Honoring God by Honoring One Another // James 2:1-13 // Pastor Jose

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So today our message is honoring God by honoring one another honoring God by honoring one. Another in today, when move to chapter 2, after 5 weeks in chapter one. So hopefully, we're going to spend five weeks in Chapter 2, but as we look at you, after to the theme, there is about honoring one another to start wave, and then to be to to make our faith works. So let's just read the text and then we'll come back for some commentary on the tax chapter 2 gems verse 1 to 13. It says my brother's show. No partiality. As you hold the faith in our Lord. Jesus Christ. The lord of Glory. That means favoritism. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine. Clothing comes into your assembly and a poor man in shabby clothing. Also comes in.

And if you pay attention to, the one will wear is the fine clothing. And say, you sit here in a good place while you say to the poor man, you stand over there or sit down at my feet. I'm getting that then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil Tut's. Listen, my beloved Brothers has not God. Chosen. Those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and hairs of the Kingdom, which he has promised to do those who love him. But you have Dishonored the poor man, all right. The rich, the ones you and the ones, would you drag you into court?

Are they not the ones who blaspheme The Honorable Name, by which you were called? If you really fulfill the warrior law, according to the scripture, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. You are doing well, but if you show partiality favoritism, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors for whoever keeps the whole law. But fails in one point has become guilty of all of it.

For he who said do not commit. Adultery also said, do not murder. If you do not commit adultery but do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. So speak and so act, as those who are to be judged under the law of Liberty for judgment is without Mercy to one who has shown, no mercy for Mercy, triumphs over judgement honoring God by honoring. One another father has restudy aware now. Please be with us in Jesus name. Amen. So if you remember as we looked at John James, 1:27 what it said there was that Keep yourself unstained from the world. And one of the way that we keep our self on stain from the world is by honoring one. Another by treating one, another, the way that we are supposed to treat one another but where we fall a lot of us, the way that we are standing ourselves in the world is that we only care for certain people. Certain people are the ones we get our attention. But but but the others we don't want to deal with them like a friend of mine like to say, I don't want to fool with them.

See here gyms in chapter 1, by saying as Believers would we need to do is to keep ourselves unstained from the world. And one way we do that is by treating people without partiality without favoritism that we really careful. Everyone that comes in contact with us and a message in one sentence, is this the way we behave toward people indicates what we really believe about God? The way we behave toward people indicates what we really believe about God. I think this is good safe with me the way we behave toward people indicates what we believe you really believe about God. So, if you truly care about God, you will care about people. And we will see four things this morning, we honor God by honoring one. Another, regardless of socioeconomic status for order, illegitimate criteria, we honor God by honoring one, another, as we need each other, and we honor God by honoring one, another, as it is commanded by God, and then lastly, we honor God by honoring one another? Because we will be held accountable. We will be judge one day for the way in which we treat one another. So the first one we need to honor God by honoring one another regardless of socioeconomic status or other illegitimate criteria.

Struggle with this until we have somebody who is less fortunate than ours. And then all of a sudden, we start accusing ourselves saying, oh these are just lazy bums and they just don't want to work. It just you know who I did. Not taking care of themselves. Is he offering a lot of us naturally? When we ask the questions, a do you look down on people? Most of us, we all know, I don't look down on anyone, right? But until we are, put into a situation with somebody that doesn't look like us. That doesn't function like us that doesn't roll the way that we roll all of a sudden. Now, you know, our hearts starting to show what's really inside and then we start passing judgment on people. But James is telling us we need to honor God by honoring one, another regardless of our socio-economic status, our class, our raise whatever, we need to honor one another

and now, And I love the way to John, Maxwell puts it leaders must love out of a decision. See, a lot of us would love. I would have reaction. Okay, we need to love. I would have a decision that reaction. We must love people, regardless of what they can give in return, a lot of us, we honor the people that can do something for us. People, if I help them today, they can help me tomorrow. You know, it's it's, it's that, you know, Tik Tok, you know, it's kind of like networking in the workplace, you know, I I network with you, you know, so I can sell you my product and you sell me yours and we have a business here, you know, we we should do some referrals and it's an old networking but but but James is a nutso in the Church of God. It's a decision that we have to make, we have to make a conscious choice to love everyone that comes in contact with us, but you see it has to be a decision that we have to make metal reaction. When we see somebody, that's something you have to already purpose in your heart ever comes in my way. I'm going to honor them. Benefit by reaction. We are not going to do it. Then why do we have to make a decision? Because good Bible says in Genesis 1:27, God created man in His image. His own image in the image of God. He created him male and female he created them. Why all those repetitions? The verse good only reads are so God created man in his own image and. We could be done. But he see the writer wanted to make sure that we get it. It says in the image of God, he created him the man Adam and in the image of God he created them both male and female. The really the lesson that we're learning is that everybody has were Everybody is valuable in God's eyes. And that's why Jim says, a as Believers we cannot show any partiality because everybody has worth. We have to make a decision to honor everyone that we come in contact with every waiting for the reaction. When we see that person on the corner street or when we see somebody just show up, they have some dirty clothes or they might smell some alcohol. So it won't be long and the church is a hospital. The church is not a country club. Everybody is welcome. And you see, we have two already purpose in our mind that whoever comes here, whether they look like me, whether they, they are in the same social economic status, whether a class education, it doesn't matter because God created everyone and everybody has worth and everybody has a purpose. The man that look like they're living out their purpose right now but that's the whole purpose when you are not. Well, that's why you go to the hospital. So that you can get better and at the hospital. What do you have? You have people were really sick. You have some people that are in in, in different rooms. You have people in the emergency room. You have people in the. I see you. And you also have nurses and doctors and medical assistance do, right? Do the doctors, the nurses, the medical assistants the housekeeping staff that you already know God. So you are here now so you can welcome, everybody will comes in, who is struggling and then maybe it's a mental illness, may be that they struggling financially, you may whatever it is. You Are the Healer just like God is our healer God use us to heal and to help others. And that's why Jim says a week and not show partiality about who we want to honor and will we do not want to honor. We do not have that luxury. We need to treat everyone with the same love that we receive from God because everybody was created and was image. God's image James invoice. Wednesday's is my brother's show? No partiality. As you hold the faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, the lord of Glory. So James is saying, hey, you do this because of God. The God doesn't show any partiality with you. You see God takes care of you while you were yet. Sinners. It was like when you were perfect that God chose you got trust you even in your sin. Yes. You're saying whatever since you were doing whatever that looks like for you, that's when God shows you God is saying it's the same, whoever comes in contact with you, got to love them, like I love you. For if a man wearing a gold ring and find clothing, comes into your assembly and a pool man and shabby clothing also comes in. And if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, you see it here in a good place while you say to the poor man, you stayed over there or sit down at my feet Gin Gins. The saying, not in the church in the church, everybody is equal in the church. All of us, it doesn't matter what degrees we have, or what degrees. We don't have. Jim's is saying a, a at the cross at the foot of the cross, we are all equal a dinner date with your bank account, might be full and mine is empty. Jim's is saying a, we all need to honor each other the same What's up with our account? Is not even an empty. It's below. That's right, we're not overdraft. But James is saying all of us. We still have to honor one another and hear Jim's is focusing on social economic aspect of it. In Genesis saying, like in in the church Genesis talking about the context of the church there. Remember there were a lot of poor people because they were going for persecution. A lot of people were moving out. That was a problem in the church where people were looking down on people. You see you when Solomon says there's nothing new Under the Sun. There is really nothing new Under the Sun. Do we do that today? No, we don't do that to it. We don't do that. And now

But you know that most churches unfortunately it's it's really based on class.

That's the sad reality. We have its. This church is for rich people, and this chick is for poor people.

That's not true, right?

That's it. That's all I wear churches are today. and unfortunately, even in seminary, they don't trade, they don't teach pastors to go in for areas and play churches.

Churches, based on the zip code and the median income.

Picture of seminarians. I thought, if you go to app, where are you just going to starve who's going to support you?

Turtles that are you going to put that ZIP code? Lookup the median income than. That's where you go plan a church where people can actually support the church.

What's that going to create now you have churches based on zip code and how do we stay where we live? We live in particular zip codes, right? I know where in the world will area, it may not be so apparent, but but that's just the way that your teachers are being built all throughout our country.

And you see you don't eat. You will not even get the opportunity to have everybody in the same place because we already said it and stone that ate. This is a church building for the rich. Or this is a church with building for the poor. Oh, what about in our area or all throughout when it comes will, you know, this is why church, this is a black church. What's the problem?

Then we never really have that opportunity to love one another.

So, you never know that you're racist until you really have contact with others that are different, like you. The little time we say, like, black people at 9 racist, can that be racist? I really heard that. You never heard that, right? Yeah, a black people can be very racist.

Come on now. Light skin. Dark skin.

Am I getting into some people's kid?

Only white people are racist, right?

It's in all of us came because we're leaving the Fallen World. And if we are not in each other's lives, we are racist and we don't even know it. If all your friends are rich like you, you don't know that you look down on poor people. If everybody is highly educated as you are, you don't realize that you look down on people who do not have a formal education. And that's why we need to have all people in our lives, so that we can actually live out what Jim's is telling us. You see country clubs are made for certain classy even college, but you have everybody's getting there. You see how everything like it's based on a class system? Virginia state, the church is different in the church. This is the place where we get everybody. And we all do live to gather. Let me go to Jim's so that you don't be hating me. So you can talk to Jen's when you see him in heaven.

see, even the slides and want me to talk or have you not been made distinctions among yourselves become judges, with evil tots It suggests the same day you will understand people that we have to honor. The Bible says in Romans chapter 13, see if the president works. Like we will give him some on there that is due to him because of his position did not worshipping him. Okay. I just like some of you would like it kept the movie nights and with some of you you you contributed by helping out, you know, I say thank you. Okay. We honor its other you know, based on our contributions reason our position. This is fine. Bible says you need to honor the elders in the church. See this is fine, but he was saying, like that's when we looking down on others, Virginia sang, It's the motivation K. It's the motivation there. A, when we look at the person that we don't talk to them, we don't really show the love of Christ in the middle. What is our motivation? What is really in. So James is saying, everybody has worth, everybody has value and we should not judge anyone. We should not be motivated by evil in any way but we need to honor them and when we on their people we honor Christ. Next one, please. CNA job. 34 verse 19, it says who shows talking about God? No partiality to Prince has no regards to the rich more than the poor for. They are all the work of his hands. God doesn't show any partiality. Then we should not show any partiality either. See, we need to learn to judge people based at based on their past. but according to their future,

you think if you look at just people from where they are now,

You're going to look down on them because none of us have it all together. Do we But we need to look at people's in their future. Because what does the Bible says? I know the plans I have for you, they are plans to prosper you. So whatever is not in place right now. Guess what? If I submit to God, it's going to happen. So as Christians, that's how we need to look at people, we need to look at them according to their future. That is written for them, but we cannot write them off based on their past based on how they look, now, that's what Jesus did for us. We need to look at people, look at their potential while they could be. Tell us what Jesus looked at us. Otherwise you would not be here and I would not be here. If John says in John 7:24 do not judge by appearances but we judge with right judgment. So do we have to judge the context? The Bible says that we all make judgment calls every day. Do you go eat at any restaurants? No, you discriminate where you go eat, or you don't like the word discriminate, okay? You discriminating where you go eat? Okay, so we all make those judgment calls every day. So when he saying like, we need to judgment. Judgment, if somebody is doing wrong, does that mean I need to join them? Bible is not saying that somebody is not willing to be restored. Does that mean that I need to drain there soon? You need to make this judgment, but it has to be legitimate. Has to be about, right? And wrong, it has to be about biblical distinctions, but it cannot be about our illegitimate, like, criterias about social economic status, class culture, education level with. We need to judge with right judgment judge biblically.

Elizabeth received in 1st Timothy says you honor the elders among you don't look at the outside to determine a person's worth. You see, that's why we have to make a decision to love people not react. Because if we are reacting, we going to judge them based on outward appearance, but God says, we need to judge them based on their works are really the bottom line. In our first point is this don't treat people poorly because of their economic status class race or culture. Then James tells us the way we honor God by honoring one. Another, is that we need each other? You see a rich? A lot of rich people sometimes. Think they are invincible that they have everything that they need. But look at what James tells us they are Jim Stiles is a listen. My beloved Brothers has not God. Chosen those who are rich. Those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith.

I grew up in Haiti. I know some really poor people. But their faith. Oh my God. Strong. And these are people who have nothing. and I remember growing up when I was in Bible, school went through a mission trip with other friends from Bible school and when we went there, we went to a lady's house Very poor. She literally lives in a hut.

But you know what, she insisted that, we ate with her, you know, the little food that she has cooked it for us. And you know what? That was the best thing for it. We just but you know what you could do, no, I don't want to take her food and then you would be looking down on her. But we said we were in a quiver, didn't you see you bring worth you. Bring value to that person. Easy isn't what God is saying? The 88 you rich. Everything is always going fine for you. Just wait. Because the storm is coming in your life and then your face will not be as strong to handle it. You're going to need some pool people in your life board, doesn't mean just financially. But some people who've been through some things because you've been sheltered. You've never really experienced anything in your life and that's why James is saying. And listen, my beloved brother has God, not sure. Was in those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and Harris of the Kingdom. Because those were pulled to learn to do. What to depend on God. Sing us. A? Why do I want to eat today? Should I go to a Jose? Should I go to? What should I go? I think I'm going to go to Backdraft today. Oh man, I have so many hard decisions to make.

Some people just in God was going to come today, I have no idea whatever you bring weather to make. Donald when is Wendy's, whatever it is? I'll be glad. Or was it whenever the neighbor that job, please? Lord, give me something to eat.

And those people will have this experience will owe nothing. And then they seem like they, after they God continue to provide. They never go one night without food, got always provide. And guess what, what does that do? That strengthen their faith? They are rich in faith, but those of us who are rich just so pull up. What do I eat tonight? I don't know. And then you open the fridge at tonight, let me pull the chicken. Your fridge is full. Do you depend on God? It's already there. You take it for granted. But James is saying hey you need some people that are less fortunate than you. Some people who'd been through something so that you can get help in your time of need. Here's the mistake that we often make the mistake. We often make is that we only thing that people were materially poor. These are the people who are really poor. but a lot of us, our relationship, or What we have nobody in our lives. To be there for us. It doesn't matter how much money you have, you still poor? It's not only those who are materially poor, who are poor in the world. That a lot of us were walking everyday. We are just very poor people. I think I just heard like South Korea, you know, right now that they're they're at their work hours is 52 hours, they want to raise it to 69 hours a week.

What is the digital family that's already stretched out?

It's going to destroy more family. Repeat James's, AAA you need everybody in your life. My beloved, my beloved Brothers, has not God. Chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith in hairs of the Kingdom, which he has promised to do those. Woo. How did God love us? Who's got saving those? Who love him. But you have Dishonored, The Pool Man on that. The rich, the ones will press you and the ones would drag you into court. To Jim's the saying, hear a

Your real problem by the ones we have great riches are not the ones who blaspheme The Honorable Name by which you were called, what up, boo people are desperate for God. See, that's why we can. Just fish spirituality based on our economic status. And here at Jim's, not saying that all people people are going to heaven. You know, you can have some very pool people and then they can maybe like one of the just nasty as people to our God and you might meet some rich people. They are the most God loving people. But Jim is just doing that here as an example and just reminding us, we mean to love one another cuz we need each other one day. You will need those whom you think are nobody's We actually just in the movie we looked at Last I See the man. We just didn't like the gentleman was in the movie. Then when he has car tires went down and he was in a hurry to go, he's so rich. He doesn't even know how to change a tire. But somebody else. Less fortunate than he knew how to change a tire. And I do for some of you here, you have no idea where your spare tire is.

Because you had a good.

You are blessed beyond measure and sometimes we don't realize it. But God isn't that you need those friends when you're tired, when you, when your car goes down and then you out in the Boondocks there's no signal. You cannot go AAA okay with it, can come and help you see the bottom line here is simply that you know, the poor needs the rich as much as the rich needs, the poor I turned one, we need to honor God by honoring one another. As it is, what commended by God. Do you know that loving people is not optional.

Let me try again. Do you know that the loving people is not optional? Oh, that's right again. Do you know that? Loving people is not optional? Yes we are commanded by God to honor everyone. Look at verse. This is if you really fulfilled the warrior law, according to the scripture, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. What is the Royal law. Love your neighbor as yourself. So James is saying hey if you do this, you meet all the other Commandments, just think about all the other Commandments, you shall not murder. If you love your neighbor, are you going to murder them? Are you going to tell your neighbor alive? If you love them? If you love your neighbor, are you going to steal their stuff? Just think about all those other Commandments that committing adultery. You're not going to take advantage of anybody. See if we love our neighbor than pretty much, we fulfilled a whole lot, that's why James call it. The Royal law. The other thing, once you have resentment for people, what happens, You get bitter you or you just kind of like a slave, right? But when you're loving everybody, guess what you living like a king or queen because you're on top of the world, because you loving everybody. Does that make sense? James cold is the warrior law. If you show partiality, you are committing sin that you love Jim. Hey, this is not a bad thing, just to say, hey, not loving others, not honoring one. Another is a sin,

Big, John doesn't let you two get away with thing. We like to call the others is no, it's just a bad thing but it's not sending. If you're not honoring one another you're not treating everybody rides. Jimmy. The saying, are you living in sin and you are convicted by the law as transgressions, for whatever keeps the hula butt Falls. In one point has become guilty of it all Why is Sunday morning the most segregated hours in the country? Because the church has never taken that. As Sin is just saying, I hold, this is just called. Sure that's how we live, that's how we roll. But we always, always, respect is the way people do things but we not intentional about loving one. Another thing that they do this is wrong. If we had met in each other's, life we are going to continue to be at war with each other. Just like the world at war with one another. But as Christians, we need to do different, we need to the difference in the culture. This will wherever keeps the whole law. But failed, in one point has become guilty of it all for he was said to not commit. Adultery also said, do not commit murder. If you do not commit adultery, but do murder, you have become Transgressor of the loss of Jim say, if you go to court because for tax Invasion, your defense cannot be a I'm not a murderer. What is that going to do for you? Just saying that's not going to help you, okay? Jim's the same Sin is Sin, whatever it is just like murderous in adultery is lying, is a sin. So James is saying, hey, don't just say, oh, I do this now, but you think you can get a pass? Jim says, 8, you need to treat everybody. Well, you need to apply the Golden Rule, Matthew 7:12, say so whatever, you wish that others would do to you, you need to do also to them for. This is the law and the Prophets. The God says a love one another. See loved no wrong to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the Fulfillment of the law. So James is saying hey you really want to honor God. Love one, another. Treat one, another kindly. And you will truly honor God. So bottom line is Sin, is Sin and must be taken seriously. And a lot of us, we just look at night. Treating one, another fairly is I got, they deserve this and look at that. They leave in America. They can take care of themselves. What sign all kinds of excuses. Some of it is true, but God is saying that you don't get a pass. Then is sin. You don't have the right not to treat everybody, right? And must be taken care of steak. And bacon slim is soon and must be taken. Seriously, I likely we need to honor God by honoring one. Another, because we will be held accountable or judge one day for the way in which we treat one another.

So, Jim's tells us a be careful how you treat others. Look at the last two verses so speak. And so ask remember, be doers of the word so speak and so act, as those who are to be judged under the law, the law of Liberty for judgment is without Mercy to the one who has shown, No Mercy Mercy triumphs over judgement. Virginia Judd, Jensen saying, you see how everything ties in together? Going back to chapter 1. Just say, you got to be doers of the word, don't just speak and it don't just talk a good talk. Now, you speak and you need to act as those who are to be judged under the law of Liberty. The gems are saying is very freeing and it is the black thing for judgment is without Mercy to one. Will have shown no. Mercy, Sir. James is saying, hey, Remember, the way you treat others, that's how you will eventually be treated. Hey Jessie saying, hey, when you see somebody we needed mercy and you did not give them Mercy. James, the same know that one day you will need mercy and you will not find. Mercy is saying that ain't, you will see somebody who needed help and you did not give them whole Ginger. Say, one day you going to need help and you will find help because you didn't do what you were supposed to do. And how life works because Jim's is known as the proverb of the old of the New Testament. So, James is simply telling us, this is how life works. But that's not what saves you. I love the way that Warren wiersbe posted. It says immature. People talk about their beliefs but match, the mature person lives his faith. Civil again, be doers of the word and that he was only. You think the church must always promote an environment of mercy and hope see, the church needs to be a House of Mercy and a House of Hope for people who need it. The bottom line is if you refuse to show Mercy to others, don't expect to get mercy. And if you fail to give hope to others, don't expect to get help number. What goes around comes Around. All right. He's a message in a nutshell, the way you behave toward people, indicates what you really believe about. Therefore, you need to treat everyone according to the Royal law. Which is to love your neighbor as yourself. Do use any illegitimate criteria, such as economic status race education, culture and so forth to make value judgment on. Others is what then Father me, you help each one of us not to live in sin in the way that we live making excuses to say that. Oh, that's just the way that I am.

But father me, we learn The treat one another. Just as you have, Sweetie. That's In Jesus name. Amen. John tells us in first Jenny says, if anyone says I love God and hates his brother. He is what a liar for. He would does not love his brother when he has sin. Cannot love God. Whom he has not sinned. Some of us will say I was never reconciled with that person until I am 6 ft under I will never talk to the person until I'm six feet under.

God can speed up the process for you.

Bible says, be reconciled to one another. You know, so we can fulfil the law of God and God says, hey, hey. We cannot love people. We see and claim to love God and not love the people that are right in front of us, like, do this, that sounds like something message, only Jesus can do you feel that way?

See, you do this by looking at everyone. So the eyes of Christ you do this by looking at everyone, so the eyes of Christ, you see? Jesus did not compromise.

Jesus never compromise. Jesus had friends were sinners. What Jesus did Jesus had compassion over them so that he would influence them to change. Jesus was not influenced by them. That Jesus is the one who was the change. So we don't compromise our faith, but we show compassion to others and we influence them for Christ so that they can be challenged. And the other thing we do is that we remember our savior Do you know who your savior is? His name is Jesus Christ. Guess what? When he came into the world? He came as a poor man. Isaiah 53 says that he was despised.

So your savior is a poor man. Jesus says Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the son of man does not have anywhere to lay his head. Savior. Savior is a poor man, the regardless of your Social Status right now. It regardless of your social economic status of how much that you have. I just remember your savior, he is a pool man. So have mercy on those who need mercy. And remember Grace. Are we saved by grace through faith, it is a gift from God. We need to remember God's word, we have to love one another, this is not a suggestion, this is a command and we have to remember God's judgment. We have to have that healthy fear. That one day, we will be judged for anything that we do. 2nd Corinthians 8:9 size for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Do he was rich yet for your sake, he became poor so that you buy his poverty, might become rich. Paul said, I have become all things to all men. So that by any means necessary, I might save some remember, Jesus, say we need to make disciples in the way that we do is buy our lives. Amen. Father. That you be with us to help us load. Got to go today. And worship you in spirit and in truth and help us Lord God to honor one another. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Amen.

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