Hens and Chicks

FRESH START  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Jesus refused to be distracted from his divine mission by dangers or frustrations. We are called to follow his example of steadfast purpose in fulfilling our mission. A fresh start requires steadfast purpose and accepting God’s embrace.


Scripture Passage

Luke 13:31–35 (NLT)

31 At that time some Pharisees said to him, “Get away from here if you want to live! Herod Antipas wants to kill you!” 32 Jesus replied, “Go tell that fox that I will keep on casting out demons and healing people today and tomorrow; and the third day I will accomplish my purpose. 33 Yes, today, tomorrow, and the next day I must proceed on my way. For it wouldn’t do for a prophet of God to be killed except in Jerusalem! 34 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me. 35 And now, look, your house is abandoned. And you will never see me again until you say, ‘Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord!’”

Focus Statement

Jesus refused to be distracted from his divine mission
by dangers or frustrations.
We are called to follow his example of steadfast purpose
in fulfilling our mission.
A fresh start requires steadfast purpose
and accepting God’s embrace.

Point of Relation

In the midst of change there are people who might sabotage you or make a fresh start difficult.
People may miss or resist the “why” of your change, the reason for it.
For instance, in 2019, I spent the year negotiating with a local martial artist, formerly an officer in the NYPD...
to come up with a way to start a Martial Arts ministry focused on building self-respect, discipline, endurance, service and other such values.
We were looking to specifically give a discounted rate to those who could afford, and to give scholarships to those who could not...
So that we would build a ministry that gave kids,
especially those who are need,
a chance to get off the streets,
a chance to do something constructive and healthy that teaches the same values we uphold in the church,
and to actually connect them to Jesus Christ and the church as well.
I was going to be involved in that aspect of it.
It took a while because there are a lot misconceptions and misinformation out there about the martial arts, too many MMA cage matches and ninja action Movies I suppose,
that cause people to think that it is ultimately about fighting and violence.
The truth is they don’t realize that Tai Chi is a form of Martial Arts, and that is about inner peace and centering balance.
Still, we did as a Church approve the ministry...
But, people were not happy about that.
Some people left the church over it because they disapproved of a ministry that hadn’t even gotten off the ground yet.
Now I bring that example up t to simply point that out that change is really HARD...
If we haven’t done it before how do we know it’s good?
How do we know that something new like a Martial Arts ministry is what Jesus would want,
When Jesus told us to turn the other cheek.
No matter the fact that the District Superintendent lent her support and encouragement, no matter that a few other churches have Martial Arts ministries...
Some people would not hear the facts because of the perception.
The fear of what is unknown makes change hard and when people are afraid, they feel threatened and work to undermine the change.
Ironically, the Peacemakers Martial Arts ministry was never to be: Why?
You got it. In the midst of developing it…COVID hit and sealed the deal. That was the final nail in the coffin.
Having two or more years to reflect and having read the fact that people were not ready for that type of ministry, I let that go;
however, I am still proud of our church leaders for listening and learning
and stepping out in faith in deciding to approve such a new and different kind of ministry approach.
But yeah…change is hard!

Things to Consider

In today’s Jesus is talking to the religious people of the time.
I want to you briefly consider how people of faith have resisted God’s purpose.
When has God offered the church or the community a fresh start,
but they have resisted or refused
For example,
a new pastor, a change of music, use of technology,
how we pray, who we serve or with whom we serve?

What Scripture Says

I want to first say that while the gospels and biblical interpretation often present the Pharisees in a negative light,
here we can see that there were some Pharisees who were not hostile to Jesus
In verse 31 it says: “31 At that time some Pharisees said to him, ‘Get away from here if you want to live! Herod Antipas wants to kill you!’”
These Pharisees were trying to warn and protect Jesus.
They want him to play it safe but, like the other Pharisees and even many of Jesus’ own disciples, they do not get it.
They do not understand why he would risk danger to himself for the sake of his purpose.
Even though their intentions are good, they are still resisting the new thing Jesus is doing in his ministry of casting out demons and performing cures.
Despite the real and present danger, Jesus persists
even when it is not understood or accepted.
How often do we get sidetracked from the new thing God is doing in and through us –
sometimes even by well-intended people (whether that be others or ourselves)?
The animal illustrations show the extremes:
a fox is dangerous, risky, a predator.
A hen is protective, loving, and caring.
And it is a feminine, motherly image versus a hyper-masculinized and sly one.
In this passage, Jesus calls Herod a fox.
Herod is the type of person who kills those who oppose him,
rather than risking change
TAKE NOTE: Fresh starts can feel threatening to those who dislike change!
God, as shown in Jesus, is both redeemer and protector.
In Jesus, we are offered a fresh start and freedom from the oppressor.
Yet, in a fight between a fox and a hen,
a fox is much more likely to win.
Jesus once again defies expectations here choosing the gentle strength of a hen
instead of the violent strength of a fox.
This continues a pattern that has been established in Luke just prior to this passage (Luke 13:18-30),
where the lesser or apparently “smaller” turns out be greater
For example, yeast, the mustard seed, the least, and the last.
Finally, Jesus is lamenting over the city he loved and tried to minister to,
but they refused him.
Jerusalem is known for killing those who were sent by God
(prophets, such as John the Baptist).
This is another example of how humanity resists the change that God offers that will lead to salvation.
Make note of this: Jesus quotes Psalm 118:26 saying,
“you will not see me until the time comes when you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.’”
This is also a reference to/foreshadowing of the Palm Sunday narratives when Jesus enters Jerusalem lauded as Messiah before later being crucified that week.
Jesus knows, even at this point, that his purpose will lead him to and through both the praise and the rejection of the people.
Nothing (neither others’ praise nor their rejection) will stop him from his ministry, the fresh start he has to offer the world.

What This Means for You

I want to Invite you to consider how you tend to resist the vision that God offers.
I know I have and sometimes still do.
When God offers a fresh start, God offers vision as well as protection.
God will offer strength from unexpected places,
sometimes in ways that will not be recognized by the world or those around us.
How have you seen God’s vision in hindsight.
How can this strengthen your faith that God is at work today in this fresh start?

What This Means for Us

Often when you are making a change, there will be people who will not see your vision.
There will be people who, like Jerusalem, cannot see how God is at work doing something new.
We can be lovingly persistent in our God-given purpose as we face challenges and possibly even resistance.
We can persist through anything if we put our faith in Jesus Christ and TRUST him to lead us in the right ways.
Together, there is nothing we can’t do with Jesus on our side!
Let us rise up and embrace whatever NEW things God has in store for us. Amen? Amen!
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