He Watches Over You

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  20:42
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Ps 121. Dan Kroon. It's easy to slip into the mindset of seeing God as a distant entity who has little to do with his creation. He does his thing up there and we do our thing down here. We earn our own food, seek out our own shelter, and build up our own security... So it's easy to wonder whether God has much to do with it. But Psalm 121 describes God (repeatedly) as the Maker who watches over our very lives. He helps us and guides us and guards us, from the very beginning of life until the very end. Over all our comings and goings, he watches over us unceasingly. This is how we need to view God, and this is the God we need to appeal to. And this is the God we must lift up our eyes to see.

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