Disciples Making Disciples

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Disciple - Becoming more like Jesus; knowing, doing, growing, going
worship the father; committed to christian community; spiritual disciplines create space for the H.S.; disciples focus on others, as God divinely appoints, who have nothing; and can do nothing for you, so we do for Jesus
Today as we wrap up this series we take a look at what some might say is the most famous instruction from Jesus
The disciples had seen him taken into custody, badly beaten, forced through the streets Jerusalem carrying his cross with everyone watching, mocked, spit on, hung on a cross, put in a tomb and left for dead.
Jesus had risen from the dead… We can’t just blow by that. Imagine the significance of this.
On the third day they hear from the women who went to the tomb that something happened. Jesus was no longer in there. They were instructed to go to Galilee and meet up with Jesus. And that’s just what they did.
Don’t you think the message he shares with them will be extremely important?
What do you think the disciples are thinking he’s going to say - explain what happened, explain how it happened, explain why it had to happen?
V.18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.
I have a feeling this must have been what it was like hanging around with Jesus for so long - expecting one thing and hearing something different. But Jesus reminds them that he still has all authority in heaven and on earth.
One day the grave could conceal Him no longer One day the stone rolled away from the door Then He arose, over death He had conquered Now is ascended, my Lord evermore Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him From rising again
Even though
The result of the resurrection is a game changer
V.19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Because… Because the most pivotal event in human history happened (resurrection). There’s reason for what I’m about to say; There’s reason for what I’m about to ask you to do; It’s important for you to consider what I just told you because of the next word that’s going to come out of my mouth… It’s a little word with high expectations. Even though it’s only 2 letters, the implications are high...GO!
Tyndale House Publishers. (2013). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
Therefore… stay right where you’re at and don’t move a muscle! Therefore…you’ve been at this Christian thing long enough, just sit back and take a break! Therefore… I want you to take it easy. Therefore… GO!
Make disciples
So he was talking to his followers/disciples. So he says to these disciples to make disciples. Not called to evoke decisions; Not called to get people to say yes to Jesus; Not called to save anyone; Not called to get people to heaven; We have been called to make disciples. It’s God’s job to save people. We are called to make disciples.
Unfortunately, I believe we in the church have been guilty of presenting something other than discipleship. We’ve lead people to a one-time decision; a one-and-done; a cheap form of grace; but in fact we’ve been called to discipleship.
“Being a disciple means we are making disciples” ~ David Platt
Being a disciple means we are making disciples” ~ David Platt
Who are you discipling? We are all discipling someone. Are we being intentional about who and how we are discipling others?
Of all nations
I don’t mean to skip over this part because I believe it’s important.
V.20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you
Tyndale House Publishers. (2013). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
Teach not for knowledge sake, but he’s concerned with our way of life - how we live out the truth Jesus taught. Discipleship is not about information, it is a way of life
It’s not enough in discipleship that the word of God be preached, but we must obey & live out what has been taught. Discipleship is not about information, education, or knowledge, but disciplieship is a way of life. It is how I live and how you live.
Teach new disciples to obey
“All” the commands - Let’s not pick and choose the one’s we enjoy or make us happy. Wholistic
And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Be sure of this; Have confidence in this one thing that Jesus is with you always; Be certain
I “AM”, not I will be. I am with you “Always”. Not, I will pop in from time to time to see how you are doing; When I get a chance and am not busy I’ll check in on you; When things are going bad or good, I’ll be there; When you don’t know what to say or what to do, I’ll show up then. It’s not temporary - it’s eternal!
Disciples Making Disciples - What does that look like? I’m sure there are many differing questions when it comes to being a disciple and/or making disciples.
I want to wrap up with 2 things:
Want you to know that a group of leaders met this week to begin laying out a strategic vision & to begin working through a strategic plan for the next 5 years. But know this - OUR MISSION IS CLEAR! WE ARE & WILL BE A CHURCH OF DISCIPLES MAKING DISCIPLES! In the upcoming months, as we fine tune some language, you’ll begin to hear our vision for where we are heading. I’m excited about it. I am leading a team that will be spelling out our discipleship process - from the first time someone walks through the doors, all the way through someone being involved in leadership.
I’d like to leave you with this quote from someone who recently began attending...
“Tonight while laying in bed with my child, he assured me that he had a great time at church and decided to tell me all about it. Tonight he explained in his version ‘That Jesus went to Heaven and gave his brother, his dad, his mom, and him this beautiful life.’ It melts my heart to hear his version at three years old. I can’t even begin to explain how happy and greatful I am for my parents, in-laws, grandparents, sister and brother-in-law and several other family members for pushing us to become apart of such a great church family. I know that I’ve always believed in God, but tonight really hit home when you can see God working his beautiful soul into our children. I can’t imagine going through life without God and family. It may have taken me awhile and a few upsets but now I know He has been with me through it all.” #godisgreat
Ushers begin to make their way forward I’d like to remind you of membership class tonight here at church at 6pm. Also, want to remind you of baptism service next week. It’s not too late. Before we pray, It’s my pleasure to invite up to the stage, Pastor Jason. One of the organizations that you are a part of because of your prayer and financial support is Destiny Rescue. And he’s here this morning to give us an update on their ministry.
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