Phil 1:1-11 The Joy of Contentment

Philippians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Joy of Contentment Feb 9, 2018
The apostle Paul is a living testimony of the truth taught in Ecclesiastes. He is in a difficult place under house arrest in Rome chained to a soldier continuously. But instead of grumbling and complaining about his circumstances, he is rejoicing. The Philippian church took the initiative to send him an offering to care for his needs. He is now writing a “thank you” note to express his gratitude to this church ().
I. Greetings –
A. The church of Philippi is in a very godless city
1. No Jews – only a meeting place at the river –
2. Lydia is the first convert –
3. A trafficked slave woman –
4. Roman values and customs included the exploitation of women for personal gain
5. The result was the salvation of the Philippian jailer –
B. Ten years later the congregation has grown and is still affectionately attentive to Paul and his needs
1. He greets all these believers as “saints”
2. The word saint means righteous in the Old Testament “chasid” – ;
3. Every believer in Christ is righteous because of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Jesus Christ died for our sins but was raised so that we might be declared righteous –
C. Paul addresses his letter to the entire congregation while acknowledging the calling of the elders and deacons
1. Paul speaks of himself as a slave to the Lord and His people –
2. All grace and peace come through Christ –
II. Prayer of Thanks –
A. Memory as an aid to joy –
1. For fellowship from the first day
2. God will complete the work He began –
3. They labored together in the defense and confirmation of the gospel –
B. Financial connection brings mutual blessing –
III. Prayer of Intercession –
A. Love
Paul’s love for the Philippian believers –
That they may mature by loving one another
B. Your love for one another needs to abound –
1. Love is dependent on knowledge –
2. And discernment
C. Unity is important.
1. To the believer’s spiritual health –
2. Unity is in serving not demanding –
3. Why do we go on living? For the benefit of others –
D. Unity is important for the witness of Christ’s church –
May our God fill us with joy and peace regardless of our circumstances. May our unity be a witness to our glorious Savior. Amen.
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