09-13-23 Trinity 2: YHWH Elohim

Trinity In the Old Testament  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  28:29
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This week we will define more of the Shema from Deuteronomy 6:4. What is YHWH mean? Who is Yahweh? What does "elohim" mean and who is elohim? You may be surprised at what the Old Testament has to say. Download the Word document to this lesson and take notes...

TRINITY: TERMS AND DEFINITIONS # TERM Definition Source Era: Ancient Near East Second Temple Manuscripts: Septuagint Masoretic Text Terms: Angel of Yahweh Divine Plurality Elohim Godhead Host of Heaven Idolatry Monotheism One (Hebrew Echad) "Only Begotten" Son The Name Sons of God Yahweh's Council YHWH -
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