Bienaventurados Los Que Lloran

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Series: Sermon on the Mount Bienaventurados Los Que Lloran

Pastor Tony Perez Mateo 5:4 9306

Intro: (Repaso). La enseñanza de Mt 5:4 es contraria a la experiencia humana. Nuestra sociedad es amante al placer y gasta mucho tiempo y dinero para entretenerse. Quieren gozar la vida y evitar el dolor lo mas posible.

To discover what Jesus meant, and did not mean, in this beatitude we will look at the meaning of mourning as it is used here. Certain kinds of sorrow are common to all mankind, experienced by believer and unbeliever alike. Some of these sorrows are normal and legitimate, sorrows which concern the Lord and for which He knows our need. Others are abnormal and illegitimate, brought about solely because of sinful passions and objectives.

Luke 6:21b Bienaventurados los que ahora lloráis, porque reiréis.. La Biblia nos declara que Cristo lloro dos veces: Lazaro y la dureza de Jerusalen. Immeasurable divine love caused our Lord to weep at the death of Lazarus (John 11:35) and over the sinning people of Jerusalem, whom He wanted to gather into His care as a mother hen gathers her chicks (Matt. 23:37).

PROPOSICION: ¿Cuando fue la ultima vez que tu sentiste agonia por tu pecado?

I. En La Biblia Se Mencionan Dos Clases De Lamento.

A. El lamento humano. Eccl 3:4

Hay muchas causas y razones para llorar. En un mundo caido vemos el pecado y las consecuencias en nuestras vidas y en las de otros. Vemos como son las cosas y como deben ser.

It is crying over sin in our lives (Ja. 4:8-9) (when we have created hurt and pain in the lives of others because of our failings and sin. Lam. 2:18-19; Ja. 5:1-6).

Lamenting over unbelief, lack of love.

It is crying over disobedience in the lives of others (I Cor. 5:2; II Cor. 12:21).

It is shedding tears over injustice in America; over God's honor being defamed; over truth being ignored; over righteousness being thrown down; over souls being lost and condemned.

It is weeping over a wayward child or an unfaithful spouse, or when a hero of the fiath falls into gross sin.

Causado por las condiciones de la vida.

1. Gen 23:2

Sarah’s death caused Abraham to mourn (Gen. 23:2). But the “father of the faithful” did not weep from lack of faith but for the loss his beloved wife, which he had every right to do.

2. Sal 42:1-3.

Loneliness for God, from whom he felt separated for a time, caused the psalmist to declare, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for Thee, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; when shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me all day long, ‘Where is your God?”’ (Ps. 42:1–3).

3. Jer. 9:1

Anguished concern about the sins of Israel and God’s coming judgment on His people caused Jeremiah to mourn. “Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears,” he cried, “that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!”

4. Hech 20:31

Concern for the spiritual welfare of the Ephesian believers had caused Paul to mourn. “Night and day for a period of three years I did not cease to admonish each one with tears,” he said (Acts 20:31).

5. Luc 7:37-38

Repentant, worshipful devotion caused a woman to mourn over her sins as she went into the Pharisee’s house and washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. To the proud host who resented her contaminating his house and interrupting his dinner party, Jesus said, “I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little” (Luke 7:47).

Puede ser causado por el pecado - “Pedro lloro amargamente.”

B. Lamento según Dios

1. Tristeza sobre el pecado 2 Cor 7:10

Paul speaks of this sorrow in his second letter to Corinth. “For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation; but the sorrow of the world produces death. For behold what earnestness this very thing, this godly sorrow, has produced in you” (2 Cor. 7:10–11). The only sorrow that brings spiritual life and growth is godly sorrow, sorrow over sin that leads to repentance. Godly sorrow is linked to repentance, and repentance is linked to sin.

2. Se empieza con ser pobre en espiritu

Spiritual poverty leads to godly sorrow; the poor in spirit become those who mourn. After his great sin involving Bathsheba and Uriah, David repented and expressed his godly sorrow in Psalm 51

3. Envuelve agonia profunda Mt 5:4

a. Nine different Greek words are used in the New Testament to speak of sorrow, reflecting its commonness in man’s life. It is woven into the cloth of the human situation. The story of history is the story of tears.

b. La palabra que se usa aqui es la palabra mas fuerte

Of the nine terms used for sorrow, the one used here (pentheō, mourn) is the strongest, the most severe. It represents the deepest, most heart-felt grief, and was generally reserved for grieving over the death of a loved one.

1) It is used in the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) for Jacob’s grief when he thought his son Joseph was killed by a wild animal (Gen. 37:34).

2) It is used of the disciples’ mourning for Jesus before they knew He was raised from the dead (Mark 16:10).

3) It is used of the mourning of world business leaders over the death of its commerce because of the destruction of the world system during the Tribulation (Rev. 18:11, 15).

b. Es agonia de lo profundo no solamente de afuera. Comparar Sal 32:3-4; 51:1-3; 10-12

4. Resulta en perdon

5. Requiere responder en dependencia a Dios Lu 15:11-24

6. Es para toda la vida

7. Es caracterizado por confession

II. Existen Muchos Impedimentos al Lamento.

A. Amor al pecado. Love of sin is the primary hindrance to mourning. Holding on to sin will freeze and petrify a heart.

B. Desespero / ansiedad “me rindo” - Despair is putting ourselves outside God’s grace.

C. Orgullo - Conceit, which tries to hide the sin itself, choosing to believe that there is nothing over which to mourn. It is the spiritual counterpart of a doctor treating a cancer as if it were a cold. If it was necessary for Jesus Christ to shed His blood on the cross to save us from our sin, our sin must be great indeed!

D. Ser presumido / tomar a Dios por demas Isa 55:7

E. La demora - Procrastinación

It says, “One of these days, when things are just right, I’ll take a hard look at my sins, confess them, and ask God’s forgiveness and cleansing.” But procrastination is foolish and dangerous, because we “do not know what [our] life will be like tomorrow. [We] are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away” (James 4:14). The sooner the disease of sin is dealt with the sooner comfort will come. If it is not dealt with, we have no assurance that comfort will ever come, because we have no assurance we will have time to confess it later.

F. La apatia

G. Diversión en exceso

III. El Señor Da Consuelo A Los Que Lamentan Por Su Pecado.

True mourning over sin does not focus on ourselves, not even on our sin. It focuses on God, who alone can forgive and remove our sin.

Como Jose en Genesis 39:9 No hay otro mayor que yo en esta casa, y ninguna cosa me ha reservado sino a ti, por cuanto tú eres su mujer; ¿cómo, pues, haría yo este grande mal, y pecaría contra Dios?

Happiness, or blessedness, does not come in the mourning itself. Happiness comes with what God does in response to it, with the forgiveness that such mourning brings. Godly mourning brings God’s forgiveness, which brings God’s happiness.

Only mourners over sin are happy because only mourners over sin have their sins forgiven.

Sin and happiness are totally incompatible. Where one exists, the other cannot. Until sin is forgiven and removed, happiness is locked out. Mourning over sin brings forgiveness of sin, and forgiveness of sin brings a freedom and a joy that cannot be experienced in any other way.

Luke 4:18-19 (RVR) - El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, Por cuanto me ha ungido para dar buenas nuevas a los pobres; Me ha enviado a sanar a los quebrantados de corazón; A pregonar libertad a los cautivos, Y vista a los ciegos; A poner en libertad a los oprimidos; 19 A predicar el año agradable del Señor.

Luke 24:5, 15 y como tuvieron temor, y bajaron el rostro a tierra, les dijeron: ¿Por qué buscáis entre los muertos al que vive? 15 Sucedió que mientras hablaban y discutían entre sí, Jesús mismo se acercó, y caminaba con ellos.

Micah 7:18-20 18 ¿Qué Dios como tú, que perdona la maldad, y olvida el pecado del remanente de su heredad? No retuvo para siempre su enojo, porque se deleita en misericordia. 19 El volverá a tener misericordia de nosotros; sepultará nuestras iniquidades, y echará en lo profundo del mar todos nuestros pecados. 20 Cumplirás la verdad a Jacob, y a Abraham la misericordia, que juraste a nuestros padres desde tiempos antiguos.

2 Corinthians 1:3 Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Padre de misericordias y Dios de toda consolación,

Luke 6:21 Bienaventurados los que ahora tenéis hambre, porque seréis saciados. Bienaventurados los que ahora lloráis, porque reiréis.

Revelation 21:4 Enjugará Dios toda lágrima de los ojos de ellos; y ya no habrá muerte, ni habrá más llanto, ni clamor, ni dolor; porque las primeras cosas pasaron.

IV. La Vision Necesaria para Lamentar Mi Pecado.

A. Un entendimiento de la cruz.

How seriously does God take sin? God takes sins so seriously that He sent Jesus, His only Son, to die to pay the penalty for sin. In God's sight, sin is so serious that nothing else short of the death of Jesus Christ could deal with it. It was because of the seriousness of sin that Jesus Christ had to go to the Cross. When those nails were driven through His hands and feet, it was because of your sin and mine. Because of my sin and yours He suffered hour after hour upon the Cross, His life slowly ebbing away. God the Father watched His Son suffer this horrible agony because it was the only way to deal with our sin. Let there be no doubt what is God's opinion of sin.

As we casually joke about sin, we need to be reminded that to God it is not funny.

How seriously do you take your sins?

Does it break your heart when you have sinned against God? Do you mourn over your sin?

B. Un entendimiento del pecado Sal 51:3; Isa 6:5

Psalms 51:3 Porque yo reconozco mis rebeliones, Y mi pecado está siempre delante de mí.

Isaiah 6:5 Entonces dije: ¡Ay de mí! que soy muerto; porque siendo hombre inmundo de labios, y habitando en medio de pueblo que tiene labios inmundos, han visto mis ojos al Rey, Jehová de los ejércitos.

Gen 39

1. Ser sensitivo al pecado en tu vida

2. Ser sensitivo al pecado en la vida de otros.

Conclusion: There is great need in the church today to cry instead of laugh. The mark of the mature life is not sinlessness, which is reserved for heaven, but growing awareness of sinfulness.

“Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:8–10).

James 4:8-10 (RVR)

8 Acercaos a Dios, y él se acercará a vosotros. Pecadores, limpiad las manos; y vosotros los de doble ánimo, purificad vuestros corazones. 9 Afligíos, y lamentad, y llorad. Vuestra risa se convierta en lloro, y vuestro gozo en tristeza. 10 Humillaos delante del Señor, y él os exaltará.

Necesitamos más de esto hoy. Yo necesito más de esto hoy. Usted necesita más de esto hoy.

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