Playlist: Week 5 - Prayer

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Week 5-The Finale! As the title suggests, today we talk about prayer, using the song "Pray" by Sam Smith as a base.

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a speech

so we're in the last week of our playlist series, although this weekend as I kind of let my mind rest. I had like 10 other songs come to mind that I feel like we could use for the series but I'll talk those away and maybe we'll do a playlist series part 2 sometime Our Song for this week is one that actually many may not be familiar with it's fairly new. It just came out in 2017 and I have heard it once I think on the radio, but I felt like this was the way the Lord LED so that we could do our final sermon of the series. So take a look.

The song is called Pray by Sam Smith.

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Call Megan.

Okay, so as we've been doing with the rest of the series anybody want to take a stab at our subject today.

If you want to grab your Bibles, we're going to be in 1st John which is pretty close to the end of the Bible. So if you start the back and flip 4 where you'll find 1st John if you don't have a Bible with you today, we have a lot of these. Little ones the invitation anybody and it's page 210 in that book.

CH little Earth so first John as I've been walking around my Bibles flip pages on me. chapter 3

we're going to be focusing on verses 16 to 24.

Once I find it, okay. This is how we have come to know love he laid down his life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters if anyone has this world's goods and see the fellow believer in need but with holds compassion from him. How does God love reside in him? little children, let us not love in word or speech but in action and in truth This is how we will know that we belong to the truth and will reassure our hearts before him whenever our hearts condemn us for God is greater than our hearts and he knows all things dear friends. If our hearts don't condemn us we have confidence before God and receive whatever we ask from him because we keep his commands and do what is pleasing invite. Now, this is his command that we believe in the name of his son Jesus Christ and love one another as he commanded us the one who keeps his commands remains in him and he in him and the way we know that he remains in Us is from the spirit. He has given us Would you join me in prayer?

Heavenly Father we take this moment to acknowledge that you are Lord.

God that you are creator.

But you have created us in your image.

And that you long for relationship with us? And when we bring ourselves to think about that and reflect on that, it can be overwhelming at times. We think even of the people in the Old Testament that wouldn't even call you got hide because your name was so feared.

And even though we're still called to fear you to have off for who you are. You have through your son Jesus Christ given us the authority to come boldly into your presence. And to ask you for things to seek you for the things that we need. You actually want us to come to you first before we even try to gain anything in this world.

Holy Spirit, we invite you here.

We ask for your presents. Cuz we know without you.

It's all is a show really. It's

it's kind of pointless. So we need your presence here with us this morning. We surrender this time to you that you'll come and do it only you can do and Lord as I preach this morning.

I ask that you would give me the words to say and Lord if there is anything that I say here, that is not true. God may you even stop it from coming out of my mouth? But if it does get spoken that it would be quickly forgotten cuz we only want your truth to be shared in your house here this morning. We pray all this in the name of Jesus Amen. Okay, so I mention that the theme is prayer but I'm taking it even one step further this morning and talked about confident prayer. Right? Cuz I think we all understand the idea of prayer and you know, when we look at the definition, it just means speaking directly to God. It just means that we can come directly into his presence and ask him for things but I think often we don't. Come to him and boldness. We don't come to him in confidence. And I think that that really comes back to a lack of knowledge, but also even a lack of experience in our relationship with him. So we're finally in a book that was not written by the Apostle Paul. The the writer of this book is John but he was an apostle he would have worked with Jesus when he was on Earth. They say that this is pretty much a circular letter so wasn't written to a specific church, but a lot of John's Ministry was done or so, they think that that might have been his first audience and then after that it would have been spread out John's also the author of Revelation and in chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation. He's addressing the seven churches and so some Scholars think that that might also be who he is addressing in the first second and third epistle in his name. What are the main things that this book addresses is heresy and what I mean by that is there was a group of people that were false teachers so they had learned enough about Jesus, but they were changing a lot of I guess the theology behind things. So there's three areas that it was being compromised through the teachings of these people. When was the new Theology and what they were teaching was it it changed the uniqueness and the work of Christ. So what they were preaching was almost like a watered-down version of who Christ is and what he did. They were teaching a new morality. So what they were saying was that your relationship with God is fine. Even if you continue to send that's one of the things that they were preaching a lot. So don't worry about what's going on in this life. You can continue sending all that matters is that you believe and that's one of the things John confronts in this book and the other thing is a new spirituality. So what do you eat was addressing with the spiritual arrogance and it almost like elevated them to this position where people are actually teaching that you do not need to love others, which is a major contradiction when you see the teachings of Jesus in the word. So the first point that I want to look at today is that confident prayer is fueled by loving obedience. So they said that they were talking about this new spirituality and that you don't need to love one another anymore to be in relationship with God. So John can friends back pretty boldly in this first part of the scripture. in verse 16 it says this is how we have come to know love he lay down his life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. So obviously, you know, John is saying that as we follow the example of Christ who laid down his life, right and in the book of Philippians, it talks about this idea that Jesus left his Heavenly position and he came down to earth as man and he took on death and he took the death of a cross and what that means is he poured out everything he had for the people that he loved and what Papa John is saying is that we should have that same kind of love for our brothers and sisters. We should feel obliged to do the same. Right? Like we are called as Christians to follow the example of Christ. So even though they were hearing these teachings that was saying you don't need to worry about loving your brothers and sisters anymore John's like will that doesn't make any sense. Why would we stopped loving one another when that's how Jesus lived in this world and then a verse 17, he gives us a practical example. He says if you see a brother or sister you deserve that they have a need and you yourself have the goods the worldly Goods you have what they require and then you walk away from that need your not loving your brother sister and this The the Greek behind the word sees it doesn't mean you know, you just happened to be walking down the street and you see somebody this is an observed thing. It almost is more connected in relationship when you know that your brother or sister has a need and you have the thing right there that you can give them but you don't how how does that show love and compassion and this idea of compassion? Again, when you go back to the Greek it it means like a deep-seated feeling they they say it's almost the same as like your bowels that's kind of graphic. But you know, we know when we need to do something in that area. So he saying it's that same kind of compassion that you should that is within you and if you don't fulfill any that your brother or sister has you are lacking compassion. And he sang Loving our neighbors is directly connected to loving God. So then in verse 17 EOS does rhetorical question, you know, if we don't have that compassion if we see a need from our brothers and sisters for our brothers and sisters and we shut the door on them and we tell them sorry and I we're not going to help you. How do we have the love of God?

This word that uses is reside. And it's directly correlated with this idea of righteousness. And a pleasing of God, so he saying when we love our brothers and sisters when we show compassion to them and we meet their needs when they have them. We are pleasing God.

Verse 18 says little children, let us not love in word or speech but in action and in truth, so what he was saying is there was a lot of people philosophy was really big in the Greek culture acquiring knowledge was seen as Yeah, you like you are elevated the more you knew in that culture the the more important you were and so what was going on with this false teaching I was going around is that people were judging their spirituality on how much they knew so they were getting together and they were having conversations with one another and they were debating and they thought that this was the things that pleases God to know about him, but we even talked about this a little bit last week that when Christ identity becomes our identity we start to learn more about him and that leads to write living but the knowledge is the means to the end. It's not the end. And so Paul is talking about this here. He saying, you know, instead of showing your love and words show it actions. That's the thing that really counts again. Your knowledge should lead to write action. James was another Apostle. He was actually the brother of Jesus and he addresses the same thing in his book of the Bible James chapter 2 14 to 19. Mm actual e touch base on this for sure a couple months ago. And he says what good is it my brothers and sisters if someone claims to have faith but does not have Works can such Faith save him if a brother or sister is with old clothes and lacks daily food. And one of you said to them go in peace stay warm and be well fed, but you don't give them what the body needs. What good is it?

But someone will say you have faith and I have works.

yes, oriso in the same way faith without works in the same way faith if it doesn't have works is dead by itself, but someone will say you have faith and I have Works show me your faith without works and I will show you Faith by my works you believe that God is one good even the demons believe and they shudder So again, James is reiterating the same thing that John is saying, you know, it's okay to have knowledge of God and even to believe in him but so did demons but they're not doing any Earthly good right and they say sometimes we have so much early knowledge Heavenly knowledge that. We're no longer Earthly good. I don't know if you've ever heard that saying but this idea that even I heard it one saying we're like 500 Bible verse is overweight. So as much as we need to learn the Bible, we need to work out our Bible right like it needs to be put into action to really please God and so that's what John is connecting here. And he's making it specifically the Brothers and Sisters in Christ. So he's saying they really I mean the thing is if you can't even do that with your brothers and sisters in Christ, the people and Community within probably have relationship with there's an even greater chance. You're not doing it in the older community right like so I think he's first addressing this issue so that people that can get Serta God and then as they get closer to God that also go out and share the gospel as they have been commanded. First 21 says dear friends if our hearts don't condemn us we have confidence before God. So this condemned the way that John is using it is almost similar to our conscious. So he sang our heart is kind of the seat of our emotions. It's the seat of our thoughts. It's the seat of basically the way that we operate the scripture says to like Jesus when he was talking to a group of Pharisees. He said you worry about the cleanliness of the outside of the cop. I'm worried about the cleanliness of the inside. So the heart is what he's talking about. So John is saying here like if you're conscious is condemning you if it is highlighting things to you that are getting in the way of you having a relationship with God he saying it's okay like God is greater than our hearts he can come and he can do something with our hearts and get them in the right place, but What but he's saying is like we have to be conscious of that and we have to work from that. So we need saying if our hearts are not condemning us, then we can have boldness before God. So that's kind of a measure when it comes to confident prayer. Right? So when we are confidently praying we are speaking in boldness. I'm not trying to paint this image of a guy that's kind of like a Genie or a machine right that we can just go to and pull the lever and say this is what I want out. He spits it, you know it relationship with God. It doesn't work that way. He's not he wants to give good gifts and the scriptures tell us all good gifts to come from God. But the thing that I'm talking about here is just more of the able being able to be honest and straightforward before God being able to go to him and just say God. This is what I need. I know that you can provide it. Please work in my life. But John is saying if we are condemned if we feel a kind of like the word conviction a little bit better know if we're going to God and we have conviction of sin and specifically in this one. He's pointing out in a love for brother and sister then we need to work on that first, right? We need to examine that and give that to God and then we'll be able to go boldly into prayer. What John is saying is are staying like our our our standing before God matters? So a couple weeks ago we talked about the difference of being a sinner and going to righteousness, right and the idea that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. So, you know, we were at one point in a state of Brokenness and and when we say yes to relationship with Jesus, we are given righteousness. We are taken from dead in our trespasses and send and we moved into this realm where God is in relationship with us again, and he is coming into our lives and and transforming us and our righteousness is not something we learned it something that's given just by God alone and it's a gift to us. But what what John is what John is saying? Is that once we say yes to Jesus are standing the way that God see that it matters it matters in this relationship with him. So when there's these False teachers going around saying it's okay continue to send don't worry about it. John say no. That's the exact opposite of what Jesus taught like, even when you saw Jesus out healing he would say to people like go and sin no more. He came to break that sinful nature within us so our standing before God matters. And it is kind of like a cause-and-effect thing. It's an if and then and then so if we are right before God, then we can come confidently into his presence and petition and ask for things for our brothers and sisters and ask for things for ourselves and pray for our community. And that's where the thing.

In verse 22, it says if we do this if our hearts don't condemn us we have confidence before God and receive whatever we ask from him because we keep his command and do what is pleasing in his sight. Again, it's I think this verse can be taken out of context and the health and wealth gospel is probably like it Springs probably out of there. You know, I'm saying if you are right before God you can ask for anything and there's even a group of people that will say okay if you have enough faith and you pray hard enough and you really want a brand new Ford Mustang or a brand new if you have enough faith in you pray hard enough. It will just appear in front of you and this is what they teach so as much as That you know, what was John is addressing his house TJ that is closed teaching as well. What we even learned last week was this idea that as our identity becomes price identity. We are focused on the Heavenly things. We're not no longer focused on the Earthly stuff. You know, he provides that he says in Matthew 6:33 seek, first the kingdom of God and his righteousness seek God and his righteousness have right standing before God and he will give you everything you need not necessarily everything you want that Ford Mustang might not just mystically appear out of nowhere, but the things that we need God does promise those things for us in this life. it's a what John is saying kind of invertedly is that as we conform to the direction that God has for our lives anything we ask for he'll give us

so when we start to look at things in the Heavenly realm right we start to have the same burdens that God has we start to desire the same things that Jesus desires and those are the things that God is very quick and and happy to give us Right, so he's saying that as we know if we're experiencing not condemning that conviction on a regular basis and we're not willing to do anything to have that you know out of our Lives. We're obviously not Heavenly focused right? We're still focused on Earthly things. We're still focused on the things. I want that make me happy and the selfishness that leads to sin is still very active in our lives. But as we conform to Jesus as we confess our sins to him and even one another James later on in his book says that if we confess our sins to one another we will be healed the broken this within us will be cleansed and we will have a new life if we confess our sins to God and to one another So how does this connect to our song this week? I had a hard time with this song because there's parts of it that I really liked and kind of encouraged me. And thank okay. If if this is really from Sam Smith's like he's on a journey, you know, he's seeking God and that's a good thing but there's some stuff in there that contradict the scriptures and one of the things he talks about is like he won't go to church. He won't read the Bible. But he wants God to answer these prayers that he has, you know in the kind of spit up can we have a one-on-one? Please like that, you know he wants to be in God's presence but he's lacking that knowledge of what requirements he has to turn it over to God for him to be able to be in God's presence. So how will he know what God commands right? John is kind of again. He's making this conditional Clause. It's an it and then thing so for Sam Smith and anybody else who might hear his song on the radio, they might be thinking while I can do whatever I want and I can still ask God for whatever I want and often when people are in that seeking phase. It's very much. They have their own conditional Clauses if if God answered my prayer then I will believe in him and I think we even get caught up in this sometimes after we have given our lives to God because we hear like God will answer your prayer and again, Enough faith and you pray in the name of Jesus. You will be given what you see but if our will is not turned over to God if our will is not aligned with him, then we may be asking for things that are actually going to be differential to us. That God in his wisdom knows will not be good for us in the long term. So again, we receive what we ask because we keep his commands. Twitter followers of Christ our confidence should be growing right John is saying we can pray confident bold prayers and our prayers should be getting bigger and bigger the things that we asked for. I know myself even early on in my relationship with the Lord the things that I would ask him for. Aligned with my face aligned with my trust. So As I Grew and More in my confidence in my relationship with God then I could more confident ask for bigger things. And again as we transform it as we're more like Jesus. More than likely the things that we seek the Lord for he's happy to give. So the question that kind of comes out of this. Confident prayer is fueled by loving obedience. If you're not there, if you feel like you can't confidently go before God. Is it because your heart is revealing sin in your life that you haven't yet given to God that you you know, you may have confessed but you haven't really truly repented from you haven't turned away from that thing and gone towards God and I know in my personal relationship with the Lord there was a season in my life that I stopped praying all together. I talked about this before with you guys, and I think it's because I knew that there was something wrong in my relationship with the Lord, but I wasn't in a place. Almost to have that revealed to me. So I stopped going to church. I stopped pursuing him. I wasn't reading the Bible. I wasn't going to church. I was Sam Smith, you know, and eventually I stopped praying all together and I think there's a tight correlation to that. It's when we're in community and we see how other others are living that reveals our sin right? Have you ever been around somebody and and just their nature The Light Within them Shines on your Brokenness. Am I alone in this is okay there this is something in my life that I need to give to the Lord and that happens in community. So when we're isolated and we're home and we're alone. That light gets dimmer and dimmer and dimmer because we're not around people that have the light in them. They're not like Jesus. So is your heart revealing sin in your life that you need to confess?

Are you willing to confess that to God and that's great. But as James says we heal when we confess to one another. So it is important to be in community. It is important to develop relationships with our brothers and sisters that we are comfortable around them that we trust them so that when we feel that conviction we can go we can share that and we trust that person that they're not going to turn around and pick up the phone and call so and so and say hey guess what is blah blah just said that instead of condemning you they're going to speak that truth. Right is that truth that the Holy Spirit does speak when we confess to the father. But sometimes we need people in the flesh to be able to do that. I have another Point. Hopefully it won't take me long to get through but confident prayer is fueled by loving Trust. There is a song by Hillsong kids. I love it. It's called trust and Obey and what I love actually about this verse is that John called the people he speaking to little children and dear children there people that he loves that he has been pastoring and pouring into and there's something in his pastures hard or you know, just his heart that is breaking over what they're currently being taught and probably what they're living out because of what they're being taught. So there is something about children that you can kind of give them simple Direction. I mean when they're younger my kids are now 10 and 13. So when I try to teach them something there's a lot of questions that come along with it. And that's okay. That's a part of kids development. But when you think of little kids the Innocence, like even though like the four and five-year-olds when they're not running around being crazy right now, but you can just tell them something in my like Okay. So this Hillsong kids song is called trust and Obey in the line that really has always stood out to me is Jesus you're watching over me as I trust and Obey and I love that trust is there first? because once we can trust God once we trust anybody the advice that they give us where like it were more willing to obey that right like have you ever had somebody that you just do not like and they're all up in your business and they're telling you how to live are you quick to take and what they're telling you and no right? But when you are talking to people that you trust in you love and you know that they love you and they give you advice will want in the way they deliver it is probably a little bit Kinder than the one that you might feel a little bit of distance from but you're quicker to say, okay. I know this person loves me. I know they want the best for me. So I'm going to I'm going to try this. I'm going to see if this is going to work.

so in verse 23 John says you have to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. That's one of the commands if you look elsewhere in scripture love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. I think the precursor to that or kind of the thing that's not said is you have to believe that Jesus is Lord, right? Cuz if you don't believe that Jesus is Lord, you're not going to want the loving relationship with God. Right? Like I don't know at least for me. I realize once I started to experience Jesus. I love God more right because he is a loving God so that just end up getting reciprocated and so it's kind of weird that John uses this but because of the teaching that was going around That Jesus was not necessarily Lord and Messiah they were letting that go they were not letting him be the Lord of their lives anymore. When you look at Jesus in the Greek, so Jesus is Greek the Greek name. If you go to the Hebrew, it's Joshua and Joshua means Lord of Salvation and then if you look at Christ. Christ is the Greek word. The the Hebrew word is Messiah and that means that he is Lord as well. So I got something new I learned this week. I know I always heard people say it doesn't matter what Jesus's name. But Jesus was Jesus all that matters is that he was Christ, but it matters that he was also named Jesus. It matters that the angel told Joseph you are to name this baby Jesus because it means he is Lord of salvation. When we trust and the confidence that comes from Trust. It's a Reliance it's experience. So again, it's something that should be growing over time. First 24 it means that trust is experienced. So, how do we how do we test trust right? It's kind of like a chicken and an egg thing, right? Do we wait until we trust before we start to pray confidently or do we pray confidently and I'll let that grow our trust and I would argue. It's a yes and wait a little bit.

When we first Say Yes to Jesus, I think. scripture talks about like when you know that something is a sin when it is revealed to you that something in your life is a sand and you don't do something about it you then stand condemned? But when we first Say Yes to Jesus. We may not realize what is sin right? Because that's something that as we read the word as we spend time in prayer and as the spirit convicts us of things.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is I think even for Sam Smith where he is, I think that God would come to him he would respond to where Sam is at that time. But as we move closer to Jesus, I think the responsibility that we have to be righteous before God to not be active listening and n2o send but not also confess. I think that grows I think you know, even an Earthly relationships as we grow in Trust of that person, there's more expectation in that relationship and I think it works the same way in a relationship with God Do as we trust the continuing and obeying grows our trust and then as we trust it grows our obedience. So again, it kind of is this chicken and egg thing? What I love about all of this is verse 24 and it says the one who keeps his commands remains in him and he in him and the way that we know that he remains in Us is from this. He has given us so Romans 8:6 addresses as well. And it says the spirit himself will testify with our spirit that we are children of God. So I think when we hear messages like this or read scripture like that is all the time like wait at the heck like I'm not getting everything I'm asking for it when I pray. I'm not feeling confident in my prayer time. Am I actually in Christ am I a child of God? The spirit will Can-Can with the word.

Asuris is the word I'm looking for. Turn moments like this when we here scripture like this and we hear messages like this. If you're wondering if you know if are you a + b is an equally C. I think it is. Okay to ask God like the spirit are we do we've got this thing going on. Do we have this relationship happening and the spirit will confront that and either say yes or yes, but or maybe know, you know, Jesus said in the word that there would be many people at the final judgment. I said I did this for you and I did this in your name in Jesus looked at them and says, I don't even know you. Write how do we get to that point in our relationship with God where we have done things for him? We've done good things and he saying but I don't even know you. and I'm not trying to like freaked us all out and and And I'm not speaking calvinistic lie in the sent that summer saved and some aren't I'm not going there cuz I believe that we all have salvation through Jesus, but are we actually in communion with God are we Spirit-filled? Are we in relationship with God that way?

So when we go back to Sam's song, there's no confidence. Right? Like did you hear confidence when he was singing the song? You know, can we can we have this one-on-one, please can you know it is very much speaking from a place of insecurity and again lack of knowledge, but I think it's because he hasn't yet experienced relationship with God he saying I don't even believe in you God. So when there's no relationship, there's no trust.

So we can try prayer, but will it work and I think honestly it depends on where we are on our journey with God. I think if we're new and we're starting out and we don't have a lot of trust and we don't have a lot of relationship God's going to respond to that because he wants relationship with us. So he's going to reveal himself to us. But as we are journeying with him as we are supposed to be growing. Again in the Book of Revelation when John was addressing those churches. He said you're lukewarm. You're not hot and you're not cold your lukewarm and Jesus says I spit people out of my mouth that are like that.

That's again kind of weird. This fear. The lord comes in and we have to realize that Jesus wants everything. He doesn't want us to show up at church on Sunday morning, which is great.

Is church like coming home? Is it a safe place? Is it a place where we're looking forward to coming and being in community? And because that's a reflection of our relationship with God.

So it's followers of Christ. I said our confidence should be growing and our prayers should be getting bigger and bigger.

So if that's not happening and when it comes to trust my question is are you obeying him so that your trust can grow? Or are you only waiting for your trust to grow before you start to obey?

it's a both and so I can invite the band to come back up.

I just found out the coffin and prayer is fueled by loving obedience and Trust. And prayer all prayer means is addressing God going directly to God and asking him for things for ourselves things for one another things for our community for him to move and work.

And we can do that in confidence as we trust and obey.

So maybe you're here and you're thinking okay. I I would say that I do trust and I do obey but I still lack confidence. I'm hoping that this message today will be knowledge for you. You know that as we have that relationship was all weekend and come to him with confident bold prayers. Again, we talked about this last week that sometimes it it's right knowledge leads to write living. So my hope is that you know, if you're here and and as even as John said you there's no condemnation in your heart, you know, you're hearing this message and the spirits not playing anything. I would to you that you still need to give to him. That's awesome. I'm just hoping that this knowledge will help take you deeper in your relationship with God cuz that's really what confident prayer does is it takes us deeper into a relationship with God.

So Sam Smith, he's influencing our culture by what he thinks about prayer and relationship with God. So the big thing that I'm hoping is that will allow this truth to get us into our communities write that as we pray these bold prayers. I mean it's winter we don't but that we would be out in the community and showing them what it means to be in a relationship with God is if all their hearing is Sam Smith, but they're not encountering Jesus Through us. That's what they know about him and maybe they don't want him, you know, the way that they think he is.

Would you join me in prayer?

Heavenly Father

Thank you for your word.

Thank you that even when you convect. It's done out of love.

Thank you guys. You don't, and chaos, but you come in a gentle. Loving way. Sometimes you speak quietly. Sometimes you yell. But even when you yell it is wrapped up in grace and mercy and love. Oh God, if there are some here that are feeling that.

Conviction from your spirit. I pray that they'll Trust. But I will trust.

That when I turn that over to you, whatever that thing is that you'll come and work. and we'll find victory over that we praise you for all of the things that you've already delivered each of us from

help us as you point out new things so that we can come boldly into your presence. Even you know Jesus. After your death when you tore the veil in the sanctuary in the temple, and and that was an invitation to come boldly into the presence of God. I want each of us here to be able to come boldly and passionately out of love into your presence knowing that you give good gifts to your children.

God for those that this is new knowledge. I pray that you'll take that and put it into our heart. So the next time we have something that we want to come to you about we won't be hesitant will come confidently and boldly into your presence.

Without relationship with you. This is empty. Everything we do is empty, but when your presence is, there is awesome.

We need your presence. everyday

Jesus in this time spirit, and do what only you can do. administer to our hearts And your love and your grace and your mercy?

Jesus you're awesome.

I pray this week that we will all see and experience things about you that are awesome.

We pray all this in the name of Jesus. You're holy awesome name Jesus. amen

Okay, so we're going to go into a time of communion.

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