Light, spiritual

Thematic Outlines  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Light is often used in Scripture as a symbol of the presence of God in the world. It is often especially associated with the word of God, the salvation brought about by God, or the person of Jesus Christ.

Light as a symbol of God God’s purity 1 Jn 1:5 See also Job 25:4–6; Is 5:20; 1 Jn 1:7 God’s glory Re 21:23 See also Ps 76:4; Ps 84:11; Is 60:19–20; Hab 3:4; 1 Ti 6:15–16 God’s knowledge Ps 90:8; Ps 139:11–12; Da 2:22; 1 Co 4:5 God’s unchangeability Jas 1:17 God’s vengeance See also Ps 94:1; Is 10:17…
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