Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Title Slide
WE are getting back to a series we began the year with, looking at the book of Exodus and how God used ordinary people to bring about the rescue of His people, and along the way we get a first hand look at God's redeeming, righteousness, and restoration.
I shared with my small group this week that I had been in a dry place recently, that I longed to be closer to Jesus.
Nothing major, just I had become acutely aware of how my love for me, gets in the way of my love for Jesus.
IT’s not really anyone’s fault…maybe mine, but that doesn’t help.
10:00 Michelle to Bed…me to Ice cream
There is a problem thinking about me.
But our response to triggers can change
Mess in the floor…complain about our messy kids…now it’s only me to complain I stopped complaining about mess in the floor.
I was just complaining about it and they were nice enough to listen.
It's funny now that our kids aren't at home we don't have people to blame anymore...rather I don't have anyone to blame.
It's funny now that our kids aren't at home we don't have people to blame anymore...rather I don't have anyone to blame.
It's funny now that our kids aren't at home we don't have people to blame anymore...rather I don't have anyone to blame.
And that's unfortunate...because I was pretty good at complaining.
For instance I would start to complain about the house being a mess, then I’d tell them to clean up.
Sad part is now that they aren’t home much…I need to take my own advice.
Wouldn’t it be great if when we sensed things not being the way we think they should, it would trigger something in us other than complaining and blaming?
Sure, blaming some one else is easier I suppose.
But it’s very effective at changing the situation.
What is better is doing something different.
There was a time when I could blame the kids for the mess...or for not cleaning up.
Now, more than not, I'm the only one to blame.
What does it say about us that we always want some one...preferably someone else to blame for our situation, especially when our situation isn't pleasant.
What does it say about us that we always want some one...preferably someone else to blame for our situation, especially when our situation isn't pleasant.
Like in my relationship with Jesus, I don't have anyone else to blame.
I could blame my work, or my dog, or my family for taking my time away from Jesus…but that wouldn’t be true, because it’s up to me what I do with my time.
We don't mind taking credit for success...but problems they are someone else's fault.
We don't mind taking credit for success...but problems they are someone else's fault.
And that's unfortunate...because I had much rather it be some body else’s fault.
It's just better to blame some one else.
But in my relationship with Jesus, I don't have anyone else to blame.
And that's unfortunate...because I had much rather it be your fault.
It's just better to blame some one else.
But in my relationship with Jesus, I don't have anyone else to blame.
And that's unfortunate...because I had much rather it be your fault.
It's just better to blame some one else.
Complaining comes naturally.
Some people are really good at it, but none of us have to be taught how to do it.
It’s part of our belief that everything is about me.
Are you the same way?
Do you find it easier sometimes to point the finger at others than it is at yourself?
Are you the same way?
Do you find it easier sometimes to point the finger at others than it is at yourself?
Today, we are going to look at the life of the Israelite and hopefully, if everything goes right, we will discover a different response when we notice things aren’t as we think they should.
Something different than complaining.
Today, we are going to look at the life of the Israelite and hopefully, if everything goes right, we will discover a different response when we notice things aren’t as we think they should.
Something different than complaining.
Today, I want to help us point the finger at ourselves.
Not in accusation....but as a reminder.
You need to know this, because we all like to complain.
Not you did it....but "remember he's doing something".
Go ahead...point to the person next to you and tell them Remember...he's doing something.
Because frankly too often we forget and begin to think the story of my life is all about me...and it's not.
Remember, He’s doing something.
Because frankly too often we forget and begin to think the story of my life is all about me...and it's not.
You see this picture and think…nothing to complain about there.
You are right.
Because frankly too often we forget and begin to think the story of my life is all about me...and it's not.
In today’s story, as we continue our look at the exodus, the story of God’s redemption, righteousness, and restoration, we get to see how the need of this reminder and the power of it’s realization.
In today’s story, as we continue our look at the exodus, the story of God’s redemption, righteousness, and restoration, we get to see how the need of this reminder and the power of it’s realization.
1. Run out of food
2. Moses complains too
3. God hears and answers
Grumbling and Gratitude
Elim…like a resort.
In today’s story, as we continue our look at the exodus, the story of God’s redemption, righteousness, and restoration, we get to see how the need of this reminder and the power of it’s realization.
Exodus 16:1-
Grumbling and Gratitude
Exodus 17:1
Grumbling and Gratitude
Going into the desert was scary to many of them.
But God was leading them.
God had a plan for them.
They had to go through the desert to get to the promised land.
Some of us need to hear this today.
Sometimes you find yourself in the desert not because you are lost, not because you made a wrong turn, not because you messed up.
Sometimes you find yourself in the desert because it’s on the way to the promise that God has for you.
His purpose for your life requires that you go through the desert…there’s no other way to get there.
Soon after they leave their little resort on the beach, they run out of food.
Their first instinct is to complain to Moses…why did you bring us out here???
Why did you set us free?
We used to have all the food we could eat.
Now they have seen all sorts of miracles.
God has told them again and again, they are his people, that he has a plan for them, but they fail to trust him…they are in the desert for goodness sake.
Moses isn’t much better, he complains to right back.
Don’t complain to me, it’s God's fault.
1. Run out of food
Gods response…he hears and delivers.
He tells them that in the evening he is going to send them meat to eat, then in the morning and every morning he will send them bread.
He gives them instructions as to how to collect the bread.
3. God hears and answers
It happens just as he promised, That night God sends them quail to eat.
They just fall from the sky.
The next morning, the frosted flakes are all over the place, God explained to the people that they should pick up just enough for the day and make bread out of them, that tomorrow there would be more.
God provides…but we don’t get a sense of gratitude from them.
< .5
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> .9