02-17-AM-Working (Week 08)

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Genesis chapter 2 and if it's right along with the message this morning. Let's start a new series today for next few weeks called our faithful God. We have a faithful guy We Know Who Holds Tomorrow kids y'all can go ahead and go. Sorry about that. I was just keep y'all in here. amen We Know Who Holds Tomorrow in our faithful God does doesn't he Genesis chapter number to we're going to look at a person Deuteronomy first, but you don't need to go there I'll just read the verse in just a moment Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse number 9 is what I like to read for you in the Bible says no therefore that the Lord thy God he is God the faithful God which keeper Covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his Commandments to a thousand Generations is a great verse on the faithfulness of God. I want to pull out a contract that I have here today. This is a contract between you and your company. It looks like a piece of music just use your imagination. I have a great is a good contract. If you were employed today this contract reveals that there's some great benefits to you both now and in the future and this is what you're looking over before you sign the dotted line and say hey, I'm going to commit to this country a company. There are no promises in this contract of a trouble-free work place. What do you like to work somewhere like that? I bet it doesn't exist. So there's no there's no guarantee that the workplace is going to be trouble free, but there is a guarantee in this contract that that help you through any of the difficult situations that might come up while you're performing your duties. So you do have some help. Are you still going to have to deal with health issues because that's just life and you're going to have some people issues because that's just lie, but your company is going to stand by you sounds like pretty good contract so far. I'm doing pretty good. I went good you like it. Come on.

So I guess here's a question about this contract and that is will the company follow through on their promises in the state of contract. Will they keep their word now? They're making a commitment to you and I think maybe even the second question to ask about this is is is do they have the ability to keep their word. I mean they can you can sign this contract today and work there for 10 years and they do everything they say they're going to do they give you a raise as when they say they're going to give you razor. They have you provide insurance. I do all these things but what if that company is bought out by another company Uh-oh, or what if that company that you have a contract besides they're going to move all their workers overseas or they're going to build an overseas plant and they're going to eliminate these jobs. These are things Beyond even their control actually the guy in human resources at our gal that that helps you through this contract and you signed on with this is beyond even their control cuz we really don't know the future totally. And then there's an even another question about this contract. Will you and I as employers for this said company will we keep our end of the deal when we show up at work everyday and be on time and work consistently consistently and give a 100% on the job and not griping complain the whole time. We're going to be good employees.

Where the side about our side of the contract? And so I guess I'm saying here if if if the company is going to be faithful to us or we going to be faithful to them if they meet their obligations. Are we going to do our part if they do their part? And this contract today kind of reminds me of what we have with the Lord our faithful God. You know we can count on God. He's not moving overseas. And in the truth of the matter that makes the whole thing work as an application of the Christian Life is this the company can't control everything. So therefore their commitments are only as good as their ability can control everything. But God in his faithful to us he is all-powerful. So he has the ability to control everything. He has the desire to demonstrate his love and faithfulness to ISO the desires there and the ability is there and on top of that he sees now and he sees in the future he can control everything and knows everything in the future. So when God says he's going to keep his Covenant and his mercy and he's going to be faithful to us we can count on God and that's what I wanted for size from the scriptures and they're really I just want to really talk about what the scripture say about God's faithfulness over these next few weeks because God keeps his promises we can count on God In this passage in Deuteronomy that you see in chapter 7 verse 9, he's talked and he says this God the faithful God that keeping his Covenant got a covenant is a promise a binding promise. And so God made some promises to is. And God made some promises by the way to you and I as Believers and all you and I need to do is understand what those promises are and hang on to them because God's not going to let us down. And maybe before we look at a couple of texts this morning, something's running through your mind. Maybe you feel like it's some point in your life where you kept your end of the deal with God and God didn't keep his maybe you thought God should have done something that he didn't do or help somebody that he should have helped and he didn't help him or our he should have stepped in on somebody's Health crisis at such a young age that they dealt with some issue. My wife is remaining last night just of a friend we had years ago in Colorado. He'd be a few years younger than us. I mean, he's in my Sunday school class is great couple family in a battle with cancer and he just passed away just last week. Kelly younger than me.

my brothers by one of my nieces was just just yesterday three and a half months pregnant and found out is going to be a boy and then found out and have a heartbeat. She had to hold a text me back last evening just said I had a chance to hold our first have three daughters already. So I had a chance to hold up first son in my arms for just a few minutes. For that taken away. Sad we look at situations like this. Is this a violation of God's faithfulness and God's goodness. How do we understand this in light of God being faithful? I will tell you today as we look at these passages over the next couple of weeks is that that these difficulties at pass our way or not violations of God's faithfulness nor of his goodness, but we need to be settled on the faithfulness of God to believe that he is going to keep his word if we look if if we don't think he can keep the contracts just like when you go through the job at the end of the job interview and you're getting ready to sign the contract of you just don't feel like they're good for going to walk out the door. So no, I'm not going to I'm not going to commit. I want a long-term employment here. I'm not going to commit to something. It just doesn't feel right. And there are Christians today that are not faithful to God because they don't believe he was faithful to them. It's okay. I just want to look at three examples where God has kept his promises just to kind of Kick the whole fought off and I liked it begin with me and Genesis chapter 2. It's going all the way back to the beginning. It's a familiar passes to us. Cuz we study the Book of Genesis a lot here. Because so many foundational documents are found here in the Book of Genesis, but I won't you notice first the god kept his promise to Adam Wright of the beginning in chapter 2 verse 17. The Bible says with the butt of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil now shalt not eat of it for the day that thou eatest thereof Thou shalt surely. What's the last word. God made a promise now some of the promises God make involved some things that are negative and some things that are positive is it's just very sore throat. The scripture here is a place where the Lord the Adam Levy place them in the Garden of Eden in a perfect environment. They were made there were created without sin, but they had been untested. So God test them because by the way, if we are never tested we will never prove our faithfulness to God if we're never tested. And so here he says so then in the day you eat of the fruit you're going to die. If you do that, so don't eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil in the midst of the garden. and then I'd like to see why ingest in chapter 3 verse number for look at what Satan immediately does. And Satan the serpent said unto the woman ye shall then. What's that word? Not surely die. Right from the beginning Satan is his word is in direct opposition to God's word. Satan immediately contradicts the words of God

and 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 Paul said the same thing he says who is wise. Who is a scribe where is the dispute of this world have not God made foolish the wisdom of this world. I want to tell you that Satan's word. The word of the serpent is always contrary to God's word and the wisdom of the world is always contrary to God's word because the wisdom of the culture that is without God basically is the wisdom of Satan and Paul is identify and he says look if it's not of Christ, it's of Satan. And you're not even realize the battle or fighting isn't that we're over here on one side battling for God and then there's the evil satanic people over here and there is battling for Satan and there's a big group of people in the middle that they're just really nice people and they don't really have a side everybody has a side and it is identified here in Genesis chapter 3 and is in a 5 by Paul is that either we have the mind of Christ we base our life on the word of God and the wisdom of God or it is based on the world's wisdom, which comes from Satan himself. They may sound strong, but it's true. There's no neutral ground. Don't buy. It. Don't believe it. They can be the nicest most wonderful people in the personality-wise your best friend your neighbor the good guy next door the good almost at the swing family, but I'm telling you friends. It's either it is either the word of God or the word that is not of God when it comes to spiritual things and that's it. Now is a move forward in chapter 3 2 verse number 6. Adam and Eve party cook of the tree of the knowledge of good need one like you to look at versus 6 7 and 8. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food saw and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise. I'm seeing to things already. Aren't you first. Look good in everything that looks good isn't good.

You know, it just isn't. And then notice right in the beginning something that was in the heart of man and woman and that is the desire to be wiser. Now that's a good desire if it's based on God's word. But she was choosing exactly what Paul said it. First name is 120 or we just read it the wisdom of the world are the wisdom that comes from Satan and she said hey, even though God said don't do it. It looks good. It's pleasing. And it's going to make me why. I'm going to be smarter. And Satan even came said the serpent can said you'll be like God practice going go a little further and we're inverse number 6. She took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also and her husband with he did eat. I noticed remember looking back in chapter 2 verse 17 the Lord said That when you go to the tree of don't eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil in the day you eat of it. You'll surely what die and then the Bible says in verse number 6 that she has she gave her husband and he did eat soap right now if God's word is true. What's going to happen? They're going to die. You are expecting that they're going to just going to happen like this. Supper comes along don't worry about what God says. I'm smarter than God. You'll be smarter than God. It looks good. Eat it. That's my paraphrase. Sounds good to me.

That's pretty dramatic. What? The drop dead right there physically drop dead that very moment.

well If you would Willis finish reading chapter verses 7 and 8 and then I want to move ahead while I'm going to come back to this and the eyes and they were both open and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons and they heard the voice of the Lord God Walking In The Garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God Among the Trees of the garden. And so we see a right now immediately after they send they did not physically die, but it's the relationship between them and God changed.

Look at chapter 5 verse number 5.

and all the days that Adam lived we're 930 years and he what. The Lord said in the day you eat thereof. You're surely die. But I don't live to be 930 years old. Remember this is what in the beginning if I live long pure genetic pool man, God Kratom, perfect. And so he brought his living for a long time with that eventually starts getting less and less and less than two what it is pretty much today, but he lived to be 900 30 years and then he died physically. So do we have a contradiction in scripture or is there something we've left out all we know number one. There's no contradiction in scripture. So there must be some aspect of death that that he didn't is inferred by what happens in Genesis chapter 3 and there is we think of three death has three aspects and the first is physical death and that's what happened in Genesis chapter 5 and verse was verse number 5 when Adam is Abby 930 years and he physically. But I want to tell you what happened in the garden in chapter 3 verses 6 through 8 that we just read cuz once they ain't of the of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil they hid themselves their eyes over. They recognize they need to cover themselves that at that moment. They spiritually died. So God is absolutely correct. He said in the day you eat there or you're going to die. You're going to be saying a word that means separation. You're going to be separated from me. Spiritually. You are no longer in communion with me. It's all that spiritual death is what every person that's born to the world has when they come out of the womb or spiritually not right with God. We realize it until a child can understand. What is right and wrong and what sin is and understand the gospel that they are that they are obviously they're under the grace of God in that matter cuz they can understand anything but once they come to a point in their life and it's different for every person when they can understand what sin is and what the gospel is it when I can't believe and be safe then of course, I need salvation, but they are spiritually dead in the Bible makes it clear in Ephesians chapter 2 and verse number to pieces and you have he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins the word quick and needs to be made alive. When you and I are born again. We asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save us we are Made Alive spiritually. And so there's physical dad their spiritual death then last in Revelation chapter 21 verse 14. There's Eternal death. The Bible says in death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death. So Physical death is the first death Eternal separation from God is the second death spiritual death is the way we were born. So so God didn't use that. He didn't say there three days. He says his second death, but he thinks spiritual death is only when we're bored with separate from got we physically. I and II are that spirit Spirit eternally separated from God and that is the Lake of Fire is the eternal. Destiny of every person has not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now it is clear from this passage and I want to go to the beginning because I wanted to see God's character. God keeps his word do people die today.

God says the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ or the soul that sinneth it shall die. I've never known anyone. The gifts are certain point that didn't die. We don't know anybody date is 700 years old. You may feel 700, but you're not 700.

So evidently God still keeping his promises that eventually we're going to die. By the way at some points of our bodies go down and it's hard if your body is not there yet, but I think we'll get to that point in our lives for our bodies are so you know what? I don't want to go on any longer like this cuz I just can't function and at some point we realize it is our time to go and be with the Lord and God will give us Grace for that hour and understanding of that hour. I believe the mega to it to die graceful death and Northerly prusik rice and where we're going don't you think that have you seen that happen if the people you know and love to know the Lord Jesus? sandwich notice number one this morning that God kept his promise to Adam and Eve right from the very very beginning move with me to the second example in Genesis chapter number 8 And then after this was the third examples in the New Testament. Look at chapter 8 verse 22. This is Noah.

verse 22 After the flood

in the Bible says the Earth remaineth seedtime and harvest Cole eye sees me cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease excesses until after the flu said that he saying he has things seed time Harvest cold heat summer winter day night shall not cease. Is it cold today? I know not the glasses the Thursday before last it was 70° warm.

This is unbelievable thing and you're not going to believe this. No, I tell you you made out me. but

according to WeatherBug which episode in my weather app of choice the sun rose at 7:06 this morning.

True and tonight. It's going to sit at 6:01. Do you doubt the Sun going to set tonight? You know I get to sneaky feeling that it's going to get dark sometime today. I don't always know what time it exactly is, but it never crosses my mind. I don't look I'm a little concerned. I'm not sure she'll get dark tonight and I really sleep better when it's dark. I mean Brenda tell help me now. I mean you think we need to worry about this the way to call anybody. I mean, I don't know if it's going to be dark or not.

Which is regularity. Biblical it just happens. Because God said it was going to be that way. I didn't just began Hearing in Genesis 8 and began it when we announced day and night from the beginning. Unbelievers do unbelievers that so you don't have to have the Bible to believe all this. You know, what the date they steal from us. They still what the Bible says because according to of you that random. This is how we got here and the Big Bang is where it all happened so many billions of years ago, there's no guarantee and they really do believe in Randomness. There's no guarantee and Randomness that tomorrow is going to be like today. This is like you and I assume it is and that's okay to assume it is because it is going to be that way but why is it going to be that way I paint wants to be that way. Said. So it's the way he set it up. I have no writings or no. No record or any other thing to say that tomorrow is going to be like today but every 8 this was like well, you know, tomorrow's going to be like today, but how do they know that? I know that because the Bible says it so I'm not worried about tomorrow. Are you I got is it tomorrow morning? The sun's coming up I'll guarantee it the sun's coming up in the morning. Number to what's the weather? We have not kept his promise to Noah. He establishes seasons and day and night. Not only that look at chapter 9 verse number 8 He said he'll call past week. I mean, you know, you have to be a rocket science to throw anything come to church to figure this out. Now. I'm telling God's faithful and we need to understand his regularity and faithfulness in the things that we just assumed but why do we assume them? We have something to face our assumptions only haven't we can base it on God's work. If God says it is going to happen and I'm gone can make it turn night right now and it tonight and you can make the sunrise tomorrow. God is going to be faithful in holding me in his hand once I believe on him and I'm never never going to perish so I believed him in these things that we would just take for granted. You know what I can believe. It is more difficult things that I don't just take for granted. So God kept his promise and get one of their example and that's in chapter 9 verse number 8 and God speaking of Noah and his sons with him saying and I behold I establish my Covenant with you cover us a promise, right? And with your seat after you everybody's going to Born after you think about this everything start with Adam and Eve goes up to Noah Shem ham japheth and their wives after the global flood. It's down to Noah and his family. So yes, we came from Adam and Eve, but we had to pass through North Russia and ham and Jaipur that we going to do our family tree. Everybody's going through Noah's family to get to Adam and he says I'm going to this is a covenant. I'm making this covered with you verse 10 and every living creature that is with you of the file of the cattle of every beast of the Earth with you from all the go out of the Ark to every beast of the earth. I will establish my Covenant with you. Neither shall All Flesh be cut off anymore By the Waters of a flood neither shall there be any more a flood to destroy the Earth. Let me ask you a very simple question has God destroyed the Earth since Noah's day with a global flood Did God keep his word now? We said we a Cell. Come on. All right, God kept his word. I mean, it's not a light thing. God kept his contract. He did. In fact is he even gave us a token in verse 12? And this is a token of the Covenant which is between me and you and every living creature that is with you for Perpetual Generations. I do set my bow in the cloud and it shall be a token of a covenant between you and the Earth did and got me to come up with the Earth. Did you see a rainbow at least once last year anybody won last year most everybody anybody not see a rainbow last year? Everybody saw one for the most part. I saw a couple Double Rainbows last year.

So that's just a weather phenomena. No, God, but God said it. I saw every time you see a rainbow. Oh, yeah, that's just because the way the sun reflects through the dust particles and increase speed but it's because the god did you say that's exactly what it is, but I'm telling you why are there rainbows all the time? You want me to the conditions have to be right there at me. Why is it there meaning that weird? If you think about it give me driving around it rained and it hasn't rained you look up out of the blue. rainbow I'm just pretty weird, isn't it you think about it? There's a rainbow is its playing stuck up in the sky? Sometimes a really brilliant eye me something really bright and they're beautiful. I mean, that's strange. The Lord put it there. He's providing a token for the Covenant. I'm telling folks. God keeps his contract. He's faithful until it one last example and you can if you want to return the Matthew 27, this will be the last place we go today. I want to read a verse in Matthew chapter 1 first, but you know to go to Matthew 27. These are three examples of God's faithfulness that we should not take for granted.

So God kept his promise with Adam. That affects us God kept his promise with Noah that affects as we may look the flood of 85 was a flood here right was in the flood of 85 has a pretty pretty I saw the video from that one. It was a pretty amazing flood but it wasn't Global friends West Virginia had a horrible. Why are Church helped out over there a couple years ago. That was a horrible flood but it wasn't Global Katrina was awful, but it wasn't Global God keeps his word. But don't you notice. He also kept his promise about Jesus. We're looking chapter 27 verse 26 in just a moment. Would you like me to read the chapter 1 verse 21 of Matthew the Bible says and she shall bring forth a son and I shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins. This is no small promise folks. Our Salvation rest on this one and I consider that a big deal. In Matthew chapter 27. This is a last two 2728 the last two chapters in The Book of Matthew recording the last days of Christ as he's heading to Calvary to Golgotha the place of the skull where he's going to die. The Bible says in verse 26 then released he Barabbas under them and when did Scourge Jesus isn't even in this is catching the contact you when I read the whole passage is just too long. But but they release Barabbas is that the people said he gave me the opportunity. Do you want Jesus or Barabbas? And they said no release Barabbas who released into the people. He was set free that said crucify Jesus crucified crucified. This indicated the rejection of Jesus Christ. He had by his miracles present himself to all the Jewish people to Old World. He had proved who he was by raising the dead and healing people causing the blind to see Miracle Supernatural things Beyond nature things that no man could do and he proved himself to be the Fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies, but they still rejected him even though they had proof today. Some people say will you just prove it to me? I'll believe it. Not usually I mean there are times when people need to have some explanations about it, maybe about creation about how God did some things but some of the some of the people that say you prove it to me and I believe it they wouldn't believe though Jesus rose from the dead. Because he didn't they didn't believe. In Jesus's day thousands of people saw him heal. That's pretty impressive. They knew it heard about Jesus raising the Dead. They knew about Peter walking on the water. I mean these were not things that were hidden yet. They saw all that and the same mob that saw him do these things turn the water into wine at Cana of Galilee the very first miracle that he did when they saw all these things. They still cried out and said crucify him crucify Missy. It wasn't the proof they needed. It was repentance that they needed and they weren't willing to turn from their sins and turn the god in faith. They want to live the way you want to live. They want to be religious leaders. They wanted their own way and they rejected the Lord. And now he comes chapter 26 and they scourged Jesus the Bible says and he delivering to be crucified verse 27 than the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common Hall and gathered under him the whole band of soldiers and they stripped him and put on him a Scarlet robe. And so far. The man is the Lord Jesus Christ is a man is is a stripped of his clothing how humiliating that I place a Scarlet robe on him and mockery and when they had planted planted a crown of thorns they put on his head during his right hand. They bowed the knee before him and mocked and sing Hail King of the Jews all this is pure mockery. This isn't just some soldiers for filling an an an attic or a decree to crucify Christ. This isn't just some guys doing their job. These are men who willfully volitional you're saying. I'm going to mock the Lord Jesus this man that claims to be God this blasphemer. That crown of thorns on his head was it was the mocking to say you say you're King of the Jews and they later do say this. They put the rain is head like a supplicant Sepulchre was a receptors. He's not a Suffolk receptor was a something that I rule would have you see many older movies like they carry around a rod or sometimes really fancy kind of walking stick glue, but it looks like it was a symbol of power and authority and they stick it in his hands and then they bow before him and of course he'll King of the Jews and then verse 30 indirect opposite of saying he'll cans you say spit upon him and then they took the read it was supposedly representing power and they hit him on top of the head with it where his crown of thorns was total mockery.

And after they mocked and they took the road that live in the Scarlet Road off from him. So he's laying here half and are naked again and puts on his own Raymond on him and they let him away to crucify. I'm unless I came out first 32 they found a man of Cyrene Simon by name him. They compelled to Bear the cross and when they were coming to the place called Golgotha that is a place of the skull. This is where they crucified Christ.

In the same chapter and verse number 50 the Bible says after all of this. He cried with all that loud voice and yielded up the ghost which means he died took his last breath.

God kept his promise that he was going to provide a savior Redeemer. He mentioned in the first time in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15

and he keeps his promise the sinless Son of God goes to the cross. Peter you know Peter deny the Lord Remember that Peter denied look Peters one that made the commitment or I'll go with you. Look I'll go with you everybody else going to follow way. I'll go with you and he said Lord says him. No because the cops are three times. You don't deny me and exactly what happens if it goes out exactly same thing. By the way another time where the Lord Lord exactly what was going to happen. He kept his promise in the sense that he told him in advance what was going to happen and so Peter denies the Lord

But the same Peter that denied Allure got right with the Lord. And when God gives him Revelation he is responsible for 1st Peter and 2nd Peter the books of 1st and 2nd Peter New Testament and Chapter 3 Verse 18 He says this for Christ also. Half once suffered for sins One Time, by the way, there are religions that insist that Jesus is perpetually on the cross bearing our sins. He died once for sent just once for sin. The Bible says the just he was the just for us the unjust might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh. But Quicken the Ming Made Alive resurrected from the dead by the spirit, which is what Romans chapter 1 and verse 6 or 3 says so God kept his promise. About Jesus. This lady's are all things that you and I know and we just almost automatically assumed but we can't Because God kept his word. He was fight when his contract. Can you imagine something like this? Think about it you going to Tomorrow morning you're going to say. Work. Yes, I can't make it today.

Why I stayed up late watching TV last night.

Are you expecting to understand the other people? I understand? You know, I'm a really busy guy. I got no, I know you're busy to I know you pay me. I understand. I know I signed a contract. I understand. You know, I'm just tired of working. And I just I just don't think I'm coming in. I know I received the benefits. I yeah, I know lots of I understand I get the benefits.

Listen to me if God think about this if God is faithful to us.

Why in the world wouldn't be we we be faithful to him?

But yeah, sometimes Christmas is calling in sick an Army on God. Just call me. I don't mean you can't cause you know, I'm saying I mean excuse.

I think if we discover. our faithful God it would it should if it should motivate us to say that if God keeps his contract with me. I'm going to keep my word to him. I would not to gain my salvation or not to maintain my salvation because I am so thankful for all the good things that he's giving me in this contract. It should be the motivation.

father we're grateful for what you've done.

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