Christians. It means little “Christ”. It was not invented by Christians but was a term of derision (подигравка) to make fun of believers.
o But the statement is true. If we are really Christians…than we should act like a “little Jesus…a little Christ”
· But what does that mean? THAT is what we will see today.
· Read Mark 1:21-22 [SLIDE]
Mark 1:21–22 NLT
Jesus and his companions went to the town of Capernaum. When the Sabbath day came, he went into the synagogue and began to teach. The people were amazed at his teaching, for he taught with real authority—quite unlike the teachers of religious law.


„И дойдоха в Капернаум. И още в първата събота Исус влезе в синагогата и поучаваше. А те се чудеха на учението Му; защото ги поучаваше като Един, Който има власт, а не като книжниците.” Марк 1:21-22

„А Той им каза: Да идем другаде в близките градчета и там да проповядвам; защото затова съм излязъл.“ Марк 1:38

· The first thing we see in the life of Jesus is that he begins to preach. In the beginning we see His words.
· The reason that we have preaching in church and we explain the Bible in a simple and direct way is because that is what Jesus did.
· Every church the Word of God should be preached and explained in a way so that everyone can understand. If that is not the case, then stay away from that church.
· Similarly, as believers, the Word of God should be preached in our lives.
o Explain: I am here today preaching the Word of God to you today. But tomorrow I will be a work explaining the Word of God to my co-workers… just like you will be doing.
o I don’t mean that you will get up and give a speech (example)
o But let your words be words of truth and power, like we see here from Jesus.
· There is a natural way that you can speak words of truth and love from the Word of God.
o Example: if a co-worker is complaining about something in their life. “Here, let me pray for you.”
o [SLIDE] Or you can quote scripture to them. “Това ви казах, за да имате в Мене мир. В света имате скръб; но дерзайте: Аз победих света.” Йоан 16:33
o Using words from the Bible gives our speech power.
· [SLIDE] BUT… what needs to happen for you to quote people from the Bible?
o Yes, you need to be memorizing it. Christian discipline.
o SCRIPTURE TYPER (https://biblememory.com/) or Flash Cards
· If we are to be Christians “little Christ” than our words are important and, like Jesus, we will preach to our co-workers, friends and neighbors.
· Let the Word of God be powerful in your life.
· But, as we all know, words are not enough. To be like Jesus our deeds are also very important.
· Someone read Mark 1:23-34. [SLIDE]

Дела (Ортопракси)

„И скоро след това в синагогата им дойде човек с нечист дух, който извика: Остави ни! Какво общо имаш Ти с нас, Исусе Назарянино? Нима си дошъл да ни погубиш? Познавам Те Кой си – Святият Божий. Но Исус го смъмра, като каза: Млъкни и излез от него! Тогава нечистият дух, като го хвърли в гърчове, изкрещя със силен глас и излезе от него. И всички се смаяха и започнаха да разискват помежду си: Какво е това? Едно ново учение! С власт заповядва и на нечистите духове и те Му се покоряват! И слухът за Него се разнесе скоро навред по цялата Галилейска област. И щом излязоха от синагогата, дойдоха с Яков и Йоан в къщата на Симон и Андрей. А Симоновата тъща лежеше болна от треска; и веднага Му казаха за нея. Той се приближи и като я хвана за ръка, я вдигна; и веднага треската я остави и тя им прислужваше. А като се свечери, когато залезе слънцето, доведоха при Него всички болни и обладани от бесове. И целият град се събра пред вратата. И Той изцели мнозина, които страдаха от разни болести, и изгони много бесове; и не позволяваше на бесовете да говорят, понеже Го познаваха.“ Марк 1:23-34

· Having the word of God in our lives is important but having the POWER of God in our lives is equally important.
· What we see happening here is Jesus is healing people from physical and spiritual bondage. He shows that the Kingdom of God has come… and it has come with power.
· It is important that people hear the Word of God, but they also need to see it.
o How often have we hear of or seen a priest or pastor who is a drunk or runs around with women? This priest is only presenting words…but no deeds.
· Jesus comes and preaches to the people, but not only that. He also shows through his actions that the Word of God is powerful – words AND deeds.
· Likewise, if we are “little Christs” than we need to speak the Gospel, but we must also LIVE the Gospel.
o What is one way this week that you can SHOW the Good News to someone in your life?
o Example: Young girl wants to share about Jesus in her family – do the dishes.
o For our words about Jesus to be powerful, they must also be accompanied by deeds.
· This is why as a church we have English clubs, women’s meetings, Hanna Project in the hospital and Center for Children with Disabilities, ORD Christmas…
o It is not enough for our skeptical friends and neighbor to ONLY hear the Gospel…They must see it. They must see its power in our lives.
o They must see the power of God worked out through these two hands that God has given you.
· The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just words, but the power of God working in your life.


„И на сутринта, когато беше още тъмно, стана и излезе, и отиде в уединено място, и там се молеше. А Симон и онези, които бяха с Него, изтичаха след Него. И като Го намериха, казаха Му: Всички Те търсят.“ Марк 1:35-37

· [SLIDE] Now, there is one more thing we see here. Read.
· Jesus is preaching, teaching, healing people, big crowds, everything is great… and Jesus takes time alone to pray.
· Why is this important?
· You will be speaking to people words from Jesus. Your life is a life that shows the power of God through your deeds, but still many people will reject your message about Jesus.
· It is easy to get discouraged.
· We need to have a daily time to talk with our Father in heaven.

“и всяка ваша грижа възложете на Него, защото Той се грижи за вас.” 1 Петър 5:7

· Like Jesus, take time every day to talk with your Creator.
· Jonathan talked two weeks ago about the Christian life being like a marathon. We have a long distance to run, and prayer is going to enable us to run the distance.
· People need to hear your words. They need to see YOUR actions. But YOU need prayer in your daily life to give you the strength to continue…to continue with the power of the Creator of the Universe in your life
· Today we have seen the Right and Left Hand of the Christian Faith.
o Words AND Deeds
o They are an inseparable part of your life if you are going to be a “little Christ”
· Question: In your life which would you prefer to have food OR water.
o No you need both. Just as every Christian NEEDS words and deeds.
· Start this week by learning and memorizing the Word of God. To have strength in prayer.
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