The Lord's Supper - 2/18/2024

Lord's Supper  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  14:38
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The Lord's Supper February 18, 2024 WELCOME ANNOUNCEMENTS OFFERING GRACE GREATER THAN OUR SIN [G] Today, we observe the Lord's Supper. If you're new to Thornydale Family Church, or you haven't observed the Lord's Supper with us before, we tend to observe this ordinance about once per quarter. We dedicate the entire service to it's observance as to ensure that we approach the observance, not in a ritualistic or religious manner, but as a time of reflection and worship. I think there are three main questions that need to be answered before we begin. * What is the Lord's Supper? * Why do we observe the Lord's Supper? * Who can observe the Lord's Supper? At TFC, we approach everything biblically, so let's see what the Scriptures say about this. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 says: 23 FOR I RECEIVED FROM THE LORD WHAT I ALSO DELIVERED TO YOU, THAT THE LORD JESUS ON THE NIGHT WHEN HE WAS BETRAYED TOOK BREAD, 24 AND WHEN HE HAD GIVEN THANKS, HE BROKE IT, AND SAID, "THIS IS MY BODY, WHICH IS FOR YOU. DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME." 25 IN THE SAME WAY ALSO HE TOOK THE CUP, AFTER SUPPER, SAYING, "THIS CUP IS THE NEW COVENANT IN MY BLOOD. DO THIS, AS OFTEN AS YOU DRINK IT, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME." 26 FOR AS OFTEN AS YOU EAT THIS BREAD AND DRINK THE CUP, YOU PROCLAIM THE LORD'S DEATH UNTIL HE COMES. 27 WHOEVER, THEREFORE, EATS THE BREAD OR DRINKS THE CUP OF THE LORD IN AN UNWORTHY MANNER WILL BE GUILTY CONCERNING THE BODY AND BLOOD OF THE LORD. 28 LET A PERSON EXAMINE HIMSELF, THEN, AND SO EAT OF THE BREAD AND DRINK OF THE CUP. 29 FOR ANYONE WHO EATS AND DRINKS WITHOUT DISCERNING THE BODY EATS AND DRINKS JUDGMENT ON HIMSELF So, let's address these three questions: * What is the Lord's Supper? o According to verses 23-24, it was a meal that Christ instituted with His disciples on the night of His betrayal. o It consisted of bread and wine, representing His body and His blood. Don't worry, we'll discuss this shortly. * Why do we observe the Lord's Supper? o This answer is twofold: * Because Jesus said so. In verse 24 and in verse 25, Jesus said: "Do this." * But, verse 26 is the most instructive, which is to proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. * So, we observe this to be obedient to His command, and to remember His death until His return. * Finally, * Who can observe the Lord's Supper? o It's not as easy to see from the text we read earlier, but it is implied by one, the audience of Paul's letter, and two, the fact that they are gathering together for this observance. o In other words, those who belong to Christ are those who can participate. When we talk about participation, we're speaking directly about the eating the bread and drinking the juice. Paul makes it clear in verses 26-29 that this sacred meal is for those who are, not only in Christ, but also are repentant and sincere. So, before we partake of these elements later, we will offer a time for you to reflect, otherwise, Paul says, you are bringing judgement upon yourselves. So that answers the questions on what we're doing, and why we're doing, and who can participate. Now I want to spend a little bit of time discussing a passage from John 6, in which even Jesus's disciples called it a "difficult saying." This passage does require some background, so let's do that before we read verses 53-58. The way John writes his Gospel account, which of course is much different than the others, has a general purpose of bringing people to the knowledge of Christ, resulting in faith in Christ. He says this plainly at the end of the book, chapter 20, verse 31 in case you want to reference that later. So, in the first part of his book, he outlines some of Jesus's signs (or miracles) from chapter one through chapter twelve. Right before our passage this morning, Jesus performed a sign which resulted in the feeding of 5,000 with only 5 loaves of bread and two fish. Following this event, however, Jesus reveals that many who continued to follow Him after this sign (or miracle), they became hungry again, and that is why they continued to follow Him. And in verse 35 and 48 of John 6, Jesus states, "I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE." While not clear for modern readers, this phrase, this designation "I AM" connected Jesus and the Father as One. That name was the same name that God gave Moses to identify Him to Pharoah. It's the personal name of God. Later in John 10:30 Jesus says that He and the Father are One. John 14:7, Jesus states that if you know Jesus, then you know the Father. John makes it clear Who Jesus is. God the Son. The Anointed One. The One who saves and forgives. So, let's read John 6:53-58 and apply it to the Lord's Supper that we'll be observing this morning. Follow along as I read: 53 SO JESUS SAID TO THEM, "TRULY, TRULY, I SAY TO YOU, UNLESS YOU EAT THE FLESH OF THE SON OF MAN AND DRINK HIS BLOOD, YOU HAVE NO LIFE IN YOU. 54 WHOEVER FEEDS ON MY FLESH AND DRINKS MY BLOOD HAS ETERNAL LIFE, AND I WILL RAISE HIM UP ON THE LAST DAY. 55 FOR MY FLESH IS TRUE FOOD, AND MY BLOOD IS TRUE DRINK. 56 WHOEVER FEEDS ON MY FLESH AND DRINKS MY BLOOD ABIDES IN ME, AND I IN HIM. 57 AS THE LIVING FATHER SENT ME, AND I LIVE BECAUSE OF THE FATHER, SO WHOEVER FEEDS ON ME, HE ALSO WILL LIVE BECAUSE OF ME. 58 THIS IS THE BREAD THAT CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN, NOT LIKE THE BREAD THE FATHERS ATE, AND DIED. WHOEVER FEEDS ON THIS BREAD WILL LIVE FOREVER." First, it important to remind ourselves that the bread represents the body of Christ that was slain, and the juice represents the blood that was shed. In no way is Christ implying that these storebought elements are literally His Body and Blood. As Paul pointed out in the text we read earlier, the bread and the cup represent what Christ did for us. Thus, the reason we observe and remember the Lord's Supper. To close this time, let's discuss: THREE MORE REASONS WE OBSERVE THE LORD'S SUPPER: * Because He gave us eternal life (vv. 53-54, 57-58) o Jesus, back in verse 47, and later in John 11:25 states that believing in Him results in eternal life. o Paul affirms in Romans 6:23 that life comes through faith in Jesus Christ. o It refers to eternity in the presence of God the Father because of the work Jesus did on the cross. o Christ paid the price for those who believe, He ascended back to the sit at the right hand of the Father, which leads us to the second reason to observe the Lord's Supper: * Because He will return for us (vv. 53, 58) o This was the promise He gave us. o The Bible says that He is preparing a place for us. o The book of Revelation speaks of a New Jerusalem and a New Earth. o And He promised that He'd return for us when it was time, which is why Paul told us to observe the Lord's Supper until He returns. o Until then, we observe the Lord's Supper ... * Because He abides in us (v. 56) o Jesus left us the Holy Spirit to dwell within the believer. o The believer, thus, has the assurance of the promises of God that have yet to be fulfilled. Friends, in a few moments we will be partaking of the elements from the table at the front of the stage. As a reminder, if you are a Christian, we invite you to participate when we eat the bread and drink the cup, for the rest of you, we invite you to participate in all other aspects of our service today. Please stand as we sing, while this song is playing, please come to the front and take a piece of bread. If you are in need of any assistance, just raise your hand, and one of the elders or deacons will be able to assist. BROKEN VESSELS [G] PRAYER/REFLECTION SCRIPTURE READING/PARTAKE OF THE BREAD Mark 14:22 AND AS THEY WERE EATING, HE TOOK BREAD, AND AFTER BLESSING IT BROKE IT AND GAVE IT TO THEM, AND SAID, "TAKE; THIS IS MY BODY." As we begin this next song, once again, I'd like to invite you to come to the front and retrieve the juice. If you need assistance, just raise your hand. O THE BLOOD [G] PRAYER/REFLECTION SCRIPTURE READING/PARTAKE OF THE CUP Mark 14:23-24 23 AND HE TOOK A CUP, AND WHEN HE HAD GIVEN THANKS HE GAVE IT TO THEM, AND THEY ALL DRANK OF IT. 24 AND HE SAID TO THEM, "THIS IS MY BLOOD OF THE COVENANT, WHICH IS POURED OUT FOR MANY. COME JESUS COME [D] CLOSING PRAYER 2
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