Jesus' Absolute Authority

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Jesus has absolute authority in everyday matters and eternal matters!

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Take your bath and turn to Mark chapter 12. We continue in the series this morning just before we do and maybe grabbing a few Bible. Maybe you're grabbing your phone or your device. Like a songwriter cat said I don't I don't care how you get there. Just get there if you can write but Mark chapter 12, I love that. I got to preach in marked with you now twice and they continue on the the series why you're getting there just a word of thanks for my family. Thank you so much for having us back. It's a joy to be here. My daughter loves the green Church, which is what you are affectionately known as she says. I love the green Church. Daddy. When are we going back so much so that like we've had to make sure she doesn't like just talked about it at other places like no, it's not the green church. So we were refreshed the first time we came here and I'm going to be honest with you a little caught off guard. The first time we came here with the not that you had a bad reputation by me. We clean that up really quickly. It was just it was such warmth and tenderness in the way. We were greeted and there was an immediate love for the flow of worship that everything pointed to the word of God and then everything pointed to the people of God being equipped to do the work of God his way. So I'm grateful for that. Thank you for having us back. If you do have a Bible app on your phone if you use the the Bible at by you birth and my notes are actually in there. If you want to look for local events tab, I'd probably two clicks forget it but if if you get the you feel so inclined in the introduction of the text and maybe you can go there. Mark chapter number 12. We're picking up with verse 13 Mark 12 verses 13, and we're going to read kind of a large passage this morning. I was given some options with a text just so you know, I did not take the longest of the three, but it occurs to produce either. So Mark chapter 12 will start in verse 13. I wonder I'm not sure if your custom but I make you do this every time I'm here, so you tricked me to thinking it is would you stand with me while we read scripture? Thank you. Mark 12 starting inverts 13 later. They sent some of the Pharisees and herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words. They came to him and said teacher we know that you are a man of integrity. You aren't swayed by men because you pay no attention to who they are. But you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay or shouldn't we? But Jesus knew their hypocrisy why you trying to trap me, he asked bring me a Denarius and let me look at it. They brought the coin and he asked them whose portrait is this and who's inscription Caesars. They reply then Jesus said to them give to Caesar. What is Caesar's and to God? What is God's and they were amazed at him. Let's look at that next section then as if it wasn't enough the Sadducees who say there is no Resurrection came to him with a question teacher. They said Moses Road for us to have a man's brother dies and leaves his wife but no children the man must marry the Widow and have a children for his brother. Now, there were separate Brothers the first one married and die without leaving any children the second one without leaving any children rhymes with the second one merry widow, but he also died leaving. No child. It was the same with the third. In fact, none of the seven left any children. Wow. I feel sorry for this woman, don't you? Set Men last of all the woman died two at the resurrection. Whose wife. Will she be since the seven were married to her? That would that be just a fantastic day school class. We're going to spend all year. I'm packing 7 Brothers in the resurrection Heaven Help Us. Jesus replied are you not narrow? Because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. When the dead rise don't neither marry nor given in marriage will be like the angels in heaven now about the dead rise. If you not read in the book of Moses in the account of the book child. God said him I am the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob he is not the god of the dead but of the living you are badly mistaken. I don't often transmission from you are badly mistaken to prayer but let's pray father. We pray this morning that you would us with your word remoteness of who you are and who we are and whose we are in Christ in Jesus name. Amen. You can be seated at sup lengthy passage. Thank you for your patience while we read it. But if you come to this text, these look like two disparate passages, right? They look like what does paying taxes have to do with seven brothers and the resurrection and this wife and who's going to be married. This convoluted hypothetical say the least but upon further reflection. I think you'll find not only are they connected with just a bit of observation this morning. I think you'll see the relevance Crites exalting relevance that might even bear on your week this week. If that's the case. I just give you a side note your Bible study Quest on your own. Don't get a rather don't hang up when you get hung up. Get rid of difficult passages treat me like how to make whatever you have to close. It. Hit a sounds like I'm done. I don't know what that meant. It's got it there for a reason. I'm not even sure what it does take a step back take a breath remember that you're not alive in the first century and recognized if that's who scripture was written to this new testament passage was written those in person picking Century. So there's an immediacy that they would have grass some things that we don't necessarily graph test contact cultural context of the text you say this is unclear will look back at some passage that was clear on and then come back to it. Don't give up call your space school teacher your small group leader call your pastor and I would tell you to call me but I just forward my phone to Pastor deso call anybody and we're happy to help in any way we can it's tempting to just kind of Baal sometimes when the text gets there, but just remember a some simple questions. Who what would it why we're all those things and God speak to you ask the Lord to help you. So why were setting the stage is too crazy text let's talk about what's going on. It actually starts in Mark chapter 11. Don't worry. I'm not going to read all that but it Mark 11:27. I wasn't with you for the last couple of weeks. So the preacher me just can't turn loose of that. I've got it at least touch it. Okay. So here's the disc or sit happens who are the they in this text will come to that in a moment that very first first they working later than they said some of the Pharisees and the herodians the day the start to Mark 11:27 and Carries On through the end of March 12th. We're going to see Israel's Faith the best of Israel's Faith put on display and we're going to see how futile it was to try to stand this up against the word with flesh on Jesus Christ. UC date they had fallen in love with the mechanics of Ministry. They had fallen in love with the laws instead of the law of God and falling in love with their position instead of the power of God. They fall in love with I'm going to use the word churchy things even though the church necessarily hadn't been formed yet. But typically things instead of the god that they were supposed to love that wouldn't happen in this day and age would it that people get distracted by the mechanic the ministry instead of following the master, but that's exactly what happened. This this space that gets on display here. There's an emptiness of authority in the end of chapter 11 verses 27 through 33. It's empty of authority. Remember the crowd recognized Jesus spoke with authority unlike the Scribe. Wow, that had to hurt. Right had to hurt them scribe describe the setting there and and they're like me this Jesus speaks with authority and then the guy beside him nudges even says unlike the scribes.

Perhaps to hurt but it was the truth never meant to make such as this chapter 2 if you're just looking at the chronology of March 8th set out to begin killing him from the moment. He opened his mouth and our family time of worship just last night where in John chapter 19, I believe it is 1819 somewhere around there and we're talkin about Jesus getting just before the crucifixion and the the Pharisees bringing before Pilate and what do they say? We need you to try and because we've got to get ready for worshiping we can't get all caught up in a trial know they say we got to go prepare and and we can't kill him. Because your mother was cheaper. It wasn't just as they were after they were after murder. They couldn't stand it. They were empty of authority heat at all of it. We see the misuse of authority in the passage from last week Mark 12 1 through 12. Jesus had their number the leaders knew that that Parable was about them and they couldn't stand it. We see hypocrisy here on display. They had set it out to trap it is words. Mark right here verses 13 through 17 with his old ass question. They set up the traffic. It's just crazy this hidden agendas verbal gymnastic virtue signaling politicizing kingdom of God and try again. None of these things are relevant today. Are they politicizing the kingdom of God God help us. The next passage we see that their faith is without understanding of the scripture and that acquaintance with the power of God. It's amazing. Just how much of this goes on here in the plot against Jesus and de in the name of Christianity trying to grab zeitgeist. We see a faith without focus and your next passage seeing vs 38 or 28 through 37. They'll come to him and ask him which laws the most important. They weren't even focused on the law of a claim to love Jesus is all the law hangs on the great commandment finally will see a faith. It's marked by greed. We see a little is playing at in our texts this morning, but a faith that I agreed where the scribes and Lyrica preying on the poor instead of breaking for The Souls of God people instead of praying for The Souls of the one that loved the giving a tip of their abundance and the Widow comes and gives a real offering I pray that you're offering this morning as an act of worship and not just an obligation. Let's look at I text chapter 12 verse 13 later today. I mentioned the day it's the scribes. It's the Pharisees the herodians but the scribes and the chief priests from chapter 11 that are sending out these folks to try to trap Jesus what's going on here? That's like a big picture here this little passage. Well, Jesus Authority is being called into question. That that's what's on display here for us. It's been called into a question at and they're presenting it is complicated but it's a reasonable dilemma that was facing some of those religious zealots of the day the Pharisees and herodians were sent to ask about paying the polls packs to seize or no. Let me just dive in a bit to that in a moment. This is not just taxes should we pay our taxes before because they're for the good of the community. This was the specific tax. If there was a significant issue with would Jesus have an answer that would work with Jesus say something that would alienate he always does if I were taking notes this morning, I would just remind myself somewhere that Jesus always alienates when he speaks. He always speaks the right way, and he always leads the right way with people. But his truth is the truth and he is absolute authority to proclaim. The truth. The question is does Jesus have authority that matters for this day today matter?

It look 20, they cover it like this Luke rights keeping a close watch on him. They sent spies pretended to be sincere and Matthew 22, then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him and its words. That they're setting him up. Can I get to remind you that when you feel like you're being set up an entrapped? I don't have jump to too quickly to application. But can I just remind you that things aren't always what they seem. Wrightwood things are coming unglued around you. May I remind you that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authority to gets the cosmic Powers over this present Darkness against the spiritual forces of evil in Heavenly places, but I remind you as Paul rights and 2nd Corinthians 4 that we're not the look at the things that are seen all of the time How to recognize that there are things unseen the things seen are temporary The Things Not Seen are Eternal. So here's a group in front of Jesus setting him up and their tone is flattery. Have you ever been flattered we talked about flattery this morning I sent hey good lookin to Pastor D. And then I went I think he is good-looking, but I didn't want to flatter him. I said I'm going to say something unflattering this morning to what somebody thinks it will flatter me. Flattery or the things that you would say to a person space that you would never say about them to anybody else. Gossip is the opposite right? The things you would say to everybody else about a person but you would never say to their face Paul reminds us in Romans 16, I urge you brothers and sisters watch out for those who cause divisions. How do you know them such people are not serving Christ their own appetites by smooth talk and flattery Legacy the most naive people. A flattering all we know that you you heard the way I read it. I read it on purpose. It. Would that you Jesus REO you you you're special. You're not begin ebudde else notice the cleverness of a question though. Let's look at the questionnaire in verse I'm reading this the print here is microscopic and my Bible I'm so sorry. It's not me. It's just kidding. It's a verse 14, so they're asking about this text. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not? We pay or should we the csb the Christian Standard Bible says is it lawful vs Beats has the same same thing King James uses that same rendering is it lawful is this ride is this legal for us to pay this particular tax? What's special about this tax? It's a poll tax the word comes from the Latin word meaning since it's your perfect to the annual poll tax demanded by the emperor from all Jews that goes all the way back to 86. And so this particular tax went right into the emperor's copper that was used for the community wasn't used to better the roads or to do anything. This just padded Caesars pocket. Did you get this now? So they're not saying is it right for us to fulfill our obligations Jerome they're saying is it right for us to pay this tax? Is this legal or the Pharisees? Ask if it's leap the rodians are standing there the Pharisees didn't like doing it but it made an exception because they were in Rome's pocket to a large degree will see that play out in the moment. And then you have the road against their religious angle to this. You see the Pharisees didn't like it because Caesar had declared himself worthy of worship. He said you got to work with me so that the Pharisees are asking Jesus. Why can't you just see him right there tie and make sure they're going so is it legal when people have besides where it's usually a legal cuz we got the law of Moses. And should we know why would they ask is it legal and should we? There's such cleverness to that noticed these two questions here. Is it lawful? Should we do it? Just because something is legal. Doesn't mean it's right.

The legality of a matter has no bearing on the morality of a matter. Walter E. Williams is wrote this how does something immoral when done privately become moral when it's done collectively? Furthermore does legality establish morality slavery was legal apartheid was legal stylist Nazi and maoist urges were legal. Clearly. The fact of legality does not justify these crimes legality alone cannot be the Talisman of a moral people. Let me give you an example from our recent headlines, New York legislation. legal Who perform abortions up until 40 weeks full term? Virginia proposed legislation can be delivered kept comfortable outside the womb while the mother just died. on the next step

They're proposing at Double Eagle has no bearing on the morality. You see the cleverness of these questions are asking. How is he going to get out of this one? May I remind you that Jesus is absolute Authority. Jesus respond. He says bring me a call. Now the beauty of this is the hypocrisy that they're coming to him what he says bring me a coin to hear these men are trying to trap Jesus and accused him of collaboration with the Enemy and they're the ones profiting financially from Rome. They retain their pocket and pull out a day's wage and put the Jesus hand. He says whose image is on the you know, how to place out remember that the Lord set up rulers and establish governments. That's part of God's plan for Authority here on the earth is a way that he can display his own authority. But before he gets stabbed, what's the rule of law he made man. He said let us make man in our own image our own likeness Lee and Ivy renders He says whose image is on the inscription Caesar's Render unto Caesar. What is Caesar's and give to God? What is God's and they were amazed. So what is God's we are? Paul writes in Colossians see that no one takes you captive through Hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of rather than on Christ those Elemental Spirit. Here's the deception. It's the live from the garden. It's Satan whispering in our ear. It's your body your rights your choice your life. Nobody can tell you what to do contrast that with what we know to be the biblical worldview the gospel revealing world that God gives us in his work. We have been bought with a price we are not our own so we glorify God in our bodies combined service of men why because God made us and in that short of Westminster catechism. I love that first confession. It says, why did God make man to glorify him and enjoy him forever? That's why you were made. That's why you're miserable outside of that context. It's not that there is a hole in your heart and not taking too much issue with Saint Francis of Assisi and they best Indian World there but I'm saying that's not always the case. There's some people who feel tremendously fulfilled as they think they're running A Thousand Miles the other direction from God and God Alone, they might feel fulfilled but feelings are deceptive. At the end of the day, they will long for something more something deeper. Why because they're not doing what they were made to do you and I were made for worship. And we were made to glorify God. So there's the deliver. It's politically motivated. It's it's challenging. It's an everyday thing that does Jesus have authority to deal with this. We see Israel's faith on his way. What is Jesus say, I think he dealt with it. Well, he spoke with authority because he had Authority let me remind you. The people were amazed that is teaching because he taught them as one with authority Jesus in Matthew 28 says all authority in heaven and on Earth, it's given unto me. I'm giving you two basic notes this morning to thoughts to write down to carry it through the week. That's it. I'm not going to John Piper you and give you thirty seven sub-points for either right? He's very very tricky that guy we listen to I've only got three points and an hour and 20 minutes later. They're going what the right I'm not here to play fan favorites on anything, but I've never heard Jerry Falwell and I didn't hear a lot of his messages. But the two couple I heard they would be 10 or 12 point messages. He spend 27 minutes on the first point and the three minutes on the rest. How do you do that? I'm not that talented. So I got two things for you this morning. Hopefully we'll get to it done. Right number one. Jesus has absolute Authority in everyday matters. Jesus has absolute Authority in everyday.

This is really have something to say about this. This is there really something to obey here. Is there something that I can do? Is there a way to avoid sin in this situation? Jesus has absolute Authority in everyday matters. Let's look at the remainder of our texts this morning. Verses 18 through 27. I won't the verse by verse through because really who who wants to go back to the brothers and the wife and come on up and read that at home in any translation you use and all of them if you like at the second was married the Widow and had kids reading this and can I just tell you I'll get to it really? Biblically in preet resounding in a minute. I didn't believe in the resurrection. I mean it's it's like when somebody that you know, you've heard that phrase in The Devil's Advocate they don't believe in you are not in debate class, right? You have to argue both sides of a position and all that. But but their goal here is not to get better at debating. Your goal is to trap Jesus the God who knows everything the word with flash on and they walk up to I'm just wondering like after you got dude through dealing with the Pharisees in the herodians were the Sadducees standing right there and then he goes All right. What are you guys doing? I'm not saying it was sarcastic. That's all me okay, if you pick that up on him, but I'm just what he goes like in the resurrection if he just goes to France or come on you guys don't even believe this go ahead tell me what you got it. So they lay up this straw man rather than a man's Brothers Brothers brother his brothers brother. Anyway, would Jesus be able to does he have any Authority really speak on that matter? Cuz this is now the life after he is claiming to be God something to come from heaven. And when he speaks the father speaking, he doesn't say anything unless the father tells him can he hate these SRU pre-trib or Mitch Ripper post Trevon. If you don't know what that means. May the Lord bless you. There are way too many books and think Britain on such matters. Are you home a lineal or pre or post or this or that I would have come but I'm trying to develop a new one. I'll let you know how it goes. Are you are you work? Where do you land on this? Where you go? What's your eschatology Jesus?

I need to know where my Mansion is Jesus. I need to know what kind of carpet of eating my managers going to have a key to my pad. Jesus do you have any authority to speak to a turtle match? The Sadducees did not even believe in the resurrection and are trying to trip him up on that. I don't even care about it. They're trying a false argument which is a hyperbole of a strawman. The real issue was Authority outside of everyday matters. You see he had a word in season for everyday matters. But what do you have a word that would anchor and tether? The things unseen for eternity. Does Jesus have absolute authority Jesus goes right to the heart of the matter look at the text verse 24 and Jesus replied are you not in error? Because pause it right breathe in breathe out. You do not know the scriptures or the power of God.

I'm 42, but I believe that constitute the mic drop right? I think that's where you go. Boom. But Jesus didn't do that. He's not grass. That way. He loves people. He's trying to get to the heart of the matter.

What could it be? Could the problem be that? You don't know the scriptures or the power of God? And then he goes on. He doesn't stop there. If I had one recently in my news feed it said young man sends message to Karen Pence about Christian Schools.

Go back young game anthems message to Karen Pence about Christian Schools.

It is he is he a theologian. Is he an administrator of a school? Is he an educator? Did he actually send a message to Karen or did he just get on YouTube or Facebook or whatever and say I have a message for Karen Pence going to work at his Christian not here to talk about political matters, but I'm just saying does he know the scriptures or does he know the power of God with a lot of heat as Christians this day in age of people asking us nuanced questions that they think sound intelligent but they don't realize reveals that they don't know the scriptures for the power of God. And so that other burden us to pray for them and to be Christ to them and witness to them in and share the gospel with them. This is how it works. The focus of Heaven is not your pleasure your Creature Comforts or even your Resurrection details is Jesus says know that they won't be married because the marriage let me remind you is for the display of the Gospel here on Earth marriage was not given for your happiness. It was given for our holiness. Ridley we get to be happy at times and that but there's great joy in this plane. I love of Christ loving the church in the way that husbands lay down their lives for their wives. It's a gospel tract to the world. This is, let me tell you about Jesus with the guards will be like Angels Not Angels when your friend or family member passes on from this life to the next heaven doesn't get a new angel that spoke theology. Angels are created beings. If your friend or loved one has repented of their sins and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. They go to heaven as a saint of God the bride of Christ the church triumphant in heaven will be like Angels God is not the god of the dead but he's the god of the living. He's the god of Abraham Isaac and a jake. He's the same yesterday today and forever. Jesus said I am that I am We have hope only in this life were to be pitied of all men Paul writes in 1st Corinthians 15, but Christ has indeed been raised from the dead the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep for since death came through a man the resurrection of the Dead Cops. Also threw a man. You see the point of the Resurrection is not me and you the port of the Resurrection.

Animal Stak what about this one? And that one? What about Mimi Mimi?

The me monster comes out. What about my pleasure in your motivation is wrong? Here's your second Point. Jesus has absolute Authority in Eternal matters.

Pastor Chad has a lot of texts are not very profound. I'm very deep points there. I'm amazed. Oh how easy it is for us to get off center and alltrack when we forget the absolute Authority Christ in our day-to-day lives. And how distracted we can become and we start focusing on the minutiae of things that really were in the South so I can say don't amount to a hill of beans. I've never seen a hill of beans but

Jesus has absolute Authority look at how he wipes that wraps it up. He says you are badly mistaken. I was taught. That you send which a negative thing to pop the things that I can job reviews and stuff and I had to do or use with my staff at BGA at sitting down to be like hey, how are you your hair? Looks nice day. You're terrible. I like your shoes. Have a great day. Let's see if we can get on that right? I'm kidding. It's not quite how it went. That was a review. I have Jesus deals with is he starts with you? Don't know the Bible and you don't know the power of God and ends with your Beckley mistaken. I'm not recommending that immediately applicable to your life and situation. What I'm saying is that Jesus didn't play with came to a colossal miss that Rob God of his glory and that's what was going on in both of these situations.

Religious energy of the day spent on religious things and not on. Getting to know God on his terms. And following Jesus and becoming Fishers of Men. You don't walk away from a conversation like this until I keep want but we live in a hyper relativism. We're told to live Our Truth taking that I was hoping you would stop when you were running cuz I have to skip all this. What were told to live your truth? We're living in a day when men were called pastures Christian pastors who hold Bibles or something akin to a Bible in their hand. He interviewed on Nextdoor median being asked about basic Christian dog mother asked. Is there salvation outside of Jesus Christ? They're asked a Candace Bible be trusted there after you believe that sin will keep people from heaven and they stumble they Bumble and Bumble their way through it. I don't know. I've met some really sincere people from India. I'm just not sure that's an actual quote. Former pastors of one of America's largest churches dealing with questions on is there salvation outside of Christ. Can the Bible be trusted to send keep you from Heaven? I'd give us some men that know. And then I'll say it when it's time for them to say it. This is a denial of desus absolute Authority for everyday matters and internal matters. The may I remind you nearly different. Thank you for your patience. As Christ Alone is the image of the invisible god of the firstborn of all creation splashing ones. We bring him all things were created in heaven and on Earth visible and invisible weather Thrones or powers or rulers or authorities. All things have been created through him here. That's Americans and for him not for us. He is before all things and in him all things hold together. He's the head of the body the church. He's beginning at the firstborn from among the dead so that everything he might have the supremacy John 14. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father, but by me the Sadducees question seems ridiculous. But then I wonder when you think about heaven are you thinking small and selfish big glorious? It's ridiculous to think about heaven with just you there. It's ridiculous to think about heaven as going to satisfy you fraternity because please hear me with all love and tenderness Mamaw's there and Papaw is there. Dr. Russell Moore who heads the ethics and legal commission for the Southern Baptist convention made the statement. I like family reunions. for about 4 or 5 hours

He said and these are people I love and love being around. He said I get on my nerves if I'm around me too much longer than that.

mama, daddy son daughter grandma grandpa Aunt uncle friend co-worker That won't be what makes heaven heaven. Christ is he having his not just for people who are looking for a consumer Nirvana? It's for people who love Jesus. Jesus is absolute Authority in everyday matter here now. So we say yes Lord to his bird. Whatever. He asked we follow Mary's instruction, whatever he says do. Do it why because he is absolute Authority. He's the only one qualified to be sufficient. So, you know two words that don't go together. No and Lord. about it number to Jesus has absolute Authority and internal matters. So we are satisfied with him. He will be what make the resurrection real. Not who's married to who or whose man's next method in heaven. He will be what makes heaven heaven.

Now here's the question that most of us ask every Sunday. Anytime we have a Bible study. What does any of this matter? Well, I think a passage like this in context underscores the authority of God's word. It reminds us that It's true. It really it's true. It underlines the supremacy of Christ alone and that he never back down even though he was led like a lamb to the slaughter he contended for the faith. Got to defend himself to remind us of the enemies ever present strategy to undermine the work of disciple making churches. Maybe it's not so far-fetched after all imagine a listen carefully politically charged. virtue signaling religious question or two coming your way this week? Did the guys possibility may be dealt with it last week? Could you just imagine that some in our churches get so caught up in what others say about scripture instead of the scriptures alone that if you get the pool others away to their thing. confusion in the church on secondary and tertiary matters I keep these deep questions a deep is there so deep that drowned in their own intellectualism and they're not making disciple making disciples.

Are those two things way off base?

Christ is our all for today and Christ. Alone will satisfy us. for all eternity spray

Father we recognize the futility of our faith.

Here's Israel sending the best of the best 2 trip of Jesus. putting their faith as it were on display for all to see

happy packing Eyes Lord that the most moral people in our community the most giving and and those that would even give sacrificially to endowments that are for the better of the community in and do their dead level best to live in a way that looks like an upstanding citizen. They might even be celebrated by the local church. We recognize or that our righteousness. The best we have is is like filthy rags on display to you Lord. We have futile Faith just like the Pharisees the herodians the Sadducees the chief priests the elders and the crowd that was so easily swayed. But every wind of Doctrine what our faith is futile unless it's Tethered to the absolute Authority and the person of Jesus Christ or we have it in you alone. I pray this morning that if there are those here, who are Not yet personally and powerfully acquainted with the scriptures and the power of God in the person of Jesus Christ in his authority and the claims that he makes on all creation. Lord that they would repent of their sins and put their faith and trust in you and recognize this today all through the week every moment of time you have absolute Authority for every day matters that will face us even if a complex how you absolute Authority for all eternity. We bless you in Jesus name Let the Church Say Amen.

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