Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Vajtsawb Xyooj
Theme: "Start and finish strong" Life is finished strong Story of a horse racer in Korea.
​ We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.
For since the message spoken through angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation?
This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him.
God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.
​1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching Life’s Purpose Life’s Purpose
Someone has aptly said, “Living without God’s plan for our life is like sewing with a needle without thread, or writing one’s biography with a pen empty of ink.”779
Some time ago, psychologist William Moulton Marston asked three thousand persons, “What have you to live for?”
He was shocked to find that 94 percent were simply enduring the present while waiting for the future.
They would describe this as waiting for “something” to happen—waiting for children to grow up and leave home, waiting for next year, waiting for another time to take a long-dreamed-about trip, waiting for tomorrow.
They were all waiting without realizing that all anyone ever has is today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow never comes.780
All have been given a bag of tools,
A formless rock and a book of rules.
And each must make ere life has flown,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.781
“He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how” (Friedrich Nietzsche, a German nihilist).782
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light; and
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
Seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Attributed to Francis of Assisi783
Pay careful attention to the message spoken that was reliable - Proved to be true.
signs and wonder:
​ NIVThe apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people.
And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon’s Colonnade.
​ NIVFor false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
​ NIV I persevered in demonstrating among you the marks of a true apostle, including signs, wonders and miracles.
​ NIV The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them.
Tsev xyoom cuab:
Muaj ib daim movie qhia txog ib tug xeem nees.
Nws yog ib tug qhia lwm tus caij nees.
Nws poj niam tau tuag lawm.
Nws yog tib leej txiv tu tus ntxhais thiab nws nyiam caij nees sib xeem kawg nkaus.
Qhov teeb meem yog nws npaj thaum chiv thawj (starting) very strong.
Nws xyaum thiab ua txhua yam kom zoo.
Tabsis nws lub qhov muag tsis pab nws.
Thaum xeem mus txog qhov kawg ces nws dig muag lawm.
Nws tus nees thiab nws mas sib txheeb ze tshawj plaws.
Tus neeg tus menyuam tuag lawm thiab ces tus neeg tsis kam leej twg caij nws ib sim neej li thiab.
Tus phajes no nws muab tus nees xyaum mus txog thaum tus neeg yuav tuag ces nws cawm tau ciaj.
Tom qab no nkawd ua phoojywg zoo heev.
Thaum sib xeem zaum kawg, nws tus nees nkaws puav leej raug mob.
Nws dig muag hos tus neeg txhais ceg raug hlais ces ntshav los.
Tabsis tus nees mas yuav khiav kom kawg txoj sia tu kiag xwb thiab.
Qhov teeb meem yog tus tswv caij tus nees dig muag thiab.
nws dhia ib pliag ces coj tus nees mus zij kev lawm ces nkawd poob qab deb.
Nws ib tug phoojywg uas sib tw los coj nws kev hais tias, koj twb pib muaj zog thiab zoo koj yuav tau mus kom txog tus ciam tom kawg kom zoo nkauj tib yam.
Yog lino,koj tsis txho qaug zog tabsis mus kom txog tus ciag kawm.
Nws rov feeb meej los thiab caij tus nees xeem tiag tiag li lawm.
Thaum kawg nkawd yuav yeej tabsis nws hlub nws tus nees heev nws paub hais tias dhia ces yeej lawm ntag tiamsis tsis xav kom tus nees tuag ces nws ua siab tso tes dhia ua rau nws poob ces tus nees thiaj li kam nres.
Cov neeg twb dhia dhau tag, tus nees rov los tos nws, muab qhov ncauj tsa nws thiab rub nws sawv.
Thaum kawg nkawd sib txheem nws nrog tus nees taug kev los dhau tus ciam.
Nws pib muaj zog tabsis yuav tau xaus kom zoo nkauj.
Nej txiv tuag lawm tiag.
Nej txiv pib lub neej muaj zog thiab xaus lub neej muaj zog.
Tus kws sau qhia li no hais tias vim hais tias cov neeg hauv Hebrews nov yog cov ntseeg Vajtswv uas tawg ua sab ua sua mus ntau qhov chaw lawm.
Lawv raug kev txom nyem thiab raug neeg thuam lawv qhov lawv ntseeg Vajtswv.
Lawv raug kev lwjsiab thiab kev tawm tsam kom lawv txhob cia siab rau Vajtswv.
Lawv ua neej nyuajsiab thiab muaj ntau yam yuam kom lawv txhob ntseeg Vajtswv thiab txhob cia siab rau Vajtswv lawm.
Vajtswv txoj lus txhawb kom tus kws qhia caw kom cov ntseeg lwj siab npaum licas los lawv yuav tau txav rov los nyob ze Vajtswv.
Kom lawv rov los tuav Yexus thiab tuav Vajtswv kom ruaj.
Nws hais tias nej twb pib lub neej muaj zog thiab ruaj, nej yuav tau xaus lub neej kom ruaj thiab zoo.
Nws hais tias kom peb yuav tau ceev faj tshaj plaws los mus cuab pob ntseg rau tej uas peb tau hnov dua los lawm kom peb thiaj tsis raug tsoob losis ntsawj mus poob phem. 1. VAjtswv cov lus mas twb hais rau Vajtswv cov tub txib coj los qhia neeg ib tug zuj zus los lawm.
Ib tiam dhau ib tiam VAjtswv twb qhia nws lub fwj chim rau neeg paub hais tias Vajtswv hlub tib neeg.
2. Vajtswv twb hais kiag rau Mauxes lawv kom qhia rau tej menyuam hais tias Vajtswv tau ua dabtsi thiab coj lawv tawmkev ciav qhev los licas.
Nkauj qhuas Vajtswv 78 -- Yog ib tshooj kom cov txiv tsev "Men Of Courage " qhia thiab cob lawv cov menyuam kom ruaj khov rau ntawm Vajtswv.
3. Cov tub txib twb sau thiab qhia Vajtswv cov lus rau lawv hnov thiab kawm lawm.
Kom lawv cuab pob ntseg thiab ntseeg tsis txhob tso tseg.
Peb paub hais tias yav thaum ub los txog tamsim nov, Vajtswv txoj lus nrov thiab caw kom peb txhua tus cia siab rau Vajtswv.
Thaum Laxalaus uas yog tus pluag tuag mus nrog Vajtswv nyob, tus txiv neej nplua nuj kuj tuag thiab.
Nws pom Laxalaus mas nws hais tias kom Asnplashas txiv Laxalaus rov los rau saum yaj ceeb los hais nws cov kwv tij kom ntseeg Vajtswv.
Asnplashas hais tias tsis tas ib tug tuag sawv mus hais, saum yaj ceeb twb muaj cov xibfwb cev Vajtswv lus, yog lawv yuav ntseeg ces ntseeg lawm tsis tas ib tug tuag sawv los qhia.
Tus yawg nplua nuj hais tias, kuv cov kwv tij siv tswv yim thiab kev nplua nuj kawg los thaiv Vajtswv txoj lus kom txhob nkag tuaj txog lawv lub siab.
Tej neeg hais saum yaj ceeb tsis pab.
Koj yuav tau kom Laxalaus sawv kiag mus xwb mas thiaj pab.
Asnplashas hais tias yog lawv tsis ntseeg tej lus cov neeg cev Vajtswv lus hais ces tsis tas kom ib tug sawv ciaj rov los li.
Yog lino, cov neeg uas tsis mloog lus thiab tsis cuab pob ntseg ces yuav raug puas tuaj.
Lawv tsis tau txoj sia thiab tsis dim.
Lawv yuav ua licas dim, yog peb cov ntseeg Vajtswv twb xyaum zoo ua luaj linotabsis tseem tsis yooj yim kiag rau peb ces qhov lawv yuav dimmas tsis hais hlo li.
Tej txuj ci uas Vajtswv tau ua, tej lus tau qhia, tej dab tau ntiab, tej txujci Vajtswv tau ua thiab lub meej mom ntawm txoj moo zoo no nrov mus thoob ntiaj teb lawm los cov neeg nov lawv tseem tawm tsam Vajtswv qees.
Yog lino,peb yuav tau ceev faj cuab pob ntseeg mloog tsam peb cia li pib muaj zog tabsis xaus yuam kev.
Muaj ntau tus neeg los ntseeg Vajtswv muaj zog zis -- Los mas kom yus mus lawb dab, kom yus qhia Vajtswv txog lus thiab lees txim txhaum tag nrho.
Lawv los ntseeg Vajtswv tiag.
lawv xyaum ua neej zoo, xyaum muab 10% rau Vajtswv.
Lawv tuaj tshawj thiab mloog lus tiag tiag.
Nov yog pib zoo tabsis thaum lawv raug kev nyuaj siab ces lawv rov mus ua neeb.
Lawv lub siab tsis tus ces lawv rov mus ua dab.
Thaum yuav tuag ces lawv hu kwv tij tuaj tus yuav hu tsawv, hauj sam, saib tes saib xyab, tus mus fiv neeb, tus mus fiv yeem tus mus fiv nyuj dab ua dabtsi los muaj.
Yog zoo lawm ces tau pauj tag nrho thaum kawg lub npe raug lwv tawm ntawm Vajtswv phau ntawv tau txoj sia.
Nws yeej yuav tuag.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9