Jesus is Lord Over the Storm

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The Gospel of Mark  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  43:30
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You're looking at this last section. Of this particular chapter, Mark chapter 4. As We are continuing our study Through The Gospel According to Mark, Mark. 4:35

Mark, 4:35.

Says on the same day, when evening had come he said to them. Let us cross over to the other side and when they had left the multitude, they took a long, they took him along in the boat as he was and other little boats were also with him. And a great wind storm arose and the waves beat into the boats so that it was already feeling. But he was in the stern asleep on a pillow and they awoke him and said to him teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? Then he arose and rebuked. The wind and said to the Sea, peace be still The wind ceased and there was a great calm. But he said to them. Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? And they feared exceedingly and said one to another. Who can this be that? Even the wind and the Sea obey him? I'll listen. This particular story is one of my favorite in all of the New Testament. It is a story that points to the inescapable Truth, for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see as Jesus has been talkin about in the previous verses. That is to those who are not saved. They don't see the story as something believable, this is an unbelievable story, but to those who are saved to, those who have been converted in born again, this is a story that we believe. and you see Jesus is the god of Psalm 107 the song that Lee spoke just a while ago where it says he calms the storm so that it's waves are still Well, this miracle here is the first of a series of historical accounts that bear witness to Jesus has power in his miracle-working authority. We see here in our text that he has authority over nature. Nature, obeys his words and the next chapter we shall see that he has authority over demons. Not just one demon but a legion of demons. And then we shall see that he has the authority over those who are sick to heal them and even raise the dead to life. And one thing that really sticks out to me is that the story is marked by careful accuracy in careful detail and the reason it is so detailed is remember that Peter is the primary source of Mark's information. I Peter was the eyewitness Authority behind, Mark's gospel and hear Peter. He remembered the time of the day that this began the evening and Peter remembered something about a little pillow, a little cushion there, on the boat. He remember the place that Jesus slept. He also remember the last than flattering picture of the Apostles and their embarrassing fear and their lack of faith. And of course, this is not the kind of thing that one makes up. About oneself. But what we see here is that God orchestrates and events in the lives of his apostles. To increase their faith in the one that they have already Trust. We think about our passage this morning. A few stories. Have been more poorly applied than this one. You see, bloody this passage is not about Jesus getting you through the storms of life. That is not the primary application. Now he does that, of course a man, and we praise him for that, but that is not the primary application. Rather this account is about the one who is The Sovereign all-powerful Lord. And as we have already seen and we will see again in the next chapter demons, rightly recognized him as Lord. And we should do the same thing. So this is what we see here. We see three different things in this particular Story. Number one, we see the realities of the storm, we see the realities of the storm. Our text begins with the Lord Jesus. At the end of a very long, grueling a difficult day. This day actually begins in chapter 3. When Jesus had a difficult heated confrontation with the Pharisees, the Jewish religious leaders. I've been some of his friends in chapter 3 we talked about how some of his friends and family. I thought he had lost his mind so that Jesus have gone crazy and they had come up with a plot to somehow kidnap him and bring him back home. And then during that latter part of the day, Jesus sat in a little boat just off the shore of the Sea of Galilee. And he use that boat as a Pulpit from which he preached to them, in Parables, he preached to a vast multitude of people who gather to hear him. When the date in, did he called his disciples into the boat, and into the into that boat and he said to them, let us cross over to the other side. And in verse 37 it says and a great wind storm arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already feeling to Mark. Tells us that this was a great wind storm. All of a sudden came up this Fierce Windstorm, the word here speaks of hurricane tie Twins and their boats were already taking on water. but as we continue on, in this narrative, in this historical accounts, We find many aspects of this story. How the echo? The story of Jonah. There in Jonah 1:4 tells us that Jonah was caught in a great wind storm. The Bible tells us in Jonah 1:4 that it was a mighty Tempest on the sea. It's house. Is there in chapter 1 that the ship that Jonah was on was breaking apart. It tells us there and Jonah chapter one that the Mariner the sailors were afraid. And it tells us there that Jonah. Was fast asleep. And that aggravated the captain of that ship to, which he really verbally accused Jennifer. Allowing this ship to founder without him doing anything. I understand that when the disciples and Jesus set sail to cross over, they did not sell into a storm or sit out in a storm. They did not expect to encounter a storm, but a storm came anyway. So there's a crucial detail that we must not forget here and that is it was Jesus, who led them into the storm. It was Jesus, who led them into the storm that tells us something was at Alice. It's houses that this was not accidental. It tells us that this did not catch God by surprise.

And therefore, we should not be alarmed by the surprises of Our Lives. Because they are divinely ordained moments where my God is working in the very details of circumstances of Our Lives, to reveal who he is to reveal, who we are and to reveal, his are our need of him. You see, beloved, what we learn is this, is that the fact is that trials, Tribulations and difficulties. When God does his greatest work in our lives. Now we hate to say that, but that's true. listen to greatest work that he does in our lives, is it when he brings us to the end of ourselves, That way that we are, then driven to him and him alone as our Saviour in our rescue. And if he does not act, we know that we will not be saved. Melissa. This is how God grows our faith in him. Must we continue in our text. We see that the storm continued its assault on that little boat until Mark house. Is that the boat was filling up with water? And again, Mark houses that this was a great storm. The word means exceeding is very large and mighty storm. It refers to a storm that was one of extraordinary power. The matter of fact in Matthews account of this, same story, Matthew calls this same storm, a great Tempest. They're Matthew uses the word seismos to describe the storm. It was literally earthquake like it was as though the lake itself is Sea of Galilee with being shaken. So, the waves are beating the boat. And we notice it is here, we see the disciples. They felt no stability. They felt and no security. They felt they had no safety whatsoever. Are these men? The Bible tells us are terrified by the very severity of this particular store. And remember, these are fishermen. And they are used to storms, but this storm was unique, this storm was intensely violent that it filled them with fear for their very lives. I think about this, this was a violent storm. In the middle of the night. They cannot see where they were. They cannot determine the proximity of that their boat to the shore. They could not see the other boats that were around them. They were in terrible danger and they knew it. And I certainly had no way of knowing. At that particular time at that terrible moment. That this miserable storm was a vehicle. Was a means for teaching them about God and his power in their lives. Another words that storm was essential to their Spiritual Development. And blow it is here that we can apply this universally. We can apply this spiritually to our lives. That without difficulties without trials. Without stresses, we would never grow to be what we should become. Storms are part of the process of our spiritual growth. Some of the greats, very mature Believers, those who have done Great and Mighty things for the kingdom of God, believe that every spiritual truth, everything that has enhanced, their existence has come through their affliction. And they are right. Blood. Listen to fact is we would be spiritual pygmies. Will be self-centered, proud, empty people without adversity. So, we see the reality of the storm. Notice, secondly, the realm of the storm. The ram of the storm, verse 37 tells us how ferocious the storm was, right? It was a great when storm. But verse 38, Notice. But he Jesus was in the stern asleep on a pillow. And they awoke him and said to him, teacher to not care, that we are perishing. Now that we know that the storm's strength was quite remarkable, right? It was so strong that the disciples who many of them were a season fisherman veteran. The fishermen were afraid for their very lives, but another aspect that is very remarkable is the fact that Jesus is sound asleep at this very moment. The Lord was fast asleep. He was asleep on the hard planks, the hard boards, and having just with him, a sin cushion, a thin pillow, which only great weariness could make comfortable. Have you ever been that tire that you could just sleep anywhere? Most of us have at some point in our lives. I used to work most of, you know, for utility company used to be arkla, then it was Reliant Energy, then it was CenterPoint Energy, and now it's Summit energy. But I used to work for them years ago, about 15 years. But there were times where I would work overtime, I'll be called out in the middle of the night and I would work until 3 in the morning, for, in the morning and so on. And it would be so close to my time. If I went home, I had to get up at 6 in the morning. Anyway, so I just slept there at the shop and I found me in the office, they had that carpet much like this one. And I got a coat and made a pillow out of my coat and just slept soundly on the hard concrete floor. That was just a little bit of carpet, but it shows you that you can sleep anywhere and he even sleep soundly. If you're tired enough, Remember, I guess it was about two summers ago, Amanda and I and the boys we went to Florida to go on vacation and I did not book a room. Some of y'all remember the story? About Midway through the state of Mississippi. I might. Okay, we're not going to make it. We need to get a room with the problem. Was there was no room in the end. No rooms anywhere. And so, I'm like, okay, I can't drive anymore. Guys were going to pull over in a Love's gas station and I'll just pull right next to a 18-wheeler. We're just thankful, just dislike them and a kid just all. They could not believe that. We can't sleep like this. I said, listen, if you get tired enough you can sleep like this. So you know, it was a horrible night for those kids, but it did save me about a hundred fifty bucks. So anyway,

It's one of those things that's a life lesson for those young children of mine. Something that they'll never let me forget.

But we see beloved Jesus sleeping on this boat.

And he remained asleep, despite the howling wind, despite the rocking of the boat is, despite really the rain and the the blowing mist of the storm. So where this tell us, it's house is just exactly how utterly exhausted and thought of totally exhausted. Jesus was But we also see here is a remarkable insight into Jesus incarnation. Guess you manatee. That he was God In the Flesh. He was God Emmanuel. And bloodless in the Bible of firms. And the true church has always believed that Jesus is both fully God and fully man. The two Natures are in one person that is he is 100% Divine. He is also 100% human.

He's the God, man. But here's the thing, though he is 100% human, he is without sin, he is without sin, he had no sin nature, he never committed a single sin, not one. There's two passages of scripture that make this clear 2nd Corinthians 5:21. He made the one who did not know sin to be Sienna for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. And then Hebrews 4 verse 15 says for we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses but one who has been tested in every way as we are yet without sin. We see in this story that both his humanity and his deity really are put in full display but it is his Humanity here. That appears so clearly when he is in the stern of the boat but he is fast asleep on a thin little pillow, in the midst of a storm. All this in the Bible teaches us about the deity of Christ that he is the Son of God. But it also teaches us that Jesus was also the son of man. The Bible tells us in Matthew chapter 4, that Jesus got hungry. The Bible tells us in Mark chapter 3, that Jesus even got angry. The Bible tells us and John are Luke chapter 11 that Jesus cried. Lazareth. It tells us. The Jesus also died. and here we see that he slept, As I said, he had an exhausting day and he kept on sleeping through the storm and this is the only time in the gospels that we read of Jesus sleeping.

So yes, we see here that he is human. But there's something else. He has complete trust in the providential care of his father. That's what we also see. We notice how these veterans semen, these veteran Mariners, and fishermen were terrified but this Carpenter from Nazareth,

sleep soundly.

Reminds me of the great missionary, John Patton, who was a missionary to the cannibals. He said this, I am immortal. Till my work is done. And Truth is Bobby. We are all essentially Immortal until our work on Earth is finished. Bob Loveless and Jesus new. He had a work to complete on the cross of Calvary and he was confident in his father's promise to see him finish that. So, he was not concerned about his life during this moment. Not going back to verse 38.

The disciples. I woke him and said to him. Teacher, do you not care? That we are perishing. What do we learn here? We learn here that we panic when we lose faith in the one that we should trust. We will always Panic. We will always be afraid when we lose faith in the one that we should trust. And here, we see. And these disciples reaction, the normal human reaction and something that we cannot control.

Surprisingly. we do not see the spiritual response that one one would expect from those who had been with Jesus, That's rather we see these disciples. We see the apostles in a panic. And their Panic was such that they awoke the Lord Jesus. And just as the captain of Jonah's ship, shooed him out while he was sleeping. For sleeping. So to the apostles, criticize Jesus as well. Now, the disciples they start off. Well. Mark says, they called him teacher. A Matthews account says Lord in both of these are terms of respect and honor. But then they demand and then they accuse, I say teacher, Lord, do you not care that we are perishing. And what they do is they questioned his love for them. They questioned their Jesus concern for them. And in their fear and in their frustration, they lash out in a rude, Outburst. Rather than exhibited exhibiting faith in the one who has proven himself time and time again, to be trustworthy. I listen to me, I don't know about you. but it pains me greatly to see myself in these disciples,

blood of Jesus has proven himself faithful to me over and over and over again. And yet when caught by surprise or are squeezed in a vise, I sometimes fume rather than show faith. Oh, my Lord, increase our faith in him in times of difficulty. Noticed, thirdly notice the reasons for this storm. What was the reasons? Fourth for this storm. Well, I think number one To display his power. That was the reason. Verse 39.

says then he arose and rebuked the wind and said to the Sea, peace be still and the wind cease and there was a great calm All blood will we learn in this text in this particular this disburse here, that Jesus has authority over nature. Why? Because he's God. He has authority over nature because he is, God and blood. Listen to me. God. And only our God is the Thrice Omni God. The word Omni means, all, and all things and only our God is the Thrice Omni. God, God is a midget He knows all things. He knows all things actual and even potential things our God is omnipresent, he is everywhere at all times. And then our God as seen here is omnipotent is all-powerful And we we not only see Jesus power here, but we noticed here. Jesus is gracious. Humility is also on display because he does not chasing the disciples but rather he gives them a very charitable summons.

And a very simple. Non-magical statement. He rebukes the win and says to the Sea. Peace be still the word rebuke there. Can mean censure. It is the same word that he used and Mark 1:25 when Jesus rebuked the demons.

Now, to the storm. Could the storm have been demonically instigated, I believe that's a very possibility that Satan was trying to kill Jesus. Before Jesus can make it to the cross. But nevertheless. The words Bastille. Carries the idea of a muzzle. The idea is to be still and stay still. And respond to both the wind and the wave is immediate is immediate. There's a sudden call at these ways that were so high that they were get inside this boat. The next moment there was a sudden calm Here again, is our Lord's deity.

I'm glorious display. But even hurricane-force, winds are stopped. With a single word.

Disciples knew that only God could do something like this. And that Jesus is God.

This is the direction in which Jesus seeks to drive the disciples. And this is what Mark wants us to see as well. That all power and authority, belongs to Jesus. Nepal, would later explained in his collage in him, there in Colossians chapter of 1.

That stating that Jesus is Creator. Verse 16 houses, for by him all things were created things in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things were created by Him. Beloved every Speck of cosmic dust in the universe is his creation, everything. He's not only our creator but it's houses that he is our sustainer. The Bible tells us, he is before, all things and him and in him all things, hold together.

Scientists spend thousands of hours every year trying to Plum this great mystery.

Blood in the Bible tells us that he is Jesus is the atomic blue. Of the universe.

He is the creator. He is, this is sustained or he is the goal again, verse 16 towels, as all things were created by Him and for him. So he is the creator. He is the sustainer, he is the goal, and he is our savior. and if you believe this, you will weather the storms of life.

we noticed that the disciples, Came to learn it. Very well. Zach Peter, as I said earlier, was the principal source for Mark's information. Riding this account, would one day, encourage Christians to welcome trials as friends because they were sent for the the development of one's soul. Peter had learned this storm theology first-hand. This was not theory for Peter. Yet experience hurricanes of Affliction and he had seen Christ come and say, peace, be still.

He knew where the power was. The storm and the calm were wonderfully instructive, but Jesus instructions. Put on Finishing touches. So not only do we see that Jesus displays his power but Jesus here, displays his grace Verse 40. but he said to them, Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith and we learn here, we are reminded here that trials and difficulties come to benefit our face. So Jesus now turn from addressing the storm to addressing his disciples. And he expressed this to them. Made a very mild rebuke. He says, why are you so fearful? And how is it that you have no faith? Allison by now they should have a greater comprehension and increase faith in his person. And so this was to them, a very golden moment teachable moment. At in the eye of the storm rather than trusting him. The disciples accuse Jesus of forsaking them. Unfortunately, this is not going to be the last time Jesus must point out, their lack of faith. You would do this again in chapter 7. You would do it again in chapter 8 and he will do it again in chapter 9. It is not until they see the resurrected Christ. Are they fully understand what he did for them on the cross of Calvary that they are still going to struggle?

The bloodless and weed and contrast. We have no excuse.

We know Jesus is all-powerful. We know Jesus is all knowing. We know that he has taken care of all of our seeing, we know that he has risen from the dead. We know that he can be trusted no matter what.

Blood and we must remember that trials. And difficulties are divided Apartments to strengthen our fake. We know this, right?

So why are we still afraid?

Why is it that we go through life and different seasons of lie? That we seemingly have no faith?

Notice 441.

Verse 41. They feared exceedingly. It said one to another. Who can this be that? Even the wind and the seal by him? All the story ends with the disciples asking a question that everyone of us must face. The text says, they were terrified. but we notice here that the fear of the disciples that what Jesus has done, Now, exceeds the fear that they had over the storm. And do you know why there was so afraid? It was because they were in the presence of God. And friend, listen to me the presence of God is far more frightening than the most destruction that then the most destructive forces of nature.

1. Can take your life. The other can claim your soul.

this is the first of, 3 boat scenes. We see in Mark's gospel. we're going to be singing, two more in chapter 6 and chapter 8. it's very interesting that in each, One. It is associated with a miracle. And each one, there's a challenge to understand and settle the identity of Jesus. Who is Jesus?

Each has adequate for them to draw the conclusion that we must draw as well. That Peter gave answer to later on when he's when he said, you are the Christ, the son of God. You are the Christ, the son of God. One of the most famous atheists. in Generations, past Bertrand, Russell was asked What he would say to God if he discovered upon his dad that God existed, and he was wrong. His response was I will say not enough evidence. God. Not enough evidence. Oh my house foolish to say such things. A foolish because all he had to do was look around.

Look at creation itself.

And see God.

Hold that, excuse. When I fly for him. On that day. The time to settle, that issue is now.

We see the parallels between Jesus, still in the storm, in the story of Jonah. They really should not surprise us.

Jesus called himself. The greater Jonah. The true Jonah. He is the true, Jonah. It was concerned by the stormy sea of God's Wrath as he hung on the cross of calvary. Endure the storm so that we could find peace and be saved. Jesus calm, the only storm. That could truly drown us. And that is God's Wrath and judgment.

Jesus went down into the storm. Only to emerge three days later. As the one who still has the one who calmed the josten, righteous wrath of God against centers. Maybe you're here today. Like, the disciples you're asking. Who's in is this? Who then is this? Well, listen. Just ask the demons.

In Mark chapter 5 verse 7, the demons answer. And they say, Jesus. Son of the most high. The demons know him. Do you know him?

Is Jesus. Your lord. Have you submitted to his lordship? Have you been saved?

Thankful. That we can know him. Just like those disciples.

Going to that very difficult situation to which they thought they were so near death.

And in reality had Jesus, not done anything. They would have perished. They, they knew that. but they had a savior, the who naked call And he calm the storm that they were in and sent her friend. Listen, to me, you are in a storm, you're in a storm of sin. It may not seem that to you, but one day, you're going to find that this storm has totally engulfed. You If you do not bow, your knee in your heart to Christ. Now, in the day of Grace,

You would have missed that you are a sinner. You have broken the laws of God. And you have put your faith and trust in the Lord. Jesus Christ to save you from your sin. I pray that you have not done that. I pray that today even this very moment The call out upon him and be saved. Christian friend. Listen to me. We are reminded through this. Very popular passage of scripture. Of Our God's sovereignty and its full control and that nothing takes him by surprise when we trust him. Let's pray together, Our Father. Well, we are thankful Lord for your word thankful, Lord for this passage of scripture. Lord, as it points to your sovereignty of points. Your power The Lord. It also points to your grace. And your mercy. And father, has we? And just a moment partake of the Lord's Supper. We are reminded that. Have the juice. And the bread that represents your son's blood and body that was broken and shed for us. And father, we give thanks.

That he suffered in our place. And we give thanks that you raised him from the dead on that third and glorious day. And I pray that each and every Christian never participates. In this ordinance, Lord would be encouraged through it.

That we be helped as we are reminded. Hope your great love for us. We love you and asks all these things of Christ name. Amen. But Robbie

as we enter this time of the ordinance of the Lord's supper, if there's anybody has not

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