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Look at verse 8, “Lord show us the father and it is enough for us.” Why does Philip ask this question about the father. Why would he be interested in knowing the father. What is so great about knowing the father? Why doesn’t Philip ask Jesus about heaven? Jesus show us what heaven will be like. Show us all the splendid things we can do and have in heaven. Seems like today a lot of people even christians are more focused on heaven then they are on the father. Some people claim to be christian because they think that hell is scary and heaven is wonderful so I must choose heaven. But why does it seem to be a big theme in the Bible that people are searching and yearning to know who the father is. Often begging to see the vision of God. If we look back at we can see Moses begging for God to show him his glory. He doesn’t ask Lord show me more and more of the promise land. He says show me more and more of you. At one point God says they can go to the promise land but because of their sin God will not go with them and Moses said If you don't go with us then I don't want to go. If you are not with us in the promise land then I have no desire to go. The reason Philip asks this question is because he understood just like Moses did, that there can be no higher experience, no greater good, than seeing God as he is, his unimaginable splendor and transcendent glory. He understands that nothing els compares to seeing the father and knowing who he is. Even a place that we would imagine to be perfect and full of joy. So heaven with out the Father isn’t a heaven at all. Imagine going to your friends wedding, you have the food, the cake, the flower girl, the ring bear, but the bride and groom are not there or imagine seeing your favorite band live except they arnt there. You have all the food, the smoke, the lights but you dont have the one thing that makes it all worth it.
Philip is asking the right question. He asks Jesus to show him the father, to give him direct access to the father. He understands that Jesus reveals who the father is but doesn’t know how he accomplishes this. Unfortunately his question shows his lack of understanding on who Jesus really is. In one way Philip and the others truly do know Jesus. They know who Jesus in his flesh is. We see these guys spend almost most all of their time with Jesus. They eat their meals together, sleep in the same place, even work in the same field. They would have had a close intimate relationship with Jesus. As highly as they think of Jesus, they do not yet grasp that in Jesus God has made himself known. To this extent that this idea is beyond their understanding, they do not know Jesus himself very well. If they would have truly known who Jesus is they would have understood that the father has already been reveled to them through Jesus.
In verse 9 you can hear that jesus’ question is filled with sadness,’” have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip?” This question wouldn’t be so shocking if it were asked by those who oppose Jesus. Their inability to recognize who he is is because they have not been taught by God, they have not listened to the Father. But this question was asked by those who are closest to Jesus. If those who are close to Jesus show similar ignorance of who he is, despite loyalty to him, they show their profound spiritual blindness. This goes to show that being around Jesus ministry for many years doesn’t guarantee the deepest insight into the truth that all of Jesus actions and words support the fact that anyone who has seen him has seen the Father. The whole purpose Jesus has come is so that he could reveal the father, and the disciples missed it. This is why Philips questions makes Jesus sad. See Jesus is the only way to really know the father. Gods plan for us to know him, is through Jesus thats why he says I am the truth and the light and no one can get to the father except through me. Almost in the same way that we would try and understand an artists mind. We would study the way that they chose to reveal themselves to us. Through his or her art. A lot of time people will have other ways they think they know God. Such as tradition, religion, and their imagination. Often times saying things like, “Well my family does it so I do. Or their religion will tell them to do these works or those and you can get to know who God is. Maybe they have even created an image of who God is in their own mind and they think they will know him though what ever things their imagination can come up with. Ive asked a good bit of people why they believe in the Gods that are worshiped in Taiwan and the most common answer that is given is that it is because their parents do, so they do as-well. The reason we don't not know God naturally is because we start in a place of blind rebellion our nature is twisted and broken. Jesus himself says that if you were from God you would know me but you are from the devil and the reason you don't listen to me is because I am telling the truth. If I were telling lies you would find it easy to accept. So We start in a place of not knowing that is why Jesus says that he is coming to make the Father known. It isn’t that God was hiding himself from us, it is that we were totally unreceptive and rebellious. The purpose of Jesus’ coming and the reason he is able to reveal the father to us is because he is the one who undoes our rebellion, our wickedness, and our blindness. So we can not expect to grasp who God is outside of the way that He has chosen to reveal himself which is through his son Jesus.
(so if anyone is going to help us with this they will have to deal with our sin)
(See you only know Jesus if you see that he is connected to the father and you only know the father through Jesus)(the first thing that Jesus says is about to change is that the way to the father is about to be opened because of the cross)(because of Jesus we will know God in a way we never could know before)
(why does the way to the father through christ mean?) (religion is all about finding God on my terms but this shows us that God is the one who makes the connection)(jesus is God reaching out to us) (The door to God can only be open from one side theres only one key hole)
2. The Fathers Glorification
The second thing that Jesus changes through the cross is bringing glory to the father.
Jesus question here is to make Philip think about the kind of question he is asking. He is trying to help Philip see that you cant know who one is without knowing the other. (To know God you must see him through Christ and to really know who christ is is to know that he is the one who revels who God is.)then he gives Philip reasons that he has a totally unique relationship to the father. Jesus says have you not heard that the words that I speak they are God communicating to you through me. There is even another reason that I have a completely unique relationship is the miracles you see(Through the teaching of Jesus and the miracles that he did we should get the impression or understand that his relation ship with the father is totally unique and intent with the father)No mere messenger would refer to the one who sent him as his father, claim that whoever has seen him has seen the father, and affirm mutual indwelling between himself and the one who sent him. This appears all throughout the book of John that Jesus is revealing God though his words and miracles this is why he is called the word in . Another wards Jesus is making it possible to know God at a level it was never possible before. And this brings us to the cross that Jesus is facing now. Jesus says a little below here that now is the time for him to glorify the father. The time he is referring to is the time he’s going to the cross. Back in chapter 12 Jesus prays and says father glorify your name and a voice from heaven responds I have glorified it and I will glorify it. So the plan to glorify the father comes in two stages God says I have glorified my name through you son. So through Jesus teaching and miracles he has glorified the father. Now lets pause for a second what does it mean to glorify the father? To glorify God is to reveal how awesome he really is.
If my friends wanted to glorify me they could by only talking about the good about me but thats only half of the picture. If they wanted to give the full picture of me tho they would have to talk about the bad. Whats great about glorifying God is that there is no bad side so if you are only glorify me you cant present the full picture of who I am. You have to present a careful one side of me but to glorify God you want an accurate picture of who he is in full. People always want their good side seen or put filters on their pictures but God doesn’t need to be air brushed or use a filter.
So what has Jesus been doing as he taught and did his miracles? He has been showing how awesome God is. But now Jesus says the real glorification is about to begin. Jesus is going to be crucified and he says this will be the greatest moment of the fathers glory. Why would that be? Because it fully reveals Gods total justice for dealing with sinners with love and mercy. Nothing makes God look more glorious than that right? I mean there is nothing more amazing than God’s love, mercy. holiness, graciousness, justice, and patience that he displays on the cross. So the thing thats going to change about the cross is that It will cause the disciples to know God on a whole other lever. They will know God through his son and his savior Jesus. As we’ve seen the disciples don't really get it yet they don't really see Jesus as who he really is but thats about to change after the cross and resurrection they will get it. If you don't learn about God through the cross then you know nothing about who God really is. If you try and search for God in another way then you will fall short of knowing who he truly is. A lot of times people will say you can get to know who God is through many different paths doesn’t matter which path you take as long as it leads to God and everyone can have a different path. But we see here that the only way the father has laid out for us to know him is through the cross. Sometimes as christians can focus on the wrong things that we think makes God great. They say God stops the hurt in your life, he will bless you materially, or he promises you life will be comfortable. And of course those things are wonderful and true, everything we have and enjoy does come from God but they are not Gods most glorious. To see God at his most glorious is to see Jesus on the cross. Thinking about what a glorious God that is reviled by the cross. He isn’t a God that would be expected or like us. But if you were to draw a single picture about who God is it would be the cross.This is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in Taiwan this is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in America. Any doubt that anyone could have about God is totally resolved by the cross. If you doubt that God is wise and has a good plan then look at the cross. If you doubt that God good and blessing people then look at the cross. If you doubt that God is strong then look at the cross and see his power shown through his weakness. If you doubt that God is just and hates evil then look at the cross and the punishment for sin. If you doubt that God is loving then look at the cross and see length that he will go for you.
3.Brings greater works
Jesus said Philip if you have any doubts look at the words I say if you still have doubt look at the works I do if you still have doubt then look at what I can empower other people to do. (illustration)
“whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the father.” Because Jesus is going to the father he will be able to empower those who believe in him to do even greater works than the ones that he had done.
What are these greater works and how does christ going to the father enable the believer to do greater works? There is often times a misconception with this verse. Some people like to use this verse to talk about the types of miracles that Jesus did and that we also will be able to do those miracles but not only that we will be able to do even greater miracles. When we think about all the miracles that Jesus did I think it is fare to say that Jesus’ greatest miracle was rising someone from the dead. Right? When he rose lazurase from the dead? How incredible? Now if the type of works in this passage is miracles then what miracle has been done that is greater than that? So if not that then what Is the type of works that Jesus is talking about here? Well if we look at the types of works Jesus did they all pointed to one theme. As we just saw, he was Revealing the father to a people that is blind and shut out from truth through their wickedness and rebellion. Right? He opened the eyes of the blind, made the deaf hear, brought the dead to life.
(not just magic tricks, but a communication about his person and his mission)
In the same way Jesus now through his glorification and sending of the spirit opens the eyes of the spiritually blind the ears of the spiritual deaf, rising us all from a place of spiritual death into life. So when we see this as Jesus’ work and compare it to what Jesus said to Philip about his blindness on who Jesus really we see that the greater works that we will do is preaching the gospel in full. Because christ is with the father and we now have the spirit we will be able to reveal who the father is in full through the revelation of christ. See before the disciples didn’t truly understand who Jesus is and why he came because they didn’t have the full revelation of the cross and the spirit. The spirit enables us to grasp and see who God is. with out the spirit we wouldn’t have christianity. We wouldn’t have faith. We wouldn’t have the church. We wouldn't have a personal relationship with God. We wouldn't have life and ultimately we would be lost in our own deception.
so how will Christians perform greater works than Jesus? It means we will provide a more clear testimony about who Jesus is and what he came to do than even he himself gave before his crucifixionThis is what we refer to as our mission or as evangelism - John the Baptist - Jesus said he was the greatest born, he that is least in the kingdom is greater than him (John the Baptist made the greatest testimony to Jesus up to that time)It is a tremendous privilege and honor to be the ones who point to JesusThere are some christians who think being a witness to christ is above them and there are some who think It is below them. They think it is to hard or to great of a task to be a witness for christ they need to see there that Jesus says that he will empower them. There are others that see it as below them there pursuing something els they think is greater in life professional charitable financial there not interested in being a witness to christ or missions because they think that they have something great they can do but they need to see that the greater thing we can do in this day and age is be a witness to christ.
Philip is asking the right question. He asks Jesus to show him the father, to give him direct access to the father. He understands that Jesus reveals who the father is but doesn’t know how he accomplishes this. Unfortunately his question shows his lack of understanding on who Jesus really is. In one way Philip and the others truly do know Jesus. They know who Jesus in his flesh is. We see these guys spend almost most all of their time with Jesus. They eat their meals together, sleep in the same place, even work in the same field. They would have had a close intimate relationship with Jesus. As highly as they think of Jesus, they do not yet grasp that in Jesus God has made himself known. To this extent that this idea is beyond their understanding, they do not know Jesus himself very well. If they would have truly known who Jesus is they would have understood that the father has already been reveled to them through Jesus.
Jesus question here is to make Philip think about the kind of question he is asking. He is trying to help Philip see that you cant know who one is without knowing the other. (To know God you must see him through Christ and to really know who christ is is to know that he is the one who revels who God is.)then he gives Philip reasons that he has a totally unique relationship to the father. Jesus says have you not heard that the words that I speak they are God communicating to you through me. There is even another reason that I have a completely unique relationship is the miracles you see(Through the teaching of Jesus and the miracles that he did we should get the impression or understand that his relation ship with the father is totally unique and intent with the father)No mere messenger would refer to the one who sent him as his father, claim that whoever has seen him has seen the father, and affirm mutual indwelling between himself and the one who sent him. This appears all throughout the book of John that Jesus is revealing God though his words and miracles this is why he is called the word in . Another wards Jesus is making it possible to know God at a level it was never possible before. And this brings us to the cross that Jesus is facing now. Jesus says a little below here that now is the time for him to glorify the father. The time he is referring to is the time he’s going to the cross. Back in chapter 12 Jesus prays and says father glorify your name and a voice from heaven responds I have glorified it and I will glorify it. So the plan to glorify the father comes in two stages God says I have glorified my name through you son. So through Jesus teaching and miracles he has glorified the father. Now lets pause for a second what does it mean to glorify the father? To glorify God is to reveal how awesome he really is.
If my friends wanted to glorify me they could by only talking about the good about me but thats only half of the picture. If they wanted to give the full picture of me tho they would have to talk about the bad. Whats great about glorifying God is that there is no bad side so if you are only glorify me you cant present the full picture of who I am. You have to present a careful one side of me but to glorify God you want an accurate picture of who he is in full. People always want their good side seen or put filters on their pictures but God doesn’t need to be air brushed or use a filter.
In verse 9 you can hear that jesus’ question is filled with sadness,’” have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip?” This question wouldn’t be so shocking if it were asked by those who oppose Jesus. Their inability to recognize who he is is because they have not been taught by God, they have not listened to the Father. But this question was asked by those who are closest to Jesus. If those who are close to Jesus show similar ignorance of who he is, despite loyalty to him, they show their profound spiritual blindness. This goes to show that being around Jesus ministry for many years doesn’t guarantee the deepest insight into the truth that all of Jesus actions and words support the fact that anyone who has seen him has seen the Father. The whole purpose Jesus has come is so that he could reveal the father, and the disciples missed it. This is why Philips questions makes Jesus sad. See Jesus is the only way to really know the father. Gods plan for us to know him, is through Jesus thats why he says I am the truth and the light and no one can get to the father except through me. Almost in the same way that we would try and understand an artists mind. We would study the way that they chose to reveal themselves to us. Through his or her art. A lot of time people will have other ways they think they know God. Such as tradition, religion, and their imagination. Often times saying things like, “Well my family does it so I do. Or their religion will tell them to do these works or those and you can get to know who God is. Maybe they have even created an image of who God is in their own mind and they think they will know him though what ever things their imagination can come up with. Ive asked a good bit of people why they believe in the Gods that are worshiped in Taiwan and the most common answer that is given is that it is because their parents do, so they do as-well. The reason we don't not know God naturally is because we start in a place of blind rebellion our nature is twisted and broken. Jesus himself says that if you were from God you would know me but you are from the devil and the reason you don't listen to me is because I am telling the truth. If I were telling lies you would find it easy to accept. So We start in a place of not knowing that is why Jesus says that he is coming to make the Father known. It isn’t that God was hiding himself from us, it is that we were totally unreceptive and rebellious. The purpose of Jesus’ coming and the reason he is able to reveal the father to us is because he is the one who undoes our rebellion, our wickedness, and our blindness. So we can not expect to grasp who God is outside of the way that He has chosen to reveal himself which is through his son Jesus.
So what has Jesus been doing as he taught and did his miracles? He has been showing how awesome God is. But now Jesus says the real glorification is about to begin. Jesus is going to be crucified and he says this will be the greatest moment of the fathers glory. Why would that be? Because it fully reveals Gods total justice for dealing with sinners with love and mercy. Nothing makes God look more glorious than that right? I mean there is nothing more amazing than God’s love, mercy. holiness, graciousness, justice, and patience that he displays on the cross. So the thing thats going to change about the cross is that It will cause the disciples to know God on a whole other lever. They will know God through his son and his savior Jesus. As we’ve seen the disciples don't really get it yet they don't really see Jesus as who he really is but thats about to change after the cross and resurrection they will get it. If you don't learn about God through the cross then you know nothing about who God really is. If you try and search for God in another way then you will fall short of knowing who he truly is. A lot of times people will say you can get to know who God is through many different paths doesn’t matter which path you take as long as it leads to God and everyone can have a different path. But we see here that the only way the father has laid out for us to know him is through the cross. Sometimes as christians can focus on the wrong things that we think makes God great. They say God stops the hurt in your life, he will bless you materially, or he promises you life will be comfortable. And of course those things are wonderful and true, everything we have and enjoy does come from God but they are not Gods most glorious. To see God at his most glorious is to see Jesus on the cross. Thinking about what a glorious God that is reviled by the cross. He isn’t a God that would be expected or like us. But if you were to draw a single picture about who God is it would be the cross.This is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in Taiwan this is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in America. Any doubt that anyone could have about God is totally resolved by the cross. If you doubt that God is wise and has a good plan then look at the cross. If you doubt that God good and blessing people then look at the cross. If you doubt that God is strong then look at the cross and see his power shown through his weakness. If you doubt that God is just and hates evil then look at the cross and the punishment for sin. If you doubt that God is loving then look at the cross and see length that he will go for you.
Jesus said Philip if you have any doubts look at the words I say if you still have doubt look at the works I do if you still have doubt then look at what I can empower other people to do. (illustration) A good way to measure someones power is how well they can empower others to do something. If a manager cant empower his employees to do the work correctly then he is an insufficient manager and his power is weak.
Look at verse 8, “Lord show us the father and it is enough for us.” Why does Philip ask this question about the father. Why would he be interested in knowing the father. What is so great about knowing the father? Why doesn’t Philip ask Jesus about heaven? Jesus show us what heaven will be like. Show us all the splendid things we can do and have in heaven. Seems like today a lot of people even christians are more focused on heaven then they are on the father. Some people claim to be christian because they think that hell is scary and heaven is wonderful so I must choose heaven. But why does it seem to be a big theme in the Bible that people are searching and yearning to know who the father is. Often begging to see the vision of God. If we look back at we can see Moses begging for God to show him his glory. He doesn’t ask Lord show me more and more of the promise land. He says show me more and more of you. At one point God says they can go to the promise land but because of their sin God will not go with them and Moses said If you don't go with us then I don't want to go. If you are not with us in the promise land then I have no desire to go. The reason Philip asks this question is because he understood just like Moses did, that there can be no higher experience, no greater good, than seeing God as he is, his unimaginable splendor and transcendent glory. He understands that nothing els compares to seeing the father and knowing who he is. Even a place that we would imagine to be perfect and full of joy. So heaven with out the Father isn’t a heaven at all. Imagine going to your friends wedding, you have the food, the cake, the flower girl, the ring bear, but the bride and groom are not there or imagine seeing your favorite band live except they arnt there. You have all the food, the smoke, the lights but you dont have the one thing that makes it all worth it.
Look at verse 8, “Lord show us the father and it is enough for us.” Why does Philip ask this question about the father. Why would he be interested in knowing the father. What is so great about knowing the father? Why doesn’t Philip ask Jesus about heaven? Jesus show us what heaven will be like. Show us all the splendid things we can do and have in heaven. Seems like today a lot of people even christians are more focused on heaven then they are on the father. Some people claim to be christian because they think that hell is scary and heaven is wonderful so I must choose heaven. But why does it seem to be a big theme in the Bible that people are searching and yearning to know who the father is. Often begging to see the vision of God. If we look back at we can see Moses begging for God to show him his glory. He doesn’t ask Lord show me more and more of the promise land. He says show me more and more of you. At one point God says they can go to the promise land but because of their sin God will not go with them and Moses said If you don't go with us then I don't want to go. If you are not with us in the promise land then I have no desire to go. The reason Philip asks this question is because he understood just like Moses did, that there can be no higher experience, no greater good, than seeing God as he is, his unimaginable splendor and transcendent glory. He understands that nothing els compares to seeing the father and knowing who he is. Even a place that we would imagine to be perfect and full of joy. So heaven with out the Father isn’t a heaven at all. Imagine going to your friends wedding, you have the food, the cake, the flower girl, the ring bear, but the bride and groom are not there or imagine seeing your favorite band live except they arnt there. You have all the food, the smoke, the lights but you dont have the one thing that makes it all worth it.
The second thing that Jesus changes through the cross is bringing glory to the father.
Jesus said Philip if you have any doubts look at the words I say if you still have doubt look at the works I do if you still have doubt then look at what I can empower other people to do. (illustration) A good way to measure someones power is how well they can empower others to do something. If a manager cant empower his employees to do the work correctly then he is an insufficient manager and his power is weak.
Look at verse 8, “Lord show us the father and it is enough for us.” Why does Philip ask this question about the father. Why would he be interested in knowing the father. What is so great about knowing the father? Why doesn’t Philip ask Jesus about heaven? Jesus show us what heaven will be like. Show us all the splendid things we can do and have in heaven. Seems like today a lot of people even christians are more focused on heaven then they are on the father. Some people claim to be christian because they think that hell is scary and heaven is wonderful so I must choose heaven. But why does it seem to be a big theme in the Bible that people are searching and yearning to know who the father is. Often begging to see the vision of God. If we look back at we can see Moses begging for God to show him his glory. He doesn’t ask Lord show me more and more of the promise land. He says show me more and more of you. At one point God says they can go to the promise land but because of their sin God will not go with them and Moses said If you don't go with us then I don't want to go. If you are not with us in the promise land then I have no desire to go. The reason Philip asks this question is because he understood just like Moses did, that there can be no higher experience, no greater good, than seeing God as he is, his unimaginable splendor and transcendent glory. He understands that nothing els compares to seeing the father and knowing who he is. Even a place that we would imagine to be perfect and full of joy. So heaven with out the Father isn’t a heaven at all. Imagine going to your friends wedding, you have the food, the cake, the flower girl, the ring bear, but the bride and groom are not there or imagine seeing your favorite band live except they arnt there. You have all the food, the smoke, the lights but you dont have the one thing that makes it all worth it.
Jesus question here is to make Philip think about the kind of question he is asking. He is trying to help Philip see that you cant know who one is without knowing the other. (To know God you must see him through Christ and to really know who christ is is to know that he is the one who revels who God is.)then he gives Philip reasons that he has a totally unique relationship to the father. Jesus says have you not heard that the words that I speak they are God communicating to you through me. There is even another reason that I have a completely unique relationship is the miracles you see(Through the teaching of Jesus and the miracles that he did we should get the impression or understand that his relation ship with the father is totally unique and intent with the father)No mere messenger would refer to the one who sent him as his father, claim that whoever has seen him has seen the father, and affirm mutual indwelling between himself and the one who sent him. This appears all throughout the book of John that Jesus is revealing God though his words and miracles this is why he is called the word in . Another wards Jesus is making it possible to know God at a level it was never possible before. And this brings us to the cross that Jesus is facing now. Jesus says a little below here that now is the time for him to glorify the father. The time he is referring to is the time he’s going to the cross. Back in chapter 12 Jesus prays and says father glorify your name and a voice from heaven responds I have glorified it and I will glorify it. So the plan to glorify the father comes in two stages God says I have glorified my name through you son. So through Jesus teaching and miracles he has glorified the father. Now lets pause for a second what does it mean to glorify the father? To glorify God is to reveal how awesome he really is.
So Jesus says, “whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the father.” Because Jesus is going to the father he will be able to empower those who believe in him to do even greater works than the ones that he had done.
Philip is asking the right question. He asks Jesus to show him the father, to give him direct access to the father. He understands that Jesus reveals who the father is but doesn’t know how he accomplishes this. Unfortunately his question shows his lack of understanding on who Jesus really is. In one way Philip and the others truly do know Jesus. They know who Jesus in his flesh is. We see these guys spend almost most all of their time with Jesus. They eat their meals together, sleep in the same place, even work in the same field. They would have had a close intimate relationship with Jesus. As highly as they think of Jesus, they do not yet grasp that in Jesus God has made himself known. To this extent that this idea is beyond their understanding, they do not know Jesus himself very well. If they would have truly known who Jesus is they would have understood that the father has already been reveled to them through Jesus.
Philip is asking the right question. He asks Jesus to show him the father, to give him direct access to the father. He understands that Jesus reveals who the father is but doesn’t know how he accomplishes this. Unfortunately his question shows his lack of understanding on who Jesus really is. In one way Philip and the others truly do know Jesus. They know who Jesus in his flesh is. We see these guys spend almost most all of their time with Jesus. They eat their meals together, sleep in the same place, even work in the same field. They would have had a close intimate relationship with Jesus. As highly as they think of Jesus, they do not yet grasp that in Jesus God has made himself known. To this extent that this idea is beyond their understanding, they do not know Jesus himself very well. If they would have truly known who Jesus is they would have understood that the father has already been reveled to them through Jesus.
Jesus question here is to make Philip think about the kind of question he is asking. He is trying to help Philip see that you cant know who one is without knowing the other. (To know God you must see him through Christ and to really know who christ is is to know that he is the one who revels who God is.)then he gives Philip reasons that he has a totally unique relationship to the father. Jesus says have you not heard that the words that I speak they are God communicating to you through me. There is even another reason that I have a completely unique relationship is the miracles you see(Through the teaching of Jesus and the miracles that he did we should get the impression or understand that his relation ship with the father is totally unique and intent with the father)No mere messenger would refer to the one who sent him as his father, claim that whoever has seen him has seen the father, and affirm mutual indwelling between himself and the one who sent him. This appears all throughout the book of John that Jesus is revealing God though his words and miracles this is why he is called the word in . Another wards Jesus is making it possible to know God at a level it was never possible before. And this brings us to the cross that Jesus is facing now. Jesus says a little below here that now is the time for him to glorify the father. The time he is referring to is the time he’s going to the cross. Back in chapter 12 Jesus prays and says father glorify your name and a voice from heaven responds I have glorified it and I will glorify it. So the plan to glorify the father comes in two stages God says I have glorified my name through you son. So through Jesus teaching and miracles he has glorified the father. Now lets pause for a second what does it mean to glorify the father? To glorify God is to reveal how awesome he really is.
So Jesus says, “whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the father.” Because Jesus is going to the father he will be able to empower those who believe in him to do even greater works than the ones that he had done.
Philip is asking the right question. He asks Jesus to show him the father, to give him direct access to the father. He understands that Jesus reveals who the father is but doesn’t know how he accomplishes this. Unfortunately his question shows his lack of understanding on who Jesus really is. In one way Philip and the others truly do know Jesus. They know who Jesus in his flesh is. We see these guys spend almost most all of their time with Jesus. They eat their meals together, sleep in the same place, even work in the same field. They would have had a close intimate relationship with Jesus. As highly as they think of Jesus, they do not yet grasp that in Jesus God has made himself known. To this extent that this idea is beyond their understanding, they do not know Jesus himself very well. If they would have truly known who Jesus is they would have understood that the father has already been reveled to them through Jesus.
first of all you can ask in Jesus name for something he doesn’t want for you or the world. Praying in Jesus name doesn’t mean you are in charge it means he is in charge. Second it is important to remember what he has just been talking about. What is it specifically that Jesus wants his people to do and pray about? It must be those greater works he was talking about. Our being witnesses for christ. So these prayers promise us powerful answers to our prayers as we engage in the work of witnessing. When we are praying about the mission, Jesus mission, we will continually amazed by the power of the answer. So praying for the work of missionaries praying for unbelievers that you know praying for your pastor and the preaching ministry of this church.
If my friends wanted to glorify me they could by only talking about the good about me but thats only half of the picture. If they wanted to give the full picture of me tho they would have to talk about the bad. Whats great about glorifying God is that there is no bad side so if you are only glorify me you cant present the full picture of who I am. You have to present a careful one side of me but to glorify God you want an accurate picture of who he is in full. People always want their good side seen or put filters on their pictures but God doesn’t need to be air brushed or use a filter.
What are these greater works and how does christ going to the father enable the believer to do greater works? There is often times a misconception with this verse. Some people like to use this verse to talk about the types of miracles that Jesus did and that we also will be able to do those miracles but not only that we will be able to do even greater miracles. When we think about all the miracles that Jesus did I think it is fare to say that Jesus’ greatest miracle was rising someone from the dead. Right? When he rose lazurase from the dead? How incredible? Now if the type of works in this passage is miracles then what miracle has been done that is greater than that? So if not that then what Is the type of works that Jesus is talking about here? Well if we look at the types of works Jesus did they all pointed to one theme. As we just saw, he was Revealing the father to a people that is blind and shut out from truth through their wickedness and rebellion. Right? He opened the eyes of the blind, made the deaf hear, brought the dead to life. These were not just magic tricks, something cool that Jesus did to show off, but a communication about his person and his mission.
In verse 9 you can hear that jesus’ question is filled with sadness,’” have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip?” This question wouldn’t be so shocking if it were asked by those who oppose Jesus. Their inability to recognize who he is is because they have not been taught by God, they have not listened to the Father. But this question was asked by those who are closest to Jesus. If those who are close to Jesus show similar ignorance of who he is, despite loyalty to him, they show their profound spiritual blindness. This goes to show that being around Jesus ministry for many years doesn’t guarantee the deepest insight into the truth that all of Jesus actions and words support the fact that anyone who has seen him has seen the Father. The whole purpose Jesus has come is so that he could reveal the father, and the disciples missed it. This is why Philips questions makes Jesus sad. See Jesus is the only way to really know the father. Gods plan for us to know him, is through Jesus thats why he says I am the truth and the light and no one can get to the father except through me. Almost in the same way that we would try and understand an artists mind. We would study the way that they chose to reveal themselves to us. Through his or her art. A lot of time people will have other ways they think they know God. Such as tradition, religion, and their imagination. Often times saying things like, “Well my family does it so I do. Or their religion will tell them to do these works or those and you can get to know who God is. Maybe they have even created an image of who God is in their own mind and they think they will know him though what ever things their imagination can come up with. Ive asked a good bit of people why they believe in the Gods that are worshiped in Taiwan and the most common answer that is given is that it is because their parents do, so they do as-well. The reason we don't not know God naturally is because we start in a place of blind rebellion our nature is twisted and broken. Jesus himself says that if you were from God you would know me but you are from the devil and the reason you don't listen to me is because I am telling the truth. If I were telling lies you would find it easy to accept. So We start in a place of not knowing that is why Jesus says that he is coming to make the Father known. It isn’t that God was hiding himself from us, it is that we were totally unreceptive and rebellious. The purpose of Jesus’ coming and the reason he is able to reveal the father to us is because he is the one who undoes our rebellion, our wickedness, and our blindness. So we can not expect to grasp who God is outside of the way that He has chosen to reveal himself which is through his son Jesus.
In verse 9 you can hear that jesus’ question is filled with sadness,’” have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip?” This question wouldn’t be so shocking if it were asked by those who oppose Jesus. Their inability to recognize who he is is because they have not been taught by God, they have not listened to the Father. But this question was asked by those who are closest to Jesus. If those who are close to Jesus show similar ignorance of who he is, despite loyalty to him, they show their profound spiritual blindness. This goes to show that being around Jesus ministry for many years doesn’t guarantee the deepest insight into the truth that all of Jesus actions and words support the fact that anyone who has seen him has seen the Father. The whole purpose Jesus has come is so that he could reveal the father, and the disciples missed it. This is why Philips questions makes Jesus sad. See Jesus is the only way to really know the father. Gods plan for us to know him, is through Jesus thats why he says I am the truth and the light and no one can get to the father except through me. Almost in the same way that we would try and understand an artists mind. We would study the way that they chose to reveal themselves to us. Through his or her art. A lot of time people will have other ways they think they know God. Such as tradition, religion, and their imagination. Often times saying things like, “Well my family does it so I do. Or their religion will tell them to do these works or those and you can get to know who God is. Maybe they have even created an image of who God is in their own mind and they think they will know him though what ever things their imagination can come up with. Ive asked a good bit of people why they believe in the Gods that are worshiped in Taiwan and the most common answer that is given is that it is because their parents do, so they do as-well. The reason we don't not know God naturally is because we start in a place of blind rebellion our nature is twisted and broken. Jesus himself says that if you were from God you would know me but you are from the devil and the reason you don't listen to me is because I am telling the truth. If I were telling lies you would find it easy to accept. So We start in a place of not knowing that is why Jesus says that he is coming to make the Father known. It isn’t that God was hiding himself from us, it is that we were totally unreceptive and rebellious. The purpose of Jesus’ coming and the reason he is able to reveal the father to us is because he is the one who undoes our rebellion, our wickedness, and our blindness. So we can not expect to grasp who God is outside of the way that He has chosen to reveal himself which is through his son Jesus.
If my friends wanted to glorify me they could by only talking about the good about me but thats only half of the picture. If they wanted to give the full picture of me tho they would have to talk about the bad. Whats great about glorifying God is that there is no bad side so if you are only glorify me you cant present the full picture of who I am. You have to present a careful one side of me but to glorify God you want an accurate picture of who he is in full. People always want their good side seen or put filters on their pictures but God doesn’t need to be air brushed or use a filter.
What are these greater works and how does christ going to the father enable the believer to do greater works? There is often times a misconception with this verse. Some people like to use this verse to talk about the types of miracles that Jesus did and that we also will be able to do those miracles but not only that we will be able to do even greater miracles. When we think about all the miracles that Jesus did I think it is fare to say that Jesus’ greatest miracle was rising someone from the dead. Right? When he rose lazurase from the dead? How incredible? Now if the type of works in this passage is miracles then what miracle has been done that is greater than that? So if not that then what Is the type of works that Jesus is talking about here? Well if we look at the types of works Jesus did they all pointed to one theme. As we just saw, he was Revealing the father to a people that is blind and shut out from truth through their wickedness and rebellion. Right? He opened the eyes of the blind, made the deaf hear, brought the dead to life. These were not just magic tricks, something cool that Jesus did to show off, but a communication about his person and his mission.
In verse 9 you can hear that jesus’ question is filled with sadness,’” have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip?” This question wouldn’t be so shocking if it were asked by those who oppose Jesus. Their inability to recognize who he is is because they have not been taught by God, they have not listened to the Father. But this question was asked by those who are closest to Jesus. If those who are close to Jesus show similar ignorance of who he is, despite loyalty to him, they show their profound spiritual blindness. This goes to show that being around Jesus ministry for many years doesn’t guarantee the deepest insight into the truth that all of Jesus actions and words support the fact that anyone who has seen him has seen the Father. The whole purpose Jesus has come is so that he could reveal the father, and the disciples missed it. This is why Philips questions makes Jesus sad. See Jesus is the only way to really know the father. Gods plan for us to know him, is through Jesus thats why he says I am the truth and the light and no one can get to the father except through me. Almost in the same way that we would try and understand an artists mind. We would study the way that they chose to reveal themselves to us. Through his or her art. A lot of time people will have other ways they think they know God. Such as tradition, religion, and their imagination. Often times saying things like, “Well my family does it so I do. Or their religion will tell them to do these works or those and you can get to know who God is. Maybe they have even created an image of who God is in their own mind and they think they will know him though what ever things their imagination can come up with. Ive asked a good bit of people why they believe in the Gods that are worshiped in Taiwan and the most common answer that is given is that it is because their parents do, so they do as-well. The reason we don't not know God naturally is because we start in a place of blind rebellion our nature is twisted and broken. Jesus himself says that if you were from God you would know me but you are from the devil and the reason you don't listen to me is because I am telling the truth. If I were telling lies you would find it easy to accept. So We start in a place of not knowing that is why Jesus says that he is coming to make the Father known. It isn’t that God was hiding himself from us, it is that we were totally unreceptive and rebellious. The purpose of Jesus’ coming and the reason he is able to reveal the father to us is because he is the one who undoes our rebellion, our wickedness, and our blindness. So we can not expect to grasp who God is outside of the way that He has chosen to reveal himself which is through his son Jesus.
we know that after Jesus goes to the father he is going to have unlimited power and authority to advance his kingdom. And this passage tells us we can access that power through prayer. Prayer is one of the main tools that Jesus uses to further the witness. (pray for me as a missionary) (how foolish it is to neglect prayer)(getting busy) (john piper quote God can do more in one minute than you in a million years) that is why we want to pray because he can do more than we can. This is why Paul was always asking people to pray for him and why he was always praying for the churches he started.
So what has Jesus been doing as he taught and did his miracles? He has been showing how awesome God is. But now Jesus says the real glorification is about to begin. Jesus is going to be crucified and he says this will be the greatest moment of the fathers glory. Why would that be? Because it fully reveals Gods total justice for dealing with sinners with love and mercy. Nothing makes God look more glorious than that right? I mean there is nothing more amazing than God’s love, mercy. holiness, graciousness, justice, and patience that he displays on the cross. So the thing thats going to change about the cross is that It will cause the disciples to know God on a whole other lever. They will know God through his son and his savior Jesus. As we’ve seen the disciples don't really get it yet they don't really see Jesus as who he really is but thats about to change after the cross and resurrection they will get it. If you don't learn about God through the cross then you know nothing about who God really is. If you try and search for God in another way then you will fall short of knowing who he truly is. A lot of times people will say you can get to know who God is through many different paths doesn’t matter which path you take as long as it leads to God and everyone can have a different path. But we see here that the only way the father has laid out for us to know him is through the cross. Sometimes as christians can focus on the wrong things that we think makes God great. They say God stops the hurt in your life, he will bless you materially, or he promises you life will be comfortable. And of course those things are wonderful and true, everything we have and enjoy does come from God but they are not Gods most glorious. To see God at his most glorious is to see Jesus on the cross.
In the same way Jesus now through his glorification and sending of the spirit opens the eyes of the spiritually blind the ears of the spiritual deaf, rising us all from a place of spiritual death into life. So when we see this as Jesus’ work and compare it to what He said to Philip about his blindness on who he really is, we see that the greater works that we will do is preaching the gospel in full. Because christ is with the father and we now have the spirit we will be able to reveal who the father is in full through the revelation of christ. See before the disciples didn’t truly understand who Jesus is and why he came because they didn’t have the full revelation of the cross and the spirit. The spirit enables us to grasp and see who God is. with out the spirit we wouldn’t have christianity. We wouldn’t have faith. We wouldn’t have the church. We wouldn't have a personal relationship with God. We wouldn't have life and ultimately we would be lost in our own deception.
(so if anyone is going to help us with this they will have to deal with our sin)
So what has Jesus been doing as he taught and did his miracles? He has been showing how awesome God is. But now Jesus says the real glorification is about to begin. Jesus is going to be crucified and he says this will be the greatest moment of the fathers glory. Why would that be? Because it fully reveals Gods total justice for dealing with sinners with love and mercy. Nothing makes God look more glorious than that right? I mean there is nothing more amazing than God’s love, mercy. holiness, graciousness, justice, and patience that he displays on the cross. So the thing thats going to change about the cross is that It will cause the disciples to know God on a whole other lever. They will know God through his son and his savior Jesus. As we’ve seen the disciples don't really get it yet they don't really see Jesus as who he really is but thats about to change after the cross and resurrection they will get it. If you don't learn about God through the cross then you know nothing about who God really is. If you try and search for God in another way then you will fall short of knowing who he truly is. A lot of times people will say you can get to know who God is through many different paths doesn’t matter which path you take as long as it leads to God and everyone can have a different path. But we see here that the only way the father has laid out for us to know him is through the cross. Sometimes as christians can focus on the wrong things that we think makes God great. They say God stops the hurt in your life, he will bless you materially, or he promises you life will be comfortable. And of course those things are wonderful and true, everything we have and enjoy does come from God but they are not Gods most glorious. To see God at his most glorious is to see Jesus on the cross. Thinking about what a glorious God that is reviled by the cross. He isn’t a God that would be expected or like us. But if you were to draw a single picture about who God is it would be the cross.This is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in Taiwan this is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in America. Any doubt that anyone could have about God is totally resolved by the cross. If you doubt that God is wise and has a good plan then look at the cross. If you doubt that God good and blessing people then look at the cross. If you doubt that God is strong then look at the cross and see his power shown through his weakness. If you doubt that God is just and hates evil then look at the cross and the punishment for sin. If you doubt that God is loving then look at the cross and see the length that he will go for you.
In the same way Jesus now through his glorification and sending of the spirit opens the eyes of the spiritually blind the ears of the spiritual deaf, rising us all from a place of spiritual death into life. So when we see this as Jesus’ work and compare it to what He said to Philip about his blindness on who he really is, we see that the greater works that we will do is preaching the gospel in full. Because christ is with the father and we now have the spirit we will be able to reveal who the father is in full through the revelation of christ. See before the disciples didn’t truly understand who Jesus is and why he came because they didn’t have the full revelation of the cross and the spirit. The spirit enables us to grasp and see who God is. with out the spirit we wouldn’t have christianity. We wouldn’t have faith. We wouldn’t have the church. We wouldn't have a personal relationship with God. We wouldn't have life and ultimately we would be lost in our own deception.
(so if anyone is going to help us with this they will have to deal with our sin)
its so foolish for us to take any credit when we see any fruit from our efforts because it is all because of his power.
so how will Christians perform greater works than Jesus? It means we will provide a more clear testimony about who Jesus is and what he came to do than even he himself gave before his crucifixion. This is what we refer to as our mission or as evangelism. If we look at we see Jesus talking about John the Baptist and he said “ among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” John the Baptist had made the greatest testimony to Jesus up to that time. Yet it says whoever is the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Meaning because of the cross and the sending of the spirit even a one day old christian has a greater and more clear testimony of who Jesus is.
(See you only know Jesus if you see that he is connected to the father and you only know the father through Jesus)(the first thing that Jesus says is about to change is that the way to the father is about to be opened because of the cross)(because of Jesus we will know God in a way we never could know before)
so how will Christians perform greater works than Jesus? We will provide a more clear testimony about who Jesus is and what he came to do than even he himself gave before his crucifixion. This is what we refer to as our mission or as evangelism. If we look at we see Jesus talking about John the Baptist and he said “ among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” John the Baptist had made the greatest testimony to Jesus up to that time. Yet Jesus says whoever is the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Meaning because of the cross and the sending of the spirit even a one day old christian has a greater and more clear testimony of who Jesus is.
(See you only know Jesus if you see that he is connected to the father and you only know the father through Jesus)(the first thing that Jesus says is about to change is that the way to the father is about to be opened because of the cross)(because of Jesus we will know God in a way we never could know before)
When we see fruit from our evangelistic efforts it is because of our prayers offered in Jesus name.
It is a tremendous privilege and honor to be the ones who point to Jesus! There are some christians who think being a witness to christ is above them. They think it is to hard or to great of a task to be a witness for christ. They need to see there that Jesus says that he will empower them. There are others who think being a witness to christ is below them. Often times they are pursuing something els they think is greater in life. Weather its professional, charitable, or financial they are not interested in being a witness to christ or missions because they think that they have something greater they can do but they need to see that the greatest thing we can do this day and age is be a bold witness to christ.
(why does the way to the father through christ mean?) (religion is all about finding God on my terms but this shows us that God is the one who makes the connection)(jesus is God reaching out to us) (The door to God can only be open from one side theres only one key hole)
It is a tremendous privilege and honor to be the ones who point to Jesus! There are some christians who think being a witness to christ is above them. They think it is to hard or to great of a task to be a witness for christ. They need to see there that Jesus says that he will empower them. On the other hand, there are others who think being a witness to christ is below them. Often times they are pursuing something els they think is greater in life. Weather its professional, charitable, or financial they are not interested in being a witness to christ or missions because they think that they have something greater they can do but they need to see that the greatest thing we can do this day and age is be a bold witness to christ.
(why does the way to the father through christ mean?) (religion is all about finding God on my terms but this shows us that God is the one who makes the connection)(jesus is God reaching out to us) (The door to God can only be open from one side theres only one key hole)
2. The Fathers Glorification
2. The Fathers Glorification
The second thing that Jesus changes through the cross is bringing glory to the father.
The second thing that Jesus changes through the cross is bringing glory to the father.
Jesus question here is to make Philip think about the kind of question he is asking. He is trying to help Philip see that you cant know who one is without knowing the other. (To know God you must see him through Christ and to really know who christ is is to know that he is the one who revels who God is.)then he gives Philip reasons that he has a totally unique relationship to the father. Jesus says have you not heard that the words that I speak they are God communicating to you through me. There is even another reason that I have a completely unique relationship is the miracles you see(Through the teaching of Jesus and the miracles that he did we should get the impression or understand that his relation ship with the father is totally unique and intent with the father)No mere messenger would refer to the one who sent him as his father, claim that whoever has seen him has seen the father, and affirm mutual indwelling between himself and the one who sent him. This appears all throughout the book of John that Jesus is revealing God though his words and miracles this is why he is called the word in . Another wards Jesus is making it possible to know God at a level it was never possible before. And this brings us to the cross that Jesus is facing now. Jesus says a little below here that now is the time for him to glorify the father. The time he is referring to is the time he’s going to the cross. Back in chapter 12 Jesus prays and says father glorify your name and a voice from heaven responds I have glorified it and I will glorify it. So the plan to glorify the father comes in two stages God says I have glorified my name through you son. So through Jesus teaching and miracles he has glorified the father. Now lets pause for a second what does it mean to glorify the father? To glorify God is to reveal how awesome he really is.
Jesus question here is to make Philip think about the kind of question he is asking. He is trying to help Philip see that you cant know who one is without knowing the other. (To know God you must see him through Christ and to really know who christ is is to know that he is the one who revels who God is.)then he gives Philip reasons that he has a totally unique relationship to the father. Jesus says have you not heard that the words that I speak they are God communicating to you through me. There is even another reason that I have a completely unique relationship is the miracles you see(Through the teaching of Jesus and the miracles that he did we should get the impression or understand that his relation ship with the father is totally unique and intent with the father)No mere messenger would refer to the one who sent him as his father, claim that whoever has seen him has seen the father, and affirm mutual indwelling between himself and the one who sent him. This appears all throughout the book of John that Jesus is revealing God though his words and miracles this is why he is called the word in . Another wards Jesus is making it possible to know God at a level it was never possible before. And this brings us to the cross that Jesus is facing now. Jesus says a little below here that now is the time for him to glorify the father. The time he is referring to is the time he’s going to the cross. Back in chapter 12 Jesus prays and says father glorify your name and a voice from heaven responds I have glorified it and I will glorify it. So the plan to glorify the father comes in two stages God says I have glorified my name through you son. So through Jesus teaching and miracles he has glorified the father. Now lets pause for a second what does it mean to glorify the father? To glorify God is to reveal how awesome he really is.
If my friends wanted to glorify me they could by only talking about the good about me but thats only half of the picture. If they wanted to give the full picture of me tho they would have to talk about the bad. Whats great about glorifying God is that there is no bad side so if you are only glorify me you cant present the full picture of who I am. You have to present a careful one side of me but to glorify God you want an accurate picture of who he is in full. People always want their good side seen or put filters on their pictures but God doesn’t need to be air brushed or use a filter.
If my friends wanted to glorify me they could by only talking about the good about me but thats only half of the picture. If they wanted to give the full picture of me tho they would have to talk about the bad. Whats great about glorifying God is that there is no bad side so if you are only glorify me you cant present the full picture of who I am. You have to present a careful one side of me but to glorify God you want an accurate picture of who he is in full. People always want their good side seen or put filters on their pictures but God doesn’t need to be air brushed or use a filter.
So what has Jesus been doing as he taught and did his miracles? He has been showing how awesome God is. But now Jesus says the real glorification is about to begin. Jesus is going to be crucified and he says this will be the greatest moment of the fathers glory. Why would that be? Because it fully reveals Gods total justice for dealing with sinners with love and mercy. Nothing makes God look more glorious than that right? I mean there is nothing more amazing than God’s love, mercy. holiness, graciousness, justice, and patience that he displays on the cross. So the thing thats going to change about the cross is that It will cause the disciples to know God on a whole other lever. They will know God through his son and his savior Jesus. As we’ve seen the disciples don't really get it yet they don't really see Jesus as who he really is but thats about to change after the cross and resurrection they will get it. If you don't learn about God through the cross then you know nothing about who God really is. If you try and search for God in another way then you will fall short of knowing who he truly is. A lot of times people will say you can get to know who God is through many different paths doesn’t matter which path you take as long as it leads to God and everyone can have a different path. But we see here that the only way the father has laid out for us to know him is through the cross. Sometimes as christians can focus on the wrong things that we think makes God great. They say God stops the hurt in your life, he will bless you materially, or he promises you life will be comfortable. And of course those things are wonderful and true, everything we have and enjoy does come from God but they are not Gods most glorious. To see God at his most glorious is to see Jesus on the cross. Thinking about what a glorious God that is reviled by the cross. He isn’t a God that would be expected or like us. But if you were to draw a single picture about who God is it would be the cross.This is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in Taiwan this is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in America. Any doubt that anyone could have about God is totally resolved by the cross. If you doubt that God is wise and has a good plan then look at the cross. If you doubt that God good and blessing people then look at the cross. If you doubt that God is strong then look at the cross and see his power shown through his weakness. If you doubt that God is just and hates evil then look at the cross and the punishment for sin. If you doubt that God is loving then look at the cross and see the length that he will go for you.
So what has Jesus been doing as he taught and did his miracles? He has been showing how awesome God is. But now Jesus says the real glorification is about to begin. Jesus is going to be crucified and he says this will be the greatest moment of the fathers glory. Why would that be? Because it fully reveals Gods total justice for dealing with sinners with love and mercy. Nothing makes God look more glorious than that right? I mean there is nothing more amazing than God’s love, mercy. holiness, graciousness, justice, and patience that he displays on the cross. So the thing thats going to change about the cross is that It will cause the disciples to know God on a whole other lever. They will know God through his son and his savior Jesus. As we’ve seen the disciples don't really get it yet they don't really see Jesus as who he really is but thats about to change after the cross and resurrection they will get it. If you don't learn about God through the cross then you know nothing about who God really is. If you try and search for God in another way then you will fall short of knowing who he truly is. A lot of times people will say you can get to know who God is through many different paths doesn’t matter which path you take as long as it leads to God and everyone can have a different path. But we see here that the only way the father has laid out for us to know him is through the cross. Sometimes as christians can focus on the wrong things that we think makes God great. They say God stops the hurt in your life, he will bless you materially, or he promises you life will be comfortable. And of course those things are wonderful and true, everything we have and enjoy does come from God but they are not Gods most glorious. To see God at his most glorious is to see Jesus on the cross. Thinking about what a glorious God that is reviled by the cross. He isn’t a God that would be expected or like us. But if you were to draw a single picture about who God is it would be the cross.This is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in Taiwan this is a God that is more beautiful than any idol in America. Any doubt that anyone could have about God is totally resolved by the cross. If you doubt that God is wise and has a good plan then look at the cross. If you doubt that God good and blessing people then look at the cross. If you doubt that God is strong then look at the cross and see his power shown through his weakness. If you doubt that God is just and hates evil then look at the cross and the punishment for sin. If you doubt that God is loving then look at the cross and see the length that he will go for you.
3.Brings greater works
3.Brings greater works
Jesus said Philip if you have any doubts look at the words I say if you still have doubt look at the works I do if you still have doubt then look at what I can empower other people to do. (illustration) A good way to measure someones power is how well they can empower others to do something. If a manager cant empower his employees to do the work correctly then he is an insufficient manager and his power is weak.
Jesus said Philip if you have any doubts look at the words I say if you still have doubt look at the works I do if you still have doubt then look at what I can empower other people to do. (illustration) A good way to measure someones power is how well they can empower others to do something. If a manager cant empower his employees to do the work correctly then he is an insufficient manager and his power is weak.
So Jesus says, “whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the father.” Because Jesus is going to the father he will be able to empower those who believe in him to do even greater works than the ones that he had done.
So Jesus says, “whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the father.” Because Jesus is going to the father he will be able to empower those who believe in him to do even greater works than the ones that he had done.
What are these greater works and how does christ going to the father enable the believer to do greater works? There is often times a misconception with this verse. Some people like to use this verse to talk about the types of miracles that Jesus did and that we also will be able to do those miracles but not only that we will be able to do even greater miracles. When we think about all the miracles that Jesus did I think it is fare to say that Jesus’ greatest miracle was rising someone from the dead. Right? When he rose lazurase from the dead? How incredible? Now if the type of works in this passage is miracles then what miracle has been done that is greater than that? So if not that then what Is the type of works that Jesus is talking about here? Well if we look at the types of works Jesus did they all pointed to one theme. As we just saw, he was Revealing the father to a people that is blind and shut out from truth through their wickedness and rebellion. Right? He opened the eyes of the blind, made the deaf hear, brought the dead to life. These were not just magic tricks, something cool that Jesus did to show off, but a communication about his person and his mission.
What are these greater works and how does christ going to the father enable the believer to do greater works? There is often times a misconception with this verse. Some people like to use this verse to talk about the types of miracles that Jesus did and that we also will be able to do those miracles but not only that we will be able to do even greater miracles. When we think about all the miracles that Jesus did I think it is fare to say that Jesus’ greatest miracle was rising someone from the dead. Right? When he rose lazurase from the dead? How incredible? Now if the type of works in this passage is miracles then what miracle has been done that is greater than that? So if not that then what Is the type of works that Jesus is talking about here? Well if we look at the types of works Jesus did they all pointed to one theme. As we just saw, he was Revealing the father to a people that is blind and shut out from truth through their wickedness and rebellion. Right? He opened the eyes of the blind, made the deaf hear, brought the dead to life. These were not just magic tricks, something cool that Jesus did to show off, but a communication about his person and his mission.
In the same way Jesus now through his glorification and sending of the spirit opens the eyes of the spiritually blind the ears of the spiritual deaf, rising us all from a place of spiritual death into life. So when we see this as Jesus’ work and compare it to what He said to Philip about his blindness on who he really is, we see that the greater works that we will do is preaching the gospel in full. Because christ is with the father and we now have the spirit we will be able to reveal who the father is in full through the revelation of christ. See before the disciples didn’t truly understand who Jesus is and why he came because they didn’t have the full revelation of the cross and the spirit. The spirit enables us to grasp and see who God is. with out the spirit we wouldn’t have christianity. We wouldn’t have faith. We wouldn’t have the church. We wouldn't have a personal relationship with God. We wouldn't have life and ultimately we would be lost in our own deception.
In the same way Jesus now through his glorification and sending of the spirit opens the eyes of the spiritually blind the ears of the spiritual deaf, rising us all from a place of spiritual death into life. So when we see this as Jesus’ work and compare it to what He said to Philip about his blindness on who he really is, we see that the greater works that we will do is preaching the gospel in full. Because christ is with the father and we now have the spirit we will be able to reveal who the father is in full through the revelation of christ. See before the disciples didn’t truly understand who Jesus is and why he came because they didn’t have the full revelation of the cross and the spirit. The spirit enables us to grasp and see who God is. with out the spirit we wouldn’t have christianity. We wouldn’t have faith. We wouldn’t have the church. We wouldn't have a personal relationship with God. We wouldn't have life and ultimately we would be lost in our own deception.
so how will Christians perform greater works than Jesus? It means we will provide a more clear testimony about who Jesus is and what he came to do than even he himself gave before his crucifixion. This is what we refer to as our mission or as evangelism. If we look at we see Jesus talking about John the Baptist and he said “ among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” John the Baptist had made the greatest testimony to Jesus up to that time. Yet it says whoever is the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Meaning because of the cross and the sending of the spirit even a one day old christian has a greater and more clear testimony of who Jesus is.
so how will Christians perform greater works than Jesus? We will provide a more clear testimony about who Jesus is and what he came to do than even he himself gave before his crucifixion. This is what we refer to as our mission or as evangelism. If we look at we see Jesus talking about John the Baptist and he said “ among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” John the Baptist had made the greatest testimony to Jesus up to that time. Yet Jesus says whoever is the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Meaning because of the cross and the sending of the spirit even a one day old christian has a greater and more clear testimony of who Jesus is.
It is a tremendous privilege and honor to be the ones who point to Jesus! There are some christians who think being a witness to christ is above them. They think it is to hard or to great of a task to be a witness for christ. They need to see there that Jesus says that he will empower them. There are others who think being a witness to christ is below them. Often times they are pursuing something els they think is greater in life. Weather its professional, charitable, or financial they are not interested in being a witness to christ or missions because they think that they have something greater they can do but they need to see that the greatest thing we can do this day and age is be a bold witness to christ.
It is a tremendous privilege and honor to be the ones who point to Jesus! There are some christians who think being a witness to christ is above them. They think it is to hard or to great of a task to be a witness for christ. They need to see there that Jesus says that he will empower them. On the other hand, there are others who think being a witness to christ is below them. Often times they are pursuing something els they think is greater in life. Weather its professional, charitable, or financial they are not interested in being a witness to christ or missions because they think that they have something greater they can do but they need to see that the greatest thing we can do this day and age is be a bold witness to christ.
4. In his name we shall receive
This maybe helps us understand what the following verses say. That everything we ask in Jesus name the father will give us. I am sure you have some questions about this as well. A lot of times christians interpret this as anything and everything you ask for as long as you say it in Jesus name you will receive. But if I pray to God and ask for a new bass boat and stamp Jesus name at the end of it doesn’t mean thats going to happen and it more than likely wont. Even more sayin in Jesus name after your prayer isn’t a magic formula that makes your prayer more appealing then those who don't say it. What it means by in Jesus name is being in christ. As christians we are in fact in christ. We belong to him, we are with him, and he is in us. So any prayer offered up by the believer is spoken in Jesus name. So then what are we to make of this text. If it doesn’t mean anything and everything we ask for then what els could it mean.
first of all you can ask in Jesus name for something he doesn’t want for you or the world. Praying in Jesus name doesn’t mean you are in charge it means he is in charge. Second it is important to remember what he has just been talking about. What is it specifically that Jesus wants his people to do and pray about? It must be those greater works he was talking about. Our being witnesses for christ. So these prayers promise us powerful answers to our prayers as we engage in the work of witnessing. When we are praying about the mission, Jesus mission, we will continually amazed by the power of the answer. So praying for the work of missionaries praying for unbelievers that you know praying for your pastor and the preaching ministry of this church.
we know that after Jesus goes to the father he is going to have unlimited power and authority to advance his kingdom. And this passage tells us we can access that power through prayer. Prayer is one of the main tools that Jesus uses to further the witness. (pray for me as a missionary) (how foolish it is to neglect prayer)(getting busy) (john piper quote God can do more in one minute than you in a million years) that is why we want to pray because he can do more than we can. This is why Paul was always asking people to pray for him and why he was always praying for the churches he started.
its so foolish for us to take any credit when we see any fruit from our efforts because it is all because of his power.
When we see fruit from our evangelistic efforts it is because of our prayers offered in Jesus name.
This demonstrates that the contrast in verse 12 is not finally between Jesus’ works and his disciples’ works but between the works of Jesus that he himself performed during the days of his flesh, and the works that he performs through his disciples after his death and exaltation.
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