It's Time to Move Forward

Moving Forward - Lessons From Exodus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Today is the last message of this series. Next week, Travis will bring this concept of Moving Forward to us from the New Testament. I’ve had a chance to chat with him briefly about it and I am excited about the message he will be bringing.
If you haven’t been able to attend each of the messages from this series, I am going to start today with a brief recap of the messages and big ideas. If you any of them spark something in you, I recommend you visit our website or our download our church app to catch up on the messages you missed.

Out of Trouble - Exodus 6:6-8

We started at the beginning of the book of Exodus and saw how God saw the troubles of the nation of Israel as they were in slavery and promised through Moses to bring them out. In this promise from Exodus 6, there were three major promises that were for them as much as there are for us.
God promises Freedom and Redemption (Ex 6:6)
For us, freedom in Christ from sin and redemption from sin because of Jesus.
God promises to make himself known (Ex 6:7)
Today God has made himself known to us in two ways - through the Bible and through the Holy Spirit who dwells in each believer.
God promises a promised land. (Ex 6:8)
We have the promise of heaven ahead of us. In John 14, Jesus said that he would be going ahead of us to prepare a place in heaven for us. This is our promised land.
Just like the Nation of Israel, before Jesus, we find ourselves in slavery and in need of rescue. Out of our trouble, God says I have made a way forward for you in my son Jesus.

Taking the First Step - Exodus 11-14

Week 2, we jumped ahead to Exodus 11-14. The theme that week was taking the first step. Israel had to follow God’s instructions in order to escape slavery. They had to take several first steps along the way. We talked about 3 things as we looked at their first steps...
Taking a first step can be scary - a change of focus may be needed
Their focus was so often on the problems or the obstacles. When they changed their focus to what God was doing instead of the problem, things went much better.
Then we saw that...
Taking a first step will be unsteady and awkward - don’t expect to run with the first step.
How many times do we expect that we are going to get it right and have it all figured out with our first step…We are going to talk in a bit about some first steps that Crossroads will be taking soon. We don’t expect we’ll have it all figured out…it might even be awkward, but that’s OK because we’re mover forward.
Taking a first step brings something new - don’t dwell on the past.
When something new comes, it can be our tendency to look at the past and wish it were still that way. Israel, several times in their exodus, kept wanting to return to the past, but God was moving them forward.
That was perfect segue to the next week...

Out of Grumbling - Exodus 15-17

There were several passages in Exodus where we see the nation of Israel grumbling to Moses and even about Moses, but they were really Grumbling to and about what God was doing. Here are some of the ways in which we might be inclined to grumble...
It’s too hard. I don’t have what I need. It was better before - I want to go back.
I imagine we can all find ourselves uttering those statements. The truth of the Gospel and the truth that God wanted his people to know is this:
Nothing is too hard for you, Lord God. (Jeremiah 32:17)
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." (Mt 7:7–8)
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! (Isa 43:18-19)
Israel had to roam in the wilderness for 40 years in part because they grumbled. Don’t let grumbling keep you from all that God wants for you.
In week 4, we covered a topic that is counter cultural when thinking about moving forward. That topic was rest.

In Times of Rest - Exodus 20:8-11

Sometimes our greatest progress in moving forward happens during or right after a period of rest.
God’s design for us includes regular periods of rest. A weekly rest God calls the Sabbath - a 24 hour period of rest every week. The Sabbath is a gift given by God to us to be a blessing.
I heard people celebrating how many days in a row they’ve worked or how little sleep they got, when in reality God wants us to celebrate and enjoy rest.
I heard testimonies that following week where some of you even took some time off work because you just needed the rest.

After Failure - Exodus 32

Jumping ahead to Exodus 32, we then talked about how Aaron made a golden calf to worship while Moses was up on Mount Sinai meeting with God.
I trust that we have all failed at some point. We deliberately made a choice or decision that we knew was wrong. Out of that failure we usually have to deal with some natural consequences that come, but that is the final word.
Moses pleaded with God about this failure of Aaron and the people - God relented and did not hand out the punishment they deserved.
In fact, Aaron would go on to be the first priest. That is our story as well. Jesus redeems, Jesus forgives.
1 John says this:
1 John 1:9 NIV
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
When you fail, admit the failure, repent and turn to Jesus with it.

Through Sacrificial Giving - Exodus 35:4-35

In week 6, we saw God’s people give to the construction of the tabernacle and all of the furnishings. God so move in people to give that they had to restrain the people from giving more.
This message came a few weeks after our business meeting and Vision Sunday when I shared a possibility for this property that included additions on to this building and the subsequent new sanctuary building out back.
We are still awaiting quotes and other information that will allow us to make a decision on how to move forward in making more space for our children and their families.
I believe when the time comes, God will move in the hearts of people here and the resources we need to move forward will be provided by those who give sacrificially.
The following week, we talked about everyone’s favorite thing to do…waiting.

While You’re Waiting - Exodus 40:34-38

It is so hard to wait and be patient. If you are like me, even the slightest hint of having to wait gets you fired up, yet sometimes God has us wait.
We saw here at the end of Exodus, the nation of Israel would camp and stay put as long as the cloud was over the tabernacle. When the cloud lifted, they would pack up and move with the cloud.
Just because they waited on the cloud to lift, that doesn’t mean they didn’t do anything. Just because we might find ourselves in a period of waiting, that doesn’t mean we don’t do anything.
Psalm 37 says this about waiting...
Psalm 37:3–4 NIV
3 Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Sometimes the times of waiting is a time of preparation. As we trust in Him, as we do good, as we delight in Him, he changes the desires of our heart to match his. Then when the time comes to be done waiting, we are prepared to move forward in whatever God is calling into.
Then a couple of weeks ago, we continued this series into the book of Numbers.

When It Seems Impossible - Numbers 13-14

Moses sent 12 scouts into the promised land and asked them to see what the land was like. 10 of them returned saying that the task ahead was impossible. Only two of them, Caleb and Joshua, gave a report that placed their faith in God. Here is what they said:
Numbers 14:7–9 NIV
7 and said to the entire Israelite assembly, “The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. 8 If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. 9 Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.”
God was leading them to a good place. They needed to get things right with the Lord and not rebel. God will lead and God will give. When facing something impossible, fear is a typical reaction, but Caleb and Joshua encouraged the people to not be afraid.
Fear takes hold when we lose sight of the God who is the almighty and we look at the impossibility of the situation.
If God is leading you forward, don’t fear what looks to be impossible. Instead, ask God to reveal his might and power to you.
We closed by reading Elisha’s prayer out of 2 Kings 6 and applying that to ourselves:
Open our eyes, Lord, that we may see. (2 Kings 6:17)
That then brought us to last week when we talked about rebellion.

Despite Rebellion - Numbers 16

In this passage, we saw two main seeds of rebellion. As I reflect on my life and the times that I’ve rebelled, I can see one of these two seeds as the source of my rebellion As I’ve heard some of your stories and the stories of others and how they found themselves in rebellion, these two seed were present.
The first is pride. Pride looks at what we deserve or how we are better than. Ultimately...
Pride is turning out back to God.
We know best and we want our way. The cure or prevention of pride is humility...
Humility is turning our face to God.
We want what God wants. We surrender our wants to him. We seek God’s (and other’s) forgiveness rather than respect. We defer honor to God and others.
The second seed of rebellion is hurts and offense.
Hurts and offense take root in unforgiveness
We are hurt or offended and allow ourselves to get worked up and angry. Like in the story, Korah eventually allowed the hurt and offense to spill over to others and that resulted in their rebellion.
Here is a quote I’ve heard about unforgiveness: Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Hurts and offense are neutralized by offering forgiveness
We can’t change anyone else. We can only lead the change within ourselves. By replacing the hurt and offense in our heart with forgiveness, we chose a healthier path forward for ourselves.
The last thing I want to say about last week that is important to know…
It is impossible to move forward while in rebellion.
If you find yourself in rebellion, seek God’s forgiveness as soon as you recognize it. Then deal with the seed of pride or hurt/offense that brought you to that point.
I can tell you from experience…coming out of rebellion and getting things right propels you forward with God. It’s like strapping on a booster rocket with God.
That brings us to today’s message...

It’s Time to Move Forward!

At some point this morning, I believe each of you probably heard something that you might say is your moving forward thing.
Perhaps you find yourself in trouble and you haven’t received the freedom that Jesus offers by trusting in him.
Maybe you see a step ahead and you are unsure about it and God is saying to you today take that step in faith.
Some of you find yourselves in a season of grumbling and God wants you to look to him for your satisfaction. He has what you need.
I know there are those of you who are not great about rest and God’s convicting you to take some time and rest in him.
Maybe failure is the word you are holding over yourself and Jesus says to you today to trust in him and he will be faithful to forgive.
Maybe you are in a season of waiting, but you haven’t been waiting patiently. You’ve been trying to force whatever it is and God would say to you…don’t get ahead of me. Trust my timing.
For some, you are looking at circumstance or obstacle and think that it is just impossible. Jesus said that with God all things are possible. Turn your eyes from the thing and turn toward God who has all things in his hands.
If you are in rebellion today, don’t leave today without making things right with God. Then do the work to get rid of pride and any unforgiveness. I know that work is hard…really hard, but it is so worth it.
It is most important to me that each of you are on your own path in moving forward with God. I believe that God has so much for each of us individually…in our personal time, in our homes, in our work and in our community. He is calling us to move forward in him.
I want to end today with an ask of you to consider moving forward with us as a church.
During the vision message, I shared that one way we were considering moving forward was to offer two services every weekend. We believe that God has brought us to place where this is something we need to consider.
I believe God wants us to reach more of our community for him. As things are now, we don’t have a lot of room left for others to be able to join. Our children’s rooms are at or over capacity. My heart is that we would have the space for someone to be able to come and hear about Jesus.
With all of that said, going to two services is going to be a major change for us. if we are going to successfully offer two services, we are going to need some additional help. We recognize that without the people serving in the areas of need, two services are out of the question. We cannot allow just a few to serve all of the time. We are going to need most if not all of you to serve in some way.
Here is the ask. Would you consider serving every other weekend at one service in one of the ministry needs we have? You could then attend the other service time if you wanted. Serve in one service, attend the other.
Then, for the next week, if we are able to fill all of the needed spots, you could attend the service of your choice without the pressure to serve.
Here are the areas of service we need to fill...
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