나를 위한 십자가 - Part 2

나를 위한 십자가 He did it all for you  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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나를 위한 십자가 — Part 2
부활주일 Easter 2018
Good Friday 2017
“May all the gifts and benefits that come from God our Father and Jesus our Lord be yours!” (MSG)
Welcome to the 38th SB Community Easter Celebration
고린도후서 1:2a NKRV
하나님 우리 아버지와 주 예수 그리스도로부터 은혜와 평강이 있기를 원하노라
파트 1: 예수님의 십자가는 우리에게 어떤 의미인가? The Benefits From Jesus’ CrucifixioN
For you who haven’t been here since Christmas- welcome back!
1. 모든 죄를 용서받음. Total forgiveness for everything I’ve done wrong.
All our campuses are offering a Good Friday service
2. 치유하시는 능력 The deep healing power of Jesus in my life.
All our campuses are offering a Good Friday service
3. 자유케 하시는 능력 The power to break free from controlling forces
so I want to say hi to all of you at campuses!
As a child the phrase “Good Friday” was a mystery to me!
파트 2 : 예수님의 부활은 우리에게 어떤 의미인가? THE BENEFITS FROM JESUS’ RESURRECTION
What was so GOOD about Good Friday? Not for Jesus!

1. 나를 향한 주님의 계획 Jesus has a great purpose for my life.

“(Jesus) included everyone in his death so that everyone could also be included in his life, a resurrection life, a far better life than people ever lived on their own.” (MSG)
o The Problem: I didn’t understand all the BENEFITS to me personally.
고린도후서 5:15 NKRV
그가 모든 사람을 대신하여 죽으심은 살아 있는 자들로 하여금 다시는 그들 자신을 위하여 살지 않고 오직 그들을 대신하여 죽었다가 다시 살아나신 이를 위하여 살게 하려 함이라
That’s what that makes it good.
“Everything, absolutely everything . . . got started in Christ and finds its purpose in him.” (MSG)
골로새서 1:16 NKRV
만물이 그에게서 창조되되 하늘과 땅에서 보이는 것들과 보이지 않는 것들과 혹은 왕권들이나 주권들이나 통치자들이나 권세들이나 만물이 다 그로 말미암고 그를 위하여 창조되었고
The Bible says
“It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for
. . . part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.” (MSG)
“We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. He endured the shame of being nailed to a cross, because he knew that later on he would be glad that he did.” WHY GLAD? Because of all the benefits it would bring to you!
에베소서 1:11–12 NKRV
모든 일을 그의 뜻의 결정대로 일하시는 이의 계획을 따라 우리가 예정을 입어 그 안에서 기업이 되었으니 이는 우리가 그리스도 안에서 전부터 바라던 그의 영광의 찬송이 되게 하려 하심이라

2. 나의 문제들을 해결하시는 크신 능력 Jesus has a great power for my problems.

“I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great God’s power really is to help those who believe him. It is that same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead!” (LB)
ILL: Article about people who had inherited huge fortunes
에베소서 1:19–20a NKRV
그의 힘의 위력으로 역사하심을 따라 믿는 우리에게 베푸신 능력의 지극히 크심이 어떠한 것을 너희로 알게 하시기를 구하노라 그의 능력이 그리스도 안에서 역사하사 죽은 자들 가운데서 다시 살리시고 하늘에서 자기의 오른편에 앉히사
but keep living in poverty- because no one told them!
“By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will also raise us!” (NIV)
고린도전서 6:14 NKRV
하나님이 주를 다시 살리셨고 또한 그의 권능으로 우리를 다시 살리시리라
(Paul’s story) “We were really crushed and overwhelmed, and we feared we would never live through it . . . We saw how powerless we were to help ourselves; BUT THAT WAS GOOD, for then we put everything into the hands of God, who alone could save us, for he can even raise the dead! And God did help us and he saved us . . . and we expect him to do it again and again!” (LB)
If you don’t know the benefits of Jesus dying for you…
고린도후서 1:8–10 NKRV
형제들아 우리가 아시아에서 당한 환난을 너희가 모르기를 원하지 아니하노니 힘에 겹도록 심한 고난을 당하여 살 소망까지 끊어지고 우리는 우리 자신이 사형 선고를 받은 줄 알았으니 이는 우리로 자기를 의지하지 말고 오직 죽은 자를 다시 살리시는 하나님만 의지하게 하심이라 그가 이같이 큰 사망에서 우리를 건지셨고 또 건지실 것이며 이 후에도 건지시기를 그에게 바라노라
“God gives power to those who are tired and worn out, and he offers strength to the weak.” (LB)
You’ll go thru life MISSING all God intends for you
이사야 40:29 NKRV
피곤한 자에게는 능력을 주시며 무능한 자에게는 힘을 더하시나니
ILL: Yr ago- Kay & I bought a life insurance policy -care for our kids...
“What is impossible with men is possible with God.” (NIV)
누가복음 18:27 NKRV
이르시되 무릇 사람이 할 수 없는 것을 하나님은 하실 수 있느니라
“As you get to know Jesus better, he will give you, through his great power, everything you need for living a truly good life.”
The AMOUNT to be given to each child & grandchild is called
베드로후서 1:2–3 NKRV
하나님과 우리 주 예수를 앎으로 은혜와 평강이 너희에게 더욱 많을지어다 그의 신기한 능력으로 생명과 경건에 속한 모든 것을 우리에게 주셨으니 이는 자기의 영광과 덕으로써 우리를 부르신 이를 앎으로 말미암음이라
“A Death Benefit”

3. 나를 위한 공간이 준비되었다. God has a great place for me after I die.

(Because you only get it after a death)
Jesus said, “I am the one who raises the dead and gives them life again! Anyone who believes in me, even though he dies shall live again. He is given eternal life for believing in me and shall never perish.” (LB)
요한복음 11:25–26a NKRV
예수께서 이르시되 나는 부활이요 생명이니 나를 믿는 자는 죽어도 살겠고 무릇 살아서 나를 믿는 자는 영원히 죽지 아니하리니 이것을 네가 믿느냐
Today the DEATH BENEFITS provided for you by Jesus when he died.
Now we live with a wonderful expectation because Jesus Christ rose again from the dead. For God has reserved a priceless inheritance for his children. It is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. And God, in his mighty power, will protect you until you receive this salvation, because you are trusting him.”
베드로전서 1:3b–6 NKRV
우리 주 예수 그리스도의 아버지 하나님을 찬송하리로다 그의 많으신 긍휼대로 예수 그리스도를 죽은 자 가운데서 부활하게 하심으로 말미암아 우리를 거듭나게 하사 산 소망이 있게 하시며 썩지 않고 더럽지 않고 쇠하지 아니하는 유업을 잇게 하시나니 곧 너희를 위하여 하늘에 간직하신 것이라 너희는 말세에 나타내기로 예비하신 구원을 얻기 위하여 믿음으로 말미암아 하나님의 능력으로 보호하심을 받았느니라 그러므로 너희가 이제 여러 가지 시험으로 말미암아 잠깐 근심하게 되지 않을 수 없으나 오히려 크게 기뻐하는도다
- Jesus paid for these with his life.
“No eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no mind has ever imagined, the wonderful things that God has prepared for those who love him!”
고린도전서 2:9 NKRV
기록된 바 하나님이 자기를 사랑하는 자들을 위하여 예비하신 모든 것은 눈으로 보지 못하고 귀로 듣지 못하고 사람의 마음으로 생각하지도 못하였다 함과 같으니라
어떻게 How Do I Get These Benefits?
- So you should collect them as his child!
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (NLT)
By my count -at least 60 Benefits of Jesus dying for you
Today: Just 3 Total Forgiveness... Deep Healing... & True Freedom
로마서 10:9 NKRV
네가 만일 네 입으로 예수를 주로 시인하며 또 하나님께서 그를 죽은 자 가운데서 살리신 것을 네 마음에 믿으면 구원을 받으리라
This -Pt 1 of a 2 part message- Today the benefits of Jesus’ death
예레미야애가 3:22–23 NKRV
여호와의 인자와 긍휼이 무궁하시므로 우리가 진멸되지 아니함이니이다 이것들이 아침마다 새로우니 주의 성실하심이 크시도소이다
애가 3:
Tomorrow & Sun. services: benefits of resurrection!
The 1st Death Benefit is Total FORGIVENESS: I GET...


“God wiped out the charges and cancelled the record of all the times we’ve disobeyed God’s commandments. Jesus took our guilt on his own body and nailed it to the cross.. IMAGINE GETTING A CALL- all your debt has been wiped out!
Given a life sentence- someone else agrees to serve it!
“In Christ we are set free by the blood of his death. And so we have forgiveness of sins because of God's rich grace.
GRACE- FREE GIFT Don’t earn it, Cant buy it… bargain… never deserve..
What is grace? GOD gives you WHAT YOU NEED- NOT DESERVE
“Jesus was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised from the dead to make us right with God.” Jesus didn’t die for his sins- because he didn’t have any!
The 2nd Death Benefit is Deep HEALING:


We all need healing in many ways. But your deepest wounds are hidden
It is available thru the cross!
“Jesus personally took our sins in his body on the Cross so that we could die to the grip of sin in our lives and be free to live in the right way. You are HEALED by his wounds!” (NLT)
What does this last phrase mean?
Jesus died, not just to forgive & save your, but to heal you too!
- Peter is quoting Isaiah (700 yrs earlier:
“But he (Jesus) was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; And He was whipped, so we could be healed! called redemptive suffering ( on behalf of...)
1. In original state: no sickness, suffering, sorrow, death
2. When we human rebelled against God- the system was broken.
- Now everything is broke. Philosophers: “The Fall of man”
Sin causes the situations that cause suffering
3. On Earth, Jesus’ mission was to begin the restoration of everything damaged by sin. To restoring paradise.
everything damaged by sin. To restoring paradise.
It won’t be completed until he returns & this age is over.
That’s why HEALING was such a prominent part of his ministry:
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in the Jewish synagogues, preaching the Good News of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness.” 1/3rd
Fact: Not everything is healed on this earth right now.
Some of the greatest saints lived a lifetime with chronic illness/pain
And Not every prayer for healing is answered on this side of death
God has all of eternity to fulfill his promises!
But still we are commanded to ASK! Then leave it to God!
Bible: Creation is waiting for the total salvation of everything
+26 screen “Not only is creation waiting for restoration but we are also waiting with pain inside us. Now God has given us his Spirit as the first part of his promise to us. But we are waiting for the day when God will finish making us his own children, which means that our bodies will be made free! ... Bur for now, God’s Spirit helps us in our weaknesses...
God does not always heal but he ALWAYS gives his presence
“The power of the Lord was present for Jesus to heal the sick”
o Emotional healing- from hurts & memories, damaged emptions
o Financial healing- from the pressure of debt you piled up
o Relational healing – from broken & damaged relationships
o Mental healing – from compulsive thoughts & fears
o Physical ... your body is broken – doesn’t work perfectly
o Spiritual healing – the strain between you and God
You can be ill or sick in all of these areas & they overlap!
One can cause another. Bitterness is unhealtiest
ILL: When Judy Johnson 1st came to SB =blind in 1 eye
In a service – she let go of her bitterness toward ex husband & God.
Quietly sitting- sight restored!
ILL: Clearlake Carl a crippled Vietnam Vet
. ”I dont know God’s plan...
on the cross, Jesus not only took your sins
, he took your suffering & sorrow & sickness!
The 3rd Death Benefit is True FREEDOM: I GET...


Truth is: We don’t realize how much we let other things control us
We let .... CONTROL US
Our moods ....The media... the approval of others...our past...
our fears ... memories ... culture... the weather... the devil
money ... sex ... people who’ve hurt us ... our old nature.
If you know the Lord- you have 2 competing forces inside you
Your old human nature to be self-centered vs God’s Spirit
wanting you to do the right thing. This battle is constant:
screen “I don't understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate. and even when I’m doing it, I know it’s not right, and I’m harming myself, but I can't seem to help myself. My old nature controls me... and I can't make myself do what I know is right. I want to, but I can't!” (NLT)
sounds like me & dieting!
For some stuff- willpower is not enough to overcome old nature habits
This is a second problem that Jesus died on the cross to solve.
Not just to forgive SIN but to overcome its powerful habits in your life!
“Our old sinful selves were nailed to the cross with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin. And since we died with Christ, we know we will also share his new life. We are sure of this because Christ rose from the dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him.” (NLT) There’s an entire book about his concept: Galatians
(mes) Our old way of life was nailed to the cross with Christ, a decisive end to that sin-miserable life. We’re no longer at sin's every beck and call!” A new power to resist bad habits
I’m not fighting this battle on my own anymore.
I have God on my side & he puts his Spirit inside me!
I don’t HAVE TO give in to stuff that is self-defeating anymore!
We have an entire program built on this: CR! Every Fri night
FACT: Your biggest enemy is yourself! My biggest problem is ME
BUT GOOD NEW ;You don’t have to fight with yourself on your own!
We His Word.... His Spirit... His Power... His People
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live in strength alone, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in this body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me..
HOW does that happen? BY FAITH!
NONE OF THESE BENEFIT happen automatically.
Q: Who are these benefits this available to?
“God accepts anyone from any nation or race who worships him and does what it right.” (LB)
(Mes) “It makes no difference who you are or where you're from—if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open.”
How can I get these benefits? Get adopted into God’s family!
“To all who believed him and received him, Jesus gave the right to become children of God” (NLT)
I believe in Jesus” Great! ½ way to salvation!
“Now it's time to change your ways! Turn to face God so he can cleanse you from all your sins, AND pour out showers of blessing to refresh you.” (Mes)
Listen to a song then I’ll lead you in a prayer to receive these benefits CHOIR: ATMOSPHERE OF FAITH!
PRAY It’s time for you to talk to God about this:
Dear God I need your Total forgiveness!
Deep healing .... Real Freedom
We’re going to do 3 things to help you remember this:
1. First I want you to share your decision with me
2. We’ll share communion
3. We’ll nail our needs to the cross
Pull out 3 items in your Easter gift Bag
1st Tell somebody about your intention. Your decision
My Response to Rick;s message: Circle A B C D
While we collect these cards; SING NO LONGER SLAVES
(Music continues thru 2 & 3)
2nd Now we’re going to share communion
Jesus gave us two memory tools to help us remember:
1 Baptism - you can be baptized outside today!
2 Communion get communion cup
3. Finally , AS YOU LEAVE , I want to give you the opportunity
to symbolically nail your mistakes, needs, fears to a cross
18 crosses .... Yesterday 1000s did this
No one will ever see this except you, DO NOT SIGN
RIGHT NOW.write down 3 thing you want to nail to the cross
1st Write the thing you are most grateful has been totally forgiven
You need to let it go. Something real about writing it down
What has plagued you with regret. Remorse?
2nd Write down an area where you need deep healing
3rd Write down an area where you need real freedom
Go ahead and write
Our singers are going to sing a medley of songs about the cross
When you are ready, you can get up & go to one of the crosses
- you can stay and listen to them all
BLESSING: May Jesus Christ, who died for your benefit
Empower you to live this next week
See you for Pt 2 as we cel. Easter on Sat & Sun – bring a friend!
Before Monday, go visit Rancho Capo & listen to the Journey of Jesus
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