The Goodness of God

God Is: The Attributes of God  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  39:46
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The Goodness of God

Before we get into the attribute we are going to look at today I want to start off with the beginning of an interaction Jesus has with the man known as the rich young ruler.
I’m not going to explain the whole interaction, but I want this to be the beginning of our study this morning.
Mark 10:17–18 CSB
17 As he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before him, and asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked him. “No one is good except God alone.
In this quick interaction with the rich young ruler, Jesus hits on the attribute we are going to look at this morning.
The goodness of God.
Now I’m not blinded to the fact that those who stand against God don’t think that he is all that good.
They ask questions like, “If God is good why do all these bad things happen?”
Why doesn’t he stop all the pain and suffering in the world.
And before we really look at those objections we need to define what does the goodness of God mean?
How should we define the goodness of God?
Let’s define it this way:
Goodness of God: God is the final standard of good and that all that God is and does is worthy of approval
So if we defined the goodness of God this way to those who question God’s goodness need to know that he is the standard and source of all goodness.
Here’s what I mean:
The only way that they know that things are good is b/c God has allowed them to experience goodness.
I know that for many that won’t be an acceptable answer.
So what I want to do this morning is examine different aspects of God’s goodness.
I want us to take sometime and delve into the and stand in awe and wonder of the goodness of God.
But before we do, let’s pray.
Now like we started off last week I want to begin with the examination of God’s goodness in Creation.

Goodness in Creation

We see in the very opening pages of Scripture that God’s creation is good.
Over and over again Moses, the author of Genesis, tells us that God looks at what he has made and says its good.
God sees the Light and it was good.
God saw the earth and it was good.
He saw the plants and they were good.
He saw the sun, moon, and stars and they were good.
Fish of the sea were good.
land animals were good
All ending up in Gen 1:31
Genesis 1:31 CSB
31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good indeed. Evening came and then morning: the sixth day.
Everything that God made was good.
The reason that all was good is b/c it overflowed from God’s goodness.
God creates good things.
Now we do have to be careful here.
B/c one of the arguments that people make to justify their sin is that God made me this way.
And if God makes good things and he created me this way, then this is how God wants me to be.
The problem with this flow of the argument is that it doesn’t take into account the reality that sin distorts God’s goodness.
Sin always takes what God created as good and then twists it and manipulates it and then makes it not good.
This is not to say that sin is more powerful than God, but b/c of the sinful state of the world and our hearts we need to make sure that what we call good isn’t in fact evil in the eyes of the Lord.
B/c God is the source and fount of all good things, we must look to him for definitions of what is good.
Our sinful desires are not good and they don’t come from God.
They come from a heart, mind, and rational that is distorted by the stain of sin.

Goodness to Creation

Now that that clarification is done, I want to move on to God’s goodness to creation.
And if we are honest we take a lot of this goodness to creation for granted.
Think about it real quick.
What are some good things about creation?
Let’s start off with beauty.
This is probably the most basic one.
Just Friday Morning the kids were leaving for school and we opened the front door to a magnificently beautiful sunrise.
Eden even stopped for a minute and was awestruck by the beauty.
Some people even talk about the sky being God’s canvas at sunrise and sunset.
The beauty that arises from those daily events come b/c of God goodness.
He wants us to see the beauty in the heavens.
But it’s not just the beauty in the skies.
What about beauty on the fields.
Blue Bonnets, Indian Paintbrushes, lilies, these are all beautiful creations of God that are good for us to look at.
God didn’t have to make things beautiful.
He didn’t have to make it to where we see a plethora of colors.
But b/c of his goodness. He did.
He knew that the beauty of creation would draw us toward his glory.
And b/c he is beautiful he wanted us to see his beauty and goodness in the world he created.
Next in his creation we have the goodness of God in food.
How often do take a step back and simply enjoy how tasty food is.
God could have not given us taste buds or made all food taste like grey mush.
But in his goodness he made it to where we can taste the food we eat.
We can know the savory taste of steak.
We can taste the sweet and nutty complexity of a pecan pie.
We can taste the sourness of pickles.
This is amazing.
In fact, if we do an assessment of the Scriptures food is one of the things that is at the center.
The eating of the fruit in the garden.
The promise to the Israelites that they would have a land flowing with milk and honey.
The Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples.
And at the end of time we will have a wedding feast with the king.
Here’s what really pushes it over for me.
The beauty in creation and the tasting of good food weren’t after thoughts for God.
They weren’t add-ons they were intentional.
It is b/c God is good that good food and beauty existed.
Psalm 34:8 CSB
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the person who takes refuge in him!
Here’s the thing, I want you imagine the most delicious food you have eaten.
Imagine eating it in the most beautiful place you can think of.
And know I want you to know that God’s goodness is way better than that.
The goodness of God is what allows those things to exist.
So they are a mere shadow of God’s Goodness.
God is the source and supply of all good things.
When I talk about God’s Goodness in the beauty of creation and in the taste of food, you may think it’s silly, but what I want you to know is that God’s goodness is in what we could consider the most mundane.
God’s goodness should never be taken for granted.
And if we see the goodness of God in a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.
If we see the goodness of God in the flowers of the field.
Then we will be able to see his goodness everywhere.
We will be more tuned into the goodness of God in all aspects.
We can truly see that God is the source and supply of all that is good.
God is good to all creation.
We have air to breath.
Rain for crops.
Seasons for planting and harvesting.
These are all good gifts to God’s creation.
Psalm 145:9 CSB
9 The Lord is good to everyone; his compassion rests on all he has made.
God Goodness even extends to the animal kingdom
Matthew 6:26 CSB
26 Consider the birds of the sky: They don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they?
Job 38:41 CSB
41 Who provides the raven’s food when its young cry out to God and wander about for lack of food?
God goodness provides not just for humanity but for all of his creation.
He watches over all his creation b/c he is good.
He created ecosystems to be balanced.
He created the worms that the birds would eat.
There is a balance and beauty to his creations and his goodness toward animals.
Even animals can’t escape the beauty of God’s goodness.
God’s Goodness extends even to those who don’t believe in him.
This is what we refer to as common grace.
Common grace is the grace from God that touches every aspect of creation.
It is common for all.
Think about the goodness of God and the fact that he holds out his goodness even to those who are his enemies.
We may not want to think about it that way, but those who reject God.
Those who don’t believe are his enemies and he is offering to them his goodness.
What are some of the common good things that God gives to unbelievers?
How about marriage:
The fact that unbelievers can partake in this beautiful union is a common grace of God.
What about children?
Children are a gift. Sometimes a frustrating gift, but they are a gift of God’s goodness, nonetheless.
Psalm 127:3 CSB
3 Sons are indeed a heritage from the Lord, offspring, a reward.
Many of us could definitely benefit from seeing our children as an gift from the Lord.
God also allows unbelievers to be productive in work.
They can accomplish and provide.
They can make things that will benefit others in society.
They can make discoveries that change the course of history.
They can have accomplishments at work that bring them a sort of satisfaction at a job well done.
They can enjoy the beauty of music, sunrises, sunsets, and food.
They are afforded the opportunity to have great friendships and other relationships.
God’s common grace is available for all.
And these good things, even though they are enjoyed by those who don’t believe, still come from the source of all good things, that is God himself.
Matthew 5:45 (CSB)
45...For he causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Acts 14:17 CSB
17 although he did not leave himself without a witness, since he did what is good by giving you rain from heaven and fruitful seasons and filling you with food and your hearts with joy.”
As bad as we think the world is around us, if we actually just took some time and reflected we would see that there are in fact, some really good things in the world.
And what I find sad is that non-believers sometimes enjoy life more than those who worship the Lord.
God created this world to be enjoyed.
And those who recognize him as Lord should be able to enjoy it more than anyone else.
We should know, taste, and see that the Lord is good in all the good things that he has given us.
But if we are honest, sometimes we look at the good things that the unbelievers enjoy and it is a stumbling block to us.
Why do they prosper?
Why do they make more money, have a bigger house, and a nicer life than I do?
The prospering of the unbelievers can be difficult for us to comprehend.
In fact, this isn’t new to us in our time and culture.
This was a struggle even for biblical authors.
One of the prime examples is found in Psalm 73.
Here are just a few excerpts from it.
Psalm 73:2–5 CSB
2 But as for me, my feet almost slipped; my steps nearly went astray. 3 For I envied the arrogant; I saw the prosperity of the wicked. 4 They have an easy time until they die, and their bodies are well fed. 5 They are not in trouble like others; they are not afflicted like most people.
Have you ever felt that way?
Asking God, Why is this person prospering when I’ve committed my life to you and I am struggling?
It’s easy to fall into that trap.
Comparison is the thief of Joy.
But this isn’t the end for the author of this psalm.
He regains perspective.
And gives us a remedy to this trap we can fall into.
Psalm 73:16–17 CSB
16 When I tried to understand all this, it seemed hopeless 17 until I entered God’s sanctuary. Then I understood their destiny.
Psalm 73:22–26 CSB
22 I was stupid and didn’t understand; I was an unthinking animal toward you. 23 Yet I am always with you; you hold my right hand. 24 You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me up in glory. 25 Who do I have in heaven but you? And I desire nothing on earth but you. 26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart, my portion forever.
This author recognizes that God is the ultimate prize.
That his goodness is where we find true hope, joy, and life.
There will be a time when the prosperous on earth will have to face the music.
When the wicked, those opposed to God, will have to answer and they will be found wanting.
But For those of us who have submitted to the Lord, we know that our inheritance is the Lord.
We may suffer here on earth.
We may not have the temporal blessings of money, health, and other things, but we will have the Lord forever.
That is our ultimate hope and reality.
We cannot forget that though God is good to the unbeliever he is even better to the one who believes.
Let’s look at
Matthew 7:7–11 CSB
7 “Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. 9 Who among you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him.

Goodness to His Children

Here Jesus is teaching a lesson to those who Love God.
God is going to provide what is needed for his children.
Did you know that God delights in meeting the needs of his children?
He loves to give good gifts to those who love him.
That’s what we see in these verses here.
God gives good gifts.
He loves to give good gifts.
If we ask he will give.
Now again, we need to be careful here.
God isn’t going to give us just whatever we ask.
We can’t expect that God will give us a better job, a bigger house, or a new car.
God gives good gifts and sometimes those good gifts aren’t the things we ask for.
sometimes we ask for gifts that aren’t good.
The gifts from God that we ask for are sometimes selfish in nature.
Or maybe they won’t be beneficial to our growth in the knowledge of God.
God always gives gifts to his children that shape us into the image of Jesus.
That’s truly what is for our ultimate good.
So when God answers our prayers, he is answering them with the best good in mind.
Maybe what you are asking for isn’t going to bring about the greatest good for your life.
So God may say No, you can’t have that.
And in those circumstances we need to trust him.
Knowing that Every good gift comes from God.
That’s what James says in
James 1:17 CSB
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
So if there is any goodness in you life.
It is a gift from God alone.
What other aspects is God good to his children?
He is good in his plans for us.
Romans 12:2 CSB
2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
Ephesians 2:10 CSB
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.
God’s plan for us is that we would serve the ultimate good which is his glory.
And the fact that he has invited us along on his mission to seek and save the lost is something that we should be thankful for.
Not only that, but God is good to us even when our circumstances are bad.
Trials are meant to conform us to the image of Christ.
I know that I beat this drum constantly, but It’s something that we must remember, God will redeem every situation and trial that his children encounter.
And in that redemption what he is doing primarily is making us look more like Jesus.
Romans 8:28–29 CSB
28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. 29 For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
That’s the goodness of God, that he is forever faithful to his purposes and to our good.
And our ultimate good is that we are made to look more like Jesus.
This is the goodness of God’s providence and oversight in our lives.
We can trust that he isn’t out of control.
That he doesn’t leave us or forsake us.
That he isn’t dumbfounded by the circumstances we are in.
Rather that in his goodness he is going to make all things new and work them together for our good.
God is also good in his patience toward believers.
The fact that he doesn’t cut us off from our promised inheritance when we blatantly sin against him is good.
That he endures or as the Scriptures say he is longsuffering.
Meaning that he doesn’t through the towel in when we continually sin in his face.
That is the goodness of God.
God also continues to extend forgiveness to us.
That he pardons and washes our sins away b/c our lives are found in Christ.
He continually and graciously forgives us.
God’s goodness towards his children is never ending.
So we should never doubt his Goodness.
In fact, getting us to doubt God’s goodness is one of the devils greatest ploys.
If he can get us to think that God isn’t good then he can better entice us into sin.
That’s exactly what he did in the garden.
It’s been his primary play since the beginning.
When he whispers in our ear that there is something better for us out there.
That God doesn’t have our best interest at heart.
That sin is better than God’s good gifts.
That’s the deception.
We have to stand on the truth that God is good all the time.
That his mercy, grace, and love is better than we can ever imagine.
And one of the ways that we stand on the truth of God’s goodness is that we go out and imitate God’s goodness to the world around us.

Our Response to God’s Goodness

Galatians 6:10 CSB
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us work for the good of all, especially for those who belong to the household of faith.
As followers of Jesus, we should be out here in the world spreading the goodness of God.
We do good to others.
We make the world around us a better place.
If you belong to him then you are tapped into the source and fount of all good.
And when we do good for others, we are ultimately doing good things for God.
This is the calling of the believer.
Following Jesus isn’t a passive exercise.
Rather it is an active life.
And one of the ways we are active is through doing good because we have received good from God.
Imitate God’s goodness to the world around you.
What are some practical ways we can do that?
We can practice patience at home, work, and everywhere else.
Patience is something that most people can improve one.
If we remember the patience that Lord extends to us then we should practice it on other people.
We can extend forgiveness to those who have wronged us.
Listen, we are all going to face people who have harmed us, but one of the greatest gifts we have been given by God is forgiveness through Jesus.
Recognize how much God has forgiven you and extend that to others.
Another good thing that you can do is serve others.
Be a light to the world around you.
Step out of selfishness and pride and humble yourself to serve others.
Serve the church. Serve your family. Serve your community.
Generosity is another good thing that we can do to imitate God’s goodness.
He didn’t withhold his son from us.
He gave generously so that we could have redemption.
Nothing you have belongs to you, remember we are simply stewards of God’s gifts.
Be generous with what he has given you.
Proclaim the good news.
The best good that you can do is tell people about Jesus.
Tell them about who he was, what he did, and how they can experience the Goodness of God in their life.
How they can know the king of the universe.
That’s an amazing good work that you can do at anytime.
That’s what Jesus did.
He showed up proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God.
Now I want us to understand that none of those good works will save you.
None of those good deeds will make you right with God.
These good deeds are done as an overflow of the heart.
As a byproduct of your love for God.
We are God’s ambassadors of reconciliation.
We are called to do good works and show the goodness of God.
Let us not neglect this calling.
Let’s pray.
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