Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Teachers Needed: Especially men.
We have people missing every 3rd sermon to teach.
MOM Group: First Tuesday of Month, Next Session April 2 (9:30 - 11:00 am)
Church Dinner: Sat.
April 6 (6-9 pm) - Looking for 3-4 people to speak about either (i) there testimony, or (ii) how God has been working in their life - (Babysitting available)
Kid's Easter Event: Fri.
April 12 (6-8:30 pm)
Kid's AWANA: Mondays (6:15 - 7:45 pm)
Bible Study: Mondays (6:30-7:30 pm)
Community Worship Night/Service: More info to come...
Look Out for the Sharks
In his book, The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway told the story of a Cuban fisherman who for eighty-four days went without a strike in the Gulf Stream, then late one afternoon he hooked a giant fish.
So huge and powerful was the fish that it towed his skiff for two days before the exhausted old fisherman, mustering his last ounce of strength, finally harpooned the monster.
It was lashed to the craft.
The old man was happy.
He guessed it would weigh fifteen-hundred pounds—it would buy a lot! Alas, he had not reckoned with the sharks.
When he arrived home, all he had left was the gigantic head and a skeleton picked lean and white.
It behooves us to contemplate the sharks of the soul lest we bypass the great prize.
*How many of you?
So convinced about something - ONLY to realize - you were wrong?
SO excited about something - ONLY to realize - it wasn’t true?
Today, in our text, we’re going to be focusing in on this thing called - DISCERNMENT...
Discernment is the ability to - JUDGE WELL...
And so within Christianity, I think if we all were to take the - DISCERNMENT TEST...
We’d all FAIL miserably...
Two weeks ago we read a verse that mentions discernment...
So - if having a RENEWED MIND is what’s necessary - if we are to JUDGE WELL - to discern the things of life...
THEN - as we said 2 weeks ago - PURSUE a renewed mind!
In Scripture, on every page, we see men who had GREAT discernment, and men who had HORRIBLE discernment...
Let’s look at our text today and see what we find...
Let’s stop there - SO if you remember, Jesus, FEEDS the 5000...
…and then disperses the crowd...
...And sends the disciples across the sea to Capernaum...
While out at Sea - Jesus last week - WALKED ON WATER...
The disciples think he’s a ghost - Peter calls out to Jesus and says - If that’s You Jesus, COMMAND me to come to you…!
So Jesus commands Peter to come to Him, and of course, Peter comes...
and walks on water...
HOW - Held up by - FAITH
They all then end up on the other side…of the sea...
And so the next day - the people begin to LOOK FOR JESUS...
They get into boats - and head to - Capernaum…!
What happens next?
Here we have - People who had just experienced being fed by Jesus...
The 5000 - being fed by Jesus...
NOW - did those people KNOW that what Jesus did was miraculous?
They KNEW what He had done…like REALLY done!
They KNEW he started with 5 loaves and 2 fish!
They finally make their way to Jesus - and they FIND HIM…!
Alright - Great opportunity - let’s see how they handle it!
SLIDE: Lack of Discernment: Asks Questions that Miss the Mark
Lack of Discernment
This question here asked by the Jews was a terrible question - given the situation...
And this is OFTEN the case - given those with a LACK of DISCERNMENT...
**you ever been teaching someone how to do something...
..and you start to realize that they’re GETTING IT - because they’ve begun to ask - the right questions??
**Maybe you’re trying to teach your kid how to - RIDE A BIKE...
And you get them on the bike, and you’re holding the back and you’re trying to explain to them - HOW to BALANCE...
And AS YOU’RE telling them - they ask - “Hey Dad, why is the ground so hard?”
Now - good question - BUT - what?
The ANSWER to that question isn’t going to help them BALANCE on a BIKE.
Next Question: “Hey Dad - why is the sky blue?”
Good question - BUT
BUT THEN - they ask - “Hey Dad - can I lean the bike to the side a little bit so I don’t fall?”
YES - - GREAT question!! - They’re - getting it!
The JEWS asked Jesus a TERRIBLE question!
Lack of Discernment!
And listen - BELIEVERS aren’t IMMUNE to this!
Remember this text from a couple weeks ago?
Can you hear them talking amongst themselves?
“Who has bread?”
Do YOU have bread?
- No - do you?
HEY - did you bring bread?
Another example of this is seen in Matthew 15
I don’t think we need to continue on with the next verses to know what Christ thought about this question from the disciples...
Terrible questions - springing forth from a Lack of Discernment!
AND we’re NO Different!
You see - there’s a common theme that runs through all these instances in Scripture where the disciples asked Terrible Questions...
SLIDE: In all of these instances they didn’t see the moment as a DIVINE OPPORTUNITY
In all of these instances they didn’t see the moment as a DIVINE OPPORTUNITY
Opportunity, after opportunity after opportunity - just BLOW AWAY in the wind...
Never taken captive by those with LACK OF DISCERNMENT...
Let’s think through some examples:
For probably the last 2 months, we’ve had an announcement up on the board before service...
every Sunday, the same announcement
We need Men to Teach, because we have some women who are missing the sermon every 3rd Sunday
That, my friend, is a DIVINE OPPORTUNITY
But some will walk right by the sign up sheet and ask...
Hey, are there any muffins in the kitchen?
Any more coffee?
And JESUS CHRIST - is literally standing there saying - Do you still not understand??
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9