Service God using us Series Month June Gifts of the Spirit

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Service God using us Series Month June Gifts of the Spirit

Introducing the Gifts of the Spirit to the Church The Sign Gifts - Miraculous Abilities for the First Century Church

Wisdom and Knowledge

Gift of Faith



Prophecy – Part 1

Prophecy – Part 2

Discerning of Spirits

Speaking in Tongues - 1

Speaking in Tongues -2

- 1 Speaking in Tongues

What's Wrong With Modern Tongues-1

What's Wrong With Modern Tongues -2

Interpretation of Tongues

Serious Issues with Experience Based Christianity - 1

Serious Issues with Experience Based Christianity -2

1 Serious Issues with Experience Based Christianity -
2 The Servant Gifts - Servant Leaders of the Church
The Servant Gifts - Servant Leaders of the Church

The Servant Gifts - Servant Leaders of the Church

he Servant Gifts - Servant Leaders of the Church

Apostles and Prophets

Evangelists (Church Planters)

Pastors Teachers

The Service Gifts - Spiritual Abilities Given to Bless the Church

Introduction to the Service Gifts

Prophecy – Speaking Up for God

Teaching – Instructing People

Ministry / Helps – Supporting Weaker Brethren

Exhorting – Urging and Encouraging Others

Giving – Sharing With Others

Governments / Ruling – Governing and Managing People

Mercy – Showing Compassion on Others

Spiritual Gifts Test

Introducing the Gifts of the Spirit to a Church

Introducing the Spiritual Gifts
I. Introduction
A. is an explanation of the use and misuse of spiritual gifts within the Body of Christ. The apostle Paul begins by saying, "I would not have you to be ignorant" and concludes saying, "If any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant... Let all things be done decently and in order" (14:38, 40). Ignorance is one reason for so much disorder and confusion regarding this important subject.
B. The Corinthian Christians came behind in no gift (1:7), yet they were carnal and ignorant of how to use them! Like many Christians today, the Corinthians treated spiritual gifts like toys instead of tools for the ministry.
C. Spiritual gifts concern power, not character. The fruit of the Spirit () concerns character.
D. Paul introduces the subject of spiritual gifts by contrasting the work of the Holy Spirit with their experience prior to being saved (vs. 2-3): Salvation brings a change.
1. Before salvation they were Gentiles–Now they are Christians ().
2. Before salvation they were carried away by error–Now they should not be "carried about" by every wind of doctrine.
3. Before salvation they followed idols who could not communicate – Now they serve the living God who leads them (vs. 2-3) and gives gifts to them (vs. 4-10).
E. There should be unity of doctrine. Verse 3 teaches how the Holy Spirit leads Christians to profess the same thing regarding the person of Jesus Christ (; )
1. There were false teachers, probably from an idolatrous temple in Corinth, who said that Jesus was cursed. Or perhaps there was someone who was misinterpreting Paul's statement, that Christ, "was made a curse for us" (), to mean "Jesus is accursed." (The Roman Catholic Church in the Councils of Trent cursed Jesus Christ when they pronounced that anyone who did not accept Jerome's Latin Vulgate as the inspired Word of God was accursed.)
2. The Holy Spirit leads a man to confess Jesus as THE Lord. (Not "Jesus is Lord," but "Jesus is THE Lord...") There are "lords many" (8:5), but only one is THE Lord. The devils will confess that "Jesus is Lord," but not "Jesus is THE Lord" (cf. ). To say "Jesus is THE Lord" is to say that there is none over Him – that He is deity. What a person says about Jesus Christ is a good test to see if they are true or false teachers. A true teacher will teach that Jesus is THE Lord; that is, He is God.
F. Spiritual gifts are important and essential for growth in the body of Christ (12:1). They are channels through which the Holy Spirit ministers to the Body of Christ.
II. Message
A. The RECOGNITION of spiritual gifts.
1. There is a difference between "the GIFTS of the Holy Ghost" () and "the GIFT of the Holy Ghost" (; ; cf. ).
a. The GIFT of the Holy Ghost is the Holy Ghost HIMSELF coming to indwell the believer at the point of conversion.
b. The GIFTS of the Holy Ghost are abilities given to believers by the Spirit to enable them to function within the Body of Christ.
2. They were not developed skills or natural talents like:
a. Musical abilities (singing; playing an instrument);
b. Artistic talent (drawing; painting);
c. Mechanical skills (carpenter; plumbing; electronics; auto repair)
d. Oratory abilities (speech abilities).
3. God may use these talents in conjunction with exercising of other gifts like the gift of helps or governments.
4. DEFINITION: Spiritual Gifts are a divine enablement that was lacking in a person's life prior to salvation, and are given to be used to serve God through their church.
5. These are gifts of God’s GRACE ()–Received by someone without any merit of his own.
6. Gifts are not earned. Spiritual gifts are not dependent upon superior intelligence, physical power, spiritual maturity, moral character, or the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
a. The Corinthian Church was carnal, contentious, confused, immature, immoral, selfish, and heretical. Yet, they came behind in no gift!
b. Spiritual gifts do not mean a person is spiritual – GET THIS! However, being spiritual will enable a person to exercise their gift effectively for God’s glory! When you see me preach, you are watching me exercise my gift, not my spirituality!
7. Spiritual gifts are given according to God's will, not our will (cf. 12:11, 28). Nowhere are Christians told to pray for specific gifts!
8. There are three lists of spiritual gifts in the New Testament ():
B. The RELATIONSHIP of spiritual gifts in the Trinity (12:4-6). There is unity in diversities (in differences between us all).
1. Different gifts are given by the same Holy Spirit (v. 4). Note this!
b. NOTE: Every Christian has some spiritual gift (see vs. 7, 11; ; ). At least one spiritual gift!
2. There are Difference in ministries (administrations) in which gifts are used to serve the same Lord (v. 5). (Jesus is the Lord of all our ministries.)
b. Every Christian is to be using their gift somewhere in their church
3. There are Different ways the gifts work (operations- v. 6), but it is the same God who is working through us all.
b. Every Christian needs to work with other Christians to achieve spiritual goals (i.e., souls winning, training, edifying, etc)
C. The REASON for spiritual gifts (12:7).
1. The main goal of all spiritual gifts is the glory of God, the Giver of the gifts ().
a. The ministry of the Holy Ghost is mainly to glorify Jesus Christ ().
b. Proper use of the gifts points to Christ. They never draw attention to self. Improper use glorifies SELF, and ultimately Satan!
2. The second goal of all spiritual gifts is to enable every person to edify each other in the church (12:7 cf. 14:12).
a. Spiritual gifts are given for the corporate edification of the whole body of Christ. Paul wrote in , “I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, TO THE END YE MAY BE ESTABLISHED” (cf. ).
b. The church is likened to a human body (12:27). For the human body to function properly, each member must perform what it is "gifted" to do – designed to do!
III. Conclusion
A. Knowing your spiritual gift will...
1. Help you UNDERSTAND God’s WILL for your life. What God calls you to do, He has gifted you to do and what He has gifted you to do He has called you to do ().
2. Help you know what God has NOT called you to do. No individual can do everything.
3. Relieve you from serving out of DUTY. Many are serving out of duty rather than God’s calling. Your duty is to recognize what God wants you to do, then do it.
4. Build unity among Christians. Understanding spiritual gifts will help Christians understand the burdens and desires in other believers.
B. This study is going to take a bit of time – don’t miss a single Sunday evening!
The Sign Gifts –
Wisdom and Knowledge
God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age1 Corinthians 12:1-11
I. Introduction
A. Spiritual gifts have a two-fold purpose within the church: 
1. To glorify God, the giver of the gifts - . (The proper use of spiritual gifts never draw attention to self, but—as the Holy Ghost Who gave them—points to Christ!) 
2. To enable believers to edify one other in the church -
B. Before getting into the gifts individually, we need to see the special nature of these gifts.  In order to rightly divide the Word of Truth, we need to understand four things.
1. First, the time frame of 1 Corinthians.  This particular book was written during the period of the Book of Acts.  The Acts of the Apostles ran from app. 33 A.D. to 63 A.D.  A period of about 30 years beginning with the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ and ending just prior to the death of the Apostle Paul in app. 66 A.D. in Rome.  The Gospels and the Book of Acts are what we call a transitional period in history.
A period of about 30 years beginning with the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ and ending just prior to the death of the Apostle Paul in app. 66 A.D. in Rome.  The Gospels and the Book of Acts are what we call a transitional period in history.
a. It was a time of great change from the Old to the New Testament.  In the Old Testament, the Law of Moses was the guide and rule for the Jewish people.  In the New Testament, the rule would be the law of Christ.
b. It was a time of change, from the Jew to the Gentile – from fear to grace – from the temple, to the Church
c. This time of transition would have some things happen that will confuse anybody – so be ready to be confused a bit until you have learned how to study the truths out
2. Sign gifts were given to win the Jews to Christ (; ) – remember, that on the Day of Pentecost – 3,000 JEWS were saved
3. Thirdly, many of these gifts of the Spirit were passing gifts and, by the time of the writing of 1 Corinthians, these particular gifts were already passing off the scene.  Men, like the Apostle Paul, with the gifts of miracles, healings, prophecy (foretelling), and tongues with interpretation were already losing the ability to perform these particular gifts.  We will deal with this, a little more in-depth in another message.
4. Fourthly, these passing gifts were to be replaced by “that which is perfect” in chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians.  This is in reference to the completed canon of Scripture.  Many erroneously interpret that verse in to be the Second Coming of Christ, but both the context and wording of the passage make it perfectly clear that this is a reference to the completed Word of God and not the Second Advent.  The word “perfect” carries the meaning of being brought to its end, finished, wanting nothing necessary to completeness, or being brought to full age.  The Word of God had always been perfect in the sense of absolute perfection because every word of God is pure, but had not been brought to completion.  We have in our hands today the perfectly complete Word of God and, therefore, “that which is in part” (the special sign gifts) has now been done away with.
C. Tonight we will start looking at the first two Sign Gifts:
The Word of Wisdom, and the Word of Knowledge
II. Message – The Sign Gifts – Part 1
A. The Word of Wisdom
1. This is a gift of speaking and teaching (notice “the word”).  The gift of “The word of wisdom” is to be differentiated from wisdom itself.  Much is said about wisdom in the Bible and we are to constantly seek wisdom.
a. WISDOM - The meaning of what we learn, and what we know; the right application of what we know.
1) There is knowing stuff
2) And there is the wisdom of understanding what we know b. Wisdom is to be sought by every believer, and it is given liberally (abundantly, without restraint) by God through patient prayer ()
2. The word of wisdom includes the thought of a special revelation from God.  It is the gift of explaining a spiritual mystery that could not have been understood apart from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
a.   O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
b.   It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord
.c. And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
d. Paul constantly had revelations, and special wisdom was given to him to explain those revelations
3. In the Old Testament, this gift was an ability to interpret dreams. 
a. – Joseph’s interpretation the dreams of the butler, the baker, and then Pharaoh’s dreams of corn and cattle.
b. , .  Daniel’s interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.
4. This gift of the Spirit was a passing gift as we now have the complete revelation of God’s Word and it is no longer needed.  These mysteries are now explained in the Bible. 
5. We are to still seek the wisdom of God in our lives in order to discern God’s will, but not this gift
B. The Word Of Knowledge – this is a speaking gift (“the word”). 
1. This is more than mere acquaintance with facts or acquired knowledge. Here are references to general knowledge
a. Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth
.b. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
c.   And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;d. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Example of this gift of knowledge  - Elisha knowing that Gehazi lied to Naaman ()
3. It simply means, a Word that was equal to Scripture, but not yet written down as Scripture ()
a. A word of knowledgeb. A teaching that a prophet would know, and yet was not publicly revealed
4. Charismatics believe “the gift of the word of knowledge is the transcendental revelation of the divine will and plan of God.” Knowing something that only God could give to you, like God’s will for a person – very dangerous thing to claim if not for today!5. This gift was a divinely inspired utterance of a truth not yet revealed by the Old Testament. 
a. Remember, the New Testament had not been written down much by 1 Corinthians – here are the dates of the writing of Scripture that were written before 1 Corinthians (written around 55 AD):
1) Matthew and Mark were written around 40-60 AD2) Luke was written AFTER 1 Corinthians around 65 AD3) And the Gospel of John was written WAY AFTER 1 Corinthians in 95 AD
b. Every time a person prophesied, it was by a supernatural “word of knowledge”
1) For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2) Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;
6. This gift was a passing gift according to
  “The word of knowledge” is not in use today because we have the completed revelation of God in the Scriptures ()
III. Conclusion
A. Summary of the first set of sign gifts
1. Word of Wisdom – a spiritual understanding about situations, and able to teach that awareness to others
2. Word of Knowledge – knowing the mind of God and speaking it even though not written down in Scripture yet
B. Next week, the Gifts of faith and of Healing
C. Don’t think that Wisdom and Knowledge are outdated – just the special gifts of the words of wisdom and knowledge.
D. Learn the difference, and live the reality – not the dream!

The Sign Gifts – Gift of Faith

God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age
I. Introduction
A. Spiritual gifts have a two-fold purpose within the church:
1. To glorify God, the giver of the gifts - . (The proper use of spiritual gifts never draw attention to self, but—as the Holy Ghost Who gave them—points to Christ!)
2. To enable believers to edify one other in the church -
B. Sign gifts were given to win the Jews to Christ (; ) – remember, that on the Day of Pentecost – 3,000 JEWS were saved
C. These gifts of the Spirit were passing gifts and, by the time of the writing of 1 Corinthians, these particular gifts were already passing off the scene. Men, like the Apostle Paul, with the gifts of miracles, healings, prophecy (foretelling), and tongues with interpretation were already losing the ability to perform these particular gifts. We will deal with this, a little more in-depth in another message.
D. These passing gifts were to be replaced by “that which is perfect” in chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians.
II. Review – the Gift List
A. Three groups of Gifts
III. Message - The Gift of Faith
A. Now we get careful – that’s what a Student of the Scriptures does
1. Note the context – around other gifts that were sign gifts
2. Possibly a different kind of “faith” – allow for differences
B. This gift in believers is to be differentiated from the essence of faith itself.
1. Faith is trusting God – believing that God will keep His promises – all you are doing is allowing God to fulfil His promises that he has already made: he will save you, he will give you peace and rest, He will take you to heaven, He will keep you…
2. The added gift of faith is the ability to trust that God will work specifically for you as you pray about something…
a. To move a mountain
b. To fight and defeat an enemy
c. To give you an ability (like Sampson prayed for the strength to push apart two support pillars in a Philistine Coliseum)
3. Normal faith grows by reading and believing God’s word – the gift of faith is not obtained by works, but was a GIFT for a specific purpose
C. The Word of God clearly teaches that faith is common among all people to one degree or another. Every person believes in something!
1. There is Faith IN the unsaved - The ability to believe God (; )
2. Faith is increased in the believer () as they learn and believe the Bible
3. Faith is supposed to grow and expand as each situation arises, but only where God has made a promise in the Bible.
4. In other words, we cannot tell God what to do unless he has already promised that he will do it
D. The supernatural gift of faith is the extraordinary capacity to believe God to do something specifically for you – i.e., work miracles on your behalf.
1. In the first century, they had faith that God would do something for them – no limits: raise the dead, heal, protect them
2. Since then, we are to obey God, and trust His promises to take care of us – nothing more. We cannot command God! He commands us!
E. This kind of faith was found in both Old and New Testaments.
1. Moses before Pharaoh – a supernatural kind of faith
2. Elijah praying that it not rain for 3 ½ years
3. Moses parting the Red Sea
4. The apostles standing up to the Sanhedrin
F. Still today, there are three kinds of people: men of no faith, men of child-like faith, and then there are men of great faith.
1. When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
2. All of God’s children have some faith but some have great faith! When everything seems impossible, they stand up and say that not only can God do something but that He will do something. They are the ones who believe that God can make a tree walk or a telephone pole talk!
3. But the believer today, ONLY believes what God says He will do – he does not just tell God what to do – like they would have done in the first century!
G. Faith is one of the most needed qualities in our lives
1. Without it we cannot please God
2. Without it we will have NO joy
3. Without it we will not see God work in our lives
4. Without it no one can be saved
5. Without it, Satan rules your heart – full stop!
IV. Conclusion
A. Summary of the first set of sign gifts
1. Word of Wisdom – a spiritual understanding about situations, and able to teach that awareness to others
2. Word of Knowledge – knowing the mind of God and speaking it even though not written down in Scripture yet
3. Faith – the ability to believe that God will do something specifically just because you ask for it
4. Healing – the ability to heal anybody, anywhere, anyhow!!!
B. Learn the difference, and live the reality – not the dream! God has not changed, but His ways of enabling His people have!
C. Next time, the Gifts of Miracles

The Sign Gifts – Healing

God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age
I. Introduction
A. Spiritual gifts have a two-fold purpose within the church:
1. To glorify God, the giver of the gifts - . (The proper use of spiritual gifts never draw attention to self, but—as the Holy Ghost Who gave them—points to Christ!)
2. To enable believers to edify one other in the church -
B. Sign gifts were given to win the Jews to Christ (; ) – remember, that on the Day of Pentecost – 3,000 JEWS were saved
C. These gifts of the Spirit were passing gifts and, by the time of the writing of 1 Corinthians, these particular gifts were already passing off the scene. Men, like the Apostle Paul, with the gifts of miracles, healings, prophecy (foretelling), and tongues with interpretation were already losing the ability to perform these particular gifts. We will deal with this, a little more in-depth in another message.
D. These passing gifts were to be replaced by “that which is perfect” in chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians.
II. Review – the Gift List
A. Three groups of Gifts
B. The Gift of Faith
1. This gift in believers is to be differentiated from the essence of faith itself. 
2. The added gift of faith is the ability to trust that God will work specifically for you as you pray about something…
a. To move a mountain
b. To fight and defeat an enemy
c. To give you an ability (like Sampson prayed for the strength to push apart two support pillars in a Philistine Coliseum)
3. The supernatural gift of faith is the extraordinary capacity to believe God to do something specifically for you – i.e., work miracles on your behalf. 
a. In the first century, they had faith that God would do something for them – no limits: raise the dead, heal, protect themb. Since then, we are to obey God, and trust His promises to take care of us – nothing more. We cannot command God! He commands us!
III. Message - The Gifts of Healing
A. We will spend more time with some of the gifts and this will be one of them because of the misuse and abuse by the Charismatic Movement.  It is of interest that the word “gifts” is plural, indicating that there was more than one particular type of healing addressed here.  Not only were sicknesses healed, but also deformities were rectified.  The blind had their sight restored.  The lame were made to walk.  Etc.
1. The first reference to a person receiving healing in the Bible was Moses () (It was given as a “sign” to Israel to verify Moses was sent by God. Thereafter, signs given to the Jews [].  Healing was an “apostolic sign” to Israel to authenticate that the messenger was sent by God [; ; ]).
2. Sometimes they healed simply by overshadowing the sick with their shadows, as by Peter -  (Notice that they healed EVERY ONE, without exception!)
3. Sometimes, by sending a handkerchief -
4. Sometimes they healed by laying hands on them, as the father of Publius, and others, were healed by Paul - (Once again, all were healed!)
5. Sometimes by anointing with oil by the elders of the church  (Though we still claim and use this method in the church, it was written to the “to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad” or, precisely, to the Jew and would still come under the sign gifts.  This healing was also a guaranteed healing and is used in the context of sin and chastening.  When the believer sinned and God chastised him through physical sickness, his getting right with the Lord and the calling of the elders to anoint him raised him up and his sins were forgiven.  I have no problem with exercising and have seen the Lord work in the lives of those who have called, but this is not a guarantee of healing in our day!  God has a will in our lives)
B. Healings did NOT always occur
1. When writing to young Timothy in the Pastoral Epistles, Paul said, “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities.” ()  The word infirmity is also used as disease and sickness in other places. 
2. Paul carried his own personal physician, Luke, with him. Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you.
3. We find several places in the New Testament where God’s men were sick and no elders called.  a. . . Paul himself -  
C. Healing as a Sign - Healings was one of the sign gifts and, therefore, a passing gift.  It is also mentioned in , where the word signs begin and end the passage.  All that were between these two words were sign gifts. 
1. There are thirty-three total instances given of healings: 
a. At least 19 times without touching;
b. Approximately 11 times healing was by laying on of hands or touching;
c. 4, possibly 5 instances where people were healed by the faith of others;
d. Nobody but Jesus and his Apostles healed, both in the Gospels and Acts;
e. Deliverance from demon possession at least 5 times. No long exorcisms; just one simple command.
2. Healing was a Sign Gift - , 
3. Healings were the fulfilment of prophecy - ,  (The prophecy in was two-fold.  It spoke of physical sickness according to ,, and this prophecy was specifically concerning Jesus and was fulfilled BY Jesus in .  Furthermore, according to ,, this is a fulfillment of , not verse 5!!  Verse 5 speaks of spiritual healing, while verse 4 speaks of physical healing.)
4. Biblical healing had NO LIMITATIONS – they healed anybody of anything -  
c. (Today’s “healers” always heal “unseen” problems and never ones such as leprosy, etc.  These healings always take place in their services, whereas biblical healings took place where the sick were in many instances.  Try hospitals, nursing homes, children’s hospitals, burn centers, cancer centers, etc. if  they want to manifest the true sign gift of healings.)
5. Biblical healing was done for FREE – no charge, no offering, no asking for money -   (Every 'healer' today wants money, love offerings, donations, seed money, etc.) 
6. Biblical healings ended with people getting saved – this was the reason for these sign gifts - . . .  
(Today’s “healers” always heal “unseen” problems and never ones such as leprosy, etc.  These healings always take place in their services, whereas biblical healings took place where the sick were in many instances.  Try hospitals, nursing homes, children’s hospitals, burn centers, cancer centers, etc. if  they want to manifest the true sign gift of healings.) 5. Biblical healing was done for FREE – no charge, no offering, no asking for money -   (Every 'healer' today wants money, love offerings, donations, seed money, etc.)  6. Biblical healings ended with people getting saved – this was the reason for these sign gifts - . . .   D. Errors About Healings 1. There is no recorded account of a special service announced ahead of time for the purpose of healing.   All healing was performed where ever a sick person was.  None of the healings were planned, scheduled, advertised beforehand or promoted.2. There is absolutely no Biblical record of anybody EVER falling over backward when they were healed.  The only time anybody ever fell over backward, was in the garden of Gethsemane when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus. ()  3. There is no recorded healing after the book of Acts and the death of the Apostles.  This sign gift was for the Apostolic Age.4. There is no record of any of Paul's young preachers healing or being commanded to.  God’s men were to give attendance to pray and the Word of God.5. There was a need for Doctors - One of the most prominent members of Paul's group was a medical doctor. a.   Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you. b.   Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry. IV. Conclusion A. Summary of the first set of sign gifts 1. Word of Wisdom – a spiritual understanding about situations, and able to teach that awareness to others2. Word of Knowledge – knowing the mind of God and speaking it even though not written down in Scripture yet3. Faith – the ability to believe that God will do something specifically just because you ask for it4. Healing – the ability to heal anybody, anywhere, anyhow!!! B. Learn the difference, and live the reality – not the dream! God has not changed, but His ways of enabling His people have!C. Next time, the Gifts of Miracles
D. Errors About Healings
1. There is no recorded account of a special service announced ahead of time for the purpose of healing.   All healing was performed where ever a sick person was.  None of the healings were planned, scheduled, advertised beforehand or promoted.
2. There is absolutely no Biblical record of anybody EVER falling over backward when they were healed.  The only time anybody ever fell over backward, was in the garden of Gethsemane when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus. (
3. There is no recorded healing after the book of Acts and the death of the Apostles.  This sign gift was for the Apostolic Age.
4. There is no record of any of Paul's young preachers healing or being commanded to.  God’s men were to give attendance to pray and the Word of God.
5. There was a need for Doctors - One of the most prominent members of Paul's group was a medical doctor.
a.   Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you.
b.   Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry.
IV. Conclusion
A. Summary of the first set of sign gifts
1. Word of Wisdom – a spiritual understanding about situations, and able to teach that awareness to others
2. Word of Knowledge – knowing the mind of God and speaking it even though not written down in Scripture yet
3. Faith – the ability to believe that God will do something specifically just because you ask for it
4. Healing – the ability to heal anybody, anywhere, anyhow!!!
B. Learn the difference, and live the reality – not the dream! God has not changed, but His ways of enabling His people have!
C. Next time, the Gifts of Miracles
The Sign Gifts – Miracles
God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age1 Corinthians 12:1-11
I. Introduction
A. Spiritual gifts have a two-fold purpose within the church: 
1. To glorify God, the giver of the gifts - . (The proper use of spiritual gifts never draw attention to self, but—as the Holy Ghost Who gave them—points to Christ!) 
2. To enable believers to edify one other in the church -
B. Sign gifts were given to win the Jews to Christ (; ) – remember, that on the Day of Pentecost – 3,000 JEWS were saved
C. These gifts of the Spirit were passing gifts and, by the time of the writing of 1 Corinthians, these particular gifts were already passing off the scene.  Men, like the Apostle Paul, with the gifts of miracles, healings, prophecy (foretelling), and tongues with interpretation were already losing the ability to perform these particular gifts.  We will deal with this, a little more in-depth in another message.
D. These passing gifts were to be replaced by “that which is perfect” in chapter 13 of
II.Review – the Gift List
A. Three groups of Gifts
1. Sign/Miracle Gifts
2. Service/Ministry Gifts
3. Servant/God’s Calling Gifts
B. Two of the groups are sought after most of all: Sign, and Servant Gifts
C. But Service Gifts are most neglected
D. We have studied the following Sign Gifts so far:
1. Word of Wisdom – a spiritual understanding about situations, and able to teach that awareness to others
2. Word of Knowledge – knowing the mind of God and speaking it even though not written down in Scripture yet
3. Faith – the ability to believe that God will do something specifically just because you ask for it
4. Healing – the ability to heal anybody, anywhere, anyhow!!!
III. Message - Miracles - The Working Of Miracles –  
A. Miracle Defined
1. Literally, a wonder or wonderful thing – something that is beyond the norm, or what we expect
2. Something contrary to the known laws of nature; a supernatural event that is unnatural, and was done by either God, or the devil.
B. The Primary use of Miracles – by the Jews
1. God promises to use signs and wonders () on behalf of His people, the Jews ()
2. God used miracles for four distinct reasons:
a. To Authenticate the Messenger. (Pharaoh, an unbeliever, required a sign from Moses as and authentication of God’s message.)
b. To Authenticate the Message prove that it was truly from God, and not just made up
c. To convince His people that He was leading them, and not the leaders (i.e., Moses, Joshua, etc) God gave him three signs to perform before them: his rod became a serpent, and was again a rod; his hand became leprous, and was then restored; and he could turn the water of the Nile into blood (; ).
d. To show the mighty power of God, who said, I will “multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt ... and the Egyptians shall know that I am Jehovah, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt” ().  The ten plagues followed, which were miracles or signs of the power of God--signs not only to the Egyptians, but also to the Israelites and to the nations, as is shown by the reference to them afterwards
C. The First Miracles
1. Creation ()
a. Everything out of nothing!
b. Dirt from Water
c. Man from Dust
d. Woman from a Rib
2. A talking serpent ()
3. The next miracle is in – Enoch’s rapture – disappearance
4. The flooding of the entire world ()
5. The creation of Languages ()
6. The appearance of Jehovah to Abraham (,,,)
7. The destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah and 2 other towns () and the supernatural deliverance of Lot from it
8. The barrenness of Abimelech’s entire family ()
9. The birth of Isaac (,) – a miracle
10. The dramatic appearance of a Ram in the bushes next to Abraham when he was about to sacrifice his son (,)
11. The closing and opening of Jacob’s wives’ wombs (, etc).
12. God spoke to various people in the Old testament, verbally, through dreams, etc.
13. Joseph perfectly predicts the future ()
14. Jacob prophesies of his family for the next 3,500 years ()!!!
15. The Lord speaks through a burning bush that does not burn up ()
D. Here is a list of a few Old Testament Miracles after Moses came on the scene:
1. Aaron's rod becomes a serpent ()
2. Moses’ hand become leprous and then gets healed
3. The Ten Plagues
a. Water made blood ()
b. Frogs ()
c. Lice ()
d. Flies ()
e. Murrain ()
f. Boils and blains ()
g. Thunder and hail ()
h. Locusts ()
i. Darkness ()
j. Death of the firstborn (-20)
4. Parting of the Red Sea ()
5. The closing in again of the Red Sea on the Egyptian army
6. Curing the bitter waters of Marah ()
7. Manna every morning for 40 years ()
8. Water from the rock at Rephidim ()
9. Supply of Quail every evening
10. Death of Nadab and Abihu ()
11. Death of Korah and his followers by the earth opening up and swallowing them, and their families ()
12. Aaron's rod budding ()
13. Water flowing from the rock at Meribah ()
14. The healing of thousands by looking at the Brazen serpent ()
15. Balaam's ass speaking ()
16. Clothes and shoes not wearing out for 40 years
17. The Parting of the flooded Jordan River ()
18. Jericho's massive walls fall flat ()
19. Sun and moon stay up for an extra 24 hours ()
20. Withering and cure of Jeroboam's hand ()
21. Widow's oil and flour do not fail during the famine ()
22. Raising the widow's son back to life ()
23. Burning of the soldiers () 24. Dividing of Jordan by Elijah () 25. Elijah’s rapture - bodily carried to heaven () 26. Dividing of Jordan by Elisha () 27. Cure of the water of Jericho () 28. Supply of water to the army () 29. Increase of the widow's oil () 30. Raising the Shunammite's son () 31. Healing of the deadly pottage () 32. Feeding the 100 with 20 loaves () 33. Cure of Naaman's leprosy () 34. Swimming of the axe-head () 35. Resurrection of the dead man on touching Elisha's bones () 36. Return of the shadow on the dial () 37. Deliverance of the three Hebrew children () 38. Daniel from the lions () 39. Jonah saved from the great whale () E. New Testament Miracles 1. Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, turning of the water into wine, raising the dead, healing the sick, stilling the storm, healing the lame, causing the blind to see, withered hand, money in a fish, etc.  2. Miracles were called by several names in the New Testament: a. Signs (), b. Miracles (), c. Wonders (), d. Powers (), e. And Mighty works () F. What Does All this mean? 1. Our Bible is a book of miracles – don’t be ashamed of it2. The greatest miracle? Resurrection of Jesus Christ G. The Great Counterfeiter () 1. Satan can only be “LIKE the most High” – never can supersede Him. Satan was the FIRST great pretender2. Satan has always counterfeited God’s miracles a. Moses’ rod turning into a snake – Satan matched itb. The judgments of God – Satan matched themc. The creation of life ()d. Healing and even the resurrection from the dead (,)e. Fire from heaven () 3. Here are some great truth’s about Satan’s power a. Satan is limited in what he can do (,)b. Satan can not undo the judgments of God!!!c. Satan cannot keep up with the judgments of Godd. Satan cannot undo what God has done in your soul () 4. Here are some sad truth’s about Satan’s powers a. People believe them more than God’s powerb. Christians are easily deceived by them, when they are ignorant of the Bible IV. Conclusion A. God is still a God of miracles in our times, but these miracles are done through His sovereign will, in answer to prayer, but not through the medium of human means. 1. The Miracle of Salvation 2. The Miracle of Divine Healing3. The Miracle of Removing Insurmountable Problems4. The List Could Go On And On! God's people continue to experience miracles, but not sign gifts. B. Miracles still happen, but not miracle workers. 1. No one can feed 5,000 with five fishes and two loaves of bread; 2. No one can walk on water3. No one can raise the dead after they have been dead for four days4. No one give sight to men who were born blind5. No one can heal the mongoloid mentally retarded.6. But there is a God in heaven who CAN () C. How Should Christian’s Live? 1. In confident hope – never defeated, or depressed!!!2. In confident, fervent, believing prayer3. Undaunted when miracles don’t happen4. Patient for miracles to STILL happen5. Focused on experiencing the important miracles6. Sceptical, but not stoic! D. Next Week, Prophecy.
23. Burning of the soldiers ()
24. Dividing of Jordan by Elijah ()
25. Elijah’s rapture - bodily carried to heaven ()
26. Dividing of Jordan by Elisha ()
27. Cure of the water of Jericho ()
28. Supply of water to the army ()
29. Increase of the widow's oil ()
30. Raising the Shunammite's son ()
31. Healing of the deadly pottage ()
32. Feeding the 100 with 20 loaves ()
33. Cure of Naaman's leprosy ()
34. Swimming of the axe-head ()
35. Resurrection of the dead man on touching Elisha's bones ()
36. Return of the shadow on the dial ()
37. Deliverance of the three Hebrew children ()
38. Daniel from the lions ()
39. Jonah saved from the great whale ()
E. New Testament Miracles
1. Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, turning of the water into wine, raising the dead, healing the sick, stilling the storm, healing the lame, causing the blind to see, withered hand, money in a fish, etc. 
2. Miracles were called by several names in the New Testament:
a. Signs (),
b. Miracles (),
c. Wonders (),
d. Powers (),
e. And Mighty works ()
F. What Does All this mean?
1. Our Bible is a book of miracles – don’t be ashamed of it
2. The greatest miracle? Resurrection of Jesus Christ
G. The Great Counterfeiter ()
1. Satan can only be “LIKE the most High” – never can supersede Him. Satan was the FIRST great pretender
2. Satan has always counterfeited God’s miracles
a. Moses’ rod turning into a snake – Satan matched it
b. The judgments of God – Satan matched them
c. The creation of life ()
d. Healing and even the resurrection from the dead (,)
e. Fire from heaven ()
3. Here are some great truth’s about Satan’s power
a. Satan is limited in what he can do (,)
b. Satan can not undo the judgments of God!!!
c. Satan cannot keep up with the judgments of Godd. Satan cannot undo what God has done in your soul ()
4. Here are some sad truth’s about Satan’s powers
a. People believe them more than God’s power
b. Christians are easily deceived by them, when they are ignorant of the Bible
IV. Conclusion
A. God is still a God of miracles in our times, but these miracles are done through His sovereign will, in answer to prayer, but not through the medium of human means.
1. The Miracle of Salvation
2. The Miracle of Divine Healing
3. The Miracle of Removing Insurmountable Problems
4. The List Could Go On And On! God's people continue to experience miracles, but not sign gifts.
B. Miracles still happen, but not miracle workers.
1. No one can feed 5,000 with five fishes and two loaves of bread;
2. No one can walk on water
3. No one can raise the dead after they have been dead for four days
4. No one give sight to men who were born blind
5. No one can heal the mongoloid mentally retarded.
6. But there is a God in heaven who CAN ()
C. How Should Christian’s Live?
1. In confident hope – never defeated, or depressed!!!
2. In confident, fervent, believing prayer
3. Undaunted when miracles don’t happen
4. Patient for miracles to STILL happen
5. Focused on experiencing the important miracles
6. Sceptical, but not stoic!
D. Next, Prophecy.

The Sign Gifts – Prophecy – Part 1

God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age
I. Introduction
A. Now we get to a very strong gift in the early Church – it was the gift that lead to the writing of the New Testament () – through prophets and apostles ().
B. Critical note – no book of Scripture is given by any woman, or by anyone other than a Jew (,)
C. We need believers to both know their gifts, and use them in this church
D. But they need to make sure that the gifts they have are not talents, and not natural abilities (no matter how special), but they are actually gifts that God said He would give His Church
E. In other words, Not for Christians to convince themselves that they have a set of gifts that just don’t exists today
F. lists Sign Gifts – special Holy-Spirit given gifts to people for the purpose of winning the Jews and starting the Church
1. Word of wisdom
2. Word of knowledge
3. Faith
4. Healing
5. Working of miracles
6. Prophecy
7. Discerning of spirits
8. Tongues
9. Interpretation of tongues
G. These have passed away ()
H. But there is much to learn from these gifts, and to always remember that our God is a supernatural God!
I. Christianity is based on the certainty of God's Word, the Bible. It is the only religion in which prophecy plays such an important role. If God's prophets were not 100% true, then the Bible itself is not true. The attacks on the Bible over the past hundred years have all side-stepped the issue of prophecy. The fact stands, that God has built into the Bible a sure way of knowing whether it is true or not - which simply is its ability without fail to tell us the future.
J. A general definition of prophecy is, "A message from God, supernaturally delivered by a person, that reveals a future event, and is 100% always accurate."
1. Many people make prophecies - politicians, religious leaders, astrologers, etc - but none are 100% accurate.
2. Only God has that ability, and He has limited it to only the words and warnings of the Bible.
K. If we neglect the Bible, then we are opening our-selves up to one of the most powerful deceptions of all time that is currently at work - the deception that Jesus never came to begin with, and that the world's "true saviour" will soon arise bringing world peace and justice through something called "a new world order."
L. "Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." (,,)
II. Message - Prophecy – vs. 10
A. There are two types of Prophecy used in The New Testament. Fore-telling, and Forth-telling
1. Fore-telling – which is a passing gift - This gift of prophecy had to do with foretelling future events never before revealed in the Scriptures. (,; ,)
a. The first mention of prophecy is found in Genesis - (Notice that the vision was to reveal “the word of the LORD.”)
b. The words vision or visions is used 79 times in the O.T. while found only 15 times in the transitional books of Matthew through Acts and only twice in the remainder of the Bible: which deals with revelations given to the Apostle Paul and in the Book of the Revelation, chapter 9.
c. The words dream or dreamed are found 79 times in the O.T. while found only 7 times in the transitional books of Matthew through Acts and only one time in the remainder of the Bible in Jude dealing with “filthy dreamers.”
d. This form of prophecy was a passing gift (; ,) – passing away in both Paul’s and James’ day
2. Forth-telling – which is a permanent gift - There are some aspects of prophecy still in use during the church age. Each believer has "the spirit of prophecy." Prophecy in this sense is the means of speaking unto men to “edification, and exhortation, and comfort.” () is dealing with preaching what God has already said – that’s what I do every time I am behind this pulpit, and every time I witness!
B. The Exactness of Prophecy (fore-telling) (; )
1. – all words that claim to be from heaven have to match and fit in with the words already spoken and written down – none of the previous words are ever done away ()
a. The Law - Pentateuch – sets the standard
b. The Psalms
c. The Prophets
d. The Gospels
e. The Epistles
f. The Revelation
2. Each had to match what had previously been written down – prophecy was never a stab in the dark, but an exact science, and if ever wrong it disqualified the prophet forever, and should have resulted in his death!
The Sign Gifts – Prophecy – Part 2
God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age
I. Introduction
A. Now we get to a very strong gift in the early Church – it was the gift that lead to the writing of the New Testament () – through prophets and apostles ().
B. Critical note – no book of Scripture is given by any woman, or by anyone other than a Jewish man (,)
C. Biblical Principle:
1. We need believers to both know their gifts, and use them in this church
2. But they need to make sure that the gifts they have are not talents, and not natural abilities (no matter how special), but they are actually gifts that God said He would give His Church
3. In other words, Not for Christians to convince themselves that they have a set of gifts that just don’t exists today
D. lists Sign Gifts – special Holy-Spirit given gifts to people for the purpose of winning the Jews and starting the Church
1. Word of wisdom
2. Word of knowledge
3. Faith
4. Healing
5. Working of miracles
4. Healing5. Working of miracles6. Prophecy7. Discerning of spirits8. Tongues9. Interpretation of tongues E. These have passed away since the end of the first century ()F. But there is much to learn from these gifts, and to always remember that our God is a supernatural God!G. Christianity is based on the certainty of God's Word, the Bible. It is the only religion in which prophecy plays such an important role. If God's prophets were not 100% true, then the Bible itself is not true. The attacks on the Bible over the past hundred years have all side-stepped the issue of prophecy. The fact stands, that God has built into the Bible a sure way of knowing whether it is true or not - which simply is its ability without fail to tell us the future. H. A general definition of prophecy is, "A message from God, supernaturally delivered by a person, that reveals a future event, and is 100% always accurate." 1. Many people make prophecies - politicians, religious leaders, astrologers, etc - but none are 100% accurate. 2. Only God has that ability, and He has limited it to only the words and warnings of the Bible. I. If we neglect the Bible, then we are opening our-selves up to one of the most powerful deceptions of all time that is currently at work - the deception that Jesus never came to begin with, and that the world's "true saviour" will soon arise bringing world peace and justice through something called "a new world order."J. "Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." (,,) II. Last Week - Prophecy – Part 1 (vs. 10) A. There are two types of Prophecy used in The New Testament. Fore-telling, and Forth-telling 1. Fore-telling – which is a passing gift - This gift of prophecy had to do with foretelling future events never before revealed in the Scriptures.  (,; ,)2. Forth-telling – which is a permanent gift - There are some aspects of prophecy still in use during the church age.  Each believer has "the spirit of prophecy." Prophecy in this sense is the means of speaking unto men to “edification, and exhortation, and comfort.” () is dealing with preaching what God has already said – that’s what I do every time I am behind this pulpit, and every time I witness! B. The Exactness of Prophecy (fore-telling) (; ) 1. – all words that claim to be from heaven have to match and fit in with the words already spoken and written down – none of the previous words are ever done away () a. The Law - Pentateuch – sets the standardb. The Psalmsc. The Prophetsd. The Gospelse. The Epistlesf. . Each had to match what had previously been written down – prophecy was never a stab in the dark, but an exact science, and if ever wrong it disqualified the prophet forever, and should have resulted in his death! III. Message – Prophecy – Part 2 A. The Superiority of Prophecy () 1. Because it is the word of God, and not of man or “angel” ()2. Because it meets the need of the hearer a. It is understandable – not unknown to people around ()b. Speaking in tongues meets the need only of a foreign hearer, and only if it is when speaking the Gospelc. Prophesying meets the needs of the un-believer ()d. Prophesying meets the need of the believer – feeds him – preach the word – all of it! 3. Because it proves the Bible – no question! a. Fulfilled prophecy proves the divine origin of the Bible to unbelievers and increases the faith of believers. Thus, prophecy must be studied, understood, and taught by Christians both to believers and to unbelievers. Also, for it to be an effective evidence, prophecy must be fulfilled and interpreted literally. b. The Christian will enjoy the blessings spoken of in O.T. prophecy, including the millennial glory of Christ (; ; ) and the renewed creation (). There are also hundreds of prophecies directly related to the Christian's future 1) Imminent Rapture ()2) Mansions in heaven ()3) Physical resurrection ()4) Rewards based on selfless life of a Christian ()5) Judgment of the sins of this world (,) c. The Bible Prophecies of the First Coming of Jesus 1) One of the most important proofs that God wrote the Bible is the fact that almost 1,000 of its prophecies have been fulfilled to the letter. These prophecies were predictions made hundreds and even thou-sands of years before their fulfilment. 2) There were 33 specific prophecies describing just how, when, and where Jesus would die. The odds of someone predicting just those 33 exactly as the Bible did are astronomical! Only God could have done such a thing. Some of the prophecies relating to Jesus' first coming 2,000 years ago include: a) The birthplace of Jesus being revealed 750 years before the event in the Book of Micah chapter 5 verse 2, "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, … out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting."b) Jesus would be born of a virgin, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (750 years BC - ).c) Jesus would be rejected by His own people, "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him" (750 BC - ).d) Jesus would heal people, "The eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped… The lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing" (,).e) Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver "Give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver" (500 BC - ,).f) Jesus would be whipped and spit upon, "I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting." (750 BC - ).g) His hands and His feet would be pierced by nails, "They pierced my hands and my feet." (), "and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced" (500 BC - ). Normally, criminals were stoned.h) Jesus would be in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights, "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (). The Book of Jo-nah was written 850 years before Christ.i) Jesus would rise from the grave, "But God will re-deem (resurrect) my soul from the power of the grave" (written 1000 years BC - ) 3) Not one detail failed! In , God promises that everything His prophets speak will be fulfilled, and if not, then the prophets were false prophets, and should die! No human-authored book would dare to make so many predictions, so far in advance, and therefore subject its authenticity to such chance - yet God did to prove He wrote it and the we need to heed it! d. The Bible Prophecies of the Second Coming 1) Just as people were prompted to expect and look forward to Christ's first coming as Saviour, the whole world should know that he is most assuredly coming again! Only this time, He comes as KING! Everything that is happening in world events is a constant, and planned build-up towards this arrival!2) Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him … And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, ... And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. ( & 19:11,16) e. But those only refer to the coming of the Messiah - There were hundreds of other prophecies 1) About the downfall of Babylon () And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.2) The destruction of Nineveh ()  And he will stretch out his hand against the north, and destroy Assyria; and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like a wilderness.3) The captivity of Israel.   Behold, the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day, shall be carried into Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the LORD.4) The return from captivity () And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.5) The coming of four world empires before the messiah – Babylon, Persia, Greece, and then Rome (Daniel)6) The destruction of the Jewish Temple () 4. Because it encourages the Christian () a. Thrills the Christian ()b. Thwarts the devil – he can’t break God’s plan B. The Use of Prophecy by Christians Today - Why every Christian should study prophecy 1. PROPHECY IS NECESSARY FOR SPIRITUAL PERFECTION (). We are told that ALL Scripture is given by God and is profitable and necessary for the building of the mature Christian. Is prophecy not a large part of Scripture? Indeed, prophecy is woven into every page of the Word of God. The study of, understanding of, and obedience to prophecy is seen as essential for a strong Christian life. 2. PROPHECY IS DEPENDABLE (; ). According to the Apostle Peter, in the first chapter of his second epistle, the written prophetic Word is more dependable than visions (v. 16), than voices (v. 17), than great spiritual mountaintop experiences (v. 18). 3. IT IS A RESPONSIBILITY TO STUDY PROPHECY (). The Lord Jesus Christ firmly rebukes the disciples for not believing prophecy. At the judgment seat of Christ every Christian will be held accountable for whether or not he studied and believed the prophecies of the Bible. In light of this warning, we must reject the tendency by so many to treat prophecy lightly. Not only will the Christian be held accountable for his attitude toward prophecy, but the unbeliever will be, as well. In , Abraham told the rich man in Hell that his lost brothers on earth would be accountable for whether or not they believed the prophets. 4. BIBLE PROPHECY HAS POWER TO SANCTIFY MY LIFE (,). a. It gives hope in a hopeless world (). b. It gives joy (). c. It gives comfort (; ,). d. It gives understanding in the midst of confusion (). e. It produces diligence and purity (; ). f. It produces patience and endurance in the midst of trials (). g. It stimulates Christian labour (). h. It brings time and life into proper perspective with eternity (,; ; ; ). i. It stimulates Christians to abide in Christ (). IV. Conclusion and Application A. Use what has already been prophesied – don’t look for more prophecies 1. To strike the fear of God into hearers – they are warnings2. To encourage the believers – they are promises B. Look forward to the future – don’t fear it – it will come out just fine!
6. Prophecy
7. Discerning of spirits
8. Tongues
9. Interpretation of tongues
E. These have passed away since the end of the first century ()
F. But there is much to learn from these gifts, and to always remember that our God is a supernatural God!
G. Christianity is based on the certainty of God's Word, the Bible. It is the only religion in which prophecy plays such an important role. If God's prophets were not 100% true, then the Bible itself is not true. The attacks on the Bible over the past hundred years have all side-stepped the issue of prophecy. The fact stands, that God has built into the Bible a sure way of knowing whether it is true or not - which simply is its ability without fail to tell us the future.
H. A general definition of prophecy is, "A message from God, supernaturally delivered by a person, that reveals a future event, and is 100% always accurate."
1. Many people make prophecies - politicians, religious leaders, astrologers, etc - but none are 100% accurate.
2. Only God has that ability, and He has limited it to only the words and warnings of the Bible.
I. If we neglect the Bible, then we are opening our-selves up to one of the most powerful deceptions of all time that is currently at work - the deception that Jesus never came to begin with, and that the world's "true saviour" will soon arise bringing world peace and justice through something called "a new world order."
J. "Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." (,,)
II. Last Week - Prophecy – Part 1 (vs. 10)
A. There are two types of Prophecy used in The New Testament. Fore-telling, and Forth-telling
1. Fore-telling – which is a passing gift - This gift of prophecy had to do with foretelling future events never before revealed in the Scriptures.  (,; ,)
2. Forth-telling – which is a permanent gift - There are some aspects of prophecy still in use during the church age.  Each believer has "the spirit of prophecy." Prophecy in this sense is the means of speaking unto men to “edification, and exhortation, and comfort.” () is dealing with preaching what God has already said – that’s what I do every time I am behind this pulpit, and every time I witness!
B. The Exactness of Prophecy (fore-telling) (; )
1. – all words that claim to be from heaven have to match and fit in with the words already spoken and written down – none of the previous words are ever done away ()
a. The Law - Pentateuch – sets the standard
b. The Psalms
c. The Prophets
d. The Gospels
e. The Epistles
f. The Revelation
2. Each had to match what had previously been written down – prophecy was never a stab in the dark, but an exact science, and if ever wrong it disqualified the prophet forever, and should have resulted in his death!
III. Message – Prophecy – Part 2
A. The Superiority of Prophecy ()
1. Because it is the word of God, and not of man or “angel” ()
2. Because it meets the need of the hearer
a. It is understandable – not unknown to people around ()
b. Speaking in tongues meets the need only of a foreign hearer, and only if it is when speaking the Gospel
c. Prophesying meets the needs of the un-believer ()
d. Prophesying meets the need of the believer – feeds him – preach the word – all of it!
3. Because it proves the Bible – no question!
a. Fulfilled prophecy proves the divine origin of the Bible to unbelievers and increases the faith of believers. Thus, prophecy must be studied, understood, and taught by Christians both to believers and to unbelievers. Also, for it to be an effective evidence, prophecy must be fulfilled and interpreted literally.
b. The Christian will enjoy the blessings spoken of in O.T. prophecy, including the millennial glory of Christ (; ; ) and the renewed creation (). There are also hundreds of prophecies directly related to the Christian's future
1) Imminent Rapture ()
2) Mansions in heaven ()
3) Physical resurrection ()
4) Rewards based on selfless life of a Christian ()
5) Judgment of the sins of this world (,)
)5) Judgment of the sins of this world (,) c. The Bible Prophecies of the First Coming of Jesus 1) One of the most important proofs that God wrote the Bible is the fact that almost 1,000 of its prophecies have been fulfilled to the letter. These prophecies were predictions made hundreds and even thou-sands of years before their fulfilment. 2) There were 33 specific prophecies describing just how, when, and where Jesus would die. The odds of someone predicting just those 33 exactly as the Bible did are astronomical! Only God could have done such a thing. Some of the prophecies relating to Jesus' first coming 2,000 years ago include: a) The birthplace of Jesus being revealed 750 years before the event in the Book of Micah chapter 5 verse 2, "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, … out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting."b) Jesus would be born of a virgin, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (750 years BC - ).c) Jesus would be rejected by His own people, "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him" (750 BC - ).d) Jesus would heal people, "The eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped… The lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing" (,).e) Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver "Give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver" (500 BC - ,).f) Jesus would be whipped and spit upon, "I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting." (750 BC - ).g) His hands and His feet would be pierced by nails, "They pierced my hands and my feet." (), "and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced" (500 BC - ). Normally, criminals were stoned.h) Jesus would be in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights, "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (). The Book of Jo-nah was written 850 years before Christ.i) Jesus would rise from the grave, "But God will re-deem (resurrect) my soul from the power of the grave" (written 1000 years BC - ) 3) Not one detail failed! In , God promises that everything His prophets speak will be fulfilled, and if not, then the prophets were false prophets, and should die! No human-authored book would dare to make so many predictions, so far in advance, and therefore subject its authenticity to such chance - yet God did to prove He wrote it and the we need to heed it! d. The Bible Prophecies of the Second Coming 1) Just as people were prompted to expect and look forward to Christ's first coming as Saviour, the whole world should know that he is most assuredly coming again! Only this time, He comes as KING! Everything that is happening in world events is a constant, and planned build-up towards this arrival!2) Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him … And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, ... And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. ( & 19:11,16) e. But those only refer to the coming of the Messiah - There were hundreds of other prophecies 1) About the downfall of Babylon () And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.2) The destruction of Nineveh ()  And he will stretch out his hand against the north, and destroy Assyria; and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like a wilderness.3) The captivity of Israel.   Behold, the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day, shall be carried into Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the LORD.4) The return from captivity () And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.5) The coming of four world empires before the messiah – Babylon, Persia, Greece, and then Rome (Daniel)6) The destruction of the Jewish Temple () 4. Because it encourages the Christian () a. Thrills the Christian ()b. Thwarts the devil – he can’t break God’s plan B. The Use of Prophecy by Christians Today - Why every Christian should study prophecy 1. PROPHECY IS NECESSARY FOR SPIRITUAL PERFECTION (). We are told that ALL Scripture is given by God and is profitable and necessary for the building of the mature Christian. Is prophecy not a large part of Scripture? Indeed, prophecy is woven into every page of the Word of God. The study of, understanding of, and obedience to prophecy is seen as essential for a strong Christian life. 2. PROPHECY IS DEPENDABLE (; ). According to the Apostle Peter, in the first chapter of his second epistle, the written prophetic Word is more dependable than visions (v. 16), than voices (v. 17), than great spiritual mountaintop experiences (v. 18). 3. IT IS A RESPONSIBILITY TO STUDY PROPHECY (). The Lord Jesus Christ firmly rebukes the disciples for not believing prophecy. At the judgment seat of Christ every Christian will be held accountable for whether or not he studied and believed the prophecies of the Bible. In light of this warning, we must reject the tendency by so many to treat prophecy lightly. Not only will the Christian be held accountable for his attitude toward prophecy, but the unbeliever will be, as well. In , Abraham told the rich man in Hell that his lost brothers on earth would be accountable for whether or not they believed the prophets. 4. BIBLE PROPHECY HAS POWER TO SANCTIFY MY LIFE (,). a. It gives hope in a hopeless world (). b. It gives joy (). c. It gives comfort (; ,). d. It gives understanding in the midst of confusion (). e. It produces diligence and purity (; ). f. It produces patience and endurance in the midst of trials (). g. It stimulates Christian labour (). h. It brings time and life into proper perspective with eternity (,; ; ; ). i. It stimulates Christians to abide in Christ (). IV. Conclusion and Application A. Use what has already been prophesied – don’t look for more prophecies 1. To strike the fear of God into hearers – they are warnings2. To encourage the believers – they are promises B. Look forward to the future – don’t fear it – it will come out just fine!
c. The Bible Prophecies of the First Coming of Jesus
1) One of the most important proofs that God wrote the Bible is the fact that almost 1,000 of its prophecies have been fulfilled to the letter. These prophecies were predictions made hundreds and even thou-sands of years before their fulfilment.
2) There were 33 specific prophecies describing just how, when, and where Jesus would die. The odds of someone predicting just those 33 exactly as the Bible did are astronomical! Only God could have done such a thing. Some of the prophecies relating to Jesus' first coming 2,000 years ago include:
a) The birthplace of Jesus being revealed 750 years before the event in the Book of Micah chapter 5 verse 2, "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, … out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting."
b) Jesus would be born of a virgin, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (750 years BC - ).
c) Jesus would be rejected by His own people, "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him" (750 BC - ).
d) Jesus would heal people, "The eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped… The lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing" (,).
e) Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver "Give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver" (500 BC - ,).
f) Jesus would be whipped and spit upon, "I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting." (750 BC - ).
g) His hands and His feet would be pierced by nails, "They pierced my hands and my feet." (), "and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced" (500 BC - ). Normally, criminals were stoned.
h) Jesus would be in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights, "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (). The Book of Jo-nah was written 850 years before Christ.
i) Jesus would rise from the grave, "But God will re-deem (resurrect) my soul from the power of the grave" (written 1000 years BC - )
3) Not one detail failed! In , God promises that everything His prophets speak will be fulfilled, and if not, then the prophets were false prophets, and should die! No human-authored book would dare to make so many predictions, so far in advance, and therefore subject its authenticity to such chance - yet God did to prove He wrote it and the we need to heed it!
d. The Bible Prophecies of the Second Coming
1) Just as people were prompted to expect and look forward to Christ's first coming as Saviour, the whole world should know that he is most assuredly coming again! Only this time, He comes as KING! Everything that is happening in world events is a constant, and planned build-up towards this arrival!
2) Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him … And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, ... And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. ( & 19:11,16)
e. But those only refer to the coming of the Messiah - There were hundreds of other prophecies
1) About the downfall of Babylon () And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.
2) The destruction of Nineveh ()  And he will stretch out his hand against the north, and destroy Assyria; and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like a wilderness.
3) The captivity of Israel.   Behold, the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day, shall be carried into Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the LORD.
4) The return from captivity () And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.
5) The coming of four world empires before the messiah – Babylon, Persia, Greece, and then Rome (Daniel)
6) The destruction of the Jewish Temple ()
4. Because it encourages the Christian ()
a. Thrills the Christian ()
b. Thwarts the devil – he can’t break God’s plan
B. The Use of Prophecy by Christians Today - Why every Christian should study prophecy
1. PROPHECY IS NECESSARY FOR SPIRITUAL PERFECTION (). We are told that ALL Scripture is given by God and is profitable and necessary for the building of the mature Christian. Is prophecy not a large part of Scripture? Indeed, prophecy is woven into every page of the Word of God. The study of, understanding of, and obedience to prophecy is seen as essential for a strong Christian life.
2. PROPHECY IS DEPENDABLE (; ). According to the Apostle Peter, in the first chapter of his second epistle, the written prophetic Word is more dependable than visions (v. 16), than voices (v. 17), than great spiritual mountaintop experiences (v. 18).
3. IT IS A RESPONSIBILITY TO STUDY PROPHECY (). The Lord Jesus Christ firmly rebukes the disciples for not believing prophecy. At the judgment seat of Christ every Christian will be held accountable for whether or not he studied and believed the prophecies of the Bible. In light of this warning, we must reject the tendency by so many to treat prophecy lightly. Not only will the Christian be held accountable for his attitude toward prophecy, but the unbeliever will be, as well. In , Abraham told the rich man in Hell that his lost brothers on earth would be accountable for whether or not they believed the prophets.
a. It gives hope in a hopeless world ().
b. It gives joy ().
c. It gives comfort (; ,).
d. It gives understanding in the midst of confusion ().
e. It produces diligence and purity (; ).
f. It produces patience and endurance in the midst of trials ().
g. It stimulates Christian labour ().
h. It brings time and life into proper perspective with eternity (,; ; ; ).
i. It stimulates Christians to abide in Christ ().
IV. Conclusion and Application
A. Use what has already been prophesied – don’t look for more prophecies
1. To strike the fear of God into hearers – they are warnings
2. To encourage the believers – they are promises
B. Look forward to the future – don’t fear it – it will come out just fine!
The Sign Gifts – Discerning of Spirits
God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age
I. Introduction
A. Working our way through the first of three sets of Gifts that the Holy Spirit has given to Believers since the cross
B. All of the Gifts are not always available – some pass away – some remainC. Some Christians have a real problem with this – but not the Bible believer
1. Many put experience above the Bible’s teaching
a. Seen visions – apparitions
b. Experienced miracles
c. Heard powerful teachings on these things
2. Many put personal beliefs above the Bible’s teaching
a. Wouldn’t believe in a God that did still do such miracles
b. Same as with people who won’t believe in a God that sends people to hell
3. But the Bible believer constantly adjusts his or her beliefs by what they learn JUST from the Bible. Faith is believing what God SAID, not what you have seen or experienced!
D. Biblical Principle:
1. We need believers to both know their spiritual gifts, and use them in this church
2. But they need to make sure that the gifts they have are
a. Not talents,
b. Not natural abilities (no matter how special),
c. Not demonic abilities ()
d. but they are actually gifts that God said He would give His Church
3. In other words, It is not for Christians to convince themselves that they have a set of gifts that just don’t exists today
E. lists Sign Gifts – special Holy-Spirit given gifts to people for the purpose of winning the Jews and starting the Church
1. Word of wisdom (wisdom that now is in the Bible)
2. Word of knowledge (knowing things not yet written down in the Bible)
3. Faith (an ability to believe God for things that had not been limited yet by the Bible)
4. Healing (ability to heal anybody, without fail)
5. Working of miracles (special signs proving what was being preached was of God, before the Bible was completed)
6. Prophecy (Ability to tell the future before it was written down in the Bible)
7. Discerning of spirits (the fail-safe ability to tell the difference between good and evil spirits in a person)
8. Tongues (the ability to speak the Gospel in a known language – it was unknown to the speaker, but not the hearer)9. Interpretation of tongues (the ability to interpret for everyone what someone was preaching)
F. These have passed away since the end of the first century (). Sign Gifts have Passed Away
1. Passed away with the dying of the Apostles
. Passed away with the dying of the Apostles a. Healing stoppedb. The need for miracles ended with the completion of the Bible 2. For the purpose of winning the Jews – not for the church to edify itself II. Message - Discerning of Spirits – vs. 10 A. Meaning of the Discerning of Spirits 1. To Judge – to perfectly judge (not flippantly) hearts, thoughts, purposes, secrets, and spirits behind events and people2. There are four levels of Discernment a. General Discernment (; )b. Wise Discernment (1Kg 3:9; ; )c. Spiritual Discernment ()d. The Discernment of Spirits () 3. This was the supernatural ability to perfectly distinguish various kinds of spirits. B. Discernment of Spirits – Then and Now 1. Then (30 AD – 95 AD) a. Jesus towards Peterb. Jesus towads the scribesc. Peter   towards Ananias, and Sapphirad. Peter towards Simon e. Paul towards a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesusf. Paul towards a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination 2. Now (95 AD to the Rapture) a. There are spiritual forces behind events and people ()b. There are demonic spirits behind churches, and preachers and teachersc. Test them (; )d. Only normal spiritual discernment available today – but we have something far better – the absolute and perfect word of God III. Application – How to Discern Spirits Today A. By a Literal Interpretation of the Bible – it will limit deception ()B. Be cautious about “spirits” – they are good at counterfeiting ()C. Verify EVERYTHING you hear and experience by the clear teaching of the word of God () 1. Every feeling2. Every emotion3. Every vision/dream4. Every fear5. Every teaching - doctrine6. Every person D. Pray for wisdom ()E. Seek wise counsel from your authority ()F. Walk in obedience to the Word, and you will be led right IV. Conclusion A. Don’t try and analyze spirits without the clear teachings of the Bible. No amount of “gifting” will enable you to know what is going on inside someone else – only the Bible now can reveal that ()B. Be very cautious about being guided by feelings and senses that seem spiritualC. Be very aware that the devil LOVES to counterfeit spiritual things
a. Healing stopped
b. The need for miracles ended with the completion of the Bible
2. For the purpose of winning the Jews – not for the church to edify itself
II. Message - Discerning of Spirits – vs. 10
A. Meaning of the Discerning of Spirits
1. To Judge – to perfectly judge (not flippantly) hearts, thoughts, purposes, secrets, and spirits behind events and people
2. There are four levels of Discernment
a. General Discernment (; )
b. Wise Discernment (1Kg 3:9; ; )
c. Spiritual Discernment ()
d. The Discernment of Spirits ()
3. This was the supernatural ability to perfectly distinguish various kinds of spirits.
B. Discernment of Spirits – Then and Now
1. Then (30 AD – 95 AD)
a. Jesus towards Peter
b. Jesus towads the scribes
c. Peter   towards Ananias, and Sapphira
d. Peter towards Simon
e. Paul towards a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesus
f. Paul towards a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination
2. Now (95 AD to the Rapture)
a. There are spiritual forces behind events and people ()
b. There are demonic spirits behind churches, and preachers and teachers
c. Test them (; )
d. Only normal spiritual discernment available today – but we have something far better – the absolute and perfect word of God
III. Application – How to Discern Spirits Today
A. By a Literal Interpretation of the Bible – it will limit deception ()
B. Be cautious about “spirits” – they are good at counterfeiting ()
C. Verify EVERYTHING you hear and experience by the clear teaching of the word of God ()
1. Every feeling
2. Every emotion
3. Every vision/dream
4. Every fear
5. Every teaching - doctrine
6. Every person
D. Pray for wisdom ()
E. Seek wise counsel from your authority ()
F. Walk in obedience to the Word, and you will be led right
IV. Conclusion
A. Don’t try and analyze spirits without the clear teachings of the Bible. No amount of “gifting” will enable you to know what is going on inside someone else – only the Bible now can reveal that ()
B. Be very cautious about being guided by feelings and senses that seem spiritual
C. Be very aware that the devil LOVES to counterfeit spiritual things

The Sign Gifts – Speaking in Tongues - 1

God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age
I. Introduction to Tongues
A. The Charismatic Movement is a doctrinal split among “Pentecostal” churches during the 20th Century toward the spiritual gifts that were temporarily given to the Apostles as “signs” to Israel.
B. The main distinctive is the charismatic’s emphasis on speaking in tongues. Other characteristics of the movement include
1. Promoting special gifts of healing
2. A prosperity gospel
3. And the possibility of one losing their salvation.
C. The Battle for Unity
1. Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
2. For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?
3. For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it.
4. Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
5. ; These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:...he that soweth discord among brethren.
D. When did Speaking in Tongues re-appear?
1. The Charles Parham ministry in Topeka, Kansas, and the Bethel Bible Institute (around 1898). At his school Parham taught that the Holy Spirit could be received through the laying on of hands. On December 31, 1900, a woman asked Parham to put his hands on her for the Baptist of the Holy Spirit. The woman (a student) professed to have had a special baptism of the Spirit at this time and spoke in tongues. Other students followed her example.
2. The Azusa Street meeting in Los Angeles under W.J. Seymour. The Azusa Street meeting marked the change from the traditional Holiness movement to the Holiness with tongues. Seymour was a descendant of African slaves who had been brought to America. Little else is know of his background. He began a ministry in Los Angles, CA.
a. He held his first meeting in a house on Bonnie Brae Street on April 9, 1906. From there he went to an abandoned Methodist Church at 312 Azusa Street.
b. From 1906-1909, he was the central figure in the Azusa Street Meeting of Los Angeles. Crowds came for some four years, looking for salvation, sanctification, the baptism of the Spirit, and healing as taught by Seymour. One of the earliest names of the place was Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission. It became a Pentecostal Mecca.
c. These services were characterized by both male and female preachers. The “Spirit of God” was “seen” falling upon people. The power of God fell and every one was caught up in the Spirit and visions of God. Several had a vision of the Saviour. He held a book in His hand. They saw the nail prints and the blood trickling down while He wrote their names in the book with the blood that ran down from His pierced hands.
d. One would wonder whether this was an hallucination rather than a vision. Are people able to see God and Christ today? Is Christ presently bleeding in Heaven?
e. Practically all of the Pentecostal groups in existence can trace lineage to the Azusa Street Mission. In 1914, the Assemblies of God was organized, and for many years, it was the largest of the Pentecostal groups. As a conservative estimate, it is held that at the present time there are about four mission Pentecostals in the U.S. found in thrity different Pentecostal groups.
3. Emotionalism rather than Bible exposition, experience rather than Bible teachings, hysterical sessions and claims of visions, tongues, prophecies, and a special baptism have made Biblically informed Christians decidedly reject the movement.
E. Tongues Speaking Is Not Restricted To Christendom
1. Ecstatic utterances have been described by practitioners of the mystery cults of the Greco-Roman era. Such a method of revelation was used by the oracle of Delphi not far from the city of Corinth. Several of the religions of the far East practice speaking in ecstatic languages, which on the surface at least appears very similar to the present-day Pentecostal type of experience. Even some of the practices of the spiritualistic mediums and voodoo witch doctors closely resemble behavior patterns evidenced in certain Pentecostal fringe groups.
2. Speaking unintelligible language is found among non-Christians, of that there can be no doubt. Take the Zulus…Tongues-speaking has also been found among Moslems. It was the practice of Mormons from their early days, and it is also found among spiritualist mediums and schizophrenics. In addition, it is found among former Pentecostals who have completely renounced their faith and tongues. In the ancient Mediterranean world, speaking with tongues was well known.
3. The present growth of unscriptural religions movement including the Charismatic Movement is satanic in its nature and creates an alienation from Biblical faith. Such movements are forerunners of the final religious system that will join with the Roman Catholic Church to form the end-time religious system of the Whore which will worship the Beast and the image that speaks in the Tribulation Period.
II. Message – Introducing the Gift of Speaking in Tongues
A. What are Tongues?
1. Languages ()
2. In the Bible, they are always known languages
3. To Charismatics, they are mainly heavenly languages
B. There are 3 basic interpretations of Biblical tongues.
1. It was a sign gift that fulfilled it's purpose and is no longer applicable today. This is the position that we hold as Independent Baptist, and will demonstrate from Scripture in these messages.
2. It was a sign gift that is still applicable today, but must follow Biblical guidelines.
a. This view is held pretty much by what we call "old-line Pentecostals". There are very few of these around today because they are a dying breed. The problem with this crowd is they claim to be 'Biblical' in their tongues, but unfortunately embrace other unscriptural practices such as women speaking in tongues, women preachers, and other practices.
b. They adhere more to the set of guidelines than most Charismatics, but misinterpret the tongues as a heavenly language as opposed to a literal foreign language. We will deal with this in detail a little later on.
3. It is a gift meant for all believers with no rules, limitations, Biblical authority or explanations.
a. This is the attitude of the large majority of the modern day Charismatics. The only absolute is their experience. They have no Bible to back up their beliefs, therefore they open themselves up for more error, such as slaying in the Spirit, dancing in the Spirit, miracle healers, manifestations, and so forth.
b. This crowd typically justify their experience with passionate expressions of conviction but have no Bible for it.
The Sign Gifts – Speaking in Tongues - 2
God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age
I. Introduction to Tongues
A. The Charismatic Movement is a doctrinal split among “Pentecostal” churches during the 20th Century toward the spiritual gifts that were temporarily given to the Apostles as “signs” to Israel.
B. Their main distinctive is the emphasis on speaking in tongues. Other characteristics of the movement include
1. Promoting special gifts of healing
2. A prosperity gospel
3. And the possibility of one losing their salvation.
C. The Battle for Unity
1.   Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
2.   For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?
3.   For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it.
4.   Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
5. ;  These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:...he that soweth discord among brethren.
D. When did Speaking in Tongues re-appear?
1. The late 1800’s – not something that had continued through history
2. Emotionalism rather than Bible exposition, experience rather than Bible teachings, hysterical sessions and claims of visions, tongues, prophecies, and a special baptism took over their doctrine
3. All this has made Biblically informed Christians decidedly reject the movement and stick with boring old TRUTH, and the emphasis on TRUTH and the Miracle of SALVATION and a Changed Life instead of any other miracle!
4. Thank God for any and every true miracle, but miracles on demand are a thing of the distant past – our lot is not to have a prosperous life, but a sacrificial life, for Christ ()!!!
E. Tongues Speaking Is Not Restricted To Christendom – Muslims, Mormons, Hindu’s and Tribal people in Africa all speak with ecstatic languages that they do not know what they are saying!
II. Message – The Gift of Speaking in Tongues – Part 2
A. Remind ourselves, What are Tongues according to the Bible?
1. Languages () - In the Bible, they are always known languages
2. To Charismatics, they are mainly heavenly languages that they speak to God with
3. To speak with other tongues means to be able to communicate with someone in their language even though you never learned their language – that’s why it is called an unknown tongue – unknown to you!
B. Let us carefully examine some undisputed, undeniable facts.
1. Fact 1: Tongues was a known language; not unintelligible gibberish
a. This is an extremely important point in this whole debate. Notice these verses in
b. These verses that are so adamantly referred to by Charismatics illustrate a phenomenon that NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED! 
c. If Charismatics have the gift of tongues, why do their missionaries have to go to language school??
d. No Charismatic has the gift of tongues.  Verse 11 says "...we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God!"  When you speak in tongues, do people know what you are saying??  Do you know what you are saying?  If not, something is very wrong, and we're only on fact number one!
e. Pentecostals and Charismatics often teach that there are two types of tongues described in the New Testament: the "public language tongues" of Pentecost and the "private prayer" tongues of -- "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church." Some call this distinction "ministry tongues" and "devotional tongues."
f. If one is valid, then the other must be too – yet only ONE is seen at work ANYWHERE! Period! Fails the first test!!!
g. Early Pentecostal leaders understood that biblical tongues were real earthly languages.  They even thought they would be able to go to foreign mission fields and witness through miraculous tongues without having to learn the languages. Those who attempted this, though, returned bitterly disappointed!
1) "Alfred G. Garr and his wife went to the Far East with the conviction that they could preach the gospel in 'the Indian and Chinese languages.'
2) Lucy Farrow went to Africa and returned after seven months during which she was alleged to have preached to the natives in their own 'Kru language.' The German pastor and analyst Oskar Pfister reported the case of a Pentecostal...
3) 'Simon,' who had planned to go to China using tongues for preaching. Numerous other Pentecostal missionaries went abroad believing they had the miraculous ability to speak in the languages of those to whom they were sent. These Pentecostal claims were well known at the time. S.C. Todd of the Bible Missionary Society investigated eighteen Pentecostals who went to Japan, China, and India 'expecting to preach to the natives in those countries in their own tongue,' and found that by their own admission 'in no single instance have [they] been able to do so.' As these and other missionaries returned in disappointment and failure, Pentecostals were compelled to rethink their original view of speaking in tongues" (Robert Mapes Anderson, Vision of the Disinherited: The Making of American Pentecostalism)
.4) The conclusion was soon reached that their "tongues" were not earthly languages but a "heavenly" or special prayer language; and those are the terms we have heard frequently at large Charismatic conferences, such as those in New Orleans in 1987, Indianapolis in 1990, and St. Louis in 2000. The tongues that I heard in these conferences were not languages of any sort, but merely repetitious mumblings that anyone could imitate. Larry Lea supposedly spoke in tongues in Indianapolis in 1990, and this is a key example of what is being passed off for tongues in the Charismatic movement. It went something like this: "Bubblyida bubblyida hallelujah bubblyida hallabubbly shallabubblyida kolabubblyida glooooory hallelujah bubblyida." I wrote that down as he was saying it and later checked it against the tape. Nancy Kellar, a Roman Catholic nun who was on the executive committee of the St. Louis meeting in 2000, spoke in "tongues" on Thursday evening of the conference. Her tongues went like this: "Shananaa leea, shananaa higha, shananaa nanaa, shananaa leea" repeated over and over and over.
h. If you think I'm making fun of these people, you are wrong. This is taken directly from the audiotapes of the messages. If these are languages, they certainly have a simple vocabulary! My children had a more complex language than that when they were still toddlers.
2. Fact 2: Jews were always present.
a. This is a key factor because as Paul acknowledged in   "For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:"  Since they required a sign, this sign was specifically for them.  If there are no unsaved Jews around, tongues are illegitimate.
b.   Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them (Jews) that believe not:
3. Fact 3: They all had the ability to speak with various languages; not just one or two of them.
a.   And they were all (all 12 apostles) filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
b.   For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God.
c.   And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.
4. Fact 4: None of them asked to do it, or begged for the gift.
a. To have an altar call and get people to pray and beg and plead for the 'baptism of the Holy Ghost' is TOTALLY unscriptural. 
b. The true gift of tongues came unexpectedly and without any effort on anybody's part to initiate it.
5. Fact 5: None of them were taught to speak in tongues, encouraged to, or even warned that it could happen.
a. There are literally classes that Charismatics can attend where they learn how to speak in tongues!  There are literally teachers that go around to different churches and hold seminars and classes for the purpose of teaching people how to speak in tongues! Unbelievable. 
b. They speak of 'releasing the inner gift'.  That sounds like New Age philosophy to me.  This is absurd.
6. Fact 6: Four signs should accompany believers – not just ONE (,)
a. , "And these signs shall follow them that believe;
1)  (#1) In my name shall they cast out devils;
2) (#2) they shall speak with new tongues;
3) (#3) They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;
4) (#4) they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
b. These verses list 4 sign gifts: 
Notice the PROPHECY.
1) casting out devils
2) speaking in tongues
3) taking up deadly serpents (immune to poison)
4) healing of any sickness – not just a few kinds – AIDS and CANCER should be a thing of the past!!!
c. Notice the FULFILLMENT.
1) Casting out devils –
2) Speaking in tongues –
3) Taking up deadly serpents (immunity to poison) – ,
4) Healing –
d. We know for a definite fact that the tongues experience was a fulfilment of prophecy, because Peter said it was.  They all thought Peter and the other apostles were drunk, but he told them it was only 9 o'clock on the morning.  Then he declared unto them that what they had just witnessed was a DIRECT fulfilment of Old Testament prophesy.
e.   But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:  For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
f. That’s why we say the fulfilment of this prophecy was accomplished in the first century – it is not ongoing!
7. Fact 7: They did not brag or tell others of their gift or ask people if they had the gift.
a. It had a purpose and served its purpose.  End of story. 
b. I've seen Charismatics approach other people and when they find out if they have a Pentecostal or Charismatic background, they invariably ask the question, "Do you speak in tongues?"  Who cares?  What if they do?  Why is it such an issue?  Why only ask people from Charismatic backgrounds? Could it be possible that only people that have been TAUGHT to speak in tongues or PRESSURED into speaking in tongues or have heard over and over and over again that they SHOULD speak in tongues are actually the only people that 'have the gift'?
8. Fact 8: The purpose was ALWAYS for the benefit of those standing around; not the one doing the speaking.
a. This fact can not be stressed enough. We'll deal with this more a little further down.  This was not for entertainment or personal edification.  This was not for showing off.  This was not to demonstrate spirituality. 
b. It was ONLY to confirm the word of God before it was written down.
c. The purpose was NEVER for the edifying of the speaker. None of the gifts were given to use for personal enjoyment or personal purposes.  They were ALL given for the building and edifying of the body of Christ.  To use the gifts of the Holy Spirit for personal edification and personal purposes is selfish and unscriptural.
9. Fact 9: Tongues was a fulfilment of several prophecies, both Old Testament and New Testament.
a.   For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people (the Jews)
.b. , And these SIGNS shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
10. Fact 10: The sign gifts ended: the gift of healing, prophecy (fore-telling), speaking in tongues, working of miracles, ended upon the completion of Scripture. They died out, and went “missing” until the end of the 19th century? Hmmm. Sound Mormon to me!
III. Conclusion
A. Spiritual Gifts are an establish fact
B. But they are not available today!
C. Why is THAT such a hard thing to accept?
D. Could it be that we don’t want a God that JUST emphasises SALVATION, and instead want a Genie who will GIVE US whatever we want, thinking that THAT is God’s will for humanity?
E. A Bunch of spoiled brats is what we have today!!!
F. The proof is in the tests that we put people’s belief’s up against () – the unsaved Berean’s were not looked down upon because they were sceptical, but were instead praised because they checked out EVERYTHING that Paul and other Christians preached!
G. The same must and should be true with us!
H. Oh that unity did prevail once again! With the TRUTH it will!
What’s Wrong with Modern Tongues – Part 1God’s Spiritual Gifts to Believers at the Beginning of the Church Age1Corinthians 13:8 I. Introduction to Tongues A. The Charismatic Movement is a doctrinal split among “Pentecostal” churches that occurred during the 20th Century because of an overemphasis on the spiritual gifts that were temporarily given to the Apostles as “signs” to Israel. B. Church History Chart1. Christianity is a line of Bible Believers2. During dark Ages, Bible Believers were called ana-baptists3. In the 1700’s people looked to personal holiness as the goal of Christianity instead of evangelism4. After becoming disillusioned with holiness, people become infatuated with the Spiritual gifts - PentacostalsC. Their main doctrine is their emphasis on speaking in tongues as proof that they have the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Other characteristics of the movement include: 1. Believing in special gifts of healing2. Promoting a prosperity type of gospel3. And accepting the possibility of one losing their salvation II. Background A. What are Tongues according to the Bible? 1. Languages () - In the Bible, they are always known languages2. To speak with other tongues means to be able to communicate with someone in their language even though you never learned their language – that’s why it is called an unknown tongue – unknown to you!3. But, to Charismatics, they are mainly heavenly languages that they speak to God with – and it doesn’t matter that no one in the entire movement can miraculously speak with a known language that is unknown to them! B. Last time, we carefully examined some undisputed, undeniable facts. C. Preview – What’s Wrong With Modern Tongues 1. It is wrong in IT’S EMPHASIS (; ; ).2. It is wrong in IT’S ASSUMPTIONS. D. Next Week we will look at how it is Wrong… 1. It is wrong DISPENSATIONALLY2. It is wrong in IT’S FAILURE TO FOLLOW PAUL’S AUTHORITY  REGULATING THE USE OF TONGUES (). III. Message – What’s Wrong With Modern Tongues A. Over EMPHASIS (; ; ). 1. Christ is to have the preeminence in all things, NOT the Holy Spirit ().2. It is Jesus that is Lord… not the Holy Spirit! a. It is Christ that died… not the Holy Spirit!b. It is Jesus who earned the worship of all men everywherec. Prayer is to God the Father, through the name of Jesus Christ, by means of the power of the Holy Spiritd. Some people get all bent out of shape because they don’t understand  what all the issue is about – they all three are ONE GOD, so what’s the difference? Well, Jesus is the deciding factor now 1) If you try and worship the Father, but without acknowledging the Son, you are lost ()!2) If you try and worship the Son, and do not worship the Father, then you are out of order ()3) If you worship the Holy Spirit, you are completely out of order! 3. By-the-way, Jesus Christ never spoke in tongues. He spoke in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic and Latin – but never in an unknown tongue!!!4. Did you know, that in the Bible… a. Only 4 books out of 66 mention the gift of tongues (Isaiah, Mark, Acts, 1 Corinthians).b. Only 8 chapters out of 1,189 make reference to tongues.c. Only 27 verses out of 31,162 mention tongues (.001%)d. Hmmmmmm. Tongues are not a very important subject after all! 5. Of all the spiritual gifts Tongues is the least important (, )… and yet it is the MAIN “gift” emphasized in almost all Pentecostal churches B. Wrong ASSUMPTIONS. The ability to speak in “unknown” tongues leads to many false assumptions 1. Tongues are NOT an evidence of the fullness of the Spirit or a person’s spirituality. This is a MAJOR ERROR! a. Several people in the Bible were said to be “full of the Holy Ghost”, yet they never spoke in “tongues “ 1) Joshua ()2) The prophet Micah ()3) John the Baptist ()4) Elizabeth ()5) Zecharias ()6) Jesus Christ ()7) Stephen, Philip and 5 other deacons ()8) Barnabas ()9) Peter and the whole church (, ) b. Who were the ones who did speak with tongues 1) The twelve apostles in – not all 120 believers ()2) Cornelius and his family in – Hebrew, because Pater and the others understood what they were saying!3) The Ephesian Disciples in Acts 19:64) The Corinthian Church – they spoke abundantly in tongues yet they were the most carnal, worldly, backslidden, divided church the Apostle Paul wrote to. Not a very good source to look to for spirituality! c. You would think if tongues was such an important sign of spirituality, it would be emphasized much more, but it is NOT! 2. Tongues were NOT an “ecstatic heavenly prayer language.” They were definite actual foreign languages (; , , ). a. “diversities of tongues” () different human languages.b. “other tongues” () other human languages than what the speaker knew how to speak.c. “unknown tongue” (, ) a foreign language unknown to those who have never learned to speak it. However, what he is speaking is known to the speaker, otherwise how could he be edified by it (v. 4).d. “new tongues” () a foreign language other than a man’s native tongue.e. “tongues of angels” () is probably Hebrew. Even if there were some kind of angelic heavenly language unknown to men, it would be unlawful to utter it (; ). Paul never said he spoke with the tongues of angels. He was using a hypotheti­cal scenario illustrating the importance of love over oratorical ability.f. “groaning which cannot be uttered” () is exactly that! It cannot be uttered (cf. , ) – it is NOT a supernatural heavenly language. 3. Tongues are NOT the initial evidence of the “baptism in the Holy Ghost” (cf. , ; ). What is the evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit?a. Christ-likenessb. Boldness and courage in witnessingc. Love for the brethren4. Tongues are NOT the “baptism with fire” (cf. ; ).5. Tongues are NOT to be sought after (; ). They were not to be forbidden, but they were not a treasure to have – only souls are!6. Tongues are NOT for every believer (, ).7. Tongues are NOT for the benefit of the believer (). They were for unbelieving Jews to see that Gentiles were given a supernatural gift solely to humiliate the Jews, so they would get saved! IV. Conclusion A. The spiritual gift of Tongues was so powerful a proof to the Jews that God’s plan had culminated with the cross, and that the Jews needed to now get in on believing the Messiah had now comeB. It was also used to witness to and win people and languages the world over in the first centuryC. But it finished its purposeD. The work is left to believers who have to still go to the world, and learn its languages and cultures, and reach people one by one with the message that Jesus Saves Sinners
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