Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Who am I?
What are reasons that people Date?
Who are you?
to feel value
What makes us who we are?
to fit in
what defines us?
tWhat are the different voices that tell us who we are?
What has the most weight?
"The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard told a story of thieves who broke into a jewelry store and didn't steal anything; they simply rearranged the price tags.
The next morning, the expensive jewelry was sold as junk, and the junk jewelry was sold as expensive.
His point is obvious.
We live in a world where someone has rearranged the price tags.
We are created-
"Nowhere is this switching of price tags more evident than in the area of self-esteem.
In our culture, people are valued for how they look, what they can do or even what they have, but rarely for who they are.
In our world, you have to be beautiful by mathematical standards (and yes there is a formula for beauty—it's all about ratios), entertaining (not talented, but entertaining), and if you are not, the world has no place for you.
If you can't make the Top 100 in the world on some list, you are nothing.
God Cre
Ps 139
The passage.—This psalm is a personal meditation addressed to God.
It consists of four stanzas: verses 1–6, 7–12, 13–18, and 19–24.
Each stanza magnifies an awesome characteristic of God.
The respective characteristics are perfect knowledge, universal presence, sovereign control, and moral constraint.
We are created beings-
David is thinking about God and out comes
Verse- “ Before a word is on my tongue, you know all about it, Lord
Christian Standard Bible.
Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
It is Absolute Knowledge that God has-
meaning He doesn’t learn He knows
God knows us
Verse 1 you searched me and know me:
Then David goes on to show how much God truly knows about:
When I sit
when I stand
you know my thoughts
you are aware of all my ways
David end with “this knowledge is beyond me.”
Where can I go to escape your presence?
God is not limited to time and space-He created them
He created them
There is nowhere that we can go and God is not there or unaware of where we are
Paul says “Nothing can separate us for the love of God.”
Romans 8:
Paul answers this question with:
Romans 8:
God is with us and God Knows us-
We are created beings-
God Created
God is the divine architect of our lives
Special points.—The
psalmist declared that God knew all about him.
Furthermore, God cared for him with precious and numberless thoughts.
David says you “knit” or “woven”
By using these terms David pictures himself as a fine piece of art and God as a skilled craftmans
When you look at your life how do you see yourself?
How do you see God in your life?
God never Changes-
we change all the time-
situation cause us to change
people cause us to change
But God is the divine artist of our life:
He formed you
He Knows you
He is with you
He love you
Think of the creation story-
God creates everything in this world, like a master artist He paints the skies, the stars, the mountains, the oceans, the trees and the animals, the fish in the sea
All things we pay to see at zoo and aquariums
on vacation to tropical place or to the mountains
God creates everything that amazes us
Then He creates man am women-
We are imagine bearers of God
After the creation of Man and women it is then that God declares “It is very Good”
We have many voices that try to speak into our lives, bu there is one that trumps them all and that is the one who formed us, who “knitted” us together.
The God who made us in His imagine-
The Hardest thing for us
is to take God at His word-
When we see ourselves other then what God says, what does that say about how we hold God’s word?
is it in High value in our lives?
God’s word trumps all
our family life
our feelings
our school life
our emtions
our lusts
our dating habits
God is the artist who created us- He Speaks of who we are
and if it doesn’t line up with God’s word than it is a lie!
Paul asked “What can separate us?”
David answered “there is nowhere I can go to escape your presence.”
Even darkness and light are the same to you
The God who created us in His imagine the God who stands with us at all times
David- “If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there.”
Sheol- The grave, or where the dead reside
Who am I?
The gospel message- You are loved, you have eternal value
The cross speaks of that-
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9