
Psalms  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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This sermon looks at how the psalmists deal with his depression

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chose this because i have heard that it has affected many people
What is depression
Sadness vs Depression
Saddness - temporay; Depression - prolonged
Depression - prolonged
Saddness able to enjoy other things; depression - nothing will make you happy
Saddness trigger; Depression - no trigger
Depression - no trigger
Saddness you have no intention to commit suicide; depression - serious one you will like to end your life
Who can have depression
Depression is this: it’s a passive or listless feeling. That is, you don’t feel like doing anything—a continual feeling of sadness; not sadness that comes and goes, but that it lingers; an attitude that nothing feels good or is worth feeling good about. That’s compounded by a state of constant hopelessness. You don’t have any idea that it’s going to get better. And then, a feeling that no one cares and no one truly understands just how you feel, or perhaps that “no one really truly accepts me.” (Adrian Rogers).
Who has had depression
It is not the experience of only the unbelievers, Christians can also have depression
Christians can also have depression
Many of God’s best saints have been depressed. Moses was so depressed that he asked God to take away his life. Elijah was so depressed that he asked God to take away his life. Jonah was so depressed that he asked God to take away his life.
and how he encourage himself to come out of the depression.
Many of God’s best saints have been depressed. Moses was so depressed that he asked God to take away his life. Elijah was so depressed that he asked God to take away his life. Jonah was so depressed that he asked God to take away his life.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 講道王子,好友智慧的人,也曾經有depression。
And, great leaders, world leaders, have been depressed. Winston Churchill, who was a hero of many, many people, who led Great Britain through the dark hours of the war, World War II, had sometimes fits and bouts of depression that closed him down. He called that depression a “black dog” that followed him and haunted his footsteps.
And, great leaders, world leaders, have been depressed. Winston Churchill, who was a hero of many, many people, who led Great Britain through the dark hours of the war, World War II, had sometimes fits and bouts of depression that closed him down. He called that depression a “black dog” that followed him and haunted his footsteps.
And, great leaders, world leaders, have been depressed. Winston Churchill, who was a hero of many, many people, who led Great Britain through the dark hours of the war, World War II, had sometimes fits and bouts of depression that closed him down. He called that depression a “black dog” that followed him and haunted his footsteps.
Today we are looking at the psalmists in psalm 42
with 43 is one song with refrain three times. chorus




not sure why they separate into two ; maybe the second part is shorter chapter 43 and is often sing.
very certain that it is one song
Psalm 42:5 RCUV
我的心哪,你為何憂悶? 為何在我裏面煩躁? 應當仰望上帝, 我還要稱謝他,我當面的拯救,
psalm 42 5
詩篇42 和 43 是一首詩歌
第一節 First verse (42:1-4)
First verse (1-4)
副歌 Chorus (5)
第二節 Second verse (6-10)
副歌 Chorus (11)
第三節 Third verse (43:1-4)
副歌 Chorus (43:5)
背景 background
some say david we dont know
— sons of korah but song is singular
-- they may only be the ones who always sing this song
— but it reflects the experiences of an indvidual
So we dont know but it is not good to speculate
but it reflects the experiences of an indvidualSo we dont know but it is not good to speculatewe just look at the text and see the situation
we just look at the text and see the situation
The situation of the psalmist - he seemed to have symptoms of dpression
in exile (verse 2)
in exilein northern palestinevery far from jerusalemhe knew God! He was in spiritual drynessHe want to see GodHe want to worship in his templeHe fell into depression.He was impatientHe was taunted by enimesthey asked where is your GodHe dont know whyHe feel it is not his faultHe thought of the old days … the happy time and he look at the current situation he fell into dpression.remember li bai chuangqian ming yue guangHe is aware his situation
in northern palestine (verse 6)
every far from Jerusalem
he knew God! (verse 6 我的上帝)
He was in spiritual dryness (deer pants)(verse 1)
Psalm 42:1 RCUV
上帝啊,我的心切慕你, 如鹿切慕溪水。
Psalm 42:9 RCUV
我要對上帝-我的磐石說: 「你為何忘記我呢? 我為何因仇敵的欺壓時常哀痛呢?」
He had a feeling that God has forgotten him (verse 9)
He had a feeling that God has forgotten him (verse 9)
Psalm 42:2 RCUV
我的心渴想上帝,就是永生上帝, 我幾時得朝見上帝呢?
He was impatient. (verse 2)
He was impatient. (verse 2)
He cries day and night
Psalm 42:3 RCUV
我晝夜以眼淚當食物, 人不住地對我說:「你的上帝在哪裏呢?」
He was taunted by enemies (verse 3, verse 9)
He was taunted by enemies (verse 3, verse 9)
He want to see God (He could not go to the temple) (verse 2) He wanted to worship in his temple.
Psalm 42:4 RCUV
我從前與眾人同往, 領他們到上帝的殿裏, 大家用歡呼稱頌的聲音守節; 我追想這些事, 我的心極其悲傷。
He remembered the old days. He used to lead people to go to temple to worship. But when he did that He fell into depression.
He remembered the old days. He used to lead people to go to temple to worship.
He remembered the old days. He used to lead people to go to temple to worship. But when he did that He fell into depression.
But when he did that He fell into depression.
He fell into depression.
He dont know why
He dont know why (vrese 5, verse 9, verse 11, 43:2x2,. 43:3, 43:5) [7 times]
爲何? (vrese 5, verse 9, verse 11, 43:2x2,. 43:3, 43:5) [7 times]
they asked where is your God
He dont know why
He feel it is not his fault
=People who are in depression
remember li bai chuangqian ming yue guangHe is aware his situation
=People who are in depression
ask why,dont know why
dont know why
Not feeling God’s love
feeling being abandoned
accused by others
looked down by others
dont want to live -- many attempted
spiritual dryness and darkness
spiritual dryness and darkness
How to escape from this?
Psalm 42:6–7 RCUV
我的上帝。我的心在我裏面憂悶, 所以我從約旦地, 黑門嶺,從米薩山記念你。 你的瀑布發聲,深淵就與深淵響應, 你的波浪洪濤漫過我身。
Psalm 42:6 RCUV
我的上帝。我的心在我裏面憂悶, 所以我從約旦地, 黑門嶺,從米薩山記念你。
Verse 6 says “Therefore” means he know the solution
The solution -- Therefore (he know the solution)
第6 節說:“所以”, 他知道應該如何做
The key is to self talk 解決方法就是向自己說話
The solution -- Therefore (he know the solution)
The key is to self talk
the chorus 副歌
He repeatedly say to himself 不斷向自己說
Psalm 42:5 RCUV
我的心哪,你為何憂悶? 為何在我裏面煩躁? 應當仰望上帝, 我還要稱謝他,我當面的拯救,
The solutions is in the chorus:
Tell himself to
不斷重複對自己說 repeat and repeat
repeat and repeat
-- he hope in God
He will praise God
repeat and repeat
— he praise God
the chorus
repeat and repeat
But what does it mean to hope in God?
We can know from the main verses what that means
The Chorus is trying to highlight and summarise what the other parts of the song is to say
We can know from the main verses what that means
We can know from the main verses that
what is meant by Hope in God and what is meant by Praise
A. Hope in God 仰望神
1. Ponder 記念神
Psalm 42:4 RCUV
我從前與眾人同往, 領他們到上帝的殿裏, 大家用歡呼稱頌的聲音守節; 我追想這些事, 我的心極其悲傷。
Psalm 42:6 RCUV
我的上帝。我的心在我裏面憂悶, 所以我從約旦地, 黑門嶺,從米薩山記念你。
Ps 42:
記念 v6 = 追想 v4
same word in Hebrews: meaning remember
He thought of the old days … the happy time and he look at the current situation he fell into dpression.
He thought of the old days … the happy time and he look at the current situation he fell into dpression.
he says “therefore “
he says “therefore “
他知道他要改變他所記念的 He know he need to change what he remember
由記念自己的過去轉到記念神 from remember his lost to remember God
Psalm 42:7 RCUV
你的瀑布發聲,深淵就與深淵響應, 你的波浪洪濤漫過我身。
Verse 7 says the waterfalls
He’s talking about Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon that rises up over 9,000 feet, snowcapped, in the land of Israel. Did you know people go skiing in the land of Israel on Mount Hermon? And, Mount Hermon is the source of the Jordan River.
From Mt Hermon water came to the Jordon River
It is the 約旦河的源頭。
He look at the surroundings.
he remember God far away… He remember God in this desparate information
He look at the surroundings.
He remember God is Yahweh
Here Yahweh only appears in this verse, but this is the word of covenant. When God make a covenant with the Israelites he revealed this name to Moses.
So here he remembered who is God
God is Yahweh
He is the one who made a covenant with his people
He look at the surroundings.
He identify with the cataracts, the waterfalls
There was noise and the noise was so great.. Here in front of him is the power of God
And he look at himself… he just overwhelmed by his problem but the psalm mists change his focus.
He looked at God. He remember who he is.
He is the one who made a covenant with his people
He then says in verse 8 says he
He is the one who made a covenant with his people
Psalm 42:8 RCUV
白晝,耶和華必施慈愛; 黑夜,我要歌頌祈禱賜我生命的上帝。
Verse 8 says He is Yahweh
Yahweh is the name of covenant
steadfast love means the faithfulness to covenant
Verse 8 says He is Yahweh
Here Yahweh only appears in this verse, but this is the word of covenant. When God make a covenant with the Israelites he revealed this name to Moses.
So here he remembered who is God
God is Yahweh
He then says in verse 8 says he is the one he show his love
that love is hesed, is not only love but covenant faithfulness.
that love is hesed, is not only love but covenant faithfulness.
That means God will be faithful to his covenant and love us even though we are not faithful.
He know he is a God who is faithful
This gave him a lot of comfort
So he says in his darkness he will sing a song and pray to God
When Christians are depressed they should not look at the problem, they should not remember his lost or his happy days, but remember God
remember God also have a covenant with you
In the last Supper, he raised up the cup … this is the new covenant that I made with you
That he would be our God and we would be his people
This is a new covenant that he will used his love to move our hearts to follow him
I remembered once I was so depressed
I did not feel God’s love
God seems so distant
He seems not caring for me.
My life was very dry
My life was very dry
But I came to church
to has Lord’s supper
When I saw the cup was lifted up
I remembered Jesus was lifted up on the cross
I remembered he shed the blood for me
when I eat the bread and drink the wine
When I chew the bread, and when I drink the cup
The love of God became very real.
The bread and wine get into my belly, in my digestive system
The bread and wine mixed with the acid in my stomach
and it is digested and absorbed and become part of my body
His love fills in me and I regain strength.
This is true not only for me but for all those who have made the covenant with God.
I tell you why
Because When Jesus was on the cross, he says I thirsted
and therefore I would not be thirsty
He was abandoned so that I would not be abandoned.
This is what the psalmist reminded himself of
He is Yahweh who has made a covenant with Israelites and he will take care of him.
This is the first thing we need to do if we want to get out from our spiritual dryness or darkness. To come to the cross. To remember him,
And if you have not known him you have to believe in him. You have to confess your sins and accept this grace of the cross. You have to let him be your God and you become his people.
2. Pray 祈禱
After the psalmist remembered God is the Yahweh, the one who has a covenant with him, he is sure that God will listen to his prayer. he is not talking to air, he is stalking to someone who loves him and take care of him
He says he is the God of my life (verse 8)
He says he is his rock
We can pray and express our feelings to him.
Psalm 42:9 RCUV
我要對上帝-我的磐石說: 「你為何忘記我呢? 我為何因仇敵的欺壓時常哀痛呢?」
We can pray and express our feelings to him.
See how he pray
See how he pray
He lift up his feeling of being abandoned to him
Psalm 42:9 RCUV
我要對上帝-我的磐石說: 「你為何忘記我呢? 我為何因仇敵的欺壓時常哀痛呢?」
Psalm 43:2 RCUV
你是作我保障的上帝,為何丟棄我呢? 我為何因仇敵的欺壓時常哀痛呢?
psalm 42
There are people who find it hard to trust people not to mention to trust God。 有些人很難相信人,因此他們很難信神。
There are people who find it hard to trust people not to mention to trust God
There are people who find it hard to pray, even if they pray they feel it hard to express feelings before God。這些人會感覺很難去禱告,更難在神面前去表達自己的感受。
Unless you can talk to God, you won’t be able to really handle your depression. You may rely on medication, you may rely on counselling, which may show some success in correcting your thought patterns, but the most effective way is to talk to God. 但除非你可以向神說話,你不可以真正完全的處理好自己的憂鬱症的問題。 你可能會依靠藥物,你可能會依靠輔導,但最有效的方法就是將你的感受向神表達。他會明白你,因爲他曾經來過這個世界也經歷過你所經歷的痛苦。
We can tell God what your enemies has done and what have they said
We can tell God what your enemies has done and what have they said
Psalm 42:10 RCUV
我的敵人辱罵我, 好像敲碎我的骨頭, 他們不住地對我說: 「你的上帝在哪裏呢?」
We pray for his vindication, delivery, and guidance
It is not that he does not know
But it is for you to lift that up to God
Psalm 43:1 RCUV
上帝啊,求你為我伸冤, 向不虔誠的國為我辯護; 求你救我脫離詭詐不義的人。
We can tell God what your enemies has said
To trust him
Pray for his vindication 伸冤
To offer these problems to him
And then the third thing you do
You may be mistreated
Is to pray to him
pray that God will handle the justice
It is not that he does not know
Pray for his vindication
Pray that you deliver from the enemies 脫離敵人
Who can deliver you from your trouble
those negative thoughts
That God is really God
Pray that he guide you to the temple 引導你更親近神
Pray that he guide you to the temple 引導你更親近神
Who can deliver you from your trouble
But it is for you to lift that up to God
Psalm 43:2 RCUV
你是作我保障的上帝,為何丟棄我呢? 我為何因仇敵的欺壓時常哀痛呢?
Psalm 43:3 RCUV
求你發出你的亮光和信實,好引導我, 帶我到你的聖山,到你的居所!
Pray that he guide you to the real temple
That he is in you and you are in him.
That depends on his light and truth
That depends on his light and truth 神的亮光和真理
How to do that That depends on his light and truth
Read the Bible
To trust him
Listen to a sermon
Pray that God illuminate you.
Ask God
“I want to lift up all the sadnesss to you“ 我將我負面的感覺全交給你。
“Guide me to your presence “ 神呀求你脫離那些負面的思想,求主引導我更親近你。
To offer these problems to him
Do you long for such closeness that Jesus is in you and you are in Jesus?
Pray that his truth and light will guide you there
He identify with the cataracts, the waterfalls
There was noise and the noise was so great.. Here in front of him is the power of God And he look at himself… he just overwhelmed by his problem but the psalm mists change his focus. He looked at God. He remember who he is. He know he is a God who is faithful
There was noise and the noise was so great.. Here in front of him is the power of GodAnd he look at himself… he just overwhelmed by his problembut the psalm mists change his focus. He looked at God. He remember who he is. He know he is a God who is faithful
And therefore even in his darkness he sing song, he pray to himBecause he is loving God he will hear his prayer he will help himHe is the God who gave him lifeSo he told God about what he felt, he told God about what the enemies did, what did the enemies said.He brought the words that are hurting him to GodAnd pray that God will vindicate him. He think he had done nothing wrongHe pray for deliverance from those who deceive He pray for light and truth to guide him back to the place of worship.
3. Patient 等候
仰望神 Hope in God = 帶着期望的等待 wait with expectation
The sainted Andrew Murray said this—listen to it: “In times of trouble, God’s trusting child must say, ‘First, He brought me here. It is His will that I am in this strait place: in that fact I will rest. Next, He will keep me here in His love and will give me grace to behave as His child. Then, He will then make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends for me to learn and working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last, in His good time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows.’  
The sainted Andrew Murray said this—listen to it: “In times of trouble, God’s trusting child must say, ‘First, He brought me here. It is His will that I am in this strait place: in that fact I will rest. Next, He will keep me here in His love and will give me grace to behave as His child. Then, He will then make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends for me to learn and working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last, in His good time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows.’  
B. Praise 稱謝
Psalm 43:4 RCUV
我就走到上帝的祭壇, 到賜我喜樂的上帝那裏。 上帝,我的上帝啊, 我要彈琴稱謝你!
psalm 43
Psalm 42:5 RCUV
我的心哪,你為何憂悶? 為何在我裏面煩躁? 應當仰望上帝, 我還要稱謝他,我當面的拯救,
Praise = acknowledge God’s character
稱頌 = 承認神的本性
稱頌 = 承認神的
稱頌 (Praise) :肯定神的本性 Praise him for who he is
感謝 (Thank): 神爲我們所做的事情 Thank him for what he has done
稱頌 (Praise) :肯定神的本性 Praise him for who he is
Verse 8 God that give life 賜生命的神
Verse 9 God is his rock 他的磐石
43:2 he is God that is his protect him 是他的保障, 就是保護他的
43:4 he is God that give him joy 賜喜樂的神
He praise him not because circumstances has changed. 不是因爲環境轉變
He affirms that he is the one that protects himhe affirms that he is the one that gives him joyBut he keeps on telling himself, that he should hope in Godto wait for him, with expectation.To praise him He is certain that God will save him. Origianl is save his face. Dont know whether it is Chinese concept of saving face? or whether he will save him and turn his face from saddness to happy
He praise him not because he understand why things are happening to him,不是因爲他明白痛苦爲什麼臨到他
He praise him because he know God is good, he will deliver him in his time. 他讚美因爲神是他的神,並且他會拯救他
He praise him because he trust him.
This is the faith of Habbakuk
one of the prophets
even though ....
Habakkuk 3:17–19 RCUV
雖然無花果樹不發旺, 葡萄樹不結果, 橄欖樹也不收成, 田地不出糧食, 圈中絕了羊, 棚內也沒有牛; 然而,我要因耶和華歡欣, 因救我的上帝喜樂。 主耶和華是我的力量, 他使我的腳快如母鹿, 又使我穩行在高處。 這歌交給聖詠團長,用絲弦的樂器。
As he praise him, He keep on telling himself that God is his saviour, that God is his God.
As he praise him, He keep on telling himself that God is his savious, that God is his God.
He sing it repeatedly.
It is important. As we constantly remind ourselves God is our saviour, God is our God. You will have hope.
And depression is because you do not have hope.
Dont know whether it is Chinese concept of saving face? or whether he will save him and turn his face from saddness to happy
Dont know whether it is Chinese concept of saving face? or whether he will save him and turn his face from saddness to happy
Acts 16:25–26 RCUV
約在半夜,保羅西拉正在禱告,唱詩讚美上帝,眾囚犯也側耳聽著的時候, 忽然,地大震動,甚至監牢的地基都搖動了,監門立刻全開,眾囚犯的鎖鏈也都解開了。
Origianl is save his face. Dont know whether it is Chinese concept of saving face? or whether he will save him and turn his face from saddness to happy
To praise him He is certain that God will save him. Origianl is save his face. Dont know whether it is Chinese concept of saving face? or whether he will save him and turn his face from saddness to happy
Story of Paul and Silas == PRaise and worship… chains are gone.
Story of Paul and Silas == PRaise and worship… chains are gone.
如何解決憂鬱症 How to deal with the problem of depression?
向自己的心說話!Talk to your heart
向自己說話 Talk to yourself
1. Ponder 記念 : Remember what God has done and who he is
2. Pray 祈禱 :express our feelings,enemies words and deeds, God’s deliverance and guidance
3. Patient 等待:expectantly waiting for God’s salvation
4. Praise 稱謝: affirm his character.
向自己說話 Talk to yourself
1. Ponder 記念 : 改變我們的焦點 Change our focus
1. 記念 Ponder: 改變我們的焦點 Change our focus
2. Pray:向神傾訴我們的感受,敵人的惡言惡行,求神伸冤,拯救,引導。 Our feelings, enemies words and deeds, God’s vindication, deliverance and guidance.
等待 Patient:耐心等候神的拯救 Patiently expectantly waiting for God’s salvation
B. 稱謝神 Praise him: 在逆境中,肯定他的本性。In the difficult circumstances, affirm his character.
1. As God’s children, sometimes we will feel lost, we feel God is not with me, we feel God is no longer there.
2. and there are circumstances that made us chook, crying they and night,
in those circumstances,
we should hope in God.
We should talk to ourselves, it is not asking ourselves not to feel sad,
but it is to change our focus. 改變焦點
from our situation to what God has done for us,
change our focus to who he is. 將我們的焦點放在神是怎樣的神。
Despite the cirumstances, affirm his character. 無論我們的境況如何,確認他的品性
Because he is faithful, he will fulfill what is relating to us. 因爲他是守約的神,他一定要成全關於我們的事情。
There are people among us who think God gives us all the prospertity, and if there is difficulty in life, their life is shattered. 有些人他們相信的是一個成功的福音,但當患難困難臨到的時候他們就崩潰(bengkui)
In our difficult cirumstances do not loose faith. 但我們相信的是我們在患難中我們仍然仰望神,因爲知道相信,他會按他的時候按他的美意成就關於我們的事情。
Hope in God.
Praise him and the God who gives us life, who gives us joy gives us life, he will save us.
Do you believe? 你相信嗎?
We can have many examples, many testimonies. God is the one who will deliver us from depression
Do you believe? 你相信嗎?
It is not the experience of only the unbelievers
Christians can also have depression
We are looking at someone who know God
and how he encourage himself to come out of the depression.
Many of God’s best saints have been depressed. Moses was so depressed that he asked God to take away his life. Elijah was so depressed that he asked God to take away his life. Jonah was so depressed that he asked God to take away his life.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a man of warmth and wisdom, sometimes had doubts of depression that closed up shop for him
And, great leaders, world leaders, have been depressed. Winston Churchill, who was a hero of many, many people, who led Great Britain through the dark hours of the war, World War II, had sometimes fits and bouts of depression that closed him down. He called that depression a “black dog” that followed him and haunted his footsteps.
Today we are looking at the psalmists in psalm 42
with 43 is one songwith refrain three times. chorus
some say davidwe dont knowsons of korah but song is singular
-- they may only be the ones who always sing this son
may be like Amazing Grace Ministriesbut it reflects the experiences of an indvidualSo we dont know but it is not good to speculatewe just look at the text and see the situation
The situation of the psalmist - he is in dpression
in exilein northern palestinevery far from jerusalemhe knew God! He was in spiritual drynessHe want to see GodHe want to worship in his templeHe fell into depression.He was impatientHe was taunted by enimesthey asked where is your GodHe dont know whyHe feel it is not his faultHe thought of the old days … the happy time and he look at the current situation he fell into dpression.remember li bai chuangqian ming yue guangHe is aware his situation
=People who are in depression
ask whydont know whyNot feeling God’s lovefeeling being abandonedaccused by otherslooked down by othersdont want to live -- many attempted sucicidesome hear voices
spiritual dryness and darkness
The solution -- Therefore (he know the solution)
-- he hope in God
the chorus
repeat and repeat
But what does it mean to hope in God?
he remember God in far far awayHe remember God is YahwehYahweh is the name when he entered into the covenant with the IsraelitesHe look at the surroundings.He identify with the cataracts, the waterfalls
He’s talking about Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon that rises up over 9,000 feet, snowcapped, in the land of Israel. Did you know people go skiing in the land of Israel on Mount Hermon? And, Mount Hermon is the source of the Jordan River.
There was noise and the noise was so great.. Here in front of him is the power of GodAnd he look at himself… he just overwhelmed by his problembut the psalm mists change his focus. He looked at God. He remember who he is. He know he is a God who is faithful
Pray (chapter 43)
And therefore even in his darkness he sing song, he pray to himBecause he is loving God he will hear his prayer he will help himHe is the God who gave him lifeSo he told God about what he felt, he told God about what the enemies did, what did the enemies said.He brought the words that are hurting him to GodAnd pray that God will vindicate him. He think he had done nothing wrongHe pray for deliverance from those who deceive He pray for light and truth to guide him back to the place of worship.
Story of Paul and Silas == PRaise and worship… chains are gone.
Wait with expectation
The sainted Andrew Murray said this—listen to it: “In times of trouble, God’s trusting child must say, ‘First, He brought me here. It is His will that I am in this strait place: in that fact I will rest. Next, He will keep me here in His love and will give me grace to behave as His child. Then, He will then make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends for me to learn and working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last, in His good time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows.’  
He affirms that he is the one that protects himhe affirms that he is the one that gives him joyBut he keeps on telling himself, that he should hope in Godto wait for him, with expectation.To praise him He is certain that God will save him. Origianl is save his face. Dont know whether it is Chinese concept of saving face? or whether he will save him and turn his face from saddness to happy
1. As God’s children, sometimes we will feel lost, we feel God is not with me, we feel God is no longer there. and there are circumstances that made us chook, crying they and night, in those circumstances, we should look at God, We should talk to ourselves, it is not asking ourselves not to feel sad, but it is to change our focus. from our situation to what God has done for us, change our focus to who he is. Despite the cirumstances, affirm his character. Becuase he is faithful, he will fulfill what is relating to us. There are people among us who think God gives us all the prospertity, and if there is difficulty in life. In our difficult cirumstances do not loose faith. Hope in God. Praise him and the God who gives us life, who gives us joy gives us life, he will save us.
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