Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
Antioch - 11:19-26
Gentile nation with a large Jewish colony
(Gentile nation, coastal city north of Jerusalem, near Tarsus)
coastal city north of Jerusalem, near Tarsus)
v. 19-20 Stephen preaches to the Jews who then preached Jesus in Antioch.
v. 21 The hand of the Lord was upon those who preached and many believed and turned to the Lord.
v. 22-24 As news spread to Jerusalem, Barnabas was sent to Antioch to see for himself what God was doing.
He was glad when he saw the grace of God in their lives, seeing that they were strongly remaining in the Gospel they’d believed, not making an emotional decision that came and went.
The body grew in number during spirit-filled Barnabas’ trip.
v. 25-26 Barnabas went to find Saul and bring him to see what was happening in Antioch, joining the church with them for a year, making disciples.
The disciples were first called Christians by the heathen at Antioch.
These were they who would count it worthy to give their life for the Gospel of Christ.
Persecution followed in regions abroad, Barnabas and Saul witnessed much of it in Jerusalem at Herod’s hand but… through all of it (12:24) God’s word grew and multiplied.
The Church's Spirit-Charged Mission
“No alternative to the Holy Spirit is available for the Christian leader.
We are in danger of being better trained and equipped on the human level than we are empowered by the Spirit.”
- Duewel
He illuminates His word, guides us into all truth, comforts, gives boldness to witness, does the amazing work of redemption
Their missionaries were selected and sent by the Holy Spirit.
- v. 1-5
v. 2, 4
v. 1 There were several, capable and trained men in the church at Antioch.
v. 2 The church served the Lord while seeking the Spirit’s leading.
As they prayed and ministered, the Holy Spirit led the church to set apart Barnabas and Saul for a specific work.
v. 3 The church, still fasting and praying, laid hands on the men and sent them out.
The Spirit led them to set apart Barnabas and Saul for a specific work and the church followed the Spirit's leading by laying hands on them and sending them out.
Prayer was a major part of the sending.
A man in his 70’s came forward to give his life to Christ.
His wife came down the aisle behind him with the glow of God on her face.
After the man was counseled, the counselor reached for a membership card but the wife stopped him.
She told him he wouldn’t need the card and reached in her Bible to pull out an old, tattered card.
She said “forty years ago, I made a commitment to pray for my husband’s salvation daily.
As a sign of my commitment, I filled out a membership card with my husband’s name, and checked ‘profession of faith’ and ‘baptism’.
The only thing we need to complete is the date.”
God had answered her prayer.
1)Pray for opportunities and boldness to witness 2)Pray in the Spirit’s power 3) Pray for Laborers
Pray specifically for unbelievers: ears to hear, that their eyes would be opened, that they would turn in repentance and faith
v. 4-5 They departed, led by the Holy Ghost, and preached in the synagogues.
Application: We are merely partners in God's work.
The work they were doing "was the joint work of the church and the Holy Ghost.
Every work for Christ is a partnership with God."
Our task of preaching the Gospel is one that we will only continue in the power of the Spirit.
Illustration: Seu Francisco
They knew the true Gospel and were able to detect false gospels.
- v. 6-12
v. 6 They came upon a sorcerer, Bar-jesus.
A sorcerer planted by Satan trying to impersonate Jesus.
v. 7 Sergius Paulus, a governor, called for Saul and Barnabas because he wanted to hear God’s Word.
v. 8 The sorcerer opposed them and tried to keep the deputy from coming to Christ.
v. 9-11 Saul, filled with the Holy Ghost, detected the opposing false gospel and spoke out against the child of the devil and smote him with blindness.
v. 12 The deputy believed on the Lord after he had seen what was done.
Application: It is only when we know and live the true Gospel that we can lead others to believe the true Gospel.
Illustration: (Maurice) young man in Middletown
They sought opportunities to preach Christ's fulfilled work in their region, persuading followers of Christ to continue living the Gospel.
- v. 13-43
v. 14-15 Saul and Barnabas went to the synagogue on the sabbath to hear the reading of God’s word.
The rulers gave opportunity for the brethren to speak encouraging words to the believers and Paul stood, waving his hand to take the opportunity.
v. 16 He addresses the Jews and proselytes (feared God).
v. 17-23 He references the history of God’s chosen people and how Jesus was the promise made to Israel fulfilled.
v. 24-25 He reminds them that Jesus was greater than John the Baptist.
v. 26-27 He assures them that the “word of salvation” was sent for them.
v. 28-29 He reminded them that they crucified Christ without just cause.
v. 30-31 He reminded them that Jesus rose from the grave and was seen of many witnesses.
v. 32-37 He rehearses the prophecy of the Psalms and the covenant made to David which was also fulfilled in Christ, that Jesus whom God raised would not see corruption.
v. 38-39 Through this Jesus forgiveness of sins was given to all that believe, fulfilling what keeping the law of Moses could not.
v. 42-43 Those who heard wanted them to speak with them until the next sabbath and as they continued, people were added to the body, believers were encouraged to continue in the Gospel, and nearly the whole city came to hear them preach.
Saul stood upon having the opportunity to preach the work that had been started in Israel and completely fulfilled in Christ.
He preached clearly the forgiveness of sins and justification in Christ alone.
They strongly persuaded those who were present to continue in the grace of God, causing others to desire to hear the same Gospel.
Application: We are called to preach Christ, not personal agendas or social reform, and to continue in His grace.
Illustration: Santi (dessert)
They were emboldened to preach the Gospel as Satan continued to oppose.
- v. 44-49
v. 44-45 Nearly the whole city came together to hear God's Word but the Jews opposed strongly.
v. 46-47 Paul and Barnabas were given boldness to preach the Word because they were confident the Spirit had sent them to the Gentiles that they might receive salvation.
v. 48-49 Those who were saved gladly glorified God.
v. 49 God's Word was carried throughout the whole region.
The Spirit led church will be used to carry the word of the Gospel to all of our region.
Application: Satan will always attempt to oppose a Spirit-led work.
Satan's opposition should give us a renewed encouragement in our witness knowing that he would not waste his time with a work that had only the appearance of God's but denied His power.
You may have already seen opposition since you took your Project 8:4 cards.
Illustration: Winter Retreat opposition upon return
Satan’s opposition should refresh/renew our boldness in speaking Christ.
They were joyful in their work.
- v. 50-52
v. 50 The Jews turned up the persecution and expelled Paul and Barnabas from the city.
v. 51 They expelled Paul and Barnabas from the city.
v. 51
v. 51 They were able to shake off the dust from their feet knowing they had clearly preached Christ to all people and that the people were now responsible to accept or reject the Gospel.
v. 52 The Holy Spirit gave them joy in their persecution and work.
The indwelling Holy Spirit is our source of joy.
While there may be fragments of fulfillment in work or seeing fruit, our joy is based on the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Seeing results may bring joy but results will only come through the Spirit-filled life.
The believer can have true joy in persecution and affliction knowing that God will deliver us from it all.
2 Timothy 3:11
< .5
.5 - .6
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