Sunday Service 3.2.2019

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The people who didn't make it a little child what's to do online from home groups individually, every two weeks. We will have a live streaming teaching for the group a life group that meets here mama today. We have different life groups that have existed and new ones forming around the city with the does. She like scooping kick the most effective place to do a half-hour teaching. I'm on my floor.

During about the presence of God and how God comes invades our life and touches us, but honestly, I need an invasion from God. We have so much invasion of the world and does what only God can do.

Love will get them because he is loved so that means we let our love for the word or the love for God or love for our spouse gets tail supposed to stay because I tell you what you can discuss till you're blue in the face. Sometimes you just need to touch of God all I needed. So that challenge on Wednesday and will continue to look in that direction is it?

I asked for God to you just do it in partnership with him. And we do the extreme Tweeter said God you do it or I'll do it myself call out to God the most high God touch. My anointed enable me. That's not going to go knock on your neighbor's door.

He's not going to. All of a sudden on the beach or calls us to be mighty men and women of God sacrifice some memories with the 1st Timothy Chapter 6 today Timothy neska the gym turn a list of a few hours to do that. How much you desire to get back out in that snow. We're going to be looking today at vs. 17 18 and 19.

Before I read that scripture I know it which general direction we're going to go with us up with you shoot at 2. She took them out its kitchen to do that in 1973 a guy named Howard Dayton WhatsApp for business man that talk about money and possessions in a single topical index.

The result of this study was that he discovered 2350 scriptures that talk about money and the use of it than the show me to stop by the Sudbury shook the movie open. He said that study radically and permanently changed me from worshipping money to serving Christ. There are approximately 500 verses pertaining to the topic of faith in prayer.

Why is that?

the only 500 Pizza

a v a picture of the number of scriptures about faith and prayer 5 times the number of scriptures about money.

to some people

if you look in the Bible, are they supposed you about that God stresses what's important to him. I'm not saying you have we will not find one Crown this show up with him. I don't know about that, or dollar or Euro or any other currency.

Treasure Book log what we called treasure. What's your mood? Music, Pokemon Gold is probably our streets are made out of gold.

To be a lot of dirt roads cuz everybody be picking up the road because it stress is our attitude toward God.

Don't you put that picture of the book up there Peter? This is the book. It's in check.

This statistical study and the use of money for where your treasure is. There your heart will be also I'm sbisa. It doesn't say where your heart is there. Your treasure will be cuz there's a lot of people in my pocket the action of giving them the scooter identifies. What's in my heart principal in every area not what I think about what I said what I actually do identifies what I believe.

Fashion for change life for your treasure is there your heart will be also some Buddha.

Now it's going to 1st Timothy. This is what you've been up for 17 through 19 in awesome time of studying for me from your throat to do I hope you pick some things out of there and fun just us two. I'm sure we could start all over again and do another half year because it has to do with the church in Church false teaching our relationships money attitudes so many different things.

As you get to the end of the letter you're trying to sum up what you think is important because that's the ending the cheetah bow me to ask command world not to be arrogant North to put their hope in well, which is so uncertain but to put their hope in God richly provides everything for our enjoyment Jim Teresa Behati Venetian vehicle.

Send them to do good to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age so that they may take hold of the life. That is truly life. I thought you're supposed to be set for police protection energy voter. I'm sure that when I read that Lisa, well that doesn't pertain to me cuz I ain't Rich. I'm so far from Rich this scripture, doesn't it? I don't know.

this is statistically facts 80% of the world lives on 200 crowns or less so

6000 crowns 80% of the world even if you're struggling student.

So I am talking to you.

I am talking to you moving from

it's not about Millions. It's about what we do with what we have, because that reveals our heart.

when using this word command

Can you imagine a room full of rich people and you commanding them to do anything? Because that's the way it's at least.

Especially if you don't have more money than they do, but if you have to earn your crown today because I know who is this guy? What is it intimidates us dish, Street Booty Me Down do we only understand a gospel based on pure need that will complement of ungu in them as I put in my car isn't he doesn't need anything?

Unexpected rich people that rich people people hockey. Nobody left your hands say I'm rich is Jennifer.

There's a reason that the offering is at the end leaders and pastors are intimidated to expect something from rich people who have the most money pull the authority ladies prostitute actress. He's got to be a good Christian leader.

What is it that he would close this letter specifically targeting rich people. He says Commandos that are rich not to be arrogant. I think I'm superior to you because I have more than you. Yeah, seriously just 17,000 Protege. Mom beats me some blocks that are against your worth has to do with your bank account mystery Oreo 12 on the rich person and the poor person's worth is the same Jesus.

What about the most innocent way to receive the same New Life take anything with me? So what's going to happen when we all show up there next to the poor guy and we both have nothing today. I'm not saying that poverty makes you closer to God.

I'm not saying richness makes you further from God unless he calms your boss to each other cuz. We all have choices again because we are to put their hope in well put their hope in God richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

I've heard someone say before. At my house, as long as I have a lot of money my hopes, always are you God?

I'll let that sink in.

Yeah, when I was in the Army is simple if I had been in the Army 10 years and I had earned a certain rank your salary goes up in the military and the higher rank two factors determine your salary now. I've been out of the military since 1984 and my salary was about $5,000 a month.

I'm back then. That was a lot of money. You know, it's easy to live by faith sheet Vito when the Army feed you and gives you $5,000 a month. Said to me today in Germany and I had gotten orders to go to America. I'm going to leave the Army and stay in Germany from $5,000 to a cooking job for kids knowing you are not supposed to stay in Germany and take care of sick. People know. It was a lot easier to trust God with $5,000 in my Give me the petition to report to submit before I spent months wrestling with God you're out how he was going to do this. I just thought you know, God doesn't answer that question ever never answer. You still thought that yeah, because if he did explain it it would blow up your brain.

You'd say could you repeat that again the first few things at once and God said to me and all those months of wrestling with him.

He said do you trust me Syke? Is it going to do this with me? Yes, Lord. I trust you. But yes Lord, but I just got a car and I'm coming regularly.

I know but do you trust me do Lord? I don't speak German, but I know that do you trust me go and I didn't have that job in those three months. I was wrestling with I got it. I got it two days then the thunder so I left the Army. I showed you my bank statement.

How many you know, the god already knows everything else is legal.

And at the end, that's all he said to me no matter what I said.

That's the pivot point three of them The Book of Life With God your money. Is that tipping?

4238 Bible says it very clear that you cannot serve two masters Biblia. You cannot serve God and Mammon because you will hold to Juan and reject. The other. You don't have to have money to put your hope in wealth. I'm not though. I'll be true. You can be as poor as poor can be it's not the amount of money you have.

Put your hope in him do this wish.

Because once we have done that.

The rest of the relevant I will worship you with all my heart. Everything I own.

When things get difficult financially is the first stop the bank for our friends the church and was born. or God

he's got the last stop. I tried everybody up.

When you put your hope in God, he's the first of these years old will only do you have before you even ask for Luigi costume. Should I feed birds? I grow the most beautiful flowers. How much will I take care of you? So. Isn't that the Pivot Point really trusting God then then then how do we put our hope in God to take care of a command them to do good because we are going to eat okra to be rich and good deed to be generous. So she should be willing to share that's a sign of somebody trust in God. So they consider Google's web pull their tithers. Why are they Limitless?

God returns to them even more but woke him is choking to death so they can continue to bless you make you a blessing.

our father of faith

turn off for sacrifice a kid. He said even if I have to kill this kid got to give me another one or something or provide another offering or what. I don't know, All I know is I trust him he gave me the song. I trust him y'all would have his room. That's why he gave a sacrifice. That's why he gave.

to do good because it's getting so quiet in here in this way. They will lay a treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age so that they may take hold of the life. That is truly life. I thought this how much do you pick me zaka trouble to know style basic? Hopefully it stays in heaven with your name on it. So that when I get to heaven I can buy stuff. There is no Tesco in heaven.

What you going to buy their you going to buy without money at says so stupid you can't take what's he talking about when he says the coming age is not talking about heaven. Give it would be a hundredfold but I did I would always have enough you see those is citizeness me unable to see if he thinks this is all I'm ever going to get.

Consumer if he gives us anything so the kombucha pretty sure we're stewards of it as long as they recede time in Harvest.

This is called Eternal vacation recliner chairs. Take care of itself. Take care of it.

Make it grow really thirsty rose with people.

God wants us to trust him a few years ago, but a few years ago, I can put money in the bank and they give me to three even up to 4% interest to see what I'm supposed to be promised. This your sounds like a Prosperity teaching.

So we'll have a big offering box in the back after the service and you can give it all the way she need money. If you want food everyday, it cost my assistant and if you want your kids to have things that cost money.

So true did the world changed since we started this service and almost everything frog on his bank accounts overflowing. This is the definition of true wealth. You have everything you need when you need it is your mom.

What's over that is extra. So I heard something was for a project. Let me give you a tip never save so much for your kids if they don't have to work anymore cuz I'm supposed to go to that was extra. Look up Proverbs chapter 32 things. I ask you Lord. Do not refuse me before I die. The Voice Adam and lies far from me give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Let me come out and say who is the Lord or I may become poor and steal and so dishonour the name of my God.

There's this place is tipping point where I get too much and I rely on me and I get to little a little angry. God words of what God gives them.

You see every rational thinking person can do the numbers.

Where's your treasure first? Do you trust me?

Now I can spend the whole day giving you testimonies from Willie and myself and I know many of you could join in call the financial Miracles the first year-and-a-half and I was only cooking hamburgers video to finish his other look for my tithe. My car payment had to find me other little jobs or find ways to get the money to me. How do you do it groceries would end up on my doorstep and I don't know who gave him. This means that every time the kids would grow out of clothes. We would sell them without exaggeration every month. We had 10 new bags of clothes do men who hate shopping. That's a dream bottle bottle.

The clothes just show up we pick through but the kids like the rest we so again.

We ate what God gave us.

We ate but God gave us.

So I found a job working at a garden vegetables and fish.

Will cherry eye that sounds like poverty to me. Just tell me a Tostitos near could you go to the grocery store need for pesticides but I hate banana bread to this day. We ever learn was in that first year and a half. I love you. That's what the knee is sinews out sushi Alexa, cuz we learn what that meant. Do you trust, Niceville.

Do you trust me movies with me? That's what David called The Lion and bear experiences before he took on Goliath system, Alabama Medicaid. If you don't trust him with your finances only flight I said, I was angry at the beginning. I said God, okay, I'm going to do it, but it's your fault because you told me to trust you.

We didn't come here to the Czech Republic with a salary was just because we bought though, we had to support for my church and they dropped this quickly and I had three jobs.

The church didn't pay me for 8 years old some of Miss Borden about you, but trusting God plans near Plano not scheming. Should I call into the ministry in the only reason they don't enter into that calling is because they cannot trust God with their life, but why would God have to send an American to this country? Just got a family time? And I'm telling you the truth. Most of the ones I've ever talked to him that I knew how to calling would not because they couldn't trust God for their life people M18 to M12 eternal life virtual sooner, you know, the Commandments you shall not commit adultery. You should not murder. You should ask dealer shall not give false testimony on your father and mother Chicago.

All these I have kept since I was a boy said one thing so everything you have give it to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come follow me Rose De Fatima British meat Boca brevity when he became very sad because he was very wealthy just show me Behati. Jesus looked at him and said how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God indeed. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is Rich to enter the kingdom of God.

Those who heard this asked who then can be saved Jesus replied. What is impossible with man is possible with God. We have left all we had to follow you, but the one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and in the age to come eternal life. My name is Jacob giannini group any God knows if we trust him yesterday? He just watches what we do with our money.

I've heard it so often will God understand that doesn't understand why we would trust money more than him.

Is ever faithful always good his word is from Everlasting to Everlasting.

Let all men be a liar, but God is not his word his promise to us nation of our Christianity myself a follower or a Believer unless I trust him when you come to visit in Pocket more because after those initial lion and bear experiences there come Goliath's and then bigger Goliath.

I just think about the faithfulness of God that we little tiny Church could buy this building. I don't miss them when we finish we will have sunk 7 million crowns into the renovation and fitting out the building to settle Memorial. Korando this little church, but I didn't come out of your pocket hose. Bullet Wilton pugacheva. We supposed to be today.

God wants to win the Lost Boy giving to get a building.

Years of faithfulness and trust and hope a prayer.

But it's going to take this is just a lion or a bear.

winning an atheistic Society

We need faith and Faith only works on the basis of trust a beautiful. Whipple's and I didn't say he will do I said we will we will do it God you will have to do the miracle for my bills. Would you have what it was cuz that's what you promised to do, but I will never put you second or third or last forget you at the commitment. We made 40 years ago. It's been faithful to them.

they practice it from the

I want you to grasp this the service to the volume heard me say is money today is it was listening for uterus? Calculate you forgot to put God plus anything is a plus Bruce Circle if I don't care how big the minuses.

Heavenly bookkeeping

I want to pray with you today because this one we took one more day with God knows whether we're trusting him.

There's been times in my life when I said God. I can't go beautiful and let me see what you this article and he will just repeated. Do you trust me? How many was a book about? And that's always wear it. I was shaky. I started to put Faith in that paycheck. Then something unexpected came again.

You know, we're not. When it was time for us to leave.

His lifetime area of Germany where we were living. God said you're finished and I had gone to another part of Germany. I found a job sometime. Jones and a man comes into the workplace. She does that with my boss. Let her did Jesus look it up for me and all the workers there the count for one.

Spirit of God touched him. You got a check and you wrote a check for $1,500 and he gave it to her. He said give this to the young man. You should go on official official signal but not that I came upstairs and she said it's your moving money.

There's no secrets from God. Staying where he leads he provides.

You're Tyler trust in.

If you get ties and offerings trust him so that if you help others that open God how many Christians that dig themselves a Hole by borrowing money from other Christians that may be a testimony of someone's love but it's not a testimony of God's greatness.

When Jonathan came to be and he said here's 7 million Crown so you can begin to buy a church.

When they contacted us from the states and said you've been adopted spend the night project zipline. Why are they giving us between 3 1/2 and 4 million crowns already know your name.

What you guys gave what others have given?

I can only be gone two of them.

You're precious to him step on your results. So I'm commanding you rich people flexible hot. You think I've made it because you know in this economy, it can change overnight eclipse of God nebula testimony meaning to do. So if you're on the edge if you're weighing father, I thank you in the name of Jesus.

I thank you for this people because you're teaching us a lesson how to put our heart in the right place not about money or giving or Prosperity or any of those things Our God, so we put our trust in you.

You are our supplier. Nosh.

So father with gratitude. Just a digital stew thankfulness trust and hope we bring our ties in a raw finish today.

To express our love to you do the miraculous. That's what opening the windows of Heaven is a miracle father. Those that have been doing a little here a little there. Let them trust you each month each year. You have proven yourself Facebook.

Spring Arbor

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