Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
What Are You Wearing?
Isaiah 61:10
My favourite movie as a child was Annie - you know the one… with the red haired orphan who so desperately wanted to be adopted, but she was trapped in the orphanage, with the awful Miss Hannigan… you know the story etc.. Later, Annie is officially adopted by Warbucks, throwing a party which the orphans, a redeemed Miss Hannigan, and the Roosevelts attend.
Warbucks gives Annie a new locket, who embraces her new father.
In the beginning God created the perfect world, there was no sin, Adam and Eve were perfect in every way.
There was no sin at that point.
We know what happened the devil came and tempted the pair and not only did they sin, but the whole world fell into sin as a result.
All of a sudden their eyes were open to their nakedness and they felt ashamed
All of a sudden their eyes were open to their nakedness and they felt ashamed.
Adam & Eve tried to sew fig leaves in shame
, when Eve the serpent discredited God in the eyes of Eve and she ate of the fruit.
The Prodigal Son
All of a sudden their eyes were open to their nakedness and they felt ashamed
Luke 15:24
We can’t earn His righteousness.. we can’t create anything that will cover our sin and nakedness, something that will impress God and earn us what we so desperately need.
Let’s pray
Jesus has already done it and offers us His righteousness.
From Rags To Riches
In the beginning God created the perfect world, there was no sin, Adam and Eve were perfect in every way.
There was no sin at that point.
We know what happened the devil came and tempted the pair and not only did they sin, but the whole world fell into sin as a result.
2.Quite Sewing Fig Leaves
All of a sudden their eyes were open to their nakedness and they felt ashamed.
Adam & Eve tried to sew fig leaves in shame
God sacrificed an animal and made them tunics of animal skin and clothed them - points to the work of Christ
We were all naked spiritually - impoverished and left out in the cold, because of sin
Powerless to help ourselves - Like Adam and Eve the best we could do was leaves!
like Adam & Eve the best we had was leaves
Isaiah 64:
The truth is there is no one righteous - Ps John spoke a powerful word this morning on “saying NO to your righteousness”
Jesus has saved us and made us righteous, covering us with His finished work of the cross.
Romans 8:3-
You see the law exposed sin and pointed the way to God, but was entirely powerless to conquer sin! Jesus took on our human nature, was not corrupted by sin, but paid the penalty of our guilt to overcome the the power of sin.
Romans 3:21-
Romans 4:20-
The truth is that God "imputes"(or credits- as in an account) his righteousness to us through faith because of Christ's obedience.
Just like orphan Annie or the prodigal son - we were destitute and without a penny -bank account at a big Fat ZERO.
He (Jesus) has covered us with the garments of salvation and He (Jesus) has covered us with the robe of righteousness!
He (Jesus) has covered us with the garments of salvation and He (Jesus) has covered us with the robe of righteousness!
2.Quit Sewing Fig Leaves
ROBE - Riley
Even after receiving salvation and right standing with God, we fail to believe it and go back to sewing fig leaves
This is precisely the condition of millions of people in the body of Christ today.
They receive salvation by putting total faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, but then they return to believing that the Lord still relates to them on the basis of their works, even after their salvation.
That’s not true.
We try so hard to sew something together.. we sew fig leaves, we try to cover ourselves in religious works and good deeds, self promotion and feel good moments, but one gust of the wind of truth and we are left naked again.
3. The Only Outfit You Need
We can’t earn His righteousness.. we can’t create anything that will cover our sin and nakedness, something that will impress God and earn us what we so desperately need.
We try so hard to sew something together.. we sew fig leaves, we try to cover ourselves in religious works and good deeds, self promotion and feel good moments, but one gust of the wind of truth and we are left naked again.
We can’t earn His righteousness.. we can’t create anything that will cover our sin and nakedness, something that will impress God and earn us what we so desperately need.
You can’t get to Heaven in a fancy car - song!
Jesus has already done it and offers us His righteousness.
Charles Wesley put it like this “God forgives sin when people believe in His offer and accept salvation, in that very hour the righteousness of Christ is theirs.”
Failure to understand this truth is at the root of all guilt and condemnation.
Satan’s only inroad into our lives is sin.
If we understand our right standing with God on the basis of what Jesus did for us, and not by our own actions, then Satan’s power to condemn is gone.
Those who live with a feeling of unworthiness are not trusting in God’s righteousness but are looking to their own actions to obtain right standing with God.
That will never work.
Quit sewing fig leaves and pick up your garments - Place your faith in the work of Jesus Christ!
Quit sewing fig leaves and pick up your garments - Have faith in God
Quit sewing fig leaves and pick up your garments - Place your faith in the work of Jesus Christ!
Let me ask you, “What are you wearing?”
Romans 10:10
3. The Only Outfit You Need
I’m here to tell you that the only outfit you need is the one that Jesus has provide you with!
When you die, naked and all the things of this earth fade away, you will stand before God dressed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
“Remember, Christ is your righteousness.
Christ is your righteousness.
Your righteousness is in heaven.
It's the same yesterday today and forever.
It doesn't get better when your faith is strong.
It doesn't get worse when your faith is weak.
It is perfect.
It is Christ.
Look away from yourself.
Rest in him.
Lean on him.”
What a joy this is!
Just like orphan Annie or the prodigal son! Waht we couldnt do has been acomplished through Jesus!
So I ask?
What are you wearing?
Will you let Him clothe you today, will you drop your fig leaf garment and trade your filthy rags, for the garments of salvation, the robe of righteousness.
Walk out of here rejoicing!
Let’s Pray & Salvation Opportunity
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9