Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
As we have continued through Acts in the last couple of weeks we have seen problems without and problems within.
We have seen that everything was not smooth sailing for the church
They were filled with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit was working powerfully within them and among them but we also see that Satan was at work as well.
There was opposition from without as the religious leaders, the same ones who had Jesus put to death threatened the church, the church was warned that they must stop preaching and teaching in Jesus’ name.
As the apostles stood firm in the face of opposition we saw last week that the enemy attacked from within.
This week as Luke turns again to the opposition that the church faced from without, what we see in this passage is a message that divides, what we see is a message that brings hope and healing and yet this same message that brings hope and healing is a message that is hated by the world.
Within the rest of Chapter 5 we God’s reaction to the apostolic gospel that was being preached, we see the world’s reaction, and we see the early church’s faithfulness to this gospel.
I. Accrediting the Gospel (v.12-16)
One of the things that we have seen is the unity of the early church, we saw that threatened last week.
But last week if you remember one of the things that I mentioned was that the early church was united around the gospel, they were united around the teaching of the apostles that was being passed down to the church.
Of course there were false teachers that threatened that unity, think of the Judiazers, the gnostics, and of course there were other false teachings, but one of the things that we see being taught in the NT is the clear doctrines of the NT church that unite God’s people.
The goal of the true church has always been and will always be to be molded and shaped by the apostolic teaching and most central the apostolic gospel.
Of all of the messages that has been proclaimed, of all of the teachers that have claimed authority since the NT one thing we know is that God put His stamp of approval on the gospel that was proclaimed by the apostles.
That is what we see in this text before us.
As we read this text and as we have already seen in chapter 3 we see signs and wonders that were given to the apostles.
These signs and wonders were God’s way of authenticating the ministry and the teaching of the apostles.
I won’t get into the apostolic miracles today, we talked about that a few weeks ago, but simply a reminder; I believe that some of the signs and wonders that we see in the NT were specifically for that apostles; they were like God’s stamp of approval on their ministry and their teaching.
The author of Hebrews said that God bore witness to the apostolic message by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The signs and wonders that are spoken of here are like God’s signature on this message, this is my message, these are my messengers.
You may ask, well how do we know who are God’s messengers today, how do we know what God’s message is today?
Glad you asked;
Today we don’t look for someone to preform signs and wonders to see if they are faithfully teaching God’s message, instead we look at their message and compare it to the message of the apostles, that is to the NT.
NT is God’s message to us and we look to find preachers and teachers that are faithful to it; this is God’s message, these are God’s messengers.
One more thing that I will point out here before we leave, we won’t get down into a lot of details.
I know we look at a passage like this and can be amazed by the physical signs and wonders, but let me say this; the greatest miracle that we read of in this passage is v.14.
It is a miracle of God when someone is added to the church of Jesus Christ, it is a miracle of God when one comes out of the darkness and death of unbelief and turns in faith to Jesus Christ.
Brother, sister in Christ; do you realize that your salvation is a resurrection from the dead.
You were dead spiritually without any life, you were dead in your trespasses and sins, you were in bondage to sin, satan, and the flesh, you were blinded by satan, you had no desire to repent of sin and trust in Christ and God worked powerfully in your life and brought you to faith in Christ.
That is a miracle of God!!!
Attacking the Gospel (v.17-28)
If in the previous verses we see God approving, accrediting, authorizing the apostolic message then in these verses we see the religious leaders of the day attacking God’s message.
Read the passage
Comment on the hardness of heart that we see in these men.
They just don’t get it.
The text tells us that the religious leaders are jealous
They hate the message of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and they hate the popularity of the apostles and the message, the message is spreading like wildfire and they are jealous.
Think about these men, these are the same men that covered up the resurrection of Jesus, these are the same men who could not deny the healing of the lame man in chapter 3 and yet we see that they are just unwilling to listen to the message.
Let’s just think practically about what it is that keeps people from the gospel.
Pride, right?
These men had plenty of it
Intellectual pride, they thought they were the smart ones, they were the theologians, they were not going to listen to Jesus from Nazareth, can anything good come out of Nazareth
And now they are not going to listen to Peter, James, and John; these are country bumpkins, hillbillies, fishermen; they don’t know anything, right?
To many of the intellectual elite Christ crucified and raised from the dead is a stumbling block, it is foolishness
Be careful thinking that you are to smart to learn from someone else.
social pride, many will not believe because they social elite would look down on them.
Let me tell you repentance from sin and faith in Christ has never been the cool or the hip thing to do in any society.
Sin has always been celebrated and righteousness has always seemed awkward to the world.
family pride, some may not have come to Christ because it would have cost them their family and they were not willing to give it up, maybe they were proud of their family name,
maybe they were born into a religious family and didn’t sense there need for the gospel, and that leads us to the last
religious pride, and oh here is the ugliest and most dangerous form of pride.
Thinking that they had done something or could do something to earn God’s favor.
They gospel flies in the face of that and offends the one who thinks that he can earn God’s favor.
That he can be good enough, that he has not sinned bad enough.
Let me tell you, the sinful prideful heart of man despises the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As Paul says the gospel is an aroma of death to some, it is a stench in their nostrils.
I went with Joshua yesterday morning and we met with a trapper and he had some lure that he was using to set traps for coyotes and bobcats and he said here smell this and put it right up to my nose
My reaction without even thinking was to turn and gag
The aroma was offensive, I could not stand it so i turned from it as fast as i could to smell clean air
The gospel is like that for some, it is like an offensive aroma and they turn from it as fast as they can.
Notice v.28 and then v.40
They want it to stop
Affirming the Gospel (v.29-32)
But we also see, in the midst of this opposition, again the apostles are faithful to God’s message.
Again they know that these are the same men who killed their Lord, and they do not coward down, they are empowered by the Holy Spirit and they affirm the gospel message before the Sanhedrin.
Notice what they say
We must
It is necessary, this word that is used speaks of divine necessity
In other words, we are not diplomats, they were ambassadors and they had been given a message.
Our Lord had commanded us to speak this message therefore we must do it.
Let me ask you brother and sister, do you feel the divine necessity.
I must obey God,
I must speak this message
Oh brothers and sisters, pray that the Holy Spirit would so work within me, within you that we would say with with the Apostles,
We must speak the gospel.
They did not change their message to tickle the ears of the religious leaders, they did not try to soften the message, they did not try to make the message more culturally acceptable.
One of the great sins of the church growth movement is that the try to take the sting or the offense out of the gospel when it is shared.
I heard a popular preacher in Atlanta Ga.
say that when he shares the gospel, he actually tries to help people see that the gospel well make their life easier, more comfortable in America.
This is nothing but subtle health and wealth gospel, it is not the gospel of a bloody Savior, it is not the bloody gospel of Jesus Christ, it is not the gospel that calls you to die to yourself and to take up your cross and follow Jesus, it is cotton candy Christianity not Biblical Christianity.
We see nothing of the sort as the apostles affirm the gospel
What do they affirm?
Jesus came
Jesus died
Jesus rose again
Repent (and believe) v.14, repentance and belief are two sides to the same coin.
If you turn from something you have to turn to something else.
Turn from sin and turn to Christ.
Avoiding the Gospel (v.33-39)
Notice the offense
They are enraged, they want to kill them.
They want to kill them because they hate the message, they want to kill the message.
But notice how things turn with v.34
Gamaliel steps forward and gives his speech after having the apostles dismissed.
Gamaliel cools the crowd but Gamaliel is still wrong.
Lets notice
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