Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
The Illusion of Shadows
Devil Dog
Now - I don’t know, maybe I’m the only one - but have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were sort of built up to the point where you had had enough, and this boldness arose, and you began to deal with the problem directly?
Well, you see, I’ve got this demon dog- I mean little dog… (Yadi)
And he’s undoubtedly an escape artist.
You could lock him up in a steel compartment, ship him on a plane to Japan, and by the time you got home from the airport and opened your front door, he’d be standing in your living room, looking you in the eyes like it was nothing to him!!!
So I got smart.
Instead of spending any more money on chains and leashes that are just going to break, I went and found something that was going to work.
I got a thick steel cable with large steel collar connectors.
And I got him a collar that is NOT going to be broken.
And now when I get in the car to go to work I often look out back and wave at him before I leave!
But here’s the thing, when it’s something simple and carnal like making sure that a dog doesn’t get loose - or anything else, for that matter - you can sometimes get aggravated and motivated to the point where you’ll take direct action!
However, sometimes when it comes to the spiritual and the eternal, and the family, and the souls, we are not quite so direct in our action...
An Active, Bold Church!
But here’s the thing, when it’s something simple and carnal like making sure that a dog doesn’t get loose - or anything else, for that matter - you can sometimes get aggravated and motivated to the point where you’ll take direct action!
However, sometimes when it comes to the spiritual and the eternal, and the family, and the souls, we are not always quite so direct in our action...
The “Valley of the Shadow of Death”
But why shouldn’t we be?
I believe that God desires that we be an active, bold church!
It is the book of ACTS!
It’s not the book of THOUGHTS.
It’s not the book of IDEAS.
It’s not the book of GOOD INTENTIONS! It’s the book of ACTS!
In the gospels, there was a time when Jesus himself got to that point in the Spirit where he was motivated and bold in the Holy Ghost - a little aggravated - and even He took some action!
He turned over some tables at the temple.
Some folks weren’t doing right.
Now, please, don’t go home to your family or to work and proceed to grab tables and throw them over...
No, no.
That’s not what I’m talking about here.
I’m talking about when there’s lost family, and you happen to bear near them, being purposefully spiritual in hopes that they’ll feel what they really need in their life!
I’m talking about when there’s attacks coming against your home, we’ve got to retaliate in prayer and let it be known that we’re serving the victor!
I’m talking about if there’s somebody in need of healing that’s close to you, you ought to just pray healing over them on the spot - don’t wait to bring it up when it’s time for prayer requests - start the action NOW!
SIDE ILLUSTRATION: Brother G. A. Mangun was once invited to the White House.
When they walked into the Oval Office and the president was sitting at his desk, G. A. walked briskly over to him, stuck out his arm, and laid his hand on Bill Clinton’s forehead, and began to pray, and speak in tongues!
The Secret Service men standing by started toward the president in fear of what this man might do, but then they stopped in reverence and understanding that this man was taking action in the Spirit!
And he understood the great need for prayer that this leader had.
I’m talking about a holy boldness, friend!
I’m not telling you that taking action is turning over a bunch of tables...
But I AM telling you that if you’ll grab onto the horns of an altar, and you’ll use prayer to your advantage, PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!!!
And while hollywood personalities are spreading the poison that prayer is crazy, I’M telling you we’re crazy NOT TO PRAY!!!!!
And God uses those saints who will take action and act on faith.
The “Valley of the Shadow of Death”
But what is it that causes us sometimes to fall back, and to retreat perhaps?
To lose our fervor in the Holy Ghost?
I want to tell you that every one of us here today is human.
And there are times when we have to go through things that are tough.
Things that aren’t easy.
Maybe things that leave a mark on us.
There are times when we are weak - and it’s not really our fault.
But we need the peace of God to come, and we need the strength of God to restore us.
Sometimes… at one point or another, we all will find ourselves in the valley of the shadow of death.
Now, this “valley of the shadow of death”… this is an interesting picture.
The Psalmist is so good at description and giving us a picture to look at.
If you study this valley that is mentioned, it is referring to a valley in the midst of mountains.
And imagine for a moment that you are in the midst of these mountains, below them, in the valley.
And as you are passing through, walking in this valley, you begin to see shadows all around, and these shadows are not coming from any person or beast.
They are the shadows of the mountains around you.
And these shadows coming off of the mountains make that valley look darker than it really is.
They make the valley appear more deadly and sinister than it actually is.
This is what David referred to as the “valley of the shadow of death”.
And he said, “As I walk through it, I will fear no evil!”
Often, Christians today only call this the “valley of death”, but I would remind you that the scripture says the “valley of the SHADOW of death.”
And this week, I believe God was trying to show me that the valley of the shadow of death is only that - shadows!
And if you’re here today, and you have found yourself in the valley of the shadow of death, where there’s struggle, there’s pain, and there’s tough times - I want you to know - it’s only shadows, and you’re about to come through the valley and out of those shadows!!!
It’s really only a valley of shadows!
And shadows can’t hurt you!
Shadows can’t stop you!
Not a child of God!
The “Morning Light”
And I’ve come to share some good new with you: there is one who the bible describes today as “the morning light” and he drives away darkness by His very presence.
Isaiah 9
The light that drove away that trouble upon the people of God, the great light that they saw - this was prophecy of JESUS!
John 1:1
And if you’ve been walking through the valley of the shadow of death, dear brother, dear sister, I am asking you to step out of those shadows and into the MORNING LIGHT!
The LIGHT of God is shining into this room today!
And those shadows are merely an illusion because for there to be darkness, it implies that somewhere there HAS TO BE light!
Darkness is the absence of the light!
But I’m here to tell you that the Light is present with us right now!
I want you to reach out and let God shine down on you and bring you strength right now!
There’s about to be some people receive peace to their soul.
God is looking to bring you out of that valley and put you into a place of boldness and confidence in the Holy Ghost!
Today is not the winding down of your story - it’s just a fresh new chapter!!!
We need to get real close to God today!
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