Prophesying the Kingdom - 1 Samuel

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The books get their title from the prophet Samuel, the principal character of the opening chapters. In view of the fact that he was the last of the judges, one of the greatest prophets, founder of the schools of the prophets, and the one who anointed both Saul and David, it is not inappropriate that these books bear his name.1
1 John C. Whitcomb and John J. Davis, Israel: From Conquest to Exile: A Commentary on Joshua–2 Kings, Combined paper edition. (Winona Lake, IN: BMH Books, 2012), 182.
Basic Outline of 1 Samuel
I. The Role of Samuel. 1-8 (Prophet, priest, and Judge)
1. From what tribe is the prophet Samuel? (Ans. Samuel was from the tribe of Levi. His father lived in the tribal area of Ephraim. (1 Chron. 6:22, 26).
2. What two offices did Samuel hold? (Ans. a priest as well as prophet.)
3. What is the name of Samuel’s father? (1:1) Elkanah
5. Give the name of Samuel’s mother. (1:19-20) Hannah
9. To what did Samuel’s mother dedicate him from birth? (Ans. to be a Nazarite from birth. (1:11)
Did Samuel’s mother have other children? How many? (2:21) 5 more three sons two daughters
Who was the High Priest that oversaw Samuel’s early life and education? (1:3) Eli
Where was the Ark located during the period of time covered by Joshua and Judges? (1:3) Shiloh
Name the sons of the High Priest (1:3). Hophni Phinehas
Who honored his sons above God by not properly discipling them? (2:29) Eli
1 Sam 8.
1. How many sons did Samuel have? (8:2) two
2. Samuel made his sons judges. Were they good or bad men? (8:3) Bad
For what two reasons did the people ask Samuel for a King? (8:5, 19-20) He was old and his sons bad, They wanted to be like other nations
II. The Reign of King Saul. 9-15 (Israel’s first King)
III. The Rise of David. 16-31 (The “man after God’s heart”)
Old Testament Literature
(Study Guide #8)
Assigned: 1 Samuel
Basic Outline of 1 Samuel

The Role of Samuel. 1-8 (Prophet, priest, and Judge)

The Reign of King Saul. 9-15 (Israel’s first King)

The Rise of David. 16-31 (The “man after God’s heart”)

I Samuel Questions
Chap. 1:
From what tribe is the prophet Samuel? (Ans. Samuel was from the tribe of Levi. His father lived in the tribal area of Ephraim. (1 Chron. 6:22, 26).
What two offices did Samuel hold? (Ans. a priest as well as prophet.)
What is the name of Samuel’s father? (1:1) Elkanah
Give the names of the two wives of Samuel’s father. (1:2) Hannah Peninnah
Give the name of Samuel’s mother. (1:19-20) Hannah
Who was the High Priest that oversaw Samuel’s early life and education? (1:3) Eli
Where was the Ark located during the period of time covered by Joshua and Judges? (1:3) Shiloh
Name the sons of the High Priest (1:3). Hophni Phinehas
To what did Samuel’s mother dedicate him from birth? (Ans. to be a Nazarite from birth. (1:11)
Chap. 2:
Were the sons of Eli godly men? (2:12) No
Did Samuel’s mother have other children? How many? (2:21) 5 more three sons two daughters
Who honored his sons above God by not properly discipling them? (2:29) Eli
Chap. 3:
How many times did God call unto Samuel before Samuel knew it was God? (3:1, 6, 8, 10). Three
What was Eli’s punishment for not restraining his sons? (3:13-14) Judged forever
Chap. 4:
At the battle of Aphek (4:1), the Philistines defeated Israel. The Ark of the Lord was captured and what two priests were killed? (4:11) Hophni & Phinehas
How did Eli die? (4:18) Fell backwards and broke his neck
Whose wife had a child she named Ichabod because the Ark was captured and the glory of God was departed from Israel? (4:19). Phinehas
What does the name Ichabod mean? (Ans. “No glory”)
Chap. 5:
When the Philistines captured the Ark, they took it to Ashdod and put it in the house of their god. Name their god (5:2).Dagon
What happened to their god? (5:3-4) Fell the first day / Head and arms cut off the next.
What were the “emerods” with which God smote the Philistines? (Ans. probably the bubonic plague caused by infected fleas on rodents.)
Chap. 6:
How long was the Ark in Philistine territory? (6:1) Seven Months
Name the five Philistine cities (6:17). Locate them on a map. Ashdod, Gaza, Askelon, Gath, Ekron
What city of Israel lost 50,070 people because they looked into the Ark of the LORD? (6:19) Bethshemesh
Chap. 7:
How did long the Ark remain at Shiloh? (Ans. for over 300 years.)
After it was captured by the Philistines, they returned it after 7 months. The Ark came to rest for 20 years in the city of Kirjath-jearim in whose house? (7:1) Abinadab
At what place did Samuel pray for Israel that God would forgive their sins? (7:5) Mizpeh
What does “Ebenezer” mean? (7:12) (Ans. “The stone of help”)
Name the three cities that comprised Samuel’s judgeship circuit. (7:16) Bethel, Gilgal, Mizpeh
Name Samuel’s home town. (7:17) Ramah
Chap. 8:
How many sons did Samuel have? (8:2) two
Samuel made his sons judges. Were they good or bad men? (8:3) Bad
For what two reasons did the people ask Samuel for a King? (8:5, 19-20) He was old and his sons bad, They wanted to be like other nations
Chap. 9:
From what tribe was Saul? (9:1) Benjamin
What is the name of Saul’s father? (9:1) Kish
Chap. 10:
What three signs did Samuel give Saul to prove God had really chosen Saul to be King of Israel? (10:2, 3-4, 5-6). 1. He would meet two men by Rachel’s sepulcher who would tell him his donkeys were found and his father was worried about him. 2. At Tabor he would meet three men going up to God at Bethel one carrying three kids, one carrying three loaves, and the other carrying a bottle of wine. They will give him two loaves of bread. 3. At the hill of God he would meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with musical instruments they shall prophesy. The Lord will come upon you and you will prophesy with them.
What is the Scriptural evidence that Saul was spiritually born again? (10:9) God gave him another heart.
Where was Saul publicly declared King by Samuel? (10:17, 24) Mizpeh
What city was Saul’s home town? (10:26) Gibeah
Chap. 11:
Who was the first foreign nation to cause problems after Saul became King? (11:1) Ammonite
What is the name of the enemy King? (11:1) Nahash
What city in Israel was threatened by this enemy? (11:1) Jabeshgilead
After defeating the first enemy, the people of Israel renewed Saul’s kingship. Where did the Kingdom renewal take place? (11:14) Gilgal
Chap. 12:
Who said, “God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you?” (12:23) Samuel
Chap. 13:
Where was Saul when he “forced” himself and offered a burnt offering to secure God’s blessing in battle? (13:12) Gilgal
How many soldiers were left with Saul when Samuel finally showed up? (13:15) 600 men
Who held the iron-working monopoly in Canaan? (The Philistines knew how to work with iron; the Israelites had not yet gained this science.)
Chap. 14:
Did Jonathan have a strong faith in God? (14:6) Yes
How many Philistines did Jonathan kill in his endeavor? (14:14) 20
What foolish oath / curse did King Saul pronounce during the battle? (14:24)
Who violated the oath / curse unwittingly and was condemned to die by King Saul? (14:42, 44). Jonathan
Who was Saul’s general of the army? (14:50) Abner
Chap. 15:
Samuel gave King Saul a commission to utterly destroy what nation? (15:3) Amalek
King Saul disobeyed his commission. How did he do this? (15:8-9) Didn’t slay agag or the animals
Did King Saul talk himself into believing he had obeyed his commission? (15:13) Yes
Who said, “To obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams? (15:22) Samuel
To whom was the above statement made? Saul
Rebellion and stubbornness is compared to what sins? (15:23) Witchcraft
What was King Saul’s punishment from God for disobedience? (15:28) Kingdom rent from his hand
Who killed King Agag? Of what nation was he king? (15:33) Samuel Amalekites
Chap. 16:
How many brothers did David have? (16:10) 7
Who is David’s father? (16:5) Jesse
What is David’s home town? (16:4) Bethlehem
What did Saul wish David to do for him? (16:16, 23) Play the harp to calm him
What two positions did David fulfill for Saul? (16:21, 23) Armourbearer, harpist
Chap. 17:
How many brothers of David were in Saul’s army? (17:13 3
How tall was Goliath (in feet and inches) (17:4) 9 foot 6
What reward did Saul offer to the person who killed Goliath? (17:25) Riches, his daughter to wife, and father’s house would be free in Israel
What two feats of bravery had God enabled David to perform that made David feel confident God would help him defeat Goliath? (17:34-35) Slay a lion and a bear with bare hands.
What did David tell Goliath he was going to do to him? (17:46) Smite him and take his head
Who was the general in charge of Saul’s army? (17:55) Abner
Chap. 18:
Who was David’s best friend? (18:1)
What song made Saul jealousy of David? (18:7)
How many times did Saul try to kill David by throwing a spear at him while David played music for Saul? (18:11, 19:10)
What is the name of Saul’s daughter David was supposed to win and marry by defeating Goliath? (18:17).Merab
Which daughter of Saul loved David? (18:20).Michal
What dowry did Saul ask of David for the right to marry Michal? (18:25) 100 Philistine forskins
What dowry did David pay Saul? (18:27) 200
What did God’s blessings on David do to Saul? (18:29) Jealous
Chap. 19:
Who interceded for David and talked Saul out of trying to kill David? (19:6) Jonathan
When David fled from the palace, where was the first place he went? (19:18). Ramah
Chap. 20:
Did Saul in anger try to kill his own son Jonathan? (20:33)
Did Jonathan know David was to become the next King? (20:13-15, 31)
Chap. 21:
Who was the High Priest at Nob to whom David lied? (21:1-2) Ahimelech
What kind of bread did the High Priest give David? (21:6) Shewbread
What servant of Saul overheard David and the priest and reported it to Saul? (21:7; 22:9) Doeg
Where did David act like a mad man, scratching at the gate and letting spittle run down into his beard, in order to save his life? (21:10, 12-13) Gath
Chap. 22:
David gathered 400 men under him. What were their common problems? (22:23) Saul sought their life
With what King did David seek sanctuary for his parents? (22:3) Moab
How many priest did Doeg the Edomite slay? (22:18-19) 85
What son of Ahimelech escaped the slaughter and fled to David for protection? (22:20) Abiathar
Did David feel any responsibility for the slaughter? (22:22)
Chap. 23:
What city did David deliver from the Philistines who were robbing their threshingfloors? (23:1,5) Keilah
How did David learn that the city he had saved would deliver him and his men to Saul? (23:9, 12) The Lord
Was Jonathan jealous of David? (23:16-18) No
How did God deliver David from certain capture by Saul in the wilderness of Maon? (23:26-28) Sent Philisitnes invasion
Chap. 24:
Where did David have opportunity to kill Saul but only cut off the skirt of Saul’s robe? (24:1, 3) Cave of Engedi
Why did David not harm Saul? (24:6) He wouldn’t touch the Lord’s annointed
What did Saul request of David? (24:21) He wouldn’t cut off his seed
Did Saul know David would become the next King? (24:20) Yes
Chap. 25:
Where was Samuel buried? (25:1) Ramah
Note: Nabal means “fool.” Nabal was married to whom? (25:3)
What did Abigail do when she heard of her husband’s response to David’s request for food? (25:18)
Note: Personal vengeance was not permitted. (25:26, 31, 33l)
What happened to Nabal when his wife told him how close he and all the men had come to being slaughtered by David’s men? (25:37)
Who killed Nabal? (25:38)
Who became David’s second and third wives? (25:44)
What happened to his first wife, Michal? (25:44)
Chap. 26:
Who was willing to go with David to sneak into Saul’s camp? (26:6) Abishai
What was his relationship to David’s general, Joab? (26:6) brother
Why did not David kill Saul this second opportunity? (26:9, 11)
Why was David able to secretly steal Saul’s spear and cruse of water without anyone waking up? (26:12)
Who does David mock for not properly protecting Saul? (26:14-16)
Who said, “I have sinned ..... I have played the fool and have erred exceedingly”? (26:21)
Chap. 27:
David got discouraged and failed to trust God. As a result, he went and joined forces with what enemy of Israel? (27:2)
What location did Achish give David and his men as their dwelling place? (27:6) Ziklag
How long did David dwell with the Philistines? (27:7) 1 year four months
How was David able to rob and plunder non-Israeli peoples and at the same time make Achish believe that he was killing Israelites? (27:9, 11) slew them all
Chap. 28:
Saul could not get answer from God. Therefore, to whom did he seek information about the up-coming battle with the Philistines? (28:7)
What dead person did Saul wish to speak to? (28:11)
Who said, “Tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me”?
Chap. 29:
How did God keep David from fighting against his own people during the Philistine-Israelite battle at Gilboa? (29:3-5, 9)
Chap. 30:
Who burned Ziklag and captured all the women and children while David and his 600 men had been gone? (30:1) Amalekites
How did David determine his battle strategy? (30:7-8)
What politically smart thing did David do to keep friendship in the Judean tribal areas that he frequented? (30:26-31)
Chap. 31:
Upon the slopes of what mountain did Saul and three of his sons die? (31:1)
Saul was mortally wounded by a Philistine arrow. How did he finally die? (31:4-5)
What did the Philistines do to Saul’s dead body? (31:9-10)
What city rescued Saul’s dead body from the wall of Beth-shan? (31:11)
Where was Saul and his sons buried? (31:13)
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