Praise God because of His Majesty

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How the Glory of God is seen in the Nature of the world, and in the creation that God has made. That God is evident because of what he has made. This should impact us to live in awe and praise to the God who is so clearly shown in all that he made.

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God’s finger prints are over everything.

The heavens declare the glory of God,

and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

2  Day to day pours out speech,

and night to night reveals knowledge.

3  There is no speech, nor are there words,

whose voice is not heard.

4  Their voice goes out through all the earth,

and their words to the end of the world.

In them he has set a tent for the sun,

5  which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,

and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.

6  Its rising is from the end of the heavens,

and its circuit to the end of them,

and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

God’s Glory is clearly shown and seen in everything that he has made on this earth. I want you guys to see that. That everything here has the fingerprints of a greater being that made it and to deny that is ridiculous.
You can see God in all different things. The plants that grow here from huge trees, to sunflowers, roses, venus fly traps. You can see it in having Giraffes and Rhinos and these birds that are so colorful in such specific locations that variety from different species of them.
The question is have you ever real sat back and thought of how amazing all these little things show there is a God out there? From There being huge mountains like Mountain Everest and huge just valley and rock formations like the Grand Canyon. Then you see all the different variety of people in the world, with so many different cultures, traditions, and ways of life, with so many different types of people with so many different types of languages and different types of food that they eat, and different types of music that they make and just shows how there has to be something so creative and amazing to cause all this to come about.
And if there is a God that literally spoke all of this into existence and that is great and mighty that he could make everything here, then doesn’t He deserve the recognition and praise and glory for all that is here and shouldn't we give him all the credit?
You see here in that verse 1-12 are broken up into two sections the first section is signified in verse 1 by the line. “Praise the LORD from the heavens.” and the second section is in verse 7 in the beginning line which says, “Praise the Lord from the earth.”
You see here in that verse 1-12 are broken up into two sections the first section is signified in verse 1 by the line. “Praise the LORD from the heavens.” and the second section is in verse 7 in the beginning line which says, “Praise the Lord from the earth.”

The heavens (Psalm 148:1-6)

First section says all that is in the heavens should praise God. From His angels to armies of angels that are called his hosts. To sun and moon who are in the heaven skies and the highest of heavens, which is just an exaggeration which just means the highest place that the sky and universe and heavens reaches. This is all to paint the picture that all that is out there above that is beyond the earth must praise God, but why?? Why should the sun and moon and the angels and the twinkly little stars praise God? Why is this psalm so much pushing that this is what they must do? It says “praise the Lord or Praise Him” 9 times just in these first 5 verses.... But why?? These are questions I want you all to ask as you read the bible ask why does it matter? why is this important? why does he say this ten million times in this chapter, because when you ask those questions that the when you begin to really start to figure things out. Questions are not bad! So then why should all that is in the heavens praise God? I think it is shown in verse 5, so Look at verse 5 with me again....
Hunter, Spencer can you read verse 5 for me, so everyone here can hear?
Verse 5 says, “Let them praise the name of the LORD! For he commanded and they were created.”
This reminds me of something.
God spoke everything of the heavens into existence and to this he deserves their praise. He deserves their devotion and service. For who creates a thing for that thing to then tell you what it wants to do with itself. Who makes a watch and then the watch decides it doesn't want to tell time like you made it for but it wants to be a hat. That the watch is now going to be a hat. How dumb would that be???? In same way how can the heavens and all that is in the heavens deny praise to God, if God is the one that created them?

The Earth ()

“Praise the Lord from the earth,”
In verse 7 you see this shift happen from speaking about all that is the heavens praising God to now speak about all the Earth Praising God.
And as we go through these verses you will see the fact that all the things that are list are being called upon by the Psalmist to do the thing he proclaims in the very beginning of this section, which is to.. “Praise the Lord” So remember as we go this section and all that is in it, remember that all that is in it is being called upon to Praise the Lord. to give praise to the Lord. Everything in these verse are being called to praise the Lord.
v. 7 It starts with.. “the great sea creatures and all deeps” All the ocean and all the amazingly unique and complex things that are in it. All the way down to deepest parts of it.
We have explored less than 5 percent of the ocean. So all deeps that we have no idea of what crazy wild creatures that are in that 95% of ocean. God knows and created every last one of them and calls them to praise him.
v. 8 Then goes on to show how all the amazing complex things of weather do the bidding and are controlled by God. From crazy storms and hail falling from the sky and snow that piles up in feet and just plain old mist all are the work of God and display how mighty he is and all of it Praises Him as his creation.
V. 9 goes on to talk about the features of this world like the mountains and hills and different plants like fruit trees and cedars.
v. 10 speaks on all the animals that are on this earth that are livestock and those that are the wild beast of world and the things that are bound to the ground by their legs and also those that are not like the flying birds.
v. 11 Speaks upon humans now referring to kings of kingdoms and all the peoples under their control and all rulers over all the earth.
V. 12 Speaks upon how young men and old men and children and women, they are all called to praise the Lord.
And it closes these two sections in verse 13 by saying this...
“Let them praise the name of the Lord, For his name alone is exalted. His majesty is above earth and heaven.”
See The two sections spoken about were the heavens and the earth and here it says that God’s majesty is above both of them. All of them.
See the Majesty of God means “The greatness and splendour of God”
And it is said that, “Majesty of God is revealed in his creation.. and on account of his majesty, God is worthy of praise and adoration from all people.”
Saying that God’s greatness and splendour is beyond all that he has already created on earth and in heaven. that these things we see proclaim that his glory is shown through is still so much more below How great God truly is.

Dareman and watch analogue......

And what God has created is to show his majesty, but it never does it true justice, but still the majesty that we can see in all those things that praise God in psalm 148 should lead us to see how worthy God is of praise and adoration from us.
d has created is to show his majesty, but it never does it true justice, but still the majesty that we can see in all those things that praise God in psalm 148 should lead us to see how worthy God is of praise and adoration from us.

Put it all together

So why are you denying what God rightly deserves from you? Why when you look at nature do you ignore the fact of the amazing powerful God that created it? All that we went through in this Psalm is to show that God is worthy of your entire life in service of him not just a little bit, but every last part of it. That he is worthy of your praise. That the God that created and brought into existence the stars of the sky and sun and moon. The God that made all the animals in forest and all fish of sea. the God that control weather and builds monuments of his greatness like mountains like mount Everest and like canyons like the Grand Canyon. A God who created over 200 Billion Galaxies in the universes all filled with planets and stars that display His greatness. That God gives all those things just to show you and I that he is worthy to be trusted and praised with our life. So let those things drive you to trust and praise God.
Why is it so easy for you to look at kids that make dumb decisions in your schools or trouble makers, or annoy kids, or just weird ones and be able to point out all those things that make them undesirable to you, but it so hard for you to actually see how they are marked by a God who created them? A God that power and greatness goes beyond all that you can see on this earth or in heavens. That this God created them and He loves every last one of them and he calls you to love them, because he created them and wants them to know him and the purpose that he has for their lives, but you only find the reasons for why you shouldn’t even try to love them. And God is showing you the one and only reason you should love them is because He is their creator and He made them. And that is why they are worth it.

Questions to ask in groups

What in God’s creation shows you that he is worthy of being trusted with your life? What can you think shows you how great and powerful God is?
Have you truly saw people as the workmanship of God? or have you only seen the faults or the reason why shouldn’t love them? And why? and how could you change that?
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