Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Introduction: Some people say they have a hared time believing in the resurrection.
To them I say so did the religious sect called the Sadducees.
In he tells us of the bodies of the saints that had fallen asleep were raise and came out of their graves and went into the holy city and appeared to many.
This must have come as quite a shock to this group of people.
The power of God when Jesus rose from the dead was powerful enough to raise those saints around him as well.
The resurrection was real, it did happen and you can hang your salvation on it!
Jesus Christ is Alive!
The Resurrection of Jesus means Comfort
The angel’s presence was met with great fear.
Keepers were the Roman Guards- They were frozen stiff from fear
The angels countenance or his outward appearance was bright and shining and they had never encountered anything like this before.
These men were rendered helpless to do their duty of guarding the tomb and thus the women were able to walk past them
The women were scared- They see a young man in the tomb instead of Jesus and were scared of what they were seeing; but God in his infinite wisdom has very special ways of giving us comfort.
With two simple words the Angel settles them down.
Fear not.
Over 70 times the Bible records these words
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Then angel wanted them to be calm and collected for the great news he was about to give them.
So What?
What comfort does the resurrection bring us today?
It brings us the comfort of knowing we have a God who has beaten death and overcome the grave
It brings us comfort in knowing that when you are at your lowest, you have a God that still loves you.
It brings us comfort in knowing that no matter how backslidden you are, or how far you have wandered from his face he still calls you by name and forgives you.
tell his disciples and Peter...
4. The angel said fear not for I know you are seeking Jesus.
This is the first step in overcoming any of your fears and anxieties.
Seeking the one who brings you comfort, the one who has replaced darkness with light and death with life.
He and His word will bring you comfort even on your darkest days in life.
Transition: The resurrection of Jesus gives us comfort, which leads to the next meaning of the resurrection, and that is...
The Resurrection of Jesus means Hope
Hope means- To desire with expectation of obtainment; to expect with confidence
Easton’s Bible Dictionary - “Hope is an essential and fundamental element of Christian life, so essential indeed, that, like faith and love, it can itself designate the essence of Christianity
Easton, M. G. (1893).
In Easton’s Bible dictionary.
New York: Harper & Brothers.
Biblical hope is hope in what God will do in the future.
At the heart of Christian hope is the resurrection of Jesus
3. No other religion on this earth speaks of their god being alive in the flesh, dying for them, and beating the grave to life everlasting.
4. Christians invite unbelievers to see for their selves just as the angel did to the the women: Come see where he lay!
Here is where they found hope:
The angel asked them why do you seek the living among the dead?
I’m sure they were puzzled at first and then they were reminded about what he said, and they remembered His words.
So What?
You must remember the words that are recorded in scripture
When you find yourself without hope, when you think all is lost remember the resurrection.
Our savior lives, he beat death and is sitting at the right hand of God waiting until the day he returns.
The word hope is used 143 times in the Bible, therefore is it an important part of your life.
Scripture tells us those who don’t know Christ as their Lord is without hope!
If you don’t know him you are right now hopeless.
Hope isn’t just for this life
I hope my kids grow up to live long and happy lives
I hope my job is still there tomorrow
I hope I can retire someday
Paul tells us in
The beauty of the resurrection is that it gives us hope for a better future, one that exists beyond this life and into glory with our Lord and Savior.
This hope comes only by knowing him though
Transition: If you know Jesus as you savior then the resurrection means comfort, it means hope and finally...
The Resurrection of Jesus means Promise
In he tells them that he will see them again in Galilee after he is raised up.
Back then they didn’t understand what he was saying.
This wasn’t uncommon because several times he would have to stop and explain what he had just said.
This is a fulfillment of the promise that Jesus made to them.
He had risen, he had beaten the grave, death, and Satan and now was going to Galilee.
We know that he had appeared to some before he went to Galilee, but this is where they would truly worship the risen Christ.
He proved that when he makes a promise he will fulfill it!
So what?
The promise of the resurrection for all those who believe in Jesus is this: Eternal life.
Not the life of this world as we know it now, but a life that is far better, filled with thing we can only imagine.
What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, when I look upon his face, the one who saved me by his grace.
When we get to be reunited with loved ones who have gone on before
But most importantly when we get to sit at the feet of Jesus and worship the one true king.
Now there is a promise for you unbelievers as well.
You who have not trusted Christ with you eternity: There is a promise of judgement and damnation to a fiery hell filled with torment night and day for all eternity.
Christ didn’t die and raise up so you could have that eternity.
He died and lives now so you would put your trust in him, your hope in him, your life in him, so he can live through and in you.
Conclusion: What are you waiting for?
You came today to hear about what Christ did for you.
You came today to celebrate the living God.
If you are an adult and still don’t know Christ, consider yourself lucky to be here today.
You have an opportunity to change your eternity.
If you are a teen today that doesn’t know for sure if you truly have given your heart to God, today is the day to make that decision because you might not get tomorrow.
If you have something stirring inside you, something you can’t explain, then I urge you to turn loose of the pew today and come forward.
Listen to what the Holy Spirit is convicting you of today and give your life to Christ.
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9