At The Movies 11-11-2018

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Alright, I'm already on okay, so I'm very excited about this. So we are going to take a glimpse into her story The Letter said that you couldn't read it. It was that give me get it here. I found the original maybe one day you will tell me your story and through all of this exciting thing is she is going to it's going to open up and she's going to realize that she is the original she is the thing that was formed. To conquer is the god of war. And so this is going to be very wonderful and watching the Clips on that. So if you are a woman and you came from a woman this message actually is for you about so right but in the beginning after the fall we were the ones That God placed within us the ability to wage war with the Enemy. It was something that was as we were knitted together in our mother's wounds. It was placed there because it happened with Eve. in Genesis 3 15 and says I am declaring war between you and the woman between your Offspring and hers so it is so if you think that your week and your feeble and I don't know how to war and I don't know how to fight for my life. I don't know how to fight for my family and for my friends. Guess what that's a lie, cuz we do and we're going to find out how and when and why as we watch these clips, so Another another version of the word says I am. I'm putting amnity between you and the mm me and to put means to appoint. I just set mine to to make one something. 2

to form a to perform a task to be able to stand so he has placed already the ability to fight the ability to wage war the wisdom and how to wage war the strength within you. He's already placed all of these things and guess what they're surfacing today.

You're all right. Go for it.

Isn't it?

No, no, no.

Okay, I will.

Don't micromanage.

amazing So you seen a little glimpse into my childhood right there?

Been to so again, he has placed the ability within us to do all these things and you have had that listen. I'm going to give you a little bit of my childhood. There was something within me and I knew it was something that I couldn't explain as a child, but I knew that there was something that God had just for me due to to move in and a purpose for me to accomplish and that that my life depended on it and it my family's life depended on it and my friends life depended on it. There was something in me at 5 years old. I knew that I had to take the stand to move forward in these things and I had to And it was appointed for me and my name was on it. Nobody else could do it it was for me. But there was a reason why his place that ability within us and if you haven't felt it. And you bet you it's like I don't know. I don't know if I have the strength. I don't know if I have that ability. I've never seen it before there is going to be a time in your life. We're God's going to call it forth. He's going to call it forth. I'm going to tell you right now. It's a proclamation over you God is going to call it forth in your life. It may be laying dormant right now. It may never surface. You may have never had a reason to have a surface but it's going to surface. Okay, so is everybody excited ready for it? The surface I'm ready for it to surface. Okay. He is giving us as women the ability to birth physically and spiritually and so I have that begins to surface that's another way of saying I'm bursting at spiritually and we have the ability as women to do that in our lives and to help an assist in others. Okay, like they were training I want to know. Are we as women fighting the fight of faith? So that our daughters can be raised up and they can take notice to what we're doing. Is it that isn't that evident in our lives? Every mother should remember her daughter will follow her example instead of her advice any day. They're going to learn to walk. They're going to learn to fight. They're going to learn to move How We Do more than I can talk. More than I can.

They're going to watch my actions.

Because you can say one thing and do another.

Every woman should remember that one day her example will speak louder than her advice. So I can give you advice you can come and talk and I love having our talks but it's going to do better if you watch me and watch me move and watch How I walk with the Lord and watch How I pray and watch How I fight that's what I'm talking about.

And you begin to turn and do it in our kids begin to turn into it. That's what we're called to do. That's what we're called to do. And they're on our kids are doing it. I'm loving it Hebrews 13 and 7 says remember your leaders who taught you the word of God think of all the good that has come from their lives and follow their example and of their face so we have to follow and Lead are we doing our job as women for our girls? Are we strong confident women in the war taking our positions that God has called us to are we standing like we should stand are we living like we should live?

And you and are we going to claim it when no one else sees it but you feel it inside you feeling of something there's something I'm going to tell you that you don't want everybody around me could have but other than what I was feeling on the inside, but I knew that there was a purpose in my life and I had to attain it at any cost. That's where we're at. So this next scene. We'll just let you have it and then we'll talk.

I pray it will never be cold tomorrow.


No, I don't know you do.

I heard that I was tired. I was just training. And I'm not happy.

Sheikh Zayed

It is only a matter of time before he returns.

The strongest the sooner he'll find her.

We neglect our duty if we don't. That was the biggest statement to me in that if we do not move and and the call that God has for us in the purpose that God has for us. We neglect our duty as women. The world would say there's nothing to concern yourself with. They don't need to know this now. Let him let him be young let him be let him be there, you know young fun self.

But we neglect our duty. If we don't the only way to truly protect her is to train her. It is important that we explain how to pray that we show how to play that we pray with them. It is important that we trained up Proverbs 22:6 train up a child in the way. They should go even when they're old. He will not go they will not depart from it. And I used to hear that scripture a lot a lot. But I'm going to tell you when you have trained one and you have spoken to them. And the thing is it's not true. You are loved you go after your purpose you go after the calling of God on your life. Don't you settle for mundane don't you settle for man? Alma tell you if you know and if you're close to me, I'm not going to let you settle for mundane. I'm not going to let you I will kick and fight and scream how many of you understand.

Because it's just so important. It's so important cuz we neglect our duty if we don't we neglect it if we don't.

Do you think that the world's percent of perception on things is going to get any better? and if we don't take our positions

If we don't take our positions, why do we going? What are we in for?

So let's train.

Harbor Freight

That does look very strong. Me and my two two, that doesn't sound very nice. Got to pick what you're going to wear when you go to war, so. Okay. Philippians 2 + 13 for it is God who works in you to Will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose and us there are there are four things that 1st Timothy 4 14 through 16 tells us. That we are to do and one is do not neglect the spiritual gift that God has placed within us and this is one of them. Number 2 is give your complete attention to these matters because one day can turn into the week. They can turn into a month that can turn into a year do years later. Guess what you've wasted all that time. You got to be alert, you got to stay attentive to the things of God to the things of God in your life. He's building your life. He's building your life Brick by Brick step-by-step precept by precept.

Nobody else is going to take a break number for no number three throw yourself into your task. Throw yourself into prayer asking God. What is my purpose? What do you have for me? What is the call of God on my life? And if you're a mother what God what do you want me to pray over my kids? What do you want me to pour into them? Because they're my greatest investment. What do you have me? Why would you have me pour into them? all superficial things

a spiritual mama and she was hard. So when I watch this scene When she goes after her with that sword you'd expect the battle to be fair. I think sometimes that we do expect like that was really hard of the enemy man. When he threw that out the way her, you know, the address it's so I'm like no he's going to hit below the belt he's going to he's going to punch those buttons that grieve you and her he knows because he's been working on you since since conception. So he knows your big red button, right? And you can feel good like you're moving forward and he knows exactly when to strike. One of the things in this movie is as soon as she reveals. a power the God of War shows up I'm going to tell you you can feel like okay. I'm I'm starting to move forward. I'm doing really good and the enemy can strike like that. I was doing so good. I don't know you be alert. I'm telling you to open your eyes open your eyes because the enemy looks for any little tiny things that he can slip in so he can slither in and then before, you know it you are engulfed in something that's going to take you a long time to get out of be wise watch yourself.

When you feel you have been trained you may have doubts. You may feel distracted but continue to fight push forward so that the purpose is revealed in you and you may know you may not understand understand the depth of the authority of God and you the opportunity will present itself.

He will present himself. therefore

there will always be people to distract you. Listen. There's always going to be something to distract you a situation to distract you person to distract you, you know, so you got to stay. Stay alert. We expect about to be fair. It's not fair.

So will you use your training? Or will there be casualties there was a couple of things that happened after this scene because the God of War showed up and there was a battle on on the shore of their peaceful area. They showed up and she hid behind a rock even though she was fighting pretty good. She hid behind a rock. First bullet was shot. She watch the bullet go by even though she had just saw the power that she had. She let it go by and it struck one of her one of the women and it killed her. So are we going to use? What we're being trained are we is we just going to put it in a book there in my journal. That was really a good thing God. Are we going to put it into action?

Is recalled to put it into action. Another thing is she walked into that room. And she's like who's going to take that sword. There was just something then her as a child who's going to win who's going to world that sort. I want to be able to you know, just by her response. She knew it was her. Did you see that her face? She knew and even though her mom was moving in a mom protective or safe. You don't have to do it's okay. She knew. But what she didn't realize is it wasn't the sword. That was the weapon. It was her. We are the weapon and how we respond and how we act and how we move and how we live. Is the thing that's going to bring change. Isn't it is the thing that's going to help us accomplish at 2 when our war so.

When she knew that stuff was there to cheer to turn into a fight?

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Put on the full armor of God so that you may you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. So how desperate are you to be equipped with God's purpose in your life? Are you willing to leap over the pit? That tries to untangle you all the time. Are you willing to climb that wall that tries to block you out or in

are you desperate enough to push regardless?

And if you fall are you desperate enough? To dig in and continue to move forward. Are you desperate enough for that to attain the lasso of truth and the sword of the spirit? And the shield of faith and the role of yourself and who God has called you to be are we that desperate? Are we that desperate she was?

Republic Services

shorting someone else in this room


in the formula When you kind of gas mustard gas hydrogen base instead of Bowser.

You have to find out where the gas. You have to burn it to the ground stroy ludendorff.

Set me up with some logistical support myself.

ice Poseidon

Stop in the world.

Yes, sir.

I don't.

Nothing for I can put it on so tight like cowards.

You should be ashamed you should be so ashamed she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue. So listen a woman of wisdom and passion. She was not intimidated to step in the place where she may not be accepted so back then she's a woman right before this. There was a bunch of men in a room and they were discussing what they were going to do about the war and how to bring peace and what to do and they had to stop the meeting. Hey woman's in this room, but the thing is she had the word. She had the answer. So are we willing to step across those places that we may feel intimidated by? To bring the word. To step out in faith and do what God has called us to do. so

some may think we have nothing to offer. That we do. We have everything to offer. It was formed in Us in the garden.

So she speaks again. She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue She had the answer. So in Genesis 2:18 after this one then cuz it was then not want her in there. She was a woman then the Lord said it is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a helper fit for him fit to be fit spiritually. And physically and emotionally listen. I know it's hard. I don't want to sound militant, but I kind of am Because I'm tired of getting run over by Mack truck. Every time something offends me. Right when I feel offended or when I feel someone's poking at my heart hurts Zone. right

tired rolling over

it's time to take a stand. It's time to become strong confident women in the Lord and take our place. and that word said that we were going to be at war with the Enemy. It still would our Offspring and that includes all of us.

I'm telling you you need to start fighting. We need to start fighting for every minute.

To possess those things. God has called.


where the weapon

We need to close ourselves, right? We need to stand firm.

I'm not talking about like a feminist movement. That is not what I'm talking about because a god woman knows her place.

It's right where he puts her.

But I'm tired of weak wimpy women. And I don't want to be one and sometimes I feel it. I found it last night.

I had to take my moment was a quick moment.

Had to cry it out. Alright.

But like we saying this morning. You know, sometimes we feel like the enemy comes in and just picks us to pieces. By telling us who we are and what we're not.

May God put us together. Always always put us together.

And listen, you can take a blow and I'm going to tell you I'm telling you from experience. Okay, really current experience. You can take a blow that cuts you. And challenges everything in every area of your life and tries to tell you who you are and it can last less than a second because God beforehand my God before hand gives me a love song. Let me know that he created the universe just so my eyes could see it. Now, do you have Jesus like that? Do you know him like that to where he'll send you a song Marla? I just want you to know today. I just want you to know today. Did I created all the universe just so you can look at it? That's the love I have for you.

That's the love I have for you for your eyes. I'm like all that the wonderful Lord that was in my morning time with the Lord. Oh, that's so wonderful. And then you have people telling you what you're not and the enemy telling you what you're not and who you aren't. And what they think you are going to try to put stigma and titles and labels on you. I need to a point where you feel like you're about to break like you feel like you're does.

And I go into my room to compose myself get ready to get all my notes together for this morning. And the Lord says to me.

Your cousin didn't change. Do you remember the love song that I say to you this morning? And every star in the universe first I hung so that your eyes can see it. It does not know what anybody thinks about you, but me. Do you know my tears were little different? My tears are a little different because I was so thankful that my father has loved me since my knowledge of five years old. but I was important enough to come and say

it's your secret secret. I love you. I'm glad you were born. There's a purpose of why you're born. There's a reason you've been born. It's not for anybody's reason but mine. so for these last scenes There's four scenes. A battle and each scene. She gets more confident about who she is and what she can do for the kingdom and what she can do for this war what she can do to win it. She's realizing that she was born like Esther 4:14 says she knows that she was born for such a time as this that this is her moment. This is her moment and she knows it says so who knows because this is her moment. She's been set in a Royal position for such a time as this so now that we know. Did it was placed in us since conception, and now that we know what we are called to rise from are trenches. And now that we know that we have been trained the way I've been clothes that we have been equipped who's been called into battle with full knowledge of our Authority and who hits all that's to be things. We can rise with full confidence and prizes women of God. God called us to rise from yard trenches today in Jesus name.

Are you my boss?

but I'm going

Yeah. I think it's good to clap ya.

I don't know about you, but that all you ladies should be pretty fired up right now, right I mean So in my house, I live with one of these kind of girls. Okay, but what I love about the the beginning and the end the reason why we wanted to bring the spinal clip-in because now that she has lived lot of history lot of stuff in the rearview mirror lot of life has happened and she has I love this final picture with beginning of the movie. Now you see where the picture is taking place, but I'm like, what is it going to be? What is it? What what's going to be your story ladies? When is your final if your life is framed? Is it going to be one of Victory? Are you going to be standing there one of this live Victorious or going to be one of the feet cuz that's the only two choices you have. That's only two choices you have. That the power of a woman I never underestimate the strength of a woman and the prayer of a woman as very very brutal to the enemy very very tough business. I've been burst Paya a few times by women of Prayer. one particular they have influence in the way of connecting with God that's unique that can cause that can move mountains. I can put ten thousand to flight like none other their influence is amazing. You girls your influences amazing.

Always say I'm the head of my house my wife's and neck and she can turn the head wherever she wants it. sometimes sometimes I get a little stubborn but what is your story? What is you're going to what is going to be your story? Are you are you going to win? Are you going to be in a we play all these violent acts and you just fighting but when you pray, let me play some Matthew. That is you you're not going to start kicking people or anything or Throwing Cars. Although I've seen some fits right. I've seen a few I've seen a few fits in my life and my house but let me tell you something. You are a powerful person when you pray do not underestimate the power of Prayer in your life. You might not see it, but there is damage being done. And you young girls start to pray if all I do is worship. All I do is praise if I do is worship if all I do is bow down if all I do is stand still guess what the Lord goes before you And destroys he says all of your enemies. amen, so my word for you girls is this I wrote this down July. Of this year in Proverbs 31. I was setting up early in my in the morning reading my Bible and just read in a hangover. I don't know I was reading proverbs 31 for some reason. I came across this and I got so excited and I want a night in my heart. I shot of this to all you girls. She dresses herself with strength.

and major Armstrong This Is War for you ladies she perceives that her merchandise is profitable I want to say that again she dresses herself with strength. And makes her Armstrong. She perceives that her merchandise of profitable. I want to see some ladies. Do you perceive that what you have is profitable. Are you giving away to the lowest bidder?

Hello. Do you perceive that your merchandise is profitable?

Hello, do you see that? Do you perceive that your merchandise and what you have is very profitable and you should not be giving it away to the lowest bidder.

Don't be so quick to sell your assets.

I'm telling you. God has called you to dress yourself with strength and make her our and make yourself strong. Clothe yourself with beauty. And understand and perceive and have a perception of yourself that what you have is very profitable. I have profited much living with this woman right here.

She's worth everything. I give her everything that I can't. Men, you're not out of this. order clothes with the word few men Now there was a man named the ball and the name of his wife was Abigail and the girls she was discerning. And beautiful listen the women she was Discerning and beautiful, but the man was harsh and badly behaved. He was a kilobyte.

He was a Kayla by the murder of scoundrels. This is a story of a man who David was out in the field when David was on the run from saw him and his soldiers and it's the people that followed him this man the ball had men out in the field harvested in shearing sheep and it wasn't uncommon those days for Raiders to come by and pillage whatever workers they were doing and take of what you've been earning and steal kill and destroy what you were doing. But David and his hiding he took these men under his wings and he protected everything that they did let them share their sheep out there said and and they said and they said he'd they were the David and his men were the wall to them guys work in the balls workers. So David and his kind of sister. Hey, tell your master tell your servant that we'd like to come into town and in a neat and clean an MP fed. And and so they went and told the ball that they said will who's that guy? I don't know if I would have anything to do with him. After everything he done for his people his servants are out there in the field. He returned evil for good. Use a harsh man. Abigail on the other hand when she heard the story cuz one of the service came to Abigail's that look David and his men they protected this nothing was lost everything that we harvested. We have all the sheet that we can afford. None was lost. They said they were they were like a wall to us they protected list and your master your husband husband is going to return evil for good. Let me tell you something David said boys strap up get your swords on we're going into town. We're going to take care of it for this man returning evil for our good and he said this David not one male servant will be left alive. He was upset. Abigail took it upon herself to go before and get out there and say David my Lord, I understand this and this was done and and I just want to ask you please do not do this and he relented. Per my request she went home and told her husband you harsh foolish man. And told her what he was going it was going to happen to him. He said his heart was hardened and a week later. He fell dead.

Guess who Abigail married? The King David sent for her she became her she became. his wife one of them you don't be traded for a king.

We have the surname beautiful women. I tell you what it so it's a challenge to sometimes for us guys to not be harsh badly behaved. We have such a precious Jewel and precious person living in our home. You don't want to set no shoes.

The last word is this. Russ guys Abraham was perplexed. He was having a difficult time because he had had an offspring a child with another mother and and things had to happen and then he had Isaac who was the promise and God said to Abraham and he was really upset about some things that we're going on in his personal life. And he said this whatever says to you do what she tells you Abraham told God told Abraham listen to your wife. Listen to your wife.

guys, listen to your wife Listen to her because you know what Abraham had to do he had to cut off some things. Your wife knows more than anything what needs to get cut off of your life.

He does she does she knows you more than anybody. Sometimes she'll come along and say I think this is just missed it needs to stop and this needs to not happen anymore. And God is telling Abraham. Listen to Listen to Sarah. Listen to what she says you and do as she tells you. They're sometimes in our life as men will come up that we have the relationship with our wives and she'll say something and sometimes just a man. She's more like no.

But over the years I've learned to listen, that's wisdom right there. God is speaking to my wife. And I want to tell you men. Sometimes you need to bend your ear. Sometimes not be so harsh not behave so badly sometimes and say, you know what I hear wisdom in that that is for my good. That was for my good were talking about and Harmony Walking with God nothing like, you know, don't go golfing sometimes. You know, we're talking about just real life some things that may be need to be. Hey, you don't I don't think I'm comfortable that anymore. I think this Miss listen work in harmony with each other right we have Some amazing women in this place. Amen. Ladies may get an amen. And I would encourage you.

I would encourage you with some music.

lift up your countenance know that you are beautiful know that you are wonderfully made and you have your weapon of warfare and there has been a salt on you girls for a lot of years. And it's your season for such a time as this to raise up Verizon close yourself with who God has called you to be begin to worship begin to pray and believe begin to fulfill God's purpose for your life. And that is The Wonder of a woman. Amen, and no.

The father is we come this morning. We have some prayer people and we went a little long but it's at the movies most movies last an hour and a half round 45 minutes, right? We're going to receive our offering and we're going to helping up a time for prayer and if you ladies felt move today and inspired like you know what I'm going to start divorce. If I'mma start to praise, I'm going to start to lift my arm lift my eyes to the Lord and just to begin to the live differently and not underestimate what God has in my life.

The father we bless you today, and if you need two girls anybody needs prayer, you can come on up and mess. We're closing up and have prayer.

We also get a chance to give this morning. If you're a guest here just watching the deserve and we give here and we're generous people and and this cuz we we believe in and all that God is doing in our lives and I'm just thankful this week for all of his provision. Right? So father we bless you today and we honor you and all that you are and all that you do father. I thank you for job board. I think you for provision Lord. I think that you're able to bless our families to the work of our hands Lord and and that you are provider. You're our provider.

And we can go to that will accept your provision today Lord in Jesus name. We give to you a portion Lord that you give blessed us with in Jesus name. Amen.

So honey, come on out those close up you guys enjoy that today at the movies now.

I can hear all the pop. I can hear all the popcorn in my ear back and forth, but it was good though right here the movie. So anyways Thanksgiving service next week. We're going to have donuts and chocolate milk for the kids and then other snacks are our daughter and son-in-law and kids will be here. So don't be running crazy. Can't wait. Can't wait to see them. But I tell you what get prepared for Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday season get their homes decorated ladies set the table for your family's men help out. Don't fight them. Right? Let's have a wonderful time and be blessed and have a great great incredible week. We will see you Thanksgiving service next Sunday. Amen high five low, five side hug fist pump, whatever you got to do, but love somebody today on your way out.

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